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[ Tho rainfall for July, 6.83 inches, Was the heaviest for this month ex- . perienced since 1901. Rain fell on 18 days, tlio maximum fall being 2.32 m. on the Gth iust. The latest dredging returns are as ; follow :—Mystery Flat, 50oz 4dwt for the Avcek; Mastertou, 530z Bdwt for • the Aveek. ! Forty schools invited to contribute pennies towards the purchase of the Canadian Battlefield, have responded with sums ranging from twopence to . thirty shillings. Tho annual general meeting of members of St. Patrick's Day Sports Association will be held in the Exchange Buiidiugs to-morrow eveuiug, at eight o'clock. Leases for terms of years of certain school sites have beeu grauted as folloAvs: —Maugatiti, six acres.'£(s 2s per annum, H. Dillon; Makuri, six acres, £2 9s A. 0. R. Crawford; 1 Makuri, two acres, £1 2s Gd. A singular illustration Avas given of tbe huge differences contractors make in their estimates Avheu the Educa- , tiou Board, yesterday, accepted a tender for a Avork amouutiug to £55. . Avhile the highest tender reached : £428. 'I'ho Wit.slnw Rink was r>.rn _vrlpfl ln.?f;

The WinslOAv Kink was crowded last evening, aVlicu the fourtceii-lap race took place, and Avas Avell contested by the fourteen entrants. The winner, who received a pair of Winslow skates, Avas Mr A. Maxted (syds) Avith Messrs E. Flannagau (syds) aud Clayton (Syds) second aud third respectively. The following kindly acted as officials —Messrs A. Wilton, starter; L. Williams, referee; and Nixon, lap keener.

There is uo fear of the horse beiug superseded by motor cars and flying machines. AvivA r elitive coutractor ou a Mastertou road Avork has fouud a new use for his stued. The horse is used to ram the soil iv trenches, aud the effectiveness of the equine ramrod is increased by the weight of a bulky lad avlio rides it up and doAvu the newly filled-in trenches. Whether the worJ-fis dove altogether satisfactorily or not, there is considerable economy in manual labour.

Iv conversation Avith a Wairarapa Daily Times reporter, the Manager of the Mastertou GasAvorks (Mr J. W. Blackmau) expressed the opiuiou that the collapse of the Syduey tram strike would have a deterrent effect on the proposed coal strike in NeAV Zealaud, aud there Avas every possibility that there would uoav be no strike at all. That beiug so, the sale of coal at the local GasAvorks, which Avas stopped in view of the danger of a large strike, has uoav been resumed.

The membership campaign of the Masterton A. aud. P. Association is being conducted iv a vigorous manner, no less thau thirty-eight new members beiug elected at the auuual meetiug yesterday, all of Avhieh are considered "good. " The total membership is no\y over seven huudred, but would easily have been one thousand were it uot that the Committee wrote off a good many names of those Avho Avere in arrears with their subscriptions. The Association is carrying out a Avise policy of having all financial members or none at all.

Some trouble has arisen at the Carterton School owing to the appointment iOf a pupil teacher. It appears that the names of teu applicants Avere submitted to the Committee with a request that they should select three. This the Committee did, placing them in order of preference aud recommending the appointment of number 1. Instead of that, mimber3 Avas appointed, and the Committee is someAvhat indignant at the Avay their recommendation has been treated. The difficulty was reviewed by the Board yesterday and it Avas pointed out that the appointment was due to the fact, that the applicant chosen by the Committee was rather youug, beiug ouly 15 years of age, and the girl appointed Avas two years her senior. The Chairman Avas advised to patch up matters by explaining, that, the.. Comniittee's selection wouid|haye ; favourable;.cp.ur. jsideratibri\:wheu • the -next vacancy occurs.. ..._;.■■•,-:■; ■■ ■■.... .-«.. '-..- >>•.'< -.<•:

<It is generally admitted by firm.!engaged in the motor trade that one 'of ■- the chief difficulties they have to en-' counter lies in obtainingteally skilled and efficieut labour. The Wellington and Wairarapa Motor Co., Ltd., f'oresaAV this years ago, when they first entered into the motor iudustry, and have ahvays made a special point, by offering the highest rate of Avages, and specially picking their men, of employing only really scientific and skilled mechanics. That this is recognised by motorists is proved by the fact that fully four-fifths of the motor work of Wairarapa is clone by this Compauy. Tliejr garage in Chapelstreet is admittedly oue" of the fiuest in the Dominion, and the facilities contained therein for the prompt and efficieut turning out of any work in connection with motors are right up-to-date. Motorists cau deal with this Company with every confidence .that their Avork will be done satisfactorily, promptly, efficiently and cheaply.*

There are eighteen patients in tho. Dannevirke Hospital at the present time. .'. The general opinion among nersous interviewed at Auckland ou the subject was in favour of present duty on Oregon pine. Hou. E. Mitchelson was in favour - )!" abolishing the.duty, saying, "If the mills cannot compete with Oregon pine let them close doAvn."

As a result of evidence given in au affiliation case, Dr John Pearson, of Christchurch, " was arrested and brought before Mr Day, S.M., and charged witli using an instrument on a female for an unlawful purpose. He was remanded till Friday, bail being: Afixed at self in £200, and two sureties of £100 each.

Information contained in a recent Gazette •• shows ■ that there are 2905 teachers employed in public instruction iv.New Zealand. Female teach-. 6rs are considerably in the majority, there being. .1538 with the prefix "Mrs" or "Miss," and 1367 bearing the designation of plain "Mister." There are 1408 single womeu and 130 married women engaged in the profession.

The Wellington Education 80.-j&d yesterday resolved that "in tlie opiipa of this Board section 141 of the tiou Act, 1904, should be so ameuaed that all pupils should be required to atteud school tho whole time the school is open except Avhere satisfactory reasons are giveu." A copy of the resolution is to be sent to the Minister of Education, aud the Education Boards throughout the Dominion are to be circularised on the subject.

Smoltiug operations have been commencp.d at Aniseed Valley, in the Nelson district, several "Avatts" haviug beeu run successfully. Each charge consisted of about teu tous of ore, and it is iuteuded to smelt and run off one charge daily for the future, producing about one tou of copper. Progress has also beeu made at the United mine, Avhere a quautity of ore is also ready for treatment.

ixu.wiius-n-iuiuy .womugiuu itoparumental assurances to the contrary, thero is not the remotest possibility of the Auckland oyster supply being equal to the fleet week's increased demaud, aud local retailers are now being advised to place orders at Ellington for Stewart Island make up the deficiency. At sent time, when there is uo riish, me oysters received at the local depot are not sufficient for requirements.

A good general servant is required by an advertiser.

A six-roomed house and outbuildings in South-road are advertised to let.

A reward is offered for the return of a black sheepdog Avhieh strayed from Mr li. G. Johnson's farm, Weraiti, on Thursday.

At the Post Office Auction Mart, tomorrow, Mr M. O. Arousteu will offer at auction a quantity of furniture and effects, drapery and sundries.

A meeting of the Wairarapa subbraiach of the Wellington District Institute of Teachers will be held at 3 p.m. to-morrow, iv tho Masterton Technical School.

Mr C. S. Ball, fashionable tailor, has a chauge advertisement ou page i of this issue, in which he iuvites inspection of the neAV season's goods just arriving.

A reminder is given of the lecture on "Tenuysou" to be delivered this eveuiug, at Knox Hall, by Rev. J. Gibson-Smith, under tlie auspices of the Young People's Association.

Tenders are invited by Mr_£. B. Ohennells for the lease mouths of part sections 59, Gl Small Farm Settlemeut, Masterton. Full particulars may be seen at Mr Cheunells' office.

Ou page 1 Mr W. Oharmau calls attention to several special lines, all to be cleared at oue shililug. Good bargains such as these should be very acceptable to thrifty buyers.

At the Post Office Meat Mart, this evening, an exceptionally good display of meat will be made, consisting of prime ox beef, Avether mutton, lamb, veal, pigs aud poultry. Also a quautity of small goods.

A general sale of household furniture, dog cart, guns, rifles, poultry, produce, etc., will be held by Messrs R. E. Howell and Co., to-morroAV. Also a large number of secoud-haud skates, Avhicli are to be disposed of absolutely Avithout reserve.

The British and Continental Piauo Company announce that their expert piano and organ tuusr, Mr Tutschka, is now in Mastertou. Orders left at the Company's Masterton branch, in the Exchange Buiidiugs, Avill be promptly attended to. An advertisement on Wednesday set forth that the meetiug of«jsitors in the bankrupt estate of Chi - stopher Heatou Smith Avould be held at the Courthouse on Saturday, instead of at the office of the - Deputy Official Aasignee, Mr W. B. Cheuuells. __v advertisement in connection with the meeting appears on page 1. The sale of shilling silks at Messrs Kirkcaldie and Stains' Wellington establishment, has proved a huge success, all the shilling silks'having been cleared iv tAVO days. The firm have still a heaA T y stock of silks, and quote prices m a advertisemet on page 4 of this issue. Apart from the special prices quoted, the regular stock uoav carries a discount of fifteen per cent.

Messrs Ogih T y and Sous, of the Record Reign Butchery, invite the public to inspect a special display of the finest beef and mutton on the market at their Queen-street, premises this evening. The display Avill include prime ox beef from Mr Donald McKenzie, of Woodlands, and wethermutton from Mr W. HoAvard Booth, of Carterton.

Mr J. L. Murray reports that splendid business is being done at the "happy" sale of drapery now conducted at the Exchauge Buildings. The staff have been kept busy all the Aveek, and a large quautity of cheery lias been cleared. Mr Murray-■•decided absolutely to carry OA r er uoueof this season's stock, aud the prices at which he is prepared to sacrifice goods of top quality must effect, a clearance. The public" should note that the sale lasts for a few days longer ouly. Some special lines are mentioned iv an advertisement on page six of this issue.

Messrs McLeod aud Young have met with such success in the phonograph trade, siuce ; they commenced to run; this at their Book Arcade .premises,^; 1 that 1 tliey have now added to the the Fdison Company's machilie ;af\d f, redbfds.. The iuitial order Avill-be pa view on Saturday, Avheu Mr Green- 1 ' 'wood; the manager, will be pleased to ' show patrons the machines iaiid' give recitals of the uoav records. 'A. -recital will be given on Saturday evening, when a number of Harry Lauder's Scotch songs will be played.

During the mouth of July there Avere registered in Masterton thirtysix births, seven deaths aud five marriages. The employes of the W.F.O. have decided to hold thoir annual social _.v_jyiance in the Forestors' Hall on 27th. A Sydney message (recoived to-day at 10.5 a.m.) states that cattle have advanced duriug the week by 20s to ,'3os a head. The V.M.C.A. havo decided to entertain tho Rotorua Maori Entertainers at tea ou Suuday eveuiug. The tea Avill commence at 5 p.m., aud the preceding service at 4 p.m.

A cable message (received to-day at 11.25 p.m.) states that Sievior- was acquitted ou the alleged charges of attemptiug to extort mouey., .There was a great demonstration iv accused's favour.

Owing to refraction, iv couuectiou with the dense fog this morning, the lamps in Queen-street aud at tho junction of Albert aud Victoriastreets, illumined Liucolu-road for a good way up as brightly as a ten days' old moou.

Tho auuual geueral meetiug of shareholders of the Masterton Co-op-oratiyo Dairy Company, Ltd., Avill bo hetffcu the A. aud P. Rooms, Perry-str-St, on Saturday, 15th August, at 3 p.m.

Three cases of bankruptcy Avere recorded iv Mastertou during the month of July, as agaiust oue for the corresponding month last year. Since the ■commeucemeut ot" the current year •tliere have been teu cases, as compared Avith eight for the first seven mouths of last year.

As tliere have been several complaints about the lamps iv Queeustreet beiug extinguished (automatically) considerably before daylight, Mr Blackmau, Gas Mauager, has promised to have tlie clockwork altered till the moruiugs draw out a little.

Two steAvards ou the Moaua Avere to-day fined £25 each, at Welliugtou, for beiug fouud Avith half a tin of opium iv their possession. Oue had £102 ou him when arrested, aud tho other £49. They admitted that they had beeu concerned for some time in the illegal busiuess of bringing opium. —Association.

The uovel sight of a policeman iv iiiijlgflf-m driving a butcher's cart Avas i v Queen-street yesterday A butcher, avlio avus in Church-street with his cart, Avas deemed to be too druuk to look after the horse, aud the constable promptly stepped up iuto the cart and drove off to the police statiou. Leaviug the erring driver iv safe custody, the •'man" iv blue" theu returned the horse aud cart to their usual quarters.

Auuual meetiug of Mastertou Bowling Club on page 2; Gladstone wed•diug, South Wairarapa uews, a peculiar case, au alleged miser iv Court, ou page 11; New Zealaud Farmers' Uuiou Coufereuce, to combat Socialism, political jottings, aud stock sales on page (5; the bread tax. Flour Duty Abolition Bill, killed at a railway crossing, the victim's couditiou at the time, ou page 7.

The Wairarapa Hunt Club held a meet at Taratahi yesterday, the course, being from the hotel over Mr W. H. Booth's property and back again to tlie starting poiut. Tliere were about fifteen huntsmen present, aucl the ruu proved very enjoyable. Oue accideut marred the day. Mr W. Vernon's mouut, Tui, struck the last fence, aud both horse aud rider turned a complete somersault. Mr Yeruou fortufrom serious injury, butjH it Avas, he sustained a severe cut iv the top of the head,, aud Avas badly shaken. Ho had to be assisted home.

A young mau pleaded guilty in the Wellington Magistrate's Court, ou Weduesday, to a charge of common assault—having ou Saturday night, iv Manners-street, Avhi'te the Avorse for liquor, throAvu a bottle of lemonade at auother man, Avhieh struck him betweeu the eyes aud inflicted a severe Avonud. Tlie police stated that accused's Aveapon was a bottle ou a previous occasion that bad resulted iv a couvictiou for damaging property. Accused's counsel pleaded, in extenuation, that his client's temperament had probably been affected by Avorkiug iv Queensland on sugar plantations. Accused Avas convicted, fined £5, and ordered to pay £?> Is for his victim's medical expeuses aud costs; the amounts to be forthcoming Avithin twenty-four hours.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9932, 31 July 1908, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9932, 31 July 1908, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9932, 31 July 1908, Page 4


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