The Rifle Champion.
» (by telegraph— own ookbespondbnt:) Wellington, March 6, Parnell will arrive in Winganni by tomorrow's 3.30 train. Fielding Public Hall Burnt Down. (per united pebss association,) Feilding, March 6, The Pablic Hall was burnt down this morning about five o'clock. It was insured ia the Standard for £1000: The cause of the fire is unknown, The Dunedin Drowning Case* ♦ (BY. TFLEGBAPH— OWN COKEESPONDKNT.) Donsdin, March 7. The performance of "Les Cloches de Corneyille " by the snutenrs on Saturday night in aid of the widow and family of the man MoCutchan, drowned while attempting to rescue some drowning females at St Clair, realised £324. A gentleman from Melbourne gave the barmaid at a leading city hotel £5 for a ticket.
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 6454, 6 March 1888, Page 2
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The Rifle Champion.
Wanganui Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 6454, 6 March 1888, Page 2
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