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"Wiidjt tlio Chairman of tho 'Wanganni Hospital Board found that the funds at the disposal of that body, which consisted of £5000 donated by the lato Thomas Eeid and £1500 of a Government grant in aid, would be insufficient to either finish the building or to furnish it when finished, he set about getting the required amount, aome £5000. He strongly urged the claims of the institution on tho Government, but was met with tho reply that tho latter had already given a large sum towards the building of the new Hospital, and that there were other places besides Wanganui in want of similar assistance. Eecognising the trne position oi: the case and the cogency oi' this reply, Mr Parsons saw hia way clear, if backed up by the inhabitants of the "Wanganui Hospital district, to getting the required amount of money, as every pound contributed by the people carried with it another pound by way of subsidy from the Government. Mr Parsons is a man of energy, and has the happy knack of infecting other people with his optimistic opinions. lie, therefore, lost no time in placing his views before the public, and had tho gratification very early in the matter to find that they were entirely in accordance with those of the majority. A few pessimists were sure the appeal would be a fiasco, and washed their hands of it, and even went so far as to circulate rumours calculated to prevent tho public subscribing ; but Mr Parsons stuck to his guns, and at his own expense and at great personal inconvenience visited the outlying parts of the Wanganui Hospital district in order to enlial the sympathy and support of the settlers. He it was who formulated the whole scheme, mapped out the different sub-districts, and arranged tor every inhabitant being asked to contribute according to their means. So eloquently did Mr Parsons appeal to the charitable instincts of the people that they responded so generously as to astound even one so hopeful as himself. But so modest was he, when proudly referring to the result of the appeal yesterday at the Hospital Board table, that, whilst giving thanks and credit in profusion to those who had assisted him in the good work, he nos dumb as to his own share. We cannot, however, allow the great service Mr Parsons has rendered to the people of this and the surrounding districts to go unrecognised. It is to him, in the first iostance, the credit of the whofe

scheme is due, and io a very large extent its subsequent splendid re- J suits. He has rendered the district a service it Bhould never forget, and is entitled lo the best thanks of everyone in it. More than this : hia name should be permanently affixed to the building in a suitable inscription, so that future generations may know to whom they owe the completion of so useful and extensive a pile of hospital buildings in Wanganui. To those who so generously responded to Mr Parsons's appeal for funds to this end, thanks are also due, and there is no one in this district but feels proud of the way the people have subscribed to so laudable an object. The Government is also under a great obligation in the matter, as they can now reply to appeals for grants in aid of hospital buildings :—: — " G-o and do as Wanganui did, and we will give you £ for £." This is the true spirit of the self-reliant policy of the late John Ballance, and the more it is followed in the colony the more stable will its public and private business become. In conclusion, we can,vyith both pleasure and confidence, apply to Mr A. J. Parsons the words of the Latin maxim, palmam gui nicruit ferat s for to his inception and subsequent carrying out of the scheme are we indebted for tho splendid response made by the public towards the funds required for the completion of the new Hospital, which, when finished, will, without doubt, bo the best of its size iv New Zealand in every respect, and a credit to everyone who has had part in its erection and equipment. * # * On our fourth pago will bo found aquntic, cycling and commercial news. Thor6 aro 23 caßes of typhoid f ovor in tho hoopital at Wellington. A warning to trespassers appeal's in anothor column. A flupplomontary 'Fi'iaco mail c103C3 at Wanganui to-morrow ab 2 30. TTbuql monthly meeting o£ tlio Tongariro Lodgo o£ Freemasons this otoning at 8 o'olock. Any householder who has not received a conous paper ia requosted to notify Mr Ei'uent Barns, Oonsus Enumerator, at oncu. Tho concert and comedy m nid of tho Brunner and Hospital funds has been postponed for a wook, tho date boing fixed tor Thursday, 23rd inst'int. Tho usual fortnightly dance in connootion with tho Naval Artillery ABEombly will bo held in tho Draida' Hall to-morrow evoning, when doubtless thote will a luvgo uttondnnco at this popular gathering. Tho Boy (J. Bond io expected to nrrivo from Noluon on Friday lo tiiko up tho Diiatoroto of tho Wealeyun Ohuich of V/unganui, and will proaoh in Irinily Church on Sunday ncit. lleoers J. Paul i'nd 00, inroad illuminating their flbor? windows to-'iionow ovouing betwoon 7 and 9.80, when they will display their latest ohipmout ot mantloe, -jack 3)e, oapoß, etc , as woll no twoodo for tho tailoring dopuilmcnt. Mr W. D. Arnasliong succDodcd in dofeuwng Mr W. Kooe lor tho trophy proountod lo lho Y/anguuui Ohcjo Olub by Mr Jones, and will now meofc Mr A. Martin for finfc placo, nnd uu intefCßtini; match is oipoctod, iv both players ato BC?acch men. Tho following mnmboM of tho Wanganui Bowling Club hive intimated thoir.intontion of. leaving for ITolson on Saturday night to oni;aeo in a two-rink contest with the Nelson players :— Messrs Kotman, Hodwell, Bennie, Elliott, Willis, Perrett, May, and Anderson. Tho £ret boat for trophies pre:pntod by Mr David Blair to tho Wanganui liowing Olub for a pair oarod content wis ro^ed lust evening hotweon Joo Morton and H. J. Duigan and Blackmoro oad Oliver. For a short distance both crows lcopt on even tornw, whon lho former took tho lond nnd won easi'y. It ia not often that tha recipients o£ public charity tiy to ropaj their obligations but such an inolwaco v.uo ro}.ortad at tho lust meetirg of tho Beuovolcnt lualitution in Wellington. A young woman who had roceivud help from that body eomj hmo einco, wrote statiDg oho hud rot forgotten tho kindness shown hor when in nocci, and enclosed £1 to help Bomo eomcono d3O vho is ia want of aadtauco, Tho prototypo of tho modern oooan liner bao gone to hor doom, t l .o White btur liner Ocoanic having recently loft Bolfust iov London in tow of tbe powerful tug Ooean, to bo broken up. Tho Oceanic amved in Belfast somo ten months ago to bo overhauled and to receivo new boilers and engines, but a minute inspection of hor hull mado it clear that auch a course would bo useless. Hhs has boon sold to a firm ot ohip-breukcrs, and the historic vessel will be no more. At Wavorloy on Monday next, Moasra K. ft. Jackson and Co , in addition lo their usual stook ualo, will soil by auction tho goodwill of a lease containing 10G5 acres of bush land, of which lOOaersa are cleaved, at an annual rental oE 4Jd per aero. Also 23 accos adjoining, at 3i 2d por aero. The loases have 27 years to run. Distanco from tho Waverley Kailway Station, about 11 miles. A abort whilo rro a warrant waa isnuod by tho local police for tlio arreßt of a man named Landeas, alias Young, on a charge of ttoaling tho racehorse Naughty Girl, belonging to a .Maori afc Tjovin. Sorgt-Major SoanloQ received a wire last evoninj to tho effect that the man had boon arrested nfc Taupo and will bo brought to Palmoraton to answor the chargo, Tho maro was found in his possession at 'Janpo, and aho will ba brought back also. The police traced tho horso nil tho way and found Bho had boon rid en through Palmorston on tho morning after aho was missed. Tha local police, eunpoctmg tho maro hi.d gone towards Taupo, wired to each station on tho way and found they wero on tho right track.-- -Manawatu Timeo. Alflxuudor Ogg, who on Mouday who found "not guilty " of breaking and entering tho residence of Jarms Gordon, of Wanganui, and stealing thorofrom £7, and who was iifrorwards aircsted by Sergeant Oullen on a wivrant trom Wellington charging him with laroouy, ia ovidoutly a bit of a charactor. On 'I'ueeday ha was taken from Wangnnui to Pnlmerafcon in cliarga o£ Conatablo Hope, who tranaferrod him to Oonstablo Hatty. From last nights Manawata Tiaios 111. 1 . appears that Ogg managed to ovada tho con9tablo [on the platform, wo understand] us the tnun arrived ia Wellington and escaped, and hus nol yet been recaptured. Profoasor Whito delivered a very interesting aid appreciated lecture at Wuilofcara ia the Hall on Tuesday avomng to fairly good audience, the oubjaet being tho " Human face a*id how to read it," uluafciated by soveial dravrinßs of different typos of faoca. At tho close of the loeturo tjrofessor Wliite gavo a roadinf! ot faceo of sovcral laflios who volunUril} came forward, and awarded » prizo to Miss M, Oouncll, also to Mios Jonmo i?yomont tor lmving tho two bsot faces in tho audieDce. I'rolcsaor Whito lecturon thoro agaiu on Wednobday am! ThurstUj cvonings. when no doubt ho vul! raceivo bumper house]. On Monday aud Tuesday next he will loctura at Wnverhy, giving delineations and charts of character during tho day. Whils a few members of the Jiiama Volunteer force wero being instructed in the use of tho Hordonfeldt gun a torrible fatal aeoidont occurred. The man in oharpe of tho gun wero located at Blowholo Point, and were firing .it a target some 700 or 800 yards m sea. Just aa the last volley was about to bo fired, tho flag having boon shot away, the action of the gun was arreptod by some of the gear getting out of order, and while this was being adjusted a boy named Albert Williams, sbnnt 10 Tears o'd, attempted to pasa beloro tho gun, but unforrunatoly at that instant tho weapon went off, tho top oE the poor lad's head was blowt. off, death boing instantaneous, A large number of parBono wore present witnessing the gun practice, and they were terribly shocked by the liotreEsinp, oceurrenco. Anothor boy who waa following the deceased narrowly escaped , a piruilar fate,

" Householder's " suggestion will be given effect to. Tho condensed mills industry Irs been started on a largo scale at Xamnki, near Auckland. A meeting of tho Union Boat Club h to bo hold at tho shod at 8 o'clook to-morrow (Friday) evening. Tho bargess roll and dofnuilarn' lit-t for the Borough of Wanganui aro now onen for inspection at the Borough Council offico. The nomination of candidates for ths various school committees m tha Wanganui Education District close on Monday next. Tho Star states that opium smoking hua Btill a fnocination for a number of Masterton youths. They are to ba found almost ovory night at tho Chinese dena. A Committee ot the London School BoarJ propones that piunos shall be supplied to all the infant schools in London, upon which the juvonilos will be taught the ocalej. Plans have boon drawn up for tho construction of a 200-stoly stoi'y building in Mew York The sfcmcturo ia to have 100,000 offipoa, and to ba supplied with 50 elovatots. To-morrow ovoning Mossro Paul and Co. will dispiay a shipment of mantles, jackets, capos, oto. Also two c»seß of how tweeds, for the dress and tailoring department. Mr B. N. Liffif-oa has been instructed lo hold a largo cloaring sale of tho wholo of the stock and dairying and farm implement!! on Newtnn Lees farm, No. 1 Line, on Friday, May 29th. A Birkonhoad man was walking homo on a windy night, when hia coat blew on a opiked railing on a ga-don wall. He sued tho owner for the damage done, aud obtam?d ajudgmpntin his favor, the judge remarking that pedestrians are entitled to the safo mo of tho whole pavement. " I havo studied the history of tho matter perhaps as closoly as mout men, and I am convinced that during tho course o£ the past throe quartora of a century the foroign rolatioas of Groat Britain were always universally friendly when she was known to havo an adequate napy." — Admiral Bndgo. The population of tho Transvaal, according to tho latosfc estimates, io as follows : — 'Iransvaalors and Orange JPreo Btator6, 70,861 ; British subjects, 62,509 ; and other foreigners, 16,653. In 1891 the native population wa3 supposed to number about 650,000. On Saturday last tho Hawke's Buy cyclists heki i>, road race from Waipawa to Napior. Tho winner turned up in tho limit man, Watson, who won with 8 minutes to opare. Watoon, who is 19 years of age, only acquired a machine in Doooinbor last, and his win was a great surprise. His time for (ho distance was 2hr 21min 2030 c. In conscquoneo of tho multiplication of raeo moolings, and tho entire devotion of tho peoplo of tho colony I o sports of all kinds, the Cabinet havo in contemplation tho creation ot a new portfolio to bo hold by a Hmiator for Spoits. The nocoasai'y expense for salary will be met by a tax on athloto/i — Feilding StayA lady rotating her experience at n rovival meeting in Nabraska.mentionod that nho had tli^eaided her diamonds, valued at £10,000, thinking it was ungodly to wear thou, and hud lolt them lying on her dreasinq-tablo. A criminal who happened lo be present qmotly left tho ehuicb and, electing an outiiiue9 ' ot tho lad>'s residence, emeu ell tho wholo | of her p'vols, I Mr '11,I 1 , Young, contractor, bed his right I leg badly broken whilo working at hia contract up tbo Pohanginiv Kiver. Mr B. Pools had his i'i«htleg badly iDJurodat tbo oamo time. The accident wa9 caused by a fall of earth. Both were carried to Pohangina township, and go thenco by trap to Palmorston North. Both aro going to tho hospital, — Palmovaton Times. Our Ngamatapouri correspondent writoa — For two or throe weoke p'ist tlio v/oathor has boon broken and for a fortnight thero has not boon moro than ouo fina day. Wintor, if ib la winter, is soon and sudden this year. Ii has caught pooplo in tho middle of dipping and otopped that and everything elso with it. It is likely thero will bo neither ctore nor post offioo at Ugamatapoun this wiator. He UcLood has sold out to Mr Armstrong (that is, the niattor ib under negotiation and has benn for some time) but tho latfcor doe 3 not pu;Poho removing from fllirohonaa until tho Spring Tho carriago of goods to Jf(»amatßpouu 10 a much nioie difficilt matter than it is to Marohein.i, on account of tho i'i.pid3 in tho river juot above tho latter phco. Honco tho delay. Tho Orown tenants of Kioura Survey Diat-iat having applied to the Land Bond fot a reduction of rent oning to tho Qavornraenl'o broach of fa'th in the mutter of a dray road, tho Board hivo promised lo recommond tho Government to make tho road, which is equivalent to seconding the cettlorn' stutoment of tho ca»e. Tho comprehensive catalogue and fashion book issued by the D 1.0., Wellington, conveya some idea ol tho lesources of that popular establishment, and renders tho taik of ordering by post, a pleasant ono, Samples of ths Compauy'a new dress niatonale, &c, will do forwaided with catalogue, post hee, to any address. Tho D.1.0. hao noithcx branch nor ngsney io. Wanganui. — Advt. McKoo and Gamble, Photo-Engravais and Lithographers, Wellington, Send for quoiatwn, — Advt.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8826, 16 April 1896, Page 2

Word Count

Wanganui Herald. [PUBLISHED DAILY.] THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1896. THE HOSPITAL FUND. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8826, 16 April 1896, Page 2

Wanganui Herald. [PUBLISHED DAILY.] THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1896. THE HOSPITAL FUND. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8826, 16 April 1896, Page 2


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