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! Tni somewhat prolonged absence of Ser. geant OalUn from Wanganui, about whioh looal resident* were beginaing to get not a little ourious, i* explained by a telegram from Auokland, whioh we publish in another oolumu. The energetic offioer hi* evidently been told oil for speoial duty in the King Country, where for sometime past •lyrgrog sellers have been having a high old time. He has been travelling in the north* crn distriot . a* an insurance agent, and 'so well ha* he disguised his identity and the real object of hi* visit that no fewer than 66 informations, have been laid igtinit storekeepers and other* for the illicit tale of liquor, Not the Itait important leisure was that mide on Monday, .when .after travelling all night the police ,«eoured » waggon loaded with demijohn* of wfaiskoy, whioh was being driven -to Hamilton. In view of the faot that io much diiorganiiation and ineffloienoy exists in 'the' polioe foroe of the oolony, it is somewhat refreshing to not« that there are capable and energetig officer's who do their duty without fear or favour. -Suoh an one is Sergeant Cullin, who i* undoubtedly a akilful and fffloient ofioer, and it is pleasing to find that bis qualifleitions are recognised by the Department. His successful effort* of rsoent year* in scouting oonviotions against so many sly-grog seller* in the Sarioi aid other inland distrioti, and in almost effe«tu< ally stamping out the illicit tale of liquor in the Waimarino, ha* no-, doubt ineiuoed the .Department to send him to the King Country. The confldenoe repoied io him has bsen'justiflod by recent results, and Sergeant Oullen is to be heartily con2ratulat«don the great suooeis that ha* attended his efforts, whioh will, we truot> not bo lost sight of by tho Department.

Bertoli, who pleaded gailtjr to* embezzling Poit Office 'money* at Ooolgardie, and forging a bank oertifloate, hit botn tentenoed to leven years on' **ob7 charge, the lontonoei >J3 be oonourrout. The dedications 'total orer £6000. A tad drowning aeoident happened at WeUingtos on Wednesday afternoon near the Doitraotor. -A young 'girl named Kafchlson O'Halloran, aged three yean, daughter o£ a Corporation employee, living in Grainger-itreet, waipaWdling in the sea, and was wathed off her feet by » wave, and before help could retoh her the was drownetL .- v - i t * « : . ; ' The Secretary of State for the Goloniei in a ditpatoh to the' Governor, itatei thaf the Jubilee addreii of the New Zealand Yet«rani' Aiiooation to the Qasw wh laid btfore Her Majesty, who mnoh admired the- taito and skull with whioh it had been executed, and was graoioaily^eaied to oommand that her" thank* "should be oon▼eyed to the New Zealand veterans for thiir maaifwtattou of loyalty, ,- . „■;.;

Captain Edwin wirei :— GlaH fall | heavy wsiterlfgalei, with rain, may ba expeoted. At the Wellington Supreme Court yesterday Elder wai lentenoed to three monthi for receiving stolen goods. The barometer at 2 p.m. to-day registered 2790* i The thermometer inside was 60', and outside, in the sun, 72*. At 1.80 p.m. fa-morrow Meiari Ferguion Bros, and Co. will hold their usual weekly sule at .their mart, Taupo Quay. A large quantity of furniture, produoe, eto., will be submitted to auction. At a speoial meeting of the Wanganui Sohool Committee last evening it was decided to diipence with the services of the present caretaker and, invite applications for the vaosnoy forthwith. Anyone wishing to exhibit at the Welling* ton Kennel and Collie 'Show may ' obtain entry forms and all information at Meiirs Smith and Milliard's, Mr J. H. Keeiiig has disposed of the proporty in Halswell Street that he ' had advertised, and now adds a really desirable propeity to the lot advettiied in another column. There was another moit suooessf ul gathering at the Oaitleolifi Assembly last evening, and the Committee are to be complimented on the manner in' whioh theie enjoyable evenings are conduoted. Next Thursday a "long night" will bs hold. Beferrin? to a statement made at the inquest on the late Mr Harrison Blyth, wo are asked by the looal manager of the Australian Mutual Provident Sooiety to mention that 'the dsosassd was not insured in that offlce. Full particulars of the lines to be off«red at Mr J, H. Keeiing's sales at tho Taupo .Qutyand Avenue marts to-morrow afternoon will be found in our oolumni. At the. produoe mart, amongst other things, three tons of pioked Derwent seed potatoes and five tons best outing potstoei will be sold. The police are proiecutinj women at Auokland for keeping ohildren without registering their houses with the police. Sergeant Glarke stated in Court that all traces of two adopted ohildren were lost by the polio* through carelessness iv not reporting the persoas who had oharge of the ohildren. The General Manager of the Bail ways, in reply to the representations of Mr G. Carson, M.H.8., writes that after making o»reful enquiry he finds theolois proximity of the Aramoho italion renders a stopping plaoe at Eaitown, , unneoiseafy. Mr Boßayne adds that there was formerly a platform at Eaitown, but as the station wai not ussd to any extent it was dosed. The shows in the Sydney theatres at the lateit datei included—" The French Maid," at Her Majsity's j Biokud't Variety Co., at the Tirolij "The Biograph," at the Palace j " Trilty " burleique, at the Boyal j and the Hambourg Oonoerts at the Town Hall. At Melbourne, "Too Muoh Johnsons" at the Prinoesi; "Lights o' London," at the Boyal j "The Private Secretary," at the Bijou j and Biokard'i Variety Co,, at the O»sra Home. The uiual monthly meeting of the Wanginui Band of Hop* in the Wesleyan Schoolroom last evening was well attended. The programme inoluded recitations by JBSva Spurdle, G. Bond, Nellie Feyman, Wiilis Johns, John Graham, Lavinia Sperring, and Veda Aithur, a dialogue between Cissy Bennett and Aonie Halligant and a number of " reoordf," including two songs, an address, oornet solo, and several reoitations through "Von Sohreib'f Grate Phunnygrarf." Mr Pyle and his assistant, Mr 0. Jensen, kept the ohildren in oonitant merriment during the exhibition of tho novel invention. At the monthly meeting of the St. Andrew Eilwinning Lodge Isifc evening, Pait Masters' jewels were presented to Bros. T. Diokson and J. Fairburn, P.M.i, by P.M. Bro. Keesing on behalf of the members. Another interesting ceremony was the presentation to Bro. W. Holden by P.M. Bro. J. L.BteventoD, on behalf of the Lodge, of a jewel aombining the emblems of secretary and choiimaster. The past services of the reoipient were warmly eulogised by Bro. Stevenson, who referred to the many years' valuable lervioos reudored to the Lodge by Bro. HoldeD. At the oonolusion of busineis, members adjourned to the supper-room, where an excellent spread bad been provided. A number of toaiti were proposed and several interesting musioal iteaas given A ipecial general meeting of the Aramobo Boaiing Club was held on Wednesday even* ing'lait in the Olnb's sooial hall, whan rules for ifhe working of the Olub were adopted. It was considered desirable that members, etpeoially the younger ones, should adopt a uniform style of rowing, and Mr M. Ksegan .was eleoted coaoh for the ensuing season, A picnio committse was also appointed to arrange np river picnics, etc, oomiiting of Messrs F. Hill, F. Giblin, M. A. Veitoh, A. Holmes, J. Scott, J. Oronin and 'J. A. Taylor. The Olub's thanks are due to Mr E. Perrett for his generosity in offering a loan of J825 free of interest and without' seourity, whioh is particularly acceptable to | the Club in its hour of need. The oonoett 'to be held in the sooial hall on Friday, the 17th met, promises to b* a brilliant one, as 'the oqneert oommittee have spared wither time nor expense ia arranging the details. The arohtiolegiiti comminioned by Mexico to examine the Chinese inscriptions upon the antique monuments in the Magdalen* district, in the State of Sorora, are returning with oopiei of tbam. They deolare them to be genuine and centuries old. Interesting disolosurei regarding Obinei* exploration an etptoted (says the New York correspondent of the Standard) to follow the expert translation of thsie inscriptions. one,ohlmimftn to whom they were shown made a partial translation of one of them, ihowingtheinioription to be 2000 years old, whioh, he sayi, agrees with the Ohineie ' tradition that the exploring expedition, divided into 18 parties, were landed upon the west ooast of Mexioo Exoavation is expeoted to diiolose other insoripitioni. Near the mining camp of Jacob*, north of Magdalena, are other anoient tombs and monuments, whioh will now be explored. In the Diveroe Court Wellington, yesterday, before Mr Justice Bdwards, Joseph Bourne, 6f Feilding, sought a diisolution of marriage with Isabella Bourne, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. There wai no appearance of the respondent. Sir Bobert Stout appeared for the- petitioner. Arthur Lodder, landlord of the Oily Buffet Hotel in May of last year, deposed that on the 16th of that month Wm, Cart oame to the hotel with a woman believed to be his wile. She had a baby in her arms with her, 'and the couple ai mm and wife stayed at the hotel until the 19th, and then left for Sydney in the "Wakatipu.- The evidence of the husband was to the effect that his' wife, to whom he had been married at Wanganui in 1888, and by whom he had hid three' children, left his house in May of last year with the 'objeot at she had, said, of viiiting friends at Levin. A few days later he received a letter from her in Wellington, stating that she did not intend living with him any lopgor, and 'asking him to look after the ohildren, He had linoe ascertained thatsbe was living at Johannesburg with Carr. His Honor granted a deoree nisi, and made *n order that the husband was to have the custody of the two ohildren. — Post. We were shown today at Mr Willis's establishment the testimonial to be presented to Mr W. Ai Sham, Government Engineer of the Main Trunk Bailway, by 100 of the employees on the 00-ope.rativa. works on the Makohine and Mangaweka seotions of the line under his control. The address is presented to Mr Sham on his departure from the distriot, as a token of the esteem and respeot in whioh he is held for the impartiality and f aienssi to all those who had worked under him, and, whilst at all times doing his utmost for the Department, still was ever ready to deal wi'A the workmen in a fair anS manly way. The design of the address is at onoe handsome and striking in its beautiful and artistic coloring, the blending of the many beautiful tints being harmonious to a degree, and its brightness giving a charming effect. It-< it solely the work of Mr David Clarke, who oannot be too highly complimented on suoh an exhibition of bis skill We understand it is Mr Olarke'i intention to give lessons in the art of text' writing if suMcient inducement offen in the formation of olasses, and any one desiroui of learning should communicate with him.

Tho Wanganui portion of the 'friioo mail arrived by the northern train thii morning, and was in a very short space of time ready fordelivery. . The £*js*r Wilhelm Bailway Bridge, beween Soliriger find Bemicheid inßhtniah Prussia, ha* been opened, The total length of the bridge i* 611 yard*, and that of its oentrai span 187 yards. It orosses the Biver Wippur at a height of 868 feet above the water level, and thus i* the highest bridge in the world. The journal of the Pasteur Institute announcer that ' Dr. Banarelli, ths well known Italian savant and director of tbe Hygienio Institnte. of Monte Video, and a former pupil of the Pasteur Institute, has discovered the miorob* of yellow fever. Dr Banarelli has been making researches in Brazil. The working bea in Cook's Gardens yesterday afternoon was well ittendtd. A good quantity of sand was shifted, and the oricket pitch and the newly-sown area imide the track well rolled. It is hoped another big gang will roll up to-morrow, when luffioient sand shifted to complete the* alteration jn the traok. Orioketers .are also requested to hoie and roll the pitohi , News from Hong Kong stats* that a .thrilling balloon aooident has ooourred at NainaiTai. Lawrenoe, a balooniit, ascended 11,000 feet and his baloon tntered a heavy bank of otoudi and bant, probably ifcraok by lightning. The • spectators considered that the aeronaut was oertainly loir, but a moment later he was seen descending by a parachute, whioh he had managed to out free. He landed safely amidst great ohserine. Messrs 9. B. Jaokion and Co. will sell at their yards on the 22nd inst. a nioeoompaot farm of 69 aores with a good dwelling bouse erected thereon. This is really first-class Brunswick potato land, and has been in the occupation of the present owner for a great •number of year*. Advene oiroumatanoe* force' it on the market, the' mortgage being about half it* value, a bargain will be •btamed by the luoky purohaiir. We re. commend it to anyone on the look out for a small really good farm, The fortifcscle and' endaranoe of the Turkish soldier are well-known and are well exemplified by the following inoident related by a war oorrespondont of the London Times:— A Turkish soldier' lying on the operating table was having his lowtr jaw out away (a* usual without an aoeiithetio) i in the middle and at the most painful moment of tht job he (topped the surgeon, and pointing to a comrade who was lying hard by smoking and waiting his turn, "Never mind me," he said, " look after him he want* a light " The Bey Dr Blmsli*/ who is to conduot thosnvioe* at St Paul's on Sunday, arrived from Ohnitohuroh to-day, and wai heartily welbomed by many old friends. It ii over 20 yein since the eloquent priaoher was pastor of St Paul*, and Presbyterians in town and district are looking forward with treat pleuure at the thought of iteing and hearing their former pastor onoa again , Dr Elmslie will also assist at the induotion of the Bey Mr Byburn, and will-be present at the tea and sooial in the Drill Hall on Thursday evening. MrFetheriok, the well-known theatrioal agent recently reoovend a goldjooket wbioh he had lost under rather pecular oiroumatanoea. Somomonthiagohe was travelling on board the Union Co/* steamer Herald and missed ths locket after having had a run aihore at Totaranui, No trace of the mining attiole oould bo found, until a week or two ago when the Herald wai at Greymonth and the looal agent oE tbe Union Company informed the offlcir* of the ■teamer that he had tuoh a looket in his possesiioo. It turned out that il hid been plobdup on th* beach at Totaranui tome time after the Herald had bsen there, and the finder had forwarded it to Greymoutfa. MrLnoy, in the Strand Magwin* for July tell* a story of a visit reoently paid by Lord Charles Bereiford to a Yorkshire town famous for its ironworks. In ont of the largest foundries he was invited to plaoe hi* hit under a manive Nasmyth hammer and *cc what would happen. Tbe hat wai a new one aeUoted for the ipeoial oooasion. But I the oommandsr of the Condor was not the man to flinoh from th* ordeal, fle took off hi* hat and placed it under the hammer. Down flashed the enormous weight, stop, pine short within an hair* .breath of the roof of tbe hat Amongst the visitors' esoort wss a local member, a blatant person, wellknown in the House of Commons and out of it. " Most wonderful," ssid Lord Charles, turning to the M.P. " Oh, not all," said he t "t, merenothinß. They never fsil. Now, I'll try mino,".' He plaoed his hat (not quite so glojiya: sp'eoimen 'as Lord Charles's) un3er the hammer. At a given signal down it oame smashing the hat muoh flatter than a pancake. Thememorialierviot in St. Paula Chnroh conduoted by the Bey. J. Boss on Wednesday evening, was of a most impressive obaracter. The hymns sung and the addresi delivered by Mr Bois wer* appropriate 1 to the oooasion. The" rer. gentleman in. the oourse of his remarks bore testimony to the valuable work^performed'by the late Jtevs. Hogg and Tmdwell'iri town and distriot, and at the cloie of his addreii unveiled the handsome tablets whioh had been erected to their memory. The tablets, whioh are placed on either side of the main portion of the ohurob, bear the following inscriptions t "In memory of B*v. David Hoaa, psstor of thii ohuroh from 1858 to 1868, called to hii reit, June 2nd, 1880, aged 69 ytari. ' In fhy presence is f ullnsis of joy. 11 — P»»lm 16, In 'memory ot«. Bar. Jambs, TstADirii.B/t'pMtbr of, tbis oh'ureh from 1876 to 1897, bailed to" his' reit January 24th, 1897, aged 61 years. .Tim the Besurrsotion and the Life,'— John XI., 25 " The tablet* are the, workmanship of Mr J. Mnir, the looal representative of Messr* MoGill and Co., monumental masonh

"CHATEAU TANUNDA" , v brand, Delioious Claret, eto.

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9239, 10 September 1897, Page 2

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SERGEANT CULLEN. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9239, 10 September 1897, Page 2

SERGEANT CULLEN. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9239, 10 September 1897, Page 2


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