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The Wairarapa election petition will be formally dismissed on Saturday,

Mr F. 11. Wood adds to his Taratahi stock sale entries list.

Masterton Show Day is to he observed locally as a special Bank holiday. The petition against Mr Geo. Fisher's return for Wellington City lias been thrown out.

The tender of Mr li, Evernden has been accepted for the erection of outbuildings at Knhnmingi. The Knripuni AVesleyan Sunday School holds its annual picnic in the grounds of Mr Fraser, Kuripmii, on Wednesdiiv next.

The late heavy rains have, says tlio Haich't Jktj Herald rotted all (lie potatoes in the Napier district. The potato crop there this season is a failure. Cardinal Moron's nomination paper for the representation of New South Wntes at tlin Federal Convention bore oyer twelve hundred signatures. i Wheat-grmvin.g lias been resumed in | the I'ambula district of New South i Wales after a lapse of forty years, when it was abandoned owing to rust. I The Kev. Andrew M, Tait, Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly |of New South Wales, has declined an I invitation to be nominated for the ConI volition elections, Messrs Lowes and lorns hold a largo i general sale at their roams to-morrow, the list will embrace some useful furniture, clothing, jewellery, saddlery, watches, poultry, etc. Miss Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of Mr T.Bennett, lula of Carterton, was married at Wellington the other day to I Mr Alfred Deihl.

The Mastorton Wcsleyau Choir had t capital practice last night with " The Haymakers," which is regarded as one of llic most attractive specimens of cantata music

A disputed wages claim in which A.

Anderson rued T. F. Brenchley of Mniirioeville for £7 alleged to be due to liini occupied the Masterton S.M. Court yesterday afternoon. Mr Haselden after hearing evidence, dismissed the case.

Arrangements hayc been completed for holding tlio Masterton Wcsleyan Church Anniversary services on March 21st, with a monster tea mooting on Thursday, March 25th. The tea is to be followed by a limelight entertainment at [popular prices. The proceeds will be devoted to the scheme of the Trustees fur paying oIT a portion of the debt and enlarging the Sunday School premises.

That the irregularities of the election for Wellingtinn City do not stand alone appears from the fact that electors who voted in other districts have receive:! information that they, too, have been struck oil' (lie roll as not having exercised their voles. A gentleman from the Wim-.iriipi, who on eliTiicm day roite nine miles to vote at a booth where not more than twenty votes were recorded,has received the usual nolilinilioii that he did nut vote, and now viants to know who is responsible for the ollicinl falsehood, says the I'm!,

Vir C. Brookes has unearthed and] brought, to town two remarkable specimens of petiefai'tinn. " Potrofnclion " is the only term by which they can lie described, but it is doubtful whether it is the appropriate word. Tlio one is n slab oi limestone on which grow a number of bulbous excrescencs, about the size of healthy grapes. The other is also a slab on which grows a coralline formation. The two specimens are of a rather extraordinary character, and bulb were cut out of the- face of a quarry at Mnuriceville. Clearly the action of the water lias produced' them, but wlni variation or deviation has produced llic dill'ercnt results (bulbous and coralline), is move than Mr Brookes or eyon the intelligent reporter can explain. Mr BrooVes assures us that the slone ji.-lds ninetyitwo per cent, of lin>e,

We arc requested topubllshlhofollowing copy of Mr J. M. Meredith's letter to the Wairarapa North County Council, doalt with at last meeting The County Clerk, County Ol|ice, Master-ton,-Sir,—lll reply to your memorandum of 15th ulto,, 1 am not disposed to sell the land indicated by you, as I forsee that I might he seriously compromised thereby. As one of my fences, seventy-live chains Ions;, was cut, necessitating its entire removal, and I was further put to the expense of haying lo fence off a road in which I have no interest whatever, by the erection of a fence of 130 chains in length, it is but reasonable that the Council should hold me blameless against further injury Hint may result from any attempts to protect the road. My dram, which follows the lowest part of tho marsh, was cut in selfdefence to guard against the incyilable damage wliiclt wo|jld o|hor\yjs|! have resulted in several deep irregular channels through my land from the scour pro. motcd by Mr Moore. Prom my inlimate knowledge o£ the lay of the ground and the large volume of water tint passes over it in high floods. I (|q nut believe that ft to possible to prevent the Strpani at such times from concentrating along the courso of my drain, and lfith thjs conviction I an} wijljqg'tp leave tl|e mafter in tljp h(j||ds o,f jlio, Coupcil subject Jo aij pflprtnk'jng |juj tl'P, d«BM| if iU'jT. to assessed by arbitration, say in two or tlirco years, by which time tho Putamil and Wailti.'i streams will probably, by the aid of. I ho proposed dram, have scoured out one or more pcrmiinontchaiinels.—Yours truly, John M. HiiSEUwn."

One of tho most iqteresting : cs]iili|| at tlio oomint? iinstorton Show will lie Sharpies Cream Separator in compluti working condition, and farmers ant pastoralists in general, should make a point of witnessing tho expeditious way 10 which milk, ctiu be converted inln cream with this most wonderful machine. The Sharpies people make both a haml-j power and a steam-power separator,' eneli iu several sizes, but it is the inlior -a wonderfully compact concern from conij)ljcis(in any kind-thai' ti|ki;9 people's fancy.'' It is driyeu. with sjt'eam'from « neat little tubular] tliis'same boiler is itself n 1 most useful adjunct to either house j firm in a number of pys. % instance, I t)jp f||rnaee' consumes or peat at a (rifling cost, aiid raises steam in I {torn j-cnUo lifteen minutes. It is tlifri iijnd}' for aWt|ijnff tIM comes jts way, Jt'irPfilK the separator, supply hot water for liatlis fttu) fop washing ulotlips, heat jam in vats, or do anything dtp of « Mar kind, Messrs Andrews aud Co., of Newman, in this district, are enthusiastic users of the Sharpies Cream Separator, and they have found the bojlfir Tory handy In a I yiiriply of , The cost of these separators, even with the boiler, is quite a modest sum (from £37 complete), and as their use enables every farmer to , handle his milk supply m the most economical and profitable *ay-among other things he retains his skim-milk (ind ' he reduces freight-Mep Ejnn, OJ®. hobaapd Go., of WelllnßtoA, the solo ffgoHts fw New Zealand, Trill no doubt 1 fin' 4 that settlers ia'this district are not go* 1 it{| to' alliir themselves to be'reproaohei i with being behind, the times in their i utilisation of

In . oil interview Sir John Forrest, Premier .of .West 'Australia, said—" I won't nay yet tlxnt there is no chance of our being represented at the Federal Conference. 1

The heat in the. country districts of N.S.W. is driving a largo number of people to Sydney, whither they aro being conveyed by excursion trains. As many ns 1200 are stated to have arrived [in one day from the southern and western districts.

A Loudon cabman, ivlio had followed a bride and bridegroom in the hope of Setting a fare, waxed sutlly flippant when his overtures were rejected. " Yer might give," said lie, " the pore girl a .lift to-day; she's a good many a year at the washtub afore her,"

Mamma: And what have you bought papa for his Christmas gift'( Tommy: A beautiful pipe, ''Mamma : But, you silly liny, you know lie doesn't smoke. Tommy (after a pause), triumphantly: Ah ! but lie can use it for iilowinc bubbles.

The lecture on " Bacteria," to be givan by Mr J, T. Nott, M A., before the Masterlon Technical classes and .the public, on March 9th, promises to be of more than usual interest. The lecturer has devoted most of his time for several years past to the study of this department of science, and illustrates his lectures with many diagrams and living specimens nt his subject. It is questionable if there is any other man in New Zealand who has a more thorough knowledge of these minute creatures that swarm in every form of iifo around us.

A few days ago Airs Sarah Thomas, the well-known centenarian, who lives i jvii h her widowed daughter, Mrs&ryllis, in a humble cottage at Hurry Port, near blandly, had a very remarkable experience. It appears that her daughter vem into her bedroom iu. 1 morning and

found the old lady lU'M.irciitly dead. Fortunately, J.Y. Will ; .i'iii>. the'medical olliecr fnr the i :>rish, lni|ijicned to call in and examined the irntentiriiiii, and fonml that she still possessed a very weak pulse. Bycomlant application nf hot .stimulants, howcyer, Mrs Thomas regained consciousness after a sleep, or what might tie called a I ramie, of thirtysix hours. She llien pariool: ofahearty meal ami called for her clay pipe (she smokes no other kind) ami smoked as yigoroasly as ever. She acquired this habit, about sixty years ago. It was to this old lady the Princess of Wales, in 1891, sent a cheque of Co lis on her lOliih birthday (beinj,';ts!iillinj>foreac)i natal year). She still possesses all her faculty's, and tlimish routined to bribed, she is a dang'.iron-i soinnambuli.-t. and has to lie lociied in her bedroom during the night. If she lives to see February sth she will he ID!) years old. Everyone remembers the American arch-murderer named Holmes, who made a death-trap for visitors in the Chicago .Exhibition, lured flicm into it, and ruthlessly put them todeatli. This man was hanged a year ago, bat his influence i survives. Jlc was said to have " the i evil eye." The other iwvk the warder! who had charge of him, and who had suffered from melancholia ever since, blew his brains out. The coroner who caused a verdict of wilful murder to be returned against Holmes is now a ruined man, having had nothing but had luck ever since. The foreman of the jury was killed by a live wire two month? after the execution; Br. William Mattorn, coroner's physician, dropped dead last summer in the coroner's office; Judge Michael Arnold has been seriously ill since the time of the trial; Dis'lrict Attorney Graham had to put a sudden end to his summer vacation to come home and deny malicious stories that his enemies were circulating; and William It. Sliomakcr, counsel for Holmes, lias been debarred from practice and disgraced for offering as evidence in the Holmes Irial a false affidavit. Others on the list are victims of minor ills.

A Southern conleiiipnrnry slnles trial 1 a trial of tlio Government's scheme for establishing workmen's homes will sli-.rt-ly be made in the vicinity of Mos:;iel. Mr. H. Tregoar, of the Labour Departnieut, lius paid some visits of inspection to the. Taieri. Tlio object of (lie st'heine is to nlTnrd mechanics in Iluncdin encouragement and opportunities to liyo in the country. The land will he cut into acre itllotiurnls, and, where ncocssnry, assistance to llie nmount ol £2O will be given to those who require assistance in putting up small cottages. Workmen's trains at nominal fares will be run, and every futility afforded to workmen to lew I lie overcrowded localities in which ih'-y reside in Dunedin, in order that llie;,' might live in the more healthy ! mi'ri'iindims in the country, The land will b ■ based on the lease-iii-perpctuity ■\i s'em at a rental of 4 per eent. on its 'MiMtnl value. It is calculated that abmi lull families will be settled here I in 11 Tory -holt time.

.EvaCatlermole, daughter of thssorae-. time English Consul n( Florence, and \yrtU'no\Ti) in literary and journalistic circles ir, Ivonii", under the pseudonym af "■OonlcssriLiira," wqs shot fatally recently liy Signor Pimntoni, an nr-Ust, i'nmi moijvcs of jealousy. Tho tragic event luis created great sensation in Homo. English by birth, she was a woman of remarkable beaut]', She married Captain Mancini, son of the Foreign Minister of that name, but separated from him after n stormv scene, which resulted in the Captain challenging Mill killing her lover. Subsequently llio " C«'tintcss" entered into rotations with Si«nnr lVmutoni, the artist, by whose hand she has just met her end. She had lived with him for some years past, hut last summer got on friendly terms with nn old lover, a lieutenant. The other day she told the art ist that the lieutenant was coming buck to Itymk when, transported witl\ jealousy,' he drew a I'eypjyei t,ml fired, wounding her fuln'ly.

i Very few people know that Bovril, which recently swallowed up an eagerly s ; i!wr!lial capital of two it lmlf nii.iwns, originated in an' idea by nu , Jvliuburgh butcher. Noting the large quantities of gravy-beef called fat by his customers, lie thought 4 the big business that might be done ip, selling the gravy cx(Wed from the beef. i« knew it could bp fxtrnctfd niofp pevIfcJiy ;\m(l chcuijly oq a forgp scald, He flV'wl I'lis business in London, FindI iiig llriiisli hoof dear for his purpose, he tried Chicago, which supplied him for several years. By then the capital I embarked in tho business was £3O,C.Ta I Finally he settled on Argentina as the source of his kepf supply, for eattlo I werp (ta|u'i' thorp limn anywhere else. Naturally tho .Edinburgh butcher has enini' out of it a millionaire.

One excellent use to whioh tie now x rays can be put should interest women, It seems lint by their aid ono can readily dfllermin? whether diamonds aro real,or false, for the raya pass quite through | real diamonds, leaving them transparent, i aud not al nil through Wsroms, iroal' 1 parure when wolild show 1 'ill 1 ' m - ' naf »lseone all llio- sloiies would turn out black, enough, the x rays will «ot penetrate glass; $ photo., graphed, come oi;t tila'ok.' This proved useful ;u case of a Viennese glassworker who g<jl n bit of glass into his linger. By the aid of the rays it discovered, extracted, and[ (hp vrcu'ttmw curo4.

, , Jiord Saiqes used to toll tlic story of a singular olnim preferred to his acquaintance, When one of the justiciary judges, hi" lordship, returning from the North Circuit to Perth, one night slept at Dunkeld. Next . , morning, walking ! towards the ferry, ■ hit fearing ho had wissod his way; lie asked a man whom he met to' guide him. The man answered cordially, "That will I, with alll my hearty my lord; doesna' your | lordship mind me?.. My name's i I liad the honour to before your: lordship for pealing'slieop." "Oh John, | remember you.well, -and how id your wire P She had the honour who,before me, too, for receiving the sheep knowing them to be stolon," m your'lordship's servi?? Te w lucky, we got of ovideaco, butcher "wen,"' said lord Sanies, "we way haye.thq honour of meeting again f"

, Messrs.]. Mowlcm and Co, add forty eight head of cattle to their Mastcrton stock sale list for Friday, 26th inst. :■ ■ Tito Key, J. S. Smalley proposes to preach on "The War Cloud in tho East," illustrated by maps, *at tlie ilasterton Wosleyan Church next Sunday evening.

Nominations for the St, Patrick's Day meeting of the Masterton Hacing Club dose on Saturday, the 27th inst.

At the annual meeting of the North WairarapaGuu Club to be lieid on tho 2;! rd instant, tlie proposal to hold a £IOO pigeon match wijl he considered. A special meeting of the Fcntherston School Committee was held on Wednesday ovening last when it was resolved to support the candidature of Mossrs Hogg, Chappie and Young for the three vacant scats on the Education Board. A case is now occupying tlie Masterton S.M., Court in which J.liroderson sues T. Hillas for alleged damage to hrewood, etc., stated to have been caused through defendant lighting a hush liro. Owing to the large entries, additional sheep pens and cattle yards nave to be erected i)t the Masterton A. and I'. Associations new yards. Tho Wellington Turn understands that as a result of the enquiry into the recent railway accident at luitoke, Mr Jones, lias been reduced to the rank of a third-year clerit. Mr Beetham, S.M. at Cliristchureh, has received a month's leave of absence on account oF ill-health, having recently had a severe attack of influenza. In connection with the Masterton Show on Wednesday next, trains will run as follows:-Leave Eketalmiia for Masterton at 9.8 H,; (lie return train will leave Masterton at 8 p.m. A train will also leayc Mastcrton for Wellington at (> p.m.

It is announced in a regimental order to the Jfoyal Artillery that in ftilure. when companies of garrison artillery serving in the colonies arc relieved from home all short service soldiers serving on their original engagements who have not entered llieir seventh year of service by (lie date the relief is ell'ected wil I remain behind and join the relieving companies.

A young niun, hardly out of his boyhood, was prohibited at Masterton tliis morning, In reply to the Bench, he said lie had no objection to the order, providing it referred to Maslerton only. Mr Haselden. S.M., gave the young fellow a little sensible advice and warned him against going to Carterton or other places to giye way to the drinking liabit. An order was made to apply »itliin the Mastcrton Borough only.

Manriceville is a peaceful-looking spot In Ihe casual passer by. Some of its residents, however, arc always in hot walor ami light like Kilkenny cats in our law Courts. A lot of law seems to hang round the neighbourhood of the lime-kilns and the legal profession must have found the disputes connected in some way or other with the lime-stone business, a mine of wealth. Yesterday nftrmon, a Surge section of Mnuriueville's best known residents appeared before Mr Haselden S.M.,—probably anxious for an early interview with the new S.M.-and swore all sorts of things; to-day another batch of sons of Scandinavia and their wives aud daughters are keeping the Court busy. An interesting menus of preventing fire, particularly 011 hoard cotton and coal vessels, by means of nitrogen, has been suggested by Dr. James Leicester, lecturer on chemistry and metallurgy at the Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol. The object of the process suggested is to displace the air surrounding the Imruins object by some other gas which will extinguish the fire, and at the same lime not injured the properly to be saved. The gas which fulfils this object to the best advantage is nitrogen. ])r. Leicester suggests that nitrogen, sullici-ai h displace the ,r.\ might be introduced inlntheholdofa vessel after the cargo hnd bien Wlcd in. Before unloading a vessel with androgen nlnnsphrre, gas r.-oia an oxygen cylin-J'T eonl 11w> passed in. until the air bei<ame;i;:ain 111 furrcspiraliwi. Theplant for 1 he process issimple and inexpensive, | aud it canbeuscfl fovextinguishing Hroin i-ti;l mine wnrkincs. Carbon-dioxide La- a!w been tried, but for many reasons nilro;i';i has been found better suited for 1 lie purpft'T.

A novel and iiSL'lul attachment for supporiiii;; a bicycle when suddenly brought Inn simiilliiiihasbeeninvented hy Mr 11. li. Ikvis, gonial innnnjicr of the L>cj i -in! i'liiliiij: HiVycle Support Company ll.Pi'ii'ill. lis principal objects are In add lo I lie safely of the bicycle to prevent fide-slipping, to reduce to a minimum the dsngpy r,f riding in a crowded lliriiiigliliiri', and lo enable a rider (Q living li : s machine loa standstill without dismounting. It crisis!* of two small rulibcr-ivrc wheels supplied on steels rode from tho framework ot the machine. When not in use tho wheels IIMB H ftw Hi'lies nliovo the ground between the froi.t wheel and tlie treadles. By the touching ot a spring nttnehed to Ihu handle-bar within reaeii of the rider's thumb, the wheels are shot downwards and outwards until they rest upon the gro.u'.ii I lie bicycle can thus be instantly transformed into what is practically a Uir-iviiceled machine, aud can be citlifv ridden as such over slippery roads or brought to rest. Tims a military cyclist having one of these resh could ride up to a given point, lire without dismounting, draw up the support, and immediately ride away again. In the. same way he could write a mossage or lake a photograph witlip.Vi! leaving tho saddle. To % fidor who braves the dangers of H«v London streets lite inrculion should prove invaluable. : as by its itso ho will be able to slop whenever-the exigencies of the traffic necrr,iitale a halt, and to move or\ isuin without loss of l»w. By (!\jt lady cyclist it will piuhablv ie, regarded as a specif boon,. aj it will enable hertfltanglier machine to a sUmWi'i at any tiine withal being sub.jecled to Ihe mcom'enieiieo of dismounting ami tMiiotmiiiiji, Tlie apj]|'.:\uw woijjhs only about 2Ub, aud can hp !l\eil to oy removed from "any bicycle ill i\ few fflinutos by anyone knowing how to use a spanner.—lnvention, Mr G. W. Weoilroote aiMfacs a sixroomed house to let.

L. J. Horaw jind Co.'s great sale of (irarpfy uioicing still continues, Since U'Q opening da) of this g:-e;it sale the bu?i--nosß done by this firm showsthntthe'piblia nppivciatq the many bargains offered, thnir premises Ijeibp, nt tlio time our reporter called, lite a hive of bees with anxious fPi Thero are s:ill many bargains to bo baa in every department, so buyer* of. draj.cry and clo.hing look.out.—Aw-a The leading hospitals inßagland andthe Continent are enormous consumers of figs, ltlraug ©n-plJy tho. principal ligM oniio,medical profession bsiiEUj is derivd from a fig aperient tlmn nnyiiiing else, Woods' Fig Native is a fruit aperient of the woellcnee. It has been proved \r\ to most obstinate cases oi liver tan'tJea ond constipation, very sufti )t& [wr both aoxos and children. Is M Dal 2s I Od,—jSdvt.

"What's m a r-mof Vrett etrcrutAiiin when it is that o( A Osmond, member of Meohauioal Engineers, » nmatoor Oyollng Champion, N..UU,, for lour years (all distances) mid maker of the incomparable Osmond .Cyjbja. Other pood names arc the " T»w!s«st n ams tho" Tbiumwi" (American), both ot which mean storhng value,Wolllngton. Agent' for the Waiftojvi, P. H. 'Wood —ADVT, -

S*taict from i'teiiinj Post, Wellington. February Bth, 1897:-"! number of mementos of the industries of Ne\y Zealand .too taken away from the Colony by lord Ulasgow and his family en Saturday. The Wellington WoollmCompany's gift was a ' UI ™S ? Wlhi the Company's loom at the JflbMps, Dosses woyen in that loom i ve '/ a Ji° f reoen ' e^to "> 8 Ladies way Glasgow, the latter. wearlfiQ Otis dress pn her departure from Jjjj Manion Saturday, . On tho owasioii; of lord Glasgow s first la% Exhibition, he espeei- , v OTtod PWAI.ftQ new. makes of tags ;w, JW Wellincton,Woollen Company's Mil he has ojnsehted to suati ■ wga wmg Mmed,the' '! Glasgow. 1 !, .^B,rug is evidently »favourite,:salary Br&ssey on .ner.™t;at,on'Mi M all others ( and thevlsitorabj.the Sunbeam'all admired itj,4»igi Ma iaalitjr,

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5563, 19 February 1897, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5563, 19 February 1897, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5563, 19 February 1897, Page 2


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