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A prolonged earth tremor was'fslt a few minutes before 9 o'clock at Eltham and Nelson last night.

The postal authorities advise that the Moaua, which left Syduey ou the Ist inst. for Auckland, has on board au English aud Australian mail, which should reach Mastertou ou Tuesday forenoou.

Members of the Mastertou Eire Brigade and Fire Police are notified that the corps will assemble at the Fire Police Statiou this evening, in full dress uniform, to meet luspector Hugo.

The social eveuiug. which was to havo beeu held by tho Foresters' Lodge this eveuiug,has beeu postpoued for a fortnight, owing to tlie Hall being otherwise engaged.

At the Kuox Church Young People's Association meetiug this eveuiug papers will be giveu ou "Characteristics iv Woman Most Admired by

Mau," aud "Characteristics in Mau Most Admired by Woman." The Association meets at 7.30 p.m. inKnox Hall.

Mr H. G. Groves, Bush Grove, has furnished the followiug meteorological notes for June. ISJoß:—Rainfall for mouth, 2. Yd inches; maximum fall, .31 points on 18th; days with rain, 18; maximum temperature for month, Goon 14th; minimum temperature for month, 30 ou 23rd; rainfall for Juue, 1'.)07, 5.77 inches.

The humane horse killer of the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was brought into use yesterday oy Mr W. Davidson, the Society's inspector, wheu a bull and a horse were destroyed The inspector had little difficulty with either animal, aud death was instantaneous in each case.

Commencing from to-morrow (Saturday), a third daily mail will be despatched from Mastertou to Maugamahoe, and a secoud oue from Manga-, mahoe to Mastertou. Mails will close at Mastertou at 9 a.m., 11.15 a.m., and 2.30 p.m., reaching Maugamahoe at 11 a.m., 12.35 p.m., and 4.25 p.m., and will close at Maugamahoe at 11.40 a.m., aud 4.15 p.m., reaching Mastertou at 1.15 p.m. aud 5.30 p.m.

Mastertou Court—claim for damages, on page 2, South Wairarapa News ou page 3, Arbitration Court, Westport Murder Trial—arrest of the principal Crown witness, sale of Jersey stock in Tarauaki, commercial reports, Voluntary Couciliatiou, Loudou Wool Sales, export of gold and silver, the Wellington Bakers' Strike, Castlepoint County Couucil, Licensee in Trouble on page (i, Astronomical Notes for July ou page 7.

Mr Hugo, luspector of Fire Brigades, arrived in Masterton yesterday, aud met the members of the Fire Board, aud made a brief iuspectiou of the Fire Brigade's plaut. This moruing he was shown over the Borough by" Superinteudeut Jeukius, of the local Brigade, aud the water system was explained to him. This afternoon he will be takeu over the various sites under offer to the Fire Board for tlie now Fire Statiou, and this evening he will mccc tlie members of the Fire Brigade at the Central Statiou aud address them.

A meetiug of the Wairarapa Automobile Associatiou was held yesterday, Dr Cook beiug iv the chair. Mr W. H. Diddams wrote resigning from the Associatiou The res guation of the secretary, Mr W. A. Feudall, who has been transferred to Whaugarei, was accepted with regret, aud Mr 0. H. Beetham was appointed to fill the vacaucv. It was resolved that the Association take charge of all cases brought into Court in which motorists and motor cyclists are deprived of their rights of half the road by horse traffic.

The shareholders of the Workers' Mutual Benefit Buildiug Society met last eveuiug for the purpose of balloting £300 free of interest. MrKrahageu presided. Messrs D. Lett and J. Arthur were elected scrutineers aud Mr Z. M. Hoar drew the numbers out of the ballot-box. The two fixst numbers drawn were held by uufiuaucial shareholders. The third drawn was held by Mr Malcolm Molntosh, who was declared eutitled to the loau of £300 free of interest. Mr Krahagen informed the shareholders that he hoped to call them together agaiu at the beginning of next month for a sale of £300, as the secretary had reported that the subscriptions were coming in freely.

The funeral of the late Mr R. F. Maunsell, who died very suddenly from heart failure, on Mouday, toolplace yesterday afteruoou. The cortege left the deceased's late residence at Lansdowne' and proceeded to the cemetery by way of Queeu and Churchstreets." It was the largest seen in Mastertou for some time, and comprised representative settlers trom all parts of the district, as well as the leadiug business men of the town. The cortege halted at St. Matthews-Church, where a short service was conducted by the Revs. H. Watsou, and J. H. Sykes, of Te Nui, who also officiated at the gravesice. • The pall-bearers were Messrs J. D. Cruickshauk, W. C. Buchanan, W. Hirschberg, W. H. Beetham, Fred Moore aud F. G. Moore. A large number of beautiful wreaths were received and laid ou the coffin..

The price o. butter iv the Sydney markets was yesterday advanced four shillings per hundredweight. Au elderly lady wlio arrived at Wellington from Louclou by the Ruapehu on Wednesday has made teu voyagers, betweeu New Zealand aud the Ojjßk Oouutry. eW It is probable that the Greytown Fruitgrowing Company's fifty acres ou the Moroa plain will be ploughed a secoud time before tlie five thousandodd trees are planted.

At the Auckland Police Court, F. T. Russell was prosecuted by the Auckland Electric Tramways' Union for refusing to leave a full Heme Bay car when asked to,do so by tho conductor. He was fined £3. Mr John Saunders, of Alfredton, has a hundred acres of land ploughed and ready for sowiug. Mr William Rutherford, late of Canterbury, who recently took over a property on the T ; raurnea-road, has completed the turning up of fifteen acres. Work in the irou trades in Wellington is reported to be less brisk than it has beeu, aud au eugiueer, spoken to ou tlie subject, estimated that tliere were betweeu thirty and. forty engineers unemployed at the preseut time, some of them beiug reduced to iug on the wharves. w^ Over thirty thousaud rabbits, weighing nearly fifty tons, were despatched from the Bathurst (New South Wales) freezing works by oue train the other >• -»-, day for shipment; to Euglaud. One traiu from the western district recently arrived at Sydney with 168 tons ol rabbits. Witness in the New Plymouth Supreme Court: "I saw a lady." "Never mmd the lady," said the Judge. "Did you see the calf? That's more important thau the lady." It was only the fierce glare of a constable that kept the laughter bottled down. A movement, originating iv Philadelphia, is rauidly extending throughout the States to set aside May 10th each year as "Mother's Day." Every man.' woman and child pledges that day to wear a white carnation "in honour of the best mother who ever lived." Syncope, cousequent ou alcoholic poisoning, caused the death of the three-year-old daughter of Charles Anderson, a chauffeur, ou whom an inquest was held at Lamheth, LondoJyr' some weeks ago. The child had picbSw 'up a glass of whisky and milk drank it. The oil eugine has proved its advantage over the traction eugiue to settlers iv tlie Alfredton district, who have been saved tbe necessity of makiug a guarantee to the County Council agaiust damages to bridges. The oil engine plant of Mr John Rutherford, of Barton's Line, is now at work on chaff-cutting. James Alwiu Schmidt, aud Matthew William Cummings, employed in the Aucklaud Post Office, were charged yesterday at the Auckland Police Court with the theft of postal notes, valued at £2 aud 2s 6d respectively. The Crown Prosecutor stated other charges were peudiug, aud asked for a remand till Saturday, which was granted. Passengers by the Ruapehu, who joiued the vessel at the Cape, state that the condition of thiugs in mauy parts of South Africa is deplorable. Speaking of Capetowu, one passenger said that busiuess was very bad indeed. The municipality was curtailing expenditure, commercial houses are limiting credit, and employment is difficult to obtain. -^_c Iv urging before the Court that shearing should stop noon ou Saturdays, Mr Darcy said that it was absolutely necessary so that the men could have an opportunity to wash their clothes. "I thought Suuday was washing-day," remarked the President (Mr Justice Sim). "It is not so with shearers," replied Mr Darcy, "they are a superior class ot worker!" The nominated passeugers fron. Loudou, by the Ruapehu which arrived at Welliugtou ou Weduesday, are favourably reported upou by the Immigration Officer. They number 85, some of them beiug womeu aud childreu. Iv eluded iv tho list are ten farmers. The Ruapehu brought twelve domestic servauts, all of whom have come out to situations awaiting them. The road ou the Alfred tou side of Duuderdale Hill is reported to be very bad at present, aud the condition will become considerably worse if the strip is not attended to this wiuter. Towards Alfredton Roadmau Boustead has scraped the'road, but has struck the clay bed. A quantity of boulders have beeu carted from Cr property. If these were brokeu n j/_m. mingled with finer metal a could be laid that would last for'V. number of year?, aud prove far superior to the metal that is beiug takeu from the river. The road from the township to Waitewhiti is iv a much better state thau for years past. It has beeu decided to hold a Maori o. loampmeut at Orakei, Aucklaud, duriug American fleet week. It is expected that there will be a large gathering of Maoris from the Kaipara aud other districts. The big war canoe will be mauued fcr display on the harbour by crews from the encampment, and it is vow proposed that as so very many of the officers and sailors will be uuable to visit Rotorua, coutiugents of tbe Americans should be conveyed to Orakei, where opportunity will be provided for seeing the Maoris at home aud for observing mauy of the ■ traditioual customs, _it being probable that a comprehensive programme of hakas, poi dauces, aud other ceremonial items will be drawn up. -

Amongst the correspondence recently received by the Department of Agriculture was a communication from Mr H. D. Irwin, of Opotiki, raising the questiou of whether the destruction of small birds' eggs did not birds more prolific layers. The t ter referred the question to Mr Hy A the Chief Poultry Expert, aud that officer has reported as follows: —"Mr Irwin's contention regardiug the destroying of small birds' eggs is perfectly correct. This I proved many years ago when breeding cauaries iv considerable numbers. Ou removing the eggs aud destroying the nest the hen would invariably rebuild, aud iv a few days again lay from three to six eggs." Oue hears and reads nowadays a lot about the large difference in the cost of various articles between this country aud England, and in conversation on this subject the question is often pertinently asked "How is it you cannot get a bicycle in New Zealaud at something near the Home price?" The reply "to this query now is, "You cau"—thanks to the foresight and energy of that pushing firm, the Wellington aud Wairarapa Motor Compauy. Limited. The managing director of this company, Mr A. ( X,., Cameron, informs us that they hJK b just lauded a shipment of first-class machines, "with nickelplated rims, free-wheels, brakes, mud-guards, and everything of the best and up-to-date, which they are selling at £7 10s gents' machines, and £8 ladies'. We are informed that this is precisely the same cycle as was previously selling iv Masterton at £16, aud the compauy cordially invite the public to iuspecfc these mar- ' vels of cheapness and quality at the Queen-street depot.*

The unusual spectacle of a Chinamau, carryiug his swag, passing through Taihape, was witnessed last week.

Engine-drivers iv Germany receive fnggi the Goverumeut a gold medal jPtfilOO for every teu years of service Without accideut.

The Prophet Rua's people are very short of food. There are ouly a few meu iv his village, but there are a number of womeu aud children who are half-starved.—Associatiou.

Wild horses are very numerous on the Kaingaroa Plaius. Within tho boundaries of Strathmoro Estate, it is estimated there are over five huudred, although mauy hundreds have beeu killed duriug recent years.

"What earthly uso is it," asked Hou. J. A. Millar, at Napier, "to talk of keepiug the cradlos fuU uuless industries are provided to give employment to the occupauts of the cradles wheu they attain mau hood?"

The number of boxes of butter in cool store iv the Domiuiou just now is 30,170 boxes, or 17.350 less thau at this time last year. Aucklaud is storing 13,005 boxes. Wellington 9319, Patea 5100, New Plymouth 1104, aud Duuediu 9SB.

JMkt- its last meetiug the Welliugtou IMicesau Staudiug Committee decided to'appoiut a Ma ri missiouary for the Raugitikei district, provide a Maori clergyman for the Waugauui River settlements, aud station another clergymau iv Wairarapa.

A farewell social to Mr W. A. Feudall, of the Bauk of New Zealaud, who is shortly to leave for Whaugarei, uuder trausfer, will be tendered by the choir aud vestry of St. Matthew's Church, iv tlie Schoolroom, this evening.

The Prussiau Government is prosecuting a crusade against microhes, aud the Minister of Educatiou has issued a circular to all school-mistresses requesting them to wear short skirts to prevent the spread of microbes. This is rather hard on the girls with big feet.

Mr H. D. Bedford. M.A., L.L.D., will deliver a lecture on the Licensing Question in the Mastertou Towu Hall, ou Friday next, 10th July. MiBedford will deal with the problem from every poiut of view, particularly its effect bu trade in the Uomiuiou. C synopsis of Mr' Redford's address ■■PKjars on page 1 of this issue. IfJomplaiu.s of the audibility (or otherwise) of the telephone between Wellington aud Palmerstou North were made at the meetiug of the Couucil of the Chamber of Commerce. It was stared that some users were unable to hear, or to make themselves heard, over the Hue, notwithstanding that the Department reported the line as working satisfactorily BetweeuMastertou aud Welliugtou the conditions are satisfactory.

Teuders are iuvited for formation aud cuttiugs by the Castlepoiut Couutv Couucil. 'There was a good attendance of skaters at the Wiuslow Riuk last eveuiug. A uew supply of men's Winslow skates will be available this evening.

Messrs J. Graham and Co. are making special reductions in prices for to-morrow, which is the last day of

their sale. Lives of drapery that must be cleared will he offered at a figure

that will eusure a clearance

At the Post Office Auction Mart, to-imrrow, MrM.Arousteu will submit at auction, ou account of Mr Fowels, a large quantity of household

furniture aud effects

A lot of gardeu

tools, carpenters' tools, harness, etc., ■refill also be offered ou account of vJjjKther vendor. Elite Skatiug Riuk, Chapelstreet, was very well patrouisetl last evening, considering the counter attractions. The floor was in good skat-

iug couditiou, aud au eujoyable eveu

ing was speut. The saie of drapery at Mr P. Hamill's

is beiug well patrouised, and satisfactory business is reported. The sale wil 1 be continued for a short while and those desirous of securing bargains should call aud inspect the goods. * An auctiou sale of leasehold premises, adjoiuiug the Drill Hall, Hallstreet, aud at preseut occupied by Mr P. M. Petersen, boarding-house keeper, will be held by Messrs W. B. Cheuuells aud Co., at their rooms, tomorrow, at 2 p.m. Conditions of sale aud full particulars may be scon at the offices of the auctioneers aud Mr C. A. Powuall.

Iv a chauge advertisement on page 7, Mr Frank Dupre auuouuces a few prices for some special tea aud coffee sets aud preseutatiou cups, which he has just received from Home. The quality of these goods is the best pro«.ble, aud, beiug a direct importer Dupre. claims that he can offer ie equal to auy firm iv the Domi v ion.

Particulars of the trees, plauts and ornameutal shrubs to bo sold at the Mastorton Auction Mart, to-morrow, by Mr J. R. Nicol, ou account of Messrs W. J. Benefield and Sous, of the well-known Aramoho Nursery, are advertised to-day. Tlie selection includes a wide rauge of leadiug lives, which will be sold without reserve. The trees will be on view at the mart to-morrow morniug.

Mousieur E. Spitz (of Eugene Spitz and Co., Ltd., ladies' tailors, Christchurch), will be iv Mastertou, to take orders, ou Friday, 10th, aud Saturday. 11th, with a wide range of spring and summer patterns for ladies' costumes. These aie just to baud ex Coriuthic, aud there is only oue costume length of each design. Monsieur Spitz's addreses will be Club Hotel, Mastertou.

Mr W. Charmau will have some cold

„ weather bargains on display to- '" morrow. Cheap blankets and rugs, flannelette nights, and a special line of blouses will be offered at Is (id and Is lid. The whole of the furs must be sold. Fur necklets will be sold at 2s Isd, aad plain aud ribbed cashmere hose I_jKT'draw atteutiou to change advertisement of Messrs S. Kirkpatriek aud Co, "X" Jam is made in Nelsou, where the best fruit grows, uuder ideal conditions, in a model factory. There is no doubt of the excelleuce of "X" Jam, aud the fact that it is made in New Zealand should be further iuducemeut to buyers to purchase the "X" braud.

With to-day's issue is published the new Wyaudotte Limerick, competition for which closes ou 31st July. The June competition is now being decided, aud the results will be published in this journal within the uext few days. Wyaudotte sales are greatly increasing; users proclaim it to be the finest cleaning powder they have ever known. The Health aud Dairy Departments recommeud its use for the home as well as for the butter factory aud creamery. Try. Wyandotte for yourself, aud the results will both surprise aud please you.

A fine range of Carpets is now being «at the Furnishing Dept., W.F.C.A.* tulas Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia i a very valuable medicine and a palateable drink, keeping the blood and 3 ystem cool. Price Is. H. T. Wood, Pharmacist and Chemist (by exam.), Masterton.

Buy hit or miss tasiuon and you invite discomfort, bodily and mentally. Buy at Hooper's, and the biggest worry in shopping is done for. Take Dress Goods for instance. They have a magnificent Stock, Trimm ncs, &c, to match, and a first-class DressmaLer on the premises. Place your or lers at once and be happy.*

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9108, 3 July 1908, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9108, 3 July 1908, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9108, 3 July 1908, Page 4


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