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Wanganui Herald. [Published Daily.]
TUESDAY. MARCH 28, 1876.
During the last war on this Coast a reward was offered for the capturo of TitoVowaru, the leader and mainspring of tho outbreak. The amount "was £1000, and the conditions were so drawn as to induce the impression that the liead rather than the body of the notorious chief Nrould be acceptable. Tim-» has passed, and the very circumstances in which the reward was offered are forgotten by tho Government. But
to tbe person principally concerned the act is still a stern' and indubitable reality. The chief, who aroused tbe indignntion of tbe settlors, and whose capture, do.ul or alive, would have boon • a great triumph, has managed to outj live much of that strong- fooling: which 1 his acts excited against him. It is frit : that though be may have inaugurated I a blood-thirsty rebellion carried on , without remorse, tbe circumstances are ! so complete!}' changed, that it is useless and impolitic on tbe part of tbe Government to keep him longer isolated. Tie is still an outlaw beyond the power of tbe police to touch him. But, to our miml, there is a circumstance stronger than all others which makes it desirable that all rewards for his capture, should be withdrawn. The war is long a thing of the past, and the very participators in it on the rebel side have since enjoyed tbe bounty of tbe colony. For several years tbe officers and representatives of the Government have literally taken salt at Titokovraru's table. Negotiations have taken place between him and the emissaries of the Crown, and he has been thus recognised not as a murderer or a felon, but a person competent to enter into a binding agreement with the power with which he entered upon war. Does not this simple but cogent fact render it a matter of honor that rewards of the kind mentioned, whether obsolete or in full vigor, should be rescinded and withdrawn ? At one time we were in favor of a relentless pursuit and punishment, but a policy was introduced which nude both impracticable. Now we do not intend to draw any fine distinctions between the crimes of Kereopa on the East Coast and those of Titokowaru on the West, though the nature of them may bo essentially different. There is not tbe slightest doubt that if tbe British Government had carried on after 1807 negotiations with Nana fcJabib, great a criminal as he was, they must have condoned bis offences, and could not have brought him to punishment. jSo with Kereopa. It is urged that Titokowaru carried on war according- to Native custom; but we think such arguments bad aud vicious, llebcllions must be crushed, and their leaders treated as traitors, and it would have followed that if Titokowaru had been captured in 18G9 he would have been tried for the capital offence. But, as we have said, tbe Government bavo condoned his acts, and cannot go back. There is nothing- left for them to do but acknowledge the chief as being friendly, and treat with him accordingly. This iv truth has been already done, and only che formal acknowledgement has to be made. We guard ourselves against being supposed to argue that the admission enhances the claims of Titokowaru to tho confiscated land. Negotiations respecting this question are already proceeding, and may go on without interruption on existing 1 bases. The status of an armed rebel as a negotiator is not less than that of an admitted subject.
Fires just now are unpleasantly common, for hardly does a day pass that the telegraph does not record a catastrophe of this nature, in one or other of our large towns. The last with which we are now familiar is that iv Wellington, which reduced Messrs Turnbull's store and part of the Empire Hotel to ashes, but despite the damage done to property and the pecuniary loss entailed, there is room for congratulation that it first manifested itself at an hour when discovery must have been more or less immediate ; or otherwise, in the case of a popular hotel like the Empire whose guests are generally numerous, the consequences might have been more disastrous. Till we are iv possession of fuller accounts it is difficult to reconcile, how the whole of the stock and furniture were saved from the part of the building burned, with another portion of the telegram which states that some of the inmates saved nothing but what they were dressed in, and that many commercial travellers were unfortunate in not being able to secure their jewelry and samples. The supposed origin of the fire is worthy of consideration, as it is not the first time that similar statements have been made, and if it be the case that matches are taken by rats, attracted * probably by their phosphoresence in the dark, the sooner some safer means for their secure custody is adopted the better. The Empire Hotel marked an epoch in the history of Wellington — the transition stage from the day of small things in accommodation, to that in which the city should be studded with numerous and well -furnished establishments for the convenience of tho travelling public, — and on that account, as well as to a feeling of sympathy with tho gentleman who has so long presided over it, people when they heard of its destruction did so with a feeling of almost personal regret. Scarcely had the ruins done smoking when the site was purchased at a high figure, aud the probability is that the phoenix may re-arise at no distant date. Bush fires, too, would appear to be pretty general throughout the Provin c, and in too many instances to carry the besom of destruction before them. We observe from a telegram in the Post " that bush tires had been raging in the neighbourhood of Taueru, and one sawmill, with a lot of sawn timber, was totally destroyed. " Tho Taueru is a river about eight miles from Masterton, on the Masterton and Castle Point line of road, and is now having a large bridge erected across it by Mr Francis, the well-known contractor, on behalf of the Provincial Government. There was another sawmill there when he commenced operations, but the proprietor leased the engine to him, which was removed to the scene of operations near the bridge in process of construction. It is therefore to be hoped that the timber or mill destroyed was not that in connection with the bridge,
which is of great size, as it may delay a work which is imperatively demanded. Those bush fires are often the result of pure wantonness, aud in this case could not have been started for any practical purpose, unless by Maoris clearing their potato grounds. There appears to be too much latitude allowed for the indiscriminate use of fire in wooded districts, as some people if they can get it to enlist in their service are not particular if it acquires a mastery, detrimentally, over the property of others.
Dr Pollen, a nopliew of the Hon. Dr Pollcr has settled down at Gisborne, Napier, with the intention of practising his profession iji that district.
The Lynch family their last entertainment last (Mouday) evening, to a good house, when several new selections were put upon the stage, and produced in a nianuer that could not fail to give satisfaction. This troupe has concluded a very successful season in Wanganni, with which they are well pleased. They took their departure for Wellington at 11 o'clock last night, by the Manawatu.
The Guardian says : — The statement that Dr. Feathcrston, agent general o£ New Zealand, had had conferred on him tlie New Zealand Cross by the Colonial Government has caused some Home, and tli»direction in which opinions tend will not be highly gratify ing,at least to Sir George Grey The Standard strongly disapproves of the existence of such i distinction as being purely local and not Imperial, and takos the oppor. tunity also to condemn the orders of St. Michael and St George as both unmeaning j aud mischievous. ' Vanity Fair ' remarks that tho Qeuen is the only fountain of honor and says that when Lord Gran ville approved of the institution of an antipodean order he allowed her Majesty's functions to be usurped. Such a system it believes, tends to weaken the connection between the Mother Couutiy and the Colonies, and to the setting up o£ local, as distinct from Imperial inter, ests, and it hopes that, although that was the policy of the late Ministry, Mr Disraeli will lose no time in trying to repair the mischief caused by his predecessors. Other journals speak in the same Btrain, and whilst expressing no doubt ttiafc Dr. Foatherston richly deserved the honour, think aninstitutiou of the king ought not to hare been encouraged.
To-morrow (Wednesday) the Wanganui Bines and Cadets parade for inspection and exercise at 5 p.m., when volunteers are requested not to appear without all the Government property in their possession.
According to the Marlborough paners, Barlow's Circus is attracting largo audiences in Blenheim, and tbe performances are very favorably spoken of.
On Thursday, M. L. Marks, & Co., are announced to open one of the finest parcels of goods ever offered in the province, at the premises lately occupied by Mr G. Hutchison, Taupo Quay.
An attempt .it robbery was made on Friday night last on the River Bank road, by an unknown ruffian, on two boys, one of them a son of Mr John Walker, and the other, the son of a Freuchman residing- at Aramoho. The latter had the presence of mind to present a small pistol, which he had in his possession, at the fellow, who immediately let go his hold, and ran away. The object evidently \va3 to rifle the boys pockets.
The prisoner Cooper, who recently succeeded in making his escape from the Wanganui gaol, still remains at large. 110 has,however, been traced a considerable distance down the coast, and a report is being circulated, that one night last week, he was in Bulls, where he stayed with his wife. It is expected that lie will be pulled up at the Wairarapa, in which direction, he is supposed to be making tracks.
In answer to repeated enquiries made at our office regarding the names of the man and woman brought before the Magistrate at Wellington, and sentenced to a months' imprisonment for indecent exposure, we are unable to give any definite information. Our telegraphic news gave the man's name as David Leslie, but the Wellington papers give it as Tester or Lister, and the woman's as Florence Bushett. We understand that those are all fictitious names, and in Wanganui, the parties in question have not yet beon identified.
An extensive sale of properties is sulvorbised to be held on Thursday next at 2 o'clock, by Mr Joseph Chadwick. The properties to be offered are mostly situated in the township of Wanganui, and the rapidly increasing value of town sections here should induce a large attendance of intending purchasers at the auction mart. The sections are offered on the most advantageous terms, as will be seen on reference to tbe advertisement, and are Mr Chadwick's own private property. Wo trust on that account the attendance will be large, and that the sections will all find purchasers at good prices. Luucheou will be provided, and persous wishing to view the land and inspect plans, can do so on application to the auctioneer.
The Adelaide Advertiser, referring to Sir Julius Vogel's stock-inscription arranginent with the Bank of England, says:— "The New Zealand Minister may probably return | to his adopted Colony with the conviction j that he has by this measure done more to strengthen her financial position in the Home market than it had been previously weakened by detraction, and perhaps to some extent by excessive borrowing. The representatives iv London of the Colonies on the Australian continent must feel that it is time for them to be up and stirring if they would keep abreast of their energetic, and adroit compeer, Sir Julius Yogel. We shall await with intorest the announcement of a move iv the same direction by the Chancellor of our own particular Exchequer." As will be seen by our adreitisiuor columns the drawing for the Bulkley Estate is fixed for Saturday, April2oth. We have inspected the plan of the township and certainly we should imagine tbe land is laid out to the besb advantage. The township is in the Matarawa Valley, where a railway and goods sued is to be erected. The situation is one of the pvoLty spots so often selects I by picnic parties to spend a holiday, and we have no doubt from its very ploajaiib sui round
ings, it will uob be long beforo Bulkley attracts many settlors to it. Tho train is now running past the township. We understand that tickets arc being taken up very quickly, and no doubt their very moderate price Avill tempt a great many to take a chance. In addition to the first prize of a seven-rooniod house nnd sixteen acres of good land, and with one of the best orchards in tho district, an opportunity will be nffordud many of acquiring a freehold at a merely nominal sum.
Last (Monday) evening the llev. B. B ickhouse' addressed a meeting at the Presbyterian Church, Turakina, in behalf of the British and Foreign Bible Society. The Row Mr Ross and Ucv. J. Elmslie also took part in the proceedings. There was a very good attendance, and 'great interest was manifested ia the statements which were made of the work of the Society, especially on the African continent.
We remind our readers that this evening at half-past seven the Rev. B. Backhouse will deliver his Pictorial Lecture on " Japan and Burinah, Past and Present," in the Wesleyan Church. The lecture will be accompanied with colored diagrams.
We understand that a match is to be played to morrow, between the Union and Press Clubs, ns a "decider" for the season, and hope that the knights of: the willow will assemble in good force, as the ciickctiug season is so nearly at an end.
Our English cablegrams to-day conveys the sad intelligence that Capt. Bishop has breathed his last. No particulars are to hand, merely the bare news of Ins death. Captain Bishop was well-known in tho leading townships of Now Zealand, and was commander consecutively of the Wild Duck, Ilalcioue. aud Avalaucho, three wellknown traders between London and New Zealand. In the Colony, his amiable and generous disposition won to himself many friends, and there are nob a few even in Wanganui who will receive this intelligence without expressing a few words of regret.
We take the following respecting an old, aud much respected settler in the Patea district, from the Western Star : — Before preceeding with the business of the Resident Magistrate's Court on Monday last, Mr Turnbull, E.M., stated that he had seufc in his resignation to the Minister of Justice, ns he had accepted a position of responsibility in another direction. He thanked the members of tho Bar for their uniform courtesy towards him, and said wherever his lot might be cast, he would always remember the good feeling existing between the Bench aud Bar during the period he sat as Resident Magistrate, which had materially lighten 3d the work that had to be got through. Au abler man might be appointed in his place, bub he doubted if one would be appointed who gave his decisious more untHnchiiigly and fearlessly than he had given them. It' his feelings had ever inclined him to lean one way or another, ho had always cuibed them, and adjudicated with a strict regard to justice. He concluded hy again thanking the gentlemen of the Bar for the kindness they had shown him. Mr Harvey, on behalf of the legal profession, said they could not allow Mr rumbull to retire without expressing their regret at losing his services, lie (Mr Turnbull) had during the perio.l of his Magistracy, dispensed justice with an even hand, and his experience as a commercial man had been of great bcuetit to the Court. —Wo understard that Mr Turnbull has been appointed to the management of the Invercargill branch tf tho New Zealand Mercantile Loau Company, and we feel assuveel our roAdevs will join us in the regret that liivertou is about to lose the services of so able a magistrate. While we are soitj to think that Mr Turnbull will no longer preside at our Resident Magistrate's Court, where his decisions have given such universal satisfaction, we must not omit to with that he may have before him a successful career in his new sphere of labours, or wherever his lot may bo cast.
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Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2714, 28 March 1876, Page 2
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2,805Wanganui Herald. [Published Daily.] Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2714, 28 March 1876, Page 2
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Wanganui Herald. [Published Daily.] Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2714, 28 March 1876, Page 2
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