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, It, is stated that -since bacou-curing was commenced in'" Richmond (Nelson), no less" than <£i j,ooo r Jibs been paid to' tlie jettlera •. for pork. • , Colonial mails whkl\ left- Melbourne by the India on the otlj November arrived m London on the morning* of the 6thlnßt;, one day. early. ' '• ' Mr Leech, the. defeated oaudidatc "for the Egraont seat, is evidently a manly fellow. The Taranaki Herald reports that both randidates wore' at the Criterion Hotel wheji the result of the recount was made known, Mr Leach immediately calledd for three cheers for Mr' Jenningß. ,The people of New Plymouth are beiifc upon hearins: iladamc Jfclba, and in ,6r-_ ler to inducp the manager for the great" eankatriee to arrange for a coucert there, several leading gentlemen have authorised _ft HaTry Hooper to' offer a' of .£SOO for a' single concert 1 in the go-ahead capital of Taranaki. A shark, 'while swimming leisurely near Auastasia Island, .Florida, espied a 200- , pound turtle, and tried to take him in. tail first. The turtle. was a shrewd old fellow, and nierely extended his forward ' flippers, thus blocking the sharp's efforts. After repeated efforts to swallow, the shark was reluctantly compelled to turn >the rascal out.* Mr A. Jl. Mills, late Collector of Customs at Rnrotonga, who is now in Wellington, has in his possession a ticket ■.vhich wad found in a bottle on the beach it Atiu, Qook Islands. The bottlo ivas-. -Urowii overboard from the ship Commontrenlih- on the 3«rtli Jtarcli, 1900. in lat. 35.27 >S., lout;. G1.46 E,., the ship being hound from Newcastle to Valparaiso^ The ticket is signed by the- master, Captain jr. A. Cooper. Tho Taranaki, H.erald sayV: — Que of th,e prettiest animals in the show ort Thursday, was the yonug Jersey hull Abundance, rejently purchaadd by Mrs Jenuene, of Wai- ' ' ""ara, from Mr G. T. Chiruside, Werrrbec ,* Park, Vieforia. Abundance comes of a'„ ' famous milking strain, liiersirc being M|ar- ( shico; and his dam Lady Bountiful. The 1- ' latter's flam held a record' of 5151bs 2ofc' butter in 3-17 days. A-bimdanco was calved on 7th September , 1901, and is a welL j ' Known ypuhgster'of great promise. ' ' ' ' ' 1 A rather unique , incident . has, been 'brought under notice. A 'week or two ago, lettcre wore being missed from fho,\,Xe Whiti letter-box, and occasionally they would be found on the roadside or in. paddocks. The residents concluded that children playing about or passing put their "hands in the aperture for tho letters, and. _ ibstracting one or two threw them away just as a mischievous, trick. However, the child theory was put to the test, and it was found that the letters could not be reached. It was eventually discovered. -that a minah frequently went into the box, and on each occasion brought 'out a letter with it. This will probably acouril for the' finding of an unopened letter, and other portions of "various documents, in a minah's nest at Lansdowne, as mentioned by us yesterday. The minah would thus appear to have the' instincts of. iri«uisitivenesa, with mischievoußness induced,., _ thereby, more strongly developed than u> «onr>rally shppoicd.— -tVairarapn Times. '

Mr and Mrs J. A. Young returned home yesterday from an extended trip to the • Old Country. The electors on the roll, for tho Sydney district have increased from 102,424 to 225,123, owing to the -grunting of the franchise to women. The drought-ri'ui sting fofldcr grass, k'aspalmn dilataturu, planted at the Wiirdsor Agricultural College, Now South Wales, is doing >splendidly.When arrestod for stealing a- lady's ornamental hat pin at ' Hull Fair, a- young man was found to have eighty-seven jimilar articles in his possession. It- is reported that there will bo a reduction'in" Five Insurance rates in Uawkc's Bay. next February. 'When- will tho insurance, -reduced in .Wanganui? At Stannary. Hills, •Nei&.South Wales, -a * miner. named James* Ferguson, tfominitted f suicide by firing' a plug of dynamite in his mouth." The' top of 'fiis ' head" was blown . off. . (i- '"' '•' ~ .One 1 of the latest additions to the Sydnew Zoo--is a monster python, 18ft- long, captured, . at,. Cooktown, Queensland, recently. , It was caught while endeavouriug to digest' a wallaby; While fishing on the Seven-mile -each, ' to the south' of Gerriugong, New South Wales, Mir J. W. Jude 'discovered a black pearl , in. ar,pippy taken from the beach. The pearl is a bWiitiPul "specimen 'of its kind. * O ' : . A winch driver named A. Brown was * killed at Bulli Jetty, Ne\y, South Wales. His clothes caught in the wheels, and he was drawn into {-he machinery, and so shockingly mangled that he died in a Tew minutes. . • > The stamp „ duties i,n South Australia from July 1 to November 11 amounted to «£13;142, an increase- of ' over the corresponding period of last year. Land and .income tax realised -457832, an increaseof J225 over the similar period last year. The rose-loving public , • Messrs Laird and Sons' Virginia Nursery, top of Hahswell Street, will bt* open to *' visitors to-morrow afternoon and again 6a ■ Saturday .-afternoon. Tho -roses are now well worth a visit., i •■•'.• *" ' Two thousand pounds were, collected, bythe Hanover Students' . Societies 'for the erection of a, statue to Bismarck. The • project^ has had to' be abandoned for the present, however, owing to 'the failure ofthe bank in which the 'money .was, deposited. . . . . , . , X - An insane man named v Joh'n t Adams, a s resident of Wa'lgett, escaped from lite brother's- custody 1 while being conveyed to"' • a' Sydney asylum. All- trace of him wae lost for five days, when his dead body wat. found in a waterhole^, some eight miles" .from the ' point" of escape. Why is riot- Joseph Chamberlain Premier- of England? The question is asked in alii sorts of- direct and indirect ways. The organs of, fpreign , opinion givc^t up.. i Something 1 is. believed 'to have happened bejiind the.sccned of- which the great world - audience' is kept hi ignorance. —^"Literary Digest," New York. • One of the few • fatalities that occur in connection with criclcet happened at Sans Souci, a suburb of Sydney, on a recent. " Saturday afternoon. White a run was being made -the ball was -smartly returned from the. field, and the' wicketkeeper on the, neck, in the vicinity of the jugular vein." ' He feil unconscious, and died in a few ; minutes." - The rise 'in the price of wool opens, up a very cheering prospect" for' this colony. Taking the cue from the ■ Home sales, \vhich have. Advanced in price fully "5 per cent, for merinos, 10 uer.cent. lor hue crossbreds, and 2,0 per cent., for medium cnaree, the'-'Austrhliii'tt ''market" "rose- tti'imcdiately, and nowithe New Zealand has followed suit There is no doubt thaC this means prosperity to .the' colony.— jTaicriAdvocate. , , i • Owing ,to the carrying of Prohibition in the Chalmers electorate the licensa of 'the Crescent Hotel, .Carey Bay, will, among others, expire .on June 30th next. Ihis hotel (stitos the Clutha Leader) was in the Waikouiti electorate,' but, fearing that- prohibition would be canie'd- in that ■' electorate, the licensee interested hiinseli in a petition to h£ve ta<s 'bbundafTHs alt'dred, with the as above stated. ' General Booth, on his, arrival in New York some weeks back, was entnusiasticair ly received. - Fourteen tugs' and steamers -bore nearly -20C0 people td greet him. They ' fired bombs .and cannons, biew*steam whistles, sang hymjts •to ■ the accompaniment l»f several brass , bands. The general was to start on an extended tour through the' United and Canada. The Salvationist leaders, deiyy tho reports of further secessions to DrDowie.' . - 9 ' It is stated that a well-known resident - of Feather?ton I may go on; tour -with Sandow, the strong man, at th<* conclusion of the latter Y tour in New . Zealand. ' Ttie Featherstonian referred to can claim- to be one of the ( strongest men in N,« w ' Zealand, ,and, as air. intimate , friend- of -Sandaw's; haß trained' himself Hinder the laiter's system. With proper training, it is" believed that the X'eatherstpuiau will de- . velop into an" extremely, strong man and be a fitting partner for Ijhe famous Sandow< ,"' ' „' v , , Amongst the estates of deceased persons finally certified to' 'by'the Stamp Office ' during the past month are the following: — Christcliurch: James W. Pye, £7471;' William JJirdling; .£57,5211 Dimedin: Hcnty.A..TOßtet, .£10,4.76; MaryListoir, JJ7886. Wellington: OnaTles S. Budge. .£12,157; Charles:' Austin, J3014; James S.mith, £4529; Evan McKenziei £5289; David Barry, .£3584; James Laird, .£6789; Napier: William W.0at,. £2301; New Plymouth : William Bayly, £39,304. In'vercargill: Arthur Eldriuge, £8008; James Craigie, £25^9 t i • .- . ' -Sergeant W. Miller, of the Seventh New Zealand Contingent, son'of Stock Inspector Miller, Hastings; has just received, through the Defence -Department, a valuable pipe, silver mounted, bearing the lioyal Anus, ■which was One' of sixteen'of a similar .'kind , presented by Her Majesty Queen Alexandra to New Z,eaianders who, were dangerously wounded at the Battie ' of Bothasberg. Sergeani Miller received a bad wound jn the right sidp whilst , defending . the" gun. which the New J^ealanders eventually saved in that, engagement,' though unfortunately/with a. heavy roll.' of killed and wounded". . ' " , • , ■ > A new idea.. for the punishment of prohibited person/a who enter licensed pre*mises was mentioned at Wellington by 4 .Dr McArthur, S.M. His Worship remarked that it would be belter than fining if . the order wa3' renewed for 'twelve months as from tho'. date' of -offence. The ' case before,- the Court was dnd i?r , which ;defendant had broken the* order li few days before the expiry of its' currency, and his " excuse was, the clecttijns. "You were, goinj? very- well; it is a" pity you did -not ' last' it out," observed the Magistrate. "If you were made to -start ajjniii from the date of, your last drink, it would do more than finingr" f. - ' " \ "HEATING'S POWDER" destroys - Bugs, Fleas; Moths^ Beetles, and all other Insects, whilst quite harmless to domestic animals. In exterminating Beetles the < success of this powder is extraordinary. 'It is perfectly clean in application. See the article you 'purchase is '^EATING'S," - i.e., with the signature THQJtAS KEATING on each tin,' as imitations are noxious and ineffectual, t SoId in^Tin?, 6d and Is each, by alfcheniisCs. .

Dunedin ie, considering a drainage scheme involving an expenditure of £200,000. Yet auother gold-dredging failure-! The Imperial Gold-dreagiug Company has gone into liquidation., . i Three fllome boats are expected in -the •roadstead, within the next fortnight' to load moat and produced , -__ Nothing is} known tvt Diinedin'respecting Walks, committed for trial in .London for bigamy and frailer Ho certainly was not an officer of tho Otago Hussars. v A minor named Michael Brennan, who in the last few years made ,£IO,OOO in Brilliant Centrals, died recently at Chart- ' crs Towers, Queensland, from paralysis. • He had. just returned ; from a trip;'*to Eu- t rope. s*' " ' '" ";".;' A photograph the .gigantic South Antencan "water lily (Victoria Regina), .lately in flower at the Manchester Botanical Gardens, exhibited the curator seated •in a chair' Which stood upon one of the leaves. At. Wigton, in the Board of Guardians, desiring v to lessen the jnvnTber of vagrants, introduced' plank beds iuto the workhouse wards. - The experiment failed, the tramps declaring > they pref erre*d a plank bed to , any 'other, because it is' warmerl • 't A new departure in' electric traction 'R to be tried betw'cen Cleveland ana Detroit (U.S.),', a of 250 miles. Trolly lines arc- to- be' slung over the .railway tracks, ,and five sleeping cars, resembling Pullman coaches^ have been ordered for .experimental' purposes. # A ' tennis match was played yesterday afternoon between tthe ladies representing the Wyauganui Lawn , Toinis Club and~thc representatives of tho Girls' Cojlege. The match took place on the Wanganui Club's courts, and, resulted in the club winning by' about ten *ganjes after an interesting contest. , At the Supreme Court at InvereargilJ yes'teyday, in the case the trustees of J. T. Thompson against the- Minister of Public Worjjs, a claim for .£2271 10s, qompensa- ■ tion for land taken for the new gaol, bs-, the rate of .£2OO per acre. The Minister offered =8800. Judgment was given for .£.1250 in full settlement", with costs <£33 ,15s. • , t ' A lady living at Forest Range, South Australia, 'had an exciting experience recently. . She .was enjoying a- siesta in , her house "during the afternoon, .when a largo suake 'otsftvled otter her neck, waking her up. She was soi' horrified at the occurrence 1 , that for some hours she was -out "of her mind. ' ' ' , According to the Paris' 'Figaro,' the , .Greek ' Archaelogical Society have^ discovered at Samos the remains of the famous Temple jof Juno, of which Herodotus speaks as. one of tlyj marvels of the world. The firat • excavations have- revealed the altar, the bases of twenty' columnq,-,some iusciio-, tions, and other smaller details. '.■ Events continue to show that the Department of Agriculture is more than justified in exercising the greatest caution to prevent the 'spread of* -fruit pests, even should our own dependency of the Cook Islands be affected thereby. The' j.»lini6ter for Trade and Customs (Hon. C.,H. Mills) has received a communication, from the ! British Resident at Rarotonga .endorsing the Department's action in -refusing fco allow empty fruit eases to be returned to .the Islands. Colonel Gudgeon' considers this course, will •; minimise the. .risk of introducing fruit .diseases.

The Bishop of Stepney has quite a fund of . stories recording the remarks of workinj? m'en said factory girls with regard -to cpiseopal dresg Not^long^.MgQ he,. wjiV. Speaking at the Church House atJa meeting which Princess Christian 'attended, 'and. he mentioned that many ipeople had a curious dislike to .the wordi "diocesan." There w'asj one working man amongst ,his Portsea> parishioners who, when , asked what was meant by^a "diocesan" scheme, replied"; "Oh, it's just one of the fads' of them blokes wot, wears breeches !" , Kiu g\Oscaiv has chosen' the quieter sideof kingship, and there- was great excuse? for the little girl who burst into tears when King Oscar asked her if she could mention any great exploit of his reign. "I don't know any/ said the child, and His Majesty, patting' her on. the head, said : "i don't know any, either." It. has been* his choice to do gentle things and help on' the arts' and sciences rather than make loud speeches' and build' up armies. He is a D^.L. "of* Oxford, and lias some distinction™^ a-'poet, historian, and mathematician. .' , - -\ ■ * In Iris report in connection with the remount purchase syatenb employed . during the late war and the Quality of the -horses purchased, Viscount Dowe states" that the horses purchased for the Department by Stevenson and ■ Slovens were mainly very satisfactory and the arrangements made for their care at the*depot were very good. In a' table comparing- 1 New Zealand with other colonial horses,. New Zealand is placed first, the only drawback, being"~lhat there are not sufficient of the stamp of < animals required. Victoria was placed next on the list. '

A funny story is told to account for tho large No License vote at Port Chalmers.

Relations . have be«i strained between tho wharf labourers and the local publicans over the question of thrcspeiiny beers. The wharf men signed, a round robin, and presented it tQ the publicans, who, however, declined .to grant the coucesaion. Thereafter "feeling" grew, and the men made no secret o"f their intention to give the pubs a hoist wlien the local option vote -came on, and they did. Probably no one was more surprised than they when they saw what had happened. It is. said the seamen's votes went the same wajr.aa tho wharf labourers.

At least four, members of the new Parliament are compositors. Mr W. T. Jennings served, his apprenticeship on the ."Southern. Cross" and with Mitchell and Sefl'ern, of Auckland. Mr George Fisher is another who could put together a lottype. Mr T. H. Davey, who for a short time worked on the/ Dunedin Star many years' ago, was an acknowledged "whip." Ajid Mr -E. W. Aljispii, when an^ipprenticc on the Now Zealand' Herald., was so quick and , consistent that many compositors tbouglitjkc could set more type in a week's work tjjpn oven Allan Wright, who possessed a>jcolbriial reputation, and main- , tamed it when he went (fo Amei'i\m%

Regarding Chamberlain's Colic, Chol-

era, and Diarrhoea Roniedy. — r. It affords "* <ptiok relief in cases of colic, cholera morDito>nd. pains in the stomach. 2. It nearer fails to effect -a cure in the most severe cases "of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. Ir is a sure cure' for chronic diarrhoea..' 4.

Ijb can always-, be depended upon in cases of cholera infantum. 5. [li cures epidemical dysentery. 6. It prevents bilious colic. 7. It is prompt n and effective in curing all boweL complaints. 8. It never produces bad results. 9. It is pleasant and safe to take. 10. It Jias saved the lives pi more people than any other medicine in the world. Those arc- bold assertions .(o

make regarding any medicine, but thorp ■ in -abundant proof of every one of the above, statements regarding this remedy. Every household should have a bottle at hand. Get it to-d*y. It may save a. life. .United- Farmers'. Co.-op. Association sells 'it. . .... -./.I.

"Advance," in tt*c N.Z.. Times, says that' Mr T. Ml Mackay, one of the champion pipers of Australia, wilL probably be- jt/| competitor at the., Caledonian Champion-, ship meeting to be held<at -Wanganui on January 22nd and /23 rd next; '.also, that tho Daunevirke Athlotiu Club have decided J to enter a team for the championship b»n- ; ner. We under.sM»d the Dnnneyirke Club are the present iiold'ci'H of the banner. ■ A' woman namprl Jane Anthdßy, who Ale.embarked afc Qiieenstowh from the Lucania from Now "tork on October 3, afterwards attempted ( to commit suicide at the , landing-pier. Whon charged before the Magistrates evidence. Was given that sh'? hail been twenty-three years in New York, "and thnt she had thrown her bag cour taining 1,850 dol and £5 10s in British [ money into the sea-, and afterwards jumped into. the water. She was rescued and taken to the hospital. ' The prisoner; said she was sorry *\&m\ she 1 hau bceAifeken out of tho. water' alive, and wished she was dead. Dr said that she was suffering from suicidal mania. The aicceDsary order to commit *her to the Cork Lunatic was made. *

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10820, 10 December 1902, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10820, 10 December 1902, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10820, 10 December 1902, Page 4


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