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The Worksop dredge return for 121 hours' work is '620z ldwt.

The statutory annual meeting of the Masterton Borough Council will be held ou Wednesday evening next.

The Masterton Dredge shows a return of 38ozs 4(1 wts for V 62 hours' work.

The Mangaweka Station will be made a stopping place for the Main Trunk express trains ou and after April Ist.

Palniersfcou Ripples (by "Hokioi"), ou pages 2 and tt; Selected Verses ("Too JLate," "Sweeter Still," "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Dead Past"), Hockey, Trade and Labour, and Free Uigars, on page G; Turf Notes (by "Nimrod"), on page 7.

The New Zealand Government has decided to render aid to the uew British expedition to the Antarctic regions. When Sir Ernest Shackleton was fitting out his expedition three years ago he received a grant of £1000." Yesterday Cabinet decided to make the same grant to Captain Scott, who is preparing an onslaught on the South Pole next year.

As a result of the deputation which waited ou the Premier some time ago, Cabinet has decided to aid Professor Bickerton, of (Jiiristchurcii, to proceed to England and Europe to lay before the scientists there his "partial impact theory. " It was decided yesterday- to subsidise up to £300 any amount that may be raised by subscriptiou for that purpose. The subsidy will be ou tho £1 for £1 basis.

The usual meetiug of Endeavour Lodge, IX). G T., was held ou Thursday evening, Bro. King. O. T., being iv the chair. General busiuess was transacted. The Lodgo received a visit from Bro. Carr, or Napier, Bro. Edwards, of Wellington, and Bro. Greauey. of Port Ahuriri, each conveying fraternal greetings fror_ their .Lodges and several othors which they had visited. Ono new member was proposed.

A conference ot the Federated Painters of New Zealand will be opened in Wellington ou Saturday, March 2(>th. It is expected that representatives from all the centres of the Dominion will be present. One of the many remits to be discussed will be the proposed consolidation of Labour into a political party. It is stated that replies favourable to the proposal have beeu received from Auckland, Ohristchuroh, aud Duuedin.

An iuebriated man entered the Petoue Post Office on Tuesday and peremptorily ordered a clerk to "'get that talking machine going." "What for?" demanded the official. "What for!" repeated tho disciple of Bacchus; "why to toll Tom Wilford I'm out of work and want a job." But on learning that to talk to an M. P. even meant the payment of sixpence, says the Petoue Chronicle, he took his departure, evidently deeming the outlay too big a risk.

The annual meeting of the North Island Brass Band Association was Jield ou Thursday evening, fifty dolegates boing present. Mr Louis Cohen was elected president. Messrs Holbeu and Charker wore re-elected secretary and treasurer respectively ; timekeeper, J. Hunter; executive, J. T. Muir, J. Trussell (Waugauui), Pedersou (Marton), Haybittle (Feilding), M'Council (Waitara), Patchett, and Jupp (Wellington). Jones, Priugle, aud Mouusev (Palmerstou North). The disqualification of five Wellington players was removed in response to applications. It was decided to change- iv the grading system. Tho next contest is to be held at Palmerston North. Gisborne's claims for the 1012 contest are to be favourably considered.

The return from the Mystery Mat dredge for the week is 19oz 17dwt.

Owing to exceptional demands on our space to-day, certain reading matter is held over and will-appeal on M.ondav.

A special feature of the Garden Party held by the members of Knox Church, on Thursday last, was the excellent afternoon tea provided. Mrs N. Miller and her numerous helpers had a busy time.

The recent rain aud cooler weather are stated to have had tiie effect of materially choclzing the rust in the grass, aud indications are that the season will be an exceptionally good one so far as the supply of green feed is conceraed.

The Ground Comaiittee of the Masterton A. and P. Association paid a visit to the So'way grounds this morning, to fix on the exact site of the new buildings and sheep-yards.

Several new buildings are in course of erection at Lausdowne, and others are undergoing alterations. Thoreare no empty houses at the present time in the suburb, there being some enquiry for suitable residences.

Mr J. Georgeson, Inspector of Factories, states that a meeting will be held iv the Conciliation Commissioner's office, Wellington, on the 29th of this mouth, to deal with matters in connection with the Wellington district saddlers' dispute.

A farmer who is iv a position to speak with authority on the subject states that the crops in Wairarapa, aud, in fact, throughout the whole of New Zealand, are threshing out lighter tlum was anticipated early iv the Reason.

His Worship, Mr C, O. Graham. S.M., stated yesterday, in regard to the charges of failing to poison rabbits, that owing to the fact of there having been no prosecutions for years, he would only impose a nominal penalty, but the full penalty would be imposed iv all .future cases.

During the Easter holidays the Railway Department will run a,second expross'over the Main Trunk Line between Wellington and Auckland. This is beiug done in order to cope with the extra traffic which invariably occurs at Easter. The second express will leave Wellington at 8.55 p.m., reaching Auckland at 4.40 p.m. next day. On the southward trip, the extra train will leavo Aucklaud at 10.35 a.m., reaching Wellington at T. 21 a.m. the following day.

The Government has accepted the tender of the Fairfield Shipbuilding Oonipany, of London and the Olyde, for the construction, and equipment with boilers and engines, of New Zealand's Dreadnought, the contract price b9ing £852,01)0. A further sum of £22,000 will require to be expeuded for cortaiu auxiliary machinery that the Admiralty has provided for. If the Admiralty decides upou the substitution of Babcock boilors for Yarrow boilers, £21,000 will have to be added. The tenders are for the hull and machinery. The final cost of the warship will" not exceed £1,800,000, which is £200,000 below the estimate placed before Parliament last session.

A correspondent forwards the Tarauaki News the following particulars of a sad case :—" A young man, au only sou, worked hard. He neither smoked nor drank, never wont to any place of amusement or indulged in any pastime. After his hard day's work" lie had to get his own meals. Every year he 'iad to make up £81 interest, £15 in rates, and £52 for the maintenance of a sister in au asylum. All this had to be paid before he thought of his own living, aud his living, I know, mostly consisted of bread aud butter. The law demanded from this poor fellow £1 a week to keep his sister in tlio asylum, and when he could not pay it. put him in gaol. Twice he went to gaol. The last time, however, proved too much for his overtaxed strength and sensitive, mind. Now he. too, is an inmate of the asylum."

At an unregistered Maori race meeting held at Tokomaru a few days ago, some amusing scenes were witnessed, says the Poverty Bay Herald. In one race a horse with the peculiar name of "Hot Stuff" was a contestant, and was heavily backed, especia'iy by the Maori women, and when Hot Stuff came in first there was great rejoicing. The lucky ones, unable to restrain their pent-up excitement, burst forth into a stirring haka. However, so much for the uncertainty of racing, in a following sprint Hot Stuff suffered defeat, and having beeu supported almost to a man by the Maoris, a very different tune greeted the horse as he trailed iv behind the others, aud it was amusing to see the unfortunate speculators walk off the course (the beach), with a dejected look, muttering: "Oh, him no good; all the same the snail."

A correspondent of the Tarauaki Herald suggests that the following facts may give some clue to the recent fires which destroyed country churches:— At Patutahi a haystack was recently ignited by the sun's rays striking a bottle of drinking water left on the stack. In another instance in the same district a settler was sitting at table, ami a tumbler of water on the table concentrated the rays of the sun and ignited the tablecloth and the man's coat. Iv another Patutahi residence a bowl of goldfish was situated on the hallstaud. and in the early morning, shortly after the sun had risen, an umbrella in the stand was discovered to be on fire, the only possible conclusion being that the solar rays had been focussed on it: The iustauces are all of recent date, and are vouched for by a reliable correspondent.

Mr Wragge refuses to have his discovery of prehistoric markings on rocks at the Bay of Islauds belittled. In a further Interview he said that his discovery linked New Zealand to the dim and distaut past, long before the Maori, long before the Aryau, to the days of prehistoric man, when, scientists presumed, man was a giant perhaps eight feet high. "These rocks go back probably five hundred thousand years, and are most likely a great deal older. I consider they refer to sun worship. I prefer not to say any more just at present as to the locality in which they lie, except that I had to get a special sailing boat to reach it. It is absurd to tell me that they are the result of accident, or that they were geologically formed :is we see them. There are, to my mind, undoubtedly marks showing that they are the work of man, and in some of them you can plainly see the chisel marks."

The case in which Albert Ernest Louis Bertliug, superintendent of the Wellington Zoo, claimed £2000 damages for libel from John Norton, proprietor of the newspaper New Zealand Truth, was coucluded yesterday in tho Supremo Court, Wellington, after a tiireu days' trial. The jury found that plaintiff had b.eeu libslled, and awarded him £1000. The jury was an hour considering its verdict, and it added to its verdict a rider that the evidence had not only failed to establish the charges against plaintiff, but had folly proved his competency for the post he holds. Judgment was entered for plaintiff for £1000 damages. An order was granted to stay execution for four days, pending an applicaton for a new trial on tho grounds of a misdirection by his Honour the Chief Justice before whom (and a special jury) the case was heard.

Anniversary services will be held to-m«jrrow at the Kuripuui Methodist Sunday School, and on Monday evening the annual meeting and presentation of .prizes will take place.

Chess players are reminded of the postponed sides match, President v. Vicp-President, ro be held on Monday evening, wiieu a full muster is expected. Members turned up well at the rooms last night, when an additional number of names was handed in, bringing the membership up to about twenty-five. The subscription being free to youths under eighteen, young players are liberally catered for, and members will be only too glad to help any who care to attend.

To-day's share market quotations appear on page 8.

Wiuslow Skating Kiuk opens on Monday evening.

Mrs Butemout, Bannister-street, requires a general servaut.

A small four-roomed cottage iv Albert-street is advertised to let.

All accounts against the North Wairarapa Benevolent Society must be rendered to the secretary (Mr C. A. Tabuteau.) not later than 29th March, otherwise they will not be recognised.

Good News—On account of the Easter holidays next week the time of closing Murray's profit sharing sale has been extended for another week. This will mean a saving of at least from 15 to 50 per cent, on your holiday purchases. Make no mistake and buy all your requiremens at Murray's, next to Club Hotel.

An advertiser wants to purchase for cash a horse, gig, and harness. Particulars siioukl be stated by letter to "Gis," Daily Times office.

An owner is wauted for a red and white cow (dehorned), now straying on Mr J. Annan's property in Lin-coln-road.

Elsewhere it is announced that the tenders for the sale of the Ruawai Estate close on March 31st with the N.Z. Loan aud Mercautile Agency Co., Ltd, Masterton.

On Tuesday next, at 53 Essex-street, Messrs McQueen aud Sons will sell on account of Mr J. Eldor the whole of his furniture aud effects, particulars of which are advertised on page 8.

A gold medal will be presented by the proprietor of the Shooting Gallery (opposite Messrs G. Hyde and Go.'s) to the competitor who scores most bulls-eyes at the range. Shooting will commence on Monday next.

Tenders, which will close on April 4th, are invited by tha secretary of the Workmen's Friend Building Society for the purchase of nine acres of land and buildings near Masterton. Particulars may be obtained from the secretary, Mr W. Donaldson.

A welcome will be extended to the Rev. Bain Macdonald tv-morrow afternoon at the V.M.C. A., and a hearty invitation is given to all Mastertou men and strangers to be present at 5 p.m., to take part in the strangers' tea at 5.'30.

Train arrangements for the Easter holidays are advertised. Excursion tickets will be issued from the 22nd to the 28th March. It should be noted by travellers that passengers must arrive at their final destination on or before the actual date upon which their tickets expire.

Messrs Beale aud Partou, Ltd., advise Masterton rseklents to get their plumbing repairs executed by men who know how. All the men engaged Dy Messrs Beale and Partou are good workmen, and clients can depend upon repairs being carried out neatly and thoroughly.

Mr D. Threadwell, who has for some time past carried on business near the Town Hall, fiuds that increased trade warrants him taking more commodious and central premises. Mr Threadwell has therefore secured, au np-to-date shop in Hollovvay's Buildings, and has increased his stock of boots and shoes in keeping with his larger premises. The repair department will be a special feature of the business, aud all work will bo carnad out neatly aud at moderate prices.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXII, Issue 9630, 19 March 1910, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXII, Issue 9630, 19 March 1910, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXII, Issue 9630, 19 March 1910, Page 4


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