j Nev\T Advertisement BELL'S LONDON PIE HOUSE AND REFRESHMENT, ROOMS, Victoria Avenue, next to the Rutland Hotel. CHANGE OF PROPRIETARY. GEORGE W. BELL TfASnow entered upon possession of _1 1. the above establishment, having purchased the same with all the appurtenances thereof, and begs to announce to the public of Wangnnni that he has commenced business as BREAD & BTSCUIT BAKER & CONFECTIONER. THE REFRESHMFNT ROOMS, which havu been refitted with a view to ensure comfort and privacy, cannot fail to meet the requirements of the rapidly increasing connection attached to the house. The BREAD and BISCUIT DEPARTMENT will be under the personal supervision of G.W.B. himself, whose guarantee for the first-class quality of all articles manufactured will be accepted as sufficient. CONFECTIONERY M all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. WEDDING, CHRISTENING, AND BIRTHDAY CAKES. Balls and Picnic Parties supplied on the shortest notice and on the most, reasonable terms. Couktrs Orders attended to with special and reliable promptitude. CUSTOMERS WAITED ON DAILY. m2O 691 NEW MILLINERY ! NEW MILLINERY ! MRS MOORE is now Opening a choice assortment of AUTUMN & WINTER MILLINERY. Millinery and Dressmaking Establishment, RiDGWdY Street. m2l 708 £1 REWARD. T OST, from Fielding, one Black JJ Horse shod when lost. Branded like o_tt on near shoulder. ■ Any person bringing the same to MrLewar's Store, Fielding, will receive the above reward. E. RANGER. 20 347 OOL ! WOOL ! !— The undersigned is a cash purchaser oi WOOL and TALLOW at highest 1 market rates, or will grant cash advances on nost liberal terms, on samo consigned for sale, and returns to his London agents. JAMES O'SHEA, Harbour Street, Wellington f6 *187 PIANOS ! PIANOS! PIANOS! JUST LANDED, Three magnificent full compass tricor Pianos, in handsome Walnut cases, d Apply to ARTHUR BEAU CHAMP, mil 627 SMILEY'S HORSE REPOSITORY & LETTING I STABLES, Opposite the Post Office.' SADDLE Horses, Buggies, Carriages of all description, suitable for weddings, picnics, and private parties, for hire. Careful Drivers. Horses left at these Stables will have every care taken of them by experienced grooms. J. S, SMILEY. dl 6 2743 PIANO TUNER. AH. SIMONS (from Broadwood , and Sons, London), begs to inform the inhabitants of Wanganui, that he is prepared to TUNE o> REPAIR all kinds of instruments. Country orders promptly attended to. Orders left at.L. L. Levy's, Victoria Avenue. . j2B 357 PIANO TUNING. PERMANENT AND GUARANTEED SYSTEM. IN reference to repeated solicitations, I beg to announce that, if sufficient inducement offers, I shall be prepared to make the following reasonable terms with Ladies and Gentlemen who may be desirous of placing their instruments peimanently under my charge :—: — To tune at regular quarterly periods and keep in proper repair all pianos belonging to subscribing patrons, for the sum of Two Guineas each per annum. This Guarantee system is submitted in anticipation of being favoured with a largo number of additional patrons whose names and residences I shall be glad to receive, and with whom I will place myself in immediate communication. A. H. SIMONS, PIANO TUNER' (From Broadwood and Sons, London), \ Country orders promptly attended to. All orders to be left at L. L. Levy's, Victoria Avenue. m 22 712
Page 3 Advertisements Column 5
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2738, 24 March 1876, Page 3
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