COMING, EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE THEM. THE ONLY GREAT DRAPERY AND CLOTHING SALE FOR THE COMING SEASON. M. L. MARKS & CO., AS a grateful recognition for past favours received from the people of Wanganui, WILL OFFER ONE OF THE FINEST PARCELS OF GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THE PROVINCE. And as their instructions are preeraptory to Sell without reference to cost M..L. MARKS & Co. will, on FRIDAY, 17th MARCH, offer for sale The Contents of 30 Cases, 10 Trunks, and 8 Bales, ALL NEW AND CHOICE GOODS IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FIRM OF BEASON & CO., OF MELBOURNE. ** - 0 !-■■■■■■ m MARKS & CO. beg respectfully to state that no Art Unions guide their system of business, no surplus stocks will be offered, but such a class of Goods will be exhibited to the Public as will at once stamp MARKS AND COS SALE AS ONE OF THE MOST GENUINE OF THE SEASON. MARKS & CO.'S PRICE LISTS Will be ready for distribution in a few days. All goods will be marked in Plain Figures in Red luk, and underlined to avoid mistakes. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT :— The Great and Unreserved Sale will Commence on FRIDAY, 17th MARCH, Ab those convenient premises adjoining the Pier Hotel TAQPO QUAY, WITHIN TWO DOORS OF MR O'HANLON'S PIER HOTEL. This Groat Sale must prove a great boon to Large Families. BUYERS OF DRAPERIES, CLOTHING, &c. Arc respectfully requested not to be misled by other firms who offer tempting baits, which nine times out of ten turn out dear. But^ as MARKS & Co.'s Groat Salosare so well-known, and so thoroughly appreciated, BUYERS AHE RESPECTFULLY REQUESED TO AWAIT OUR Opening on Friday, tlie 17tli of March next. Fob 25. 944.
A. CASS, ■ DRAPER AND CLOTHIER, SPECIAL VALUE IN" BLA.OK DRESS SILtCS. BARGAINS IN DRESS MATE-, RIALS. i bargains in ladies' underclothing. 'bargains in tweeds and coatings. g^° DRESSMAKING Jgfc Conducted under the supervision of an experienced artiste. i THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT (the only establishment in Wanganui where can be seen so wide a range of style, and diversity of qualities), will exhibit that attention to the improved cut and selection of English and Colonial Garments that will more than compare with Wanganui bespoke goods at little more than half the cost. Immense Variety of Hats, Shirts, and Ties. NEW GOODS MONTHLY, Country Orders executed with dispatch TAUPO QUAY. 21 . 146
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2737, 23 March 1876, Page 4
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