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Tho registered ra'nfall in Mastorlon this morning was sovon points.

Tho date fixed Tor tho annual trot, in connection with the Masterton Trotting Club, is Thursday, Octobor lOtli.

Suppliers to tho N.Z. Dairy Union will rccoivo IO.Jd for buttor fat during September and 9.1 d for October.

Instructions liave beon given by the Minister of Railways that tho railway improvements at baiuiovirke aro to be proceeded with at once.

Tho prisoner, Mahoiioy, charged with the attempted lnurdor of Edwin. Gunthor, on remand, was this morning taken to Wollington by Constable Mellsop.

llopairs to the Wanganui town bridgo, which is getting shaky, are to bo proceeded with at once. The cost is estimated at about £4500.

Thoro aro 800 salaries which have beon raised as tho result of tho Teachers' Salaries Act of last session, whilo 400 salaries aro slightly lower than before tho Act was passed.

On the fourth page, to-day, will bo found a well written story entitled " Ily Way of Correction." The concluding portion will appear in to-morrow's paper.

Mrs Ilarrison-Lcc's "No-License" mission will be held in the Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Particulars will appear by advertisement to-morrow.

It is reported pretty freely in Wellington that Mr Carnci - oss,thc present member for Taiori, but now a resident of Eltham, will be ono of tho new Legislative Councillors.

Sub-Inspector O'Donovan, of tho Wellington Police Force, has been suffering from a severe attack of influenza, and will not bo strong enough to resume duty for a few weeks.

So many members of Parliament have expressed a desire to leave on the excursion to Gisbome, by the Tutanckai, to-day, that it will be a somewhat diilieiilt matter to find accommodation for the party.

At Christchurch, two defendants were fined for cruelty to cats. Ono, who injured a pet cat belonging to the Sydenham Working Men's Club, was lined £2 and £0 12s Od costs.

During the visit of the members of Parliament to Mangatoro pah, near Dannovirkc, they were introduced to Martha, the well-known centenarian in that localty, who has reached the great ago of .114 years.

An expert informs a Napier paper that the butchers in New Zealand are now paying upon one hundred bullocks -£5350 more than they did two years ago. In fact, he says, all meat has risen something like 535 por cent in two years.

An English fox of large size was killed at liorce Nyrang, Now South Wales, the week before last. It measured over sft irom the tip of tho noso to the tip of the tail. It is feared that these posts will become exceedingly troublesome to shecpowners.

A Dunedin messago states that Ensign Law, who is in charge of the Salvation Army at Port Chalmers, was recently fined 5s and costs at Ashburton, for holding open-air services there. He was lodged in the Dunedin goal for 48 hours for declining to pay the fine.

Over two years ago the ladies of Havelock made up a case of comforts for two troopers from that town who went to South Africa with the Fourth Contingent. The men to whom the case was addressed have been back in the colony for some time, but tho case is still lying in the store of a Wellington forwarding agency.

A rather serious accident befell a settler at Kakaramea sale. It appears that he was driving a cow into a yard, when she kicked him in the stomach with such force that he was rendered unconscious. He was immediately taken to the Hospital, where his injury was found to be not so serious as at first thought.

A Hawera coach-building firm have just turned out to the order of a Manaia farmer a milk waggon, which serves to show the huge amount of milk somo of of our farmers take to th*- factories. Tho waggon is to be d■i ,v i by four horses, is made to carry two tons of milk, and will accommodate 20 cans.

A mau was charged in Wellington with an act of impropriety committed in the public street. His pica was, that, being a stranger, he could not find a place of convenience. After some enquiries and comments as to the number of conveniences and the need for more in Upper Cuba and Willis-street, his Worship dismissed the charge.

While most people look on Mr Picrpont Morgan as a Yankee millionaire with a genius for big " deals," vory few seem to bo aware that this financial magnate is a mathematician of such distinction that the University of Gotlingen, in Germany, some time ago invited him to accept a professorship. The honour was the more distinguished as Germany rarely opens her arms to foreign lecturers.

At a meeting of the General Committee of the Mastorton A. and P. Association, held yesterday, (Mr W. Perry presiding) it was decided to hold the annual horse parade on September 20th, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. Tho programme for the noxt Show was considered and various alterations and additions were made.

The alleged forgery and uttering case set down for hearing at the Masterton S.M., Court, this morning, has boon adjourned, as the accused, John Howard Hooten, has been sentenced to three months' imprisonment for issuing a valueless cheque at New Plymouth. The case will be heard iv the courso of a few days. Besides tho case of forgery and uttering at Masterton, there is another charge of issuing a valueless cheque at Normanby pending against accused.

When Mr Young, a member of the Wellington Education Board, was travelling through the Whareama district lately, his attention was drawn to the fact that a largo new school was standing empty at Mang.ipakeha, and ho was facetiously asked by settlors what the Board had put the placo up for. Mr Young, in turn, wanted to know from the Chairman of tho Board at its last mooting, what the position was in reference to the school. Mr Blair said tho school bad been kept closed owing to a local feud, but there was a prospect of it being opened shortly.

At a conference of the Catholic clergy of tho Deanery of Masterton, held at Archbishop Redwood's house, in Wellington, on Wednesday, tho Very llov. Dean John McKcnna presiding, theological subjects were discussed at length, and an able paper by Father Mahoney was read. The local clergy of To Aro and Thorndon parishes attended, and also .Rev. Fathers Thos. Mciyenna (Pahiatua), Cahill (Carterton), Molu fOtaki), and Maples (Lower Hutt). The Rev. Father Hollcy was elected to act as secretary to the conferences, which arc to take place four times a year at different centres in the Deanery. The noxt will bo held at tho Lower Hutt.

A. man named Charles Williams was brought beforo Sir W- P. James, S.M. at Masterton this morning, charged with being an idle and disorderly person and having no lawful visible moans of support. Accused stated that lie had como into Mastorton on Tuesday and had another job to go to. fjorgcant O'Malley reported that accused, with two companions, visited various hotels and restaurants, yesterday obtaining liquor and food, without paying for thorn. Accused had spent £5 since Tuesday. The S.M. remarked that accused was apparently not ono of tho class who made"a practice of vagrancy, and so gave him an opportunity to leave tho town, which was accepted by accused.

Messrs Hooper and Co., of the Fashionaole Drapery Warehouse, announces in another column that their first shipments of new autumn and winter novelties are now to hand. Tho latest Paiisian and London fashions arc always to be found at this establishment, and our readers would do theiusclvcs justice by making an early call upon Messrs Hooper and Co., and make thoir selections for tho coming season.— Advt.

In tho crickot match against tho Australians, Laucas!i**.*o havo two wickots down for 01 runs.

For tho last week's operations, of 127 hours work, tho Mystery Flat' dredge produced a return of'l7 ounces 9dwt.

Shoopownors aro romindod that tomorrow (Saturday) is tho last day on which tho sheep rato can bo paid without the addition of tho penalty.

Tho funeral of tho late Mr J. A. Wollington will loavo his parents' rcsidenco, Gc'orgo-stroct, Mastorton, at 53 o'clock on Sunday afternoon.

A boy named Adam Hunter-Brown, aged six yoars, died whilo under chloroform at a privato Hospital in Wellington, during an operation for a cast in his eye.

Tho civil case, Brown against Dr. Tcarc, for damages for alleged improper treatment in gaol, began to-duy iv tho Supreme Court. Mr Jcllicoe is appearing for plaintiff.

Mr J. Dovonport and Mr R. Williams, of Masterton, aro taking round subscription lists onbehalf of Mr Jabc - /. Chapman, who recently had tho misfortune to lose a couplo of valuable draught horses.

At' 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon Messrs Lowes and lorns, Ltd., submit for public competition the trotting carriage stallion, " New York." Tho horse is on exhibition at tho Prince of Wales Stables.

It is probable that a combined social by the local Eire Brigades, Fire Police and Land will tako placo shortly, tho object being an appropriate wind-up to the card tournaments that havo been held by the abovo during tho winter.

Wo would remind our readers of tho football match on tho Oval, at 53 p.m. tomorrow, botween the North and South Wairarapa printers. A collection will bo taken up at the gates in aid of tho Masterton Hospital.

The salo of 610 acres of land in the estate of Alexander Reside takes placo at Messrs Lowes and lorns' rooms, Masterton, at 2 p.m. to-morrow. The section to be submitted is one of tho best in the block, and should elicit keen competition.

A quiet wedding was celebrated at Masterton yesterday, the contracting parties being two well-known and popular residents of this town, namely, Mr P. W. Reardon, second son of Mr Joseph Reardon, of Masterton, and Miss 11. E. Price, youngest daughter of Mr S. J. Price, of Upper Plain. A reception was held at the residence of tho bride's parents after the ceremony, and the happy couple were tho recipients of many valuable wedding presents.

Yesterday Mr J. C. Ewington and his employes gave practical proof of tho high esteem in which Mr P. Reardon, an employe, is regarded by them, by presenting him with a handsome cheque on the occasion of his marriage. Mr C. Ewington mado the presentation, and in doing so referred to Mr llcardon's many sterling qualities, his ability as a workman and his faithfulness as an employe. Cheers were given and Mr Reardon, in a neat speech, returned hissinccre thanks for the generous gift, and expressed his appreciation of tho kindly spirit which had prompted it.

Tho Union Company's steamer, Taviuni, from Auckland to Wellington, broke her tail shaft off Tolugo Bay, and at latest accounts was drifting northwards. Steamers have been sent in search. [A press message, as we go to pros-*, htates that thoro is no tidings as yet of the missing .steamer. The sea at (Jisborno is still heavy, but tho weather ii- - fairly clear. To-day's wind will set the steamer in towards the shore. The Mimiro and tho Montrose are both on the look-out for her, as well as the Talune and the Omapere.]

At recent pigeon matches held on the Masterton A. and P. show grounds the danger atached to the practice of " potting " has been manifest —the " potters " being individuals who, with some kind of firearm, tako possession of the adjoining bush and, secreting themselves, fire at all birds coming their way, in a "no precaution and no responsibility " manner. In ono match recently a bullet passed perilously near a lad, while yesterday, a youth named Cecil Dixon was hit by ii bullet on his heel. The danger to lifo arising from this practico is considerable, and somo steps should be adopted to suppress it, as it is becoming more and more prevalent,

Mrs Barlow, who has been a resident of Masterton for the past four years, died at 10.530 o'clock this morning, at her residence in Queen-street, after an illness extending over several months. Her husband pro-deceased her twelve months, and since that time the late Mrs Barlow, who was about 00 years of age, has been gradually sinking. She leaves three sons, Mr W. Barlow, of Masterton, and Mr F. Barlow, who is at present in Masterton, while the third is in Victoria, and general sympathy will extended to the Messrs Barlow in their sad bereavement. Tho deceased was well-known in Wellington, having resided there for somo 30 years. The funeral will leave her late residence at 1.30 on Sunday afternoon.

Mr F. P. Welch advertises for a yardman and several sawmill hands.

A good general servant is required by Mrs W. G. Beard, Cole-street.

Mrs Stalker, of the Hall-street registry office, advertises several vacancies for servants.

The Masterton Borough Council desire to purchase two draught horses. Particulars are advertised.

Mr Coleman Philips, ol Greytown, advertises for sale a first-class sheep run of 3500 acres, in tho Lower Valley, with 4000 sheep and 200 head of cattle.

Fresh tenders aro invited by the Masterton Co-Operative Dairy Company for the cartage of eieain from the Upper Opaki. Particulars may be obtained from the Secretary, Mr Geo. R. Sykes.

Mr R. E. Jones, Queen-street, Masterton, advertises for salo incandescent burners at 4s (id; gas rings with kettle 'Is 9d; and garden hose s"*d a foot. Mr Jones manufactures milk and cream cans, and also undertakes water and drainage work of every dUcription. will it rAY ? " There are many fortunes lying dormant in the shape of valuable ideas carried from year lo year in the minds of men who lack the courage or enterprise to bring them forth to the world."—Extract from pamphlet giving information on patents, obtainable free, on application, from Baldwin and Rayward, Patent Agents, National Chambers, Wellington. CANADIAN SKAWEED CURE. The only sensible and effective way of treating rheumatic and grity affections is to remove tho cause of tho diseases. The most effective remedy is the Great Canadian Seaweed Cure. It dissolves uric acid and phosphatic sediments, and the good it docs is permanent, It has gained a remarkable reputation for quick and effective cures, Sold by all chemists.—Advt.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 7246, 29 August 1902, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 7246, 29 August 1902, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 7246, 29 August 1902, Page 2


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