New Advertisements. ORDER OF JUDGE. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington District, this 15th day of March, 1876. . - . XT PON the Affidavits of James WOOX U ward, of Wellington, Publij lrustes, and of Richard Reid, of \Yangcuiui, Sergeant of Police, I do order that the Public Trustee, the Curator ot the Estates of Deceased, Persons, shall be Administrator of all' and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of JAMES ELSLEY, deceased, and that this Order be published in tho " Evening Herald " newspaper. (Signed) JAMES PRENDERGAST, Chief Justice. March 15, 1876 723 He JAMES ELSLEY, Deceased, Intestate. ALL PERSJN3 .Jiavino- claims 11. against the estate of tho abovenamed deceased,, are requested to forward the same to Sergeant Reid, Wanganui, on or before Wednesday, the 12lh day of April noxt. J. WOODWARD, Public Trustee. Wellington, March 15, 1870. 724 NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAPH.
REGISTRATION OF ABBREVI11 ATED ADDRESSES.— V/itU the view of saving as much as possible the cost of the transmission of Telegrams to New Zealand from other countries, a Register will be kept at every Telegraph Station in New Zealand for the. .Registration of Arbitrary or Cypher Addresses- in the shape of one or more words. No fee will be charged for registration. Persons registering will require to communicate the Cypher or Arbitrary Address to their Correspondents. The Telegraph Companies register names and addresses of Telegraph correspondents free of charge at all their Stations, and in London at 74, Old Broad-street ; 8, Leadenhall-street ; and 42, Finsbury Circus. Addresses may also be registered at any Government Telegraph Office in England or Scotland upon payment of one Guinea to the Postmaster-General, London.-— By order, of the Honorable the Telegraph Commissioner. • . ;' C. LEMON, General Manager. Now, Zealand Telegraph Head Office, Wellington, 2nd March, 1876. m 23 705
£ 1 REWARD. LOST— From the Brunswick District, on Saturday night last, a Clack Sheep Dog, answrois to the name of" Glen." The above reward will be g-iven to the' finder on returning the same to the undersigned. • , IT.DYMOCK, I Goat "Valley. 2G, PATEA EAST ROAD BOARD. EXTENSION OF 'TIME TO ,31s u - ' MARCH. rpENDER'S'for Formation and CuI"JL vert on Otanto Road will be received until FRIDAY, the 31st inst. at 2 o'clock p.m.-, at the office of the Secretary, Taranaki Road, Carlyle. . The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications to be seen at the office of the Secretary. (Signed) WM. DERRETT, Chairman. m! 8
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2737, 23 March 1876, Page 2
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