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THE PRINCIPAL FURNITURE AND CAEPET WAREHOUSE. |~ Hf% WANGAKUI. The Cheapest House in the Trade ! Floor Cloth from f to 15 feet wide, various patterns. CARPETS- MATTINGS- " Mattresses Door Mate rr SS f Set,S ct, £" DlnasfcSns lapostry Cl n^ Mk^ Hearth Rucrs, Wood and. lron Bedsteads. . BINING-EOOM and DRAWING-ROOM SUITES in Eep, Damaslc, Hair Cloth, and Leather. . A loreo stock of American and English Chairs, Chests o£ Drawers, Chiffoniers, Bookcases, and Household Furniture of every description. D.R., from long experience in the FURNISHING TEADB >csfer the > Largest Business in Wan\anui, which is entirely due to the CHEAPNESS and DUE, ABILITY of his goods, and also to the EFFICIENT M ANNER in which lie turns out all orders entrusted to his care. Feb 8. M A
FOR SALK, BY PRIVATETREATY WM. OOWERN, Auctioneer. Carlyle, has for Sale, the Lease of 1000 ACRES of the best Land in the Patea District. Fenced and improved. Immediate possession given. Without exception the Besc Run in the District ; cannot be surpassed. TITLE PERFECT. Owner leaving the country. Every information on application. 300 KAITOKE BOILING DOWN ESTABLISHMENT. Anderson"^ wright, PROPRIETORS. OPERATIONS have again com- * me need, and upon a much more extensive scale than before. Improvement has been the order of the day in this fstablishment, and the aim of the proprietors has been to arrange every dctftil so as to achieve the most satisfactory rosults, and they can now confidently point to their establishment as the most complete of its kind in the ■province. Arrangements are now completed which will enable them to boil down any number of sheep, or they are prepared to purchase flocks for that purpose. Economy and cleanliness will characterise the management, and the proprietors confidently expect to perform their undertakings in such a manner as cannot fail to yield entire satisfaction. The process adopted is exhaustive and rapid, every component part being utilized advantageously and accGuutcd for. Communications from a distances promptly attended to. ANDERSON & WIUGHT. 2*7
NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. PATE A- MA N L WATU X AI-I WI CONTRACT, Formation Only. Pxiblic Works Office, Wellington, Feb. 20, 187 G WRITTEN Tendois will be received at tins office up to noon on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd March, for the above contract. They must beaddressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Workx ; Wellington, and maikcd outside " Tender for Ivii Jwi Contract." Plans and specifications may be seen at the Public Works Offices, Wellington, Wanganui, and Foxtoa. Telegraphic tenders similarly adpressed and marked, will be received, if presented at any Telegraph Office by Noon of the same dale, provided that written tenders in due form, are lodged at a District, or Resident Engineer's Office by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque on some bank in the town where the tender is lodged ; such cheque to be specially murked by a banker as good for twentj'-one days, and to be in favour of " The ReceiverGeneval's deposit account only," and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. By command. JOHN CARRUTHERS Enpcinecr-in-Chief.
Toil CIIRISTMASATNL) I'il.E « E Wi. EAK. Drew's Annual Clearing Gash Sale OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, a wrl SILVER A.ND ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, ETC. Sale for Fourteen Days only. DREW'S well selected stock consists of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Chains and Alberts Gem Rings, Gold Sleeve Links, Studs, etc. Ladies' Suites, Brooches and Ear- rings ; Lockets, Crosses, and 1 endants. Locket Slides, Greenstone Suites, Maltese,Hilver and Silvei'g-ilt l«iligree Irmkefcs, Gold, Steel, and German Silver Spectacles. A very large assortment of Jet Brooches, Ear-rings. Bracelets, Crosses, Chains, Lockets, &c, Clocks— from 10s to £10, all warranted for twelve months. B.H.D. calls attention to his stock of Silver Electro-pLated Ware, comprising— Cruets, Cake Baskets, Salvers, Sardine and Biscuit Boxes, Honey and Marmalade Pots, Butter Coolers, Sugar B«sins, «&c. Aneroid and Fitzroy Barometers. A few Second-hand Watches. S H. D. is determined to make a speedy clcarauce for CASK, as he lias Large Shipments of XEW GOODS to arrive, which have been carefully selected fiom the best manufactories of London and Sheffield. <*21
BRIDGE AND WARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL REAPERS. | IMPOBTEES IDIIRJECT. SILK MERCERS, HOSIERS, HABERDASHERS, & GENERAL DRAPERS HOUSE FURNISHINGS. WOOLLEN DRAPERS, CLOTHIERS, GENERAL OUTFITTERS, HATTERS, & TAUPO QUAY, WANGANUI. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. B. and W. have just marked off SIXTY-SEVEN CASES AND BALES ef New Spring and Summer Goods, comprising a choice and useful selsction of Gene Drapery and Clothing, in Men's Boys' and Youths. #85* Country settlers roceive]our special attention/and all orders promptly attended to Fiuther shipments of Goocb are now constantly arriving, 27 2181
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Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2738, 24 March 1876, Page 4
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763Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2738, 24 March 1876, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2738, 24 March 1876, Page 4
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