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mom si^fcioi.■ SCENE: WELLINGTON, POLICE COURT. !.' MAGISTRATE: •'.What did you say m tho : vilue of these, Shoes?" "Twenty shillings, Sur, jure M'ushup," i.MAGISTRATE: "flow is that? You said you nave twelve shillingsan4 wxneuco lot them, I know something nbout Shoes." (Winks at Clerk).,. .. PLAINTIFF • Yes, ynre Wushup; but then I had.theip lwlf-soled three times,' and' it cost me seven shllliugs and sixpence, ;yurb.' Wushup, and soyen sliilhng3 flml sixpence and twelve shillings and sixpence ine bov what ; goes to tuc State Schools says iB twenty." • ■ " 'MAGISTRATE:" Oh, nonsense, my good woman. Do you mean to tell me they were worth mora ovory time." •• PLAINTIFF: "Yes, yuro Wushup, They was I KANGABETTES.'" i ; S. MAGISTBATE -'"Ah! tliat alters the case. Verdict tor Twenty Shillings, Clerk," •• 111 11. OIT '' '''' o,l 05 ' kB ! Hitfl 0 R 1)0 GOODS THAT Ic-rsiRECD. Beware of Stupid arid- Worthless Imitations. ■ Tfnirniin, ; only use tlio Genuine SKIN. sole manufacturers! I NVairatapa Farmers' Co-Operative Association, : . Masterton, and all branches; > AGENTS jJ. Carpenter, Masterton; F. Feist, Carterton; A, H, Krabagen, Oartorton (H. Aulin, Blietahuna. INCREASE Of CAPITAL .. OP Tim ■ WAIRARAPA FARMERS' CX> OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION (LIMITED). REGISTERED UNDER "THE COMPANIES ACT, 1882," AUTHORISED CAFITAL " T ... £100,009 In 20,000 Shares of £a Each. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 31sr JULY, lSllli ... ... £74,020 D. J. NATHAN W. 'BOOTH I- J. NATHAN D. DONALD DIKKWOKS ; JI. CASELUIiRG, Chairman. H.G. WILLIAMS O. I'HARAZYN L. CASELBIiIiG A.W.CAYE JOSEPH JOSEPH. BA.VKKIIS : BANK OF NEW ZEALAND.• Soi.icrrons: BELL, OULLY, k IZAUD, Shiiiktaiiv: P. W. M'INTOSII. IiIIOKEHS: lIARCOURT h CO., D. T. STUAIIT, A. T. BATE, JAMES HENDERSON, J. G. CHAPMAN. NEW ISSUE TO £r,(),()()l), To be called up as follows ORDINARY or "A" SHARES of £5 EACH, on wliish I'l per slur? will bo cilled up in instalments of 2s liil per sliaic, at intervals of not le<s than three mouths, "B" SHARES of £1 EACH, with NO FURTHER LIABILITY - , to lie paid up in instalments of is per share, at intervals of not 1-M3 tb an three months. BOTH CLASSES OF SHARKS aro issued at a premium of 2s (id for each £1 paid up, such premium being payable to,"ether with the first instalment of any even sum of £l. In , consideration of this payment ttioy PARTICIPATE IN THE RESERVE FUND, ' which now amounts to mure than L'iiiOJ, ami is equal to 34 -hi in tho £on tho paid-up capital of tlu Company, The premiums received oil the shares now offered to tho public will be added to the ltesetve Fund. rpHK Business of tho WAIRARAPA FARMERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION •*- (Lijiitkii) was oiiginally carried on by Mr. Casclbrrg, and'was established in IMS. In 18!U it bad increased to such an extent that. Mr. C'aselherg decided to convert it into a limited liability company on the co-operative principle, and within n very short timo tho whole of tbo capital necessary was subscribe, viz.: tlfJ.Ol't). Since July, lSllli, tha balance of the unsubscribed capital lias been taken up, chiefly by the old shareholders, at n premium of lis lid per share, 'l'he purposes oE the Association are similar to thosi of otbor cuopjntivo tocicties wliicli in tliis anil the Old Country liave done such excellent work, the objects bting to supply Shareholder with the best of commodities at the lowest cost, and, after paying n dividend upon tho paid-up capital and establishing a reserve, to distribute the balance of the profits among those who, by their custom, have contributed to tho succ3ss of the Association; in other wolds, to p«y to the Shareholders a bonus upon tho amount of their purchasrs. The business includes the sale of produce for customers; tin making advances upon wool, growing crops, Sc.; and general commission business, The Association has at present its head-quarters at Masterton, with branches at Greytown, OarWlon, Vahiatna, likctahuijii, and 'l'cmii, and it owns tli-j Kopua'anga Dairy Factory. _ Owing to the great inercasj of business the Directors consider that tb i time has come to incrc.vo their trading capital and to establish a bramh and receivinij depot m Wellington. This will provide a centre from which imported goods can hi distributed in V luravaya witu economy and promptitude, ami to which wool, g aiii, and other protluc; cau boWnt from the country for ale or shipment to tho bes; odvantigo. - .• . ■. ' The progress and development of tho Association hitherto lnvo exceeded tho most sanguine expectations, and with tho exception of one year, when the Association paid six per cent,, it' has rrgularly paid its shareholders eight p?r cent, interest ou their capital, The Directors have every confidence in recommending the investment to the public, and anticipate tint in tho near future the Association will compare favourably with the largo co opt raiive concerns of tho Old Country, whose shares have proved such excellent' investmeitis for tho shareholders, and are at the pres.'iit timo so oag rl.v sought after. Ir. addition 10 tbo advantages obtained under the cj-ojuiativc system, which enables shareholders to purchaso all their rt'ijuireint-n's of the bra 1 ; quality at tho lowest cuivont rates, the bolder of say five shartsof £1 each draws, over and above the dividen lon his sharei, a bonus on his purchases. This bonus has been in tho past as High as five per cent,, and averaged His per cant. J thin purchas. rs of £IOO tlmiuj the year have obtained a return on tlicir ij of it 4s til. It is recognised by tho Directors that there are a hugs number of persons who would bo most desirable shareholders, but who ale unable or unwilling to provide much capital, and who object to taking shares on which there is any large uncalled ■ liability, To mc> t such cases it has been ileiided to issue a new class of shares, to be called " 11" shares, on which i'l will be called up in instalments, with no further lability. Tho accompanying lialanc j-sheet and Profit and Loss Accouut at 3lst July, 1890, show the strong position of the Associatiou.

LIABILITIES, To Share Capital Kcservo ... IV'iniumoii New Shares... Shaies I' oiftiteil Unc'iiimcil Dividends London Drafts against Consignments nwl London Agents' Accounts ... Cash on Deposit, with ncciued intcicst Bank of Xew Zealand Hills Payable and Sundry Liabilities Balance Profit and Loss ... BALANCE-SHEET. £ 8, 42,31)8 5 4,5U 0 13 0 . 55 0 60 ir 2,213 1 0 4.500 !) (1,053 ;i fi,(iS2 5 ii 9,448 17 10 ■ J6 b. d. By Freehold and Leasehold rro|ierties and Kopualanga Factory Plant... 14,24110 7 Stock on hand and afloat... 38,!l!)717 4 Plant and Live Stock Cash in hand ■ ... • ... Cash in hand, Dividend Account Book Debts' and Bills Heccivablo Advances anil Consignment* of l'roduce to London Unexpired Valun of Insurance Premiums ... 1,733 lii 10 3aß 111 10 2 13 1 18,1)22 16 5 00!) 510 £70.012 2 4 (Oontinjj'ont I/nMliiy—llil's under discount, £(iCG!I 12s lid) I'IIOFIT ANT LOSS ACCOUNT. £ s, d, To Departmental ami Working Expenses 10,41117 7 Genual Management ... 1,11!) 2 0 General Charge.', Station--315 3 5 *75,313 2 4 cry, Advertising, Legal CVsts, lire Insurance, Intenstsaiid Discount, Depreciation of Plant and Bad Debts Balance Net Profit... 1 ' ... 1858 12 2 !),446 17 10 .£22,87010 1 By Balance brought forward, 181)5 Account Gross Profits on Sales, Commissions, etc Hcntßmid'i'ronsfor Fees... Bail and Doubtful Debts recovered I f. sol on 22,0il 22 2118 0 0 0 0 £22,57010 1 These figures show tho substantial position which tho Association lm3 secured in the few years which have elapsed silica its formation. The Balance-sheet provided for depreciation of properties nml stock, and for bad and doubtful dtbls. From the profits n dividend of eigiit per. cent, win paid ti tin shareholders, and twenty per cent, of the divisible profi's was distributed as a bonus upon shareholdsrs' purchases and upon employe)' salaries, Sill was added to the Hessrve Fuud (which now stands at £7500), ami a balance of £238 was carried fonv.i'd. ' It is confidently expected that the support which has been given to the Association in tho Wairainpa will also bn received in Wellington, wliirh will be made the receiving and distributing centre tor all its branches, thus sccnrinj a more economical connection with .tho outside world, as well as extruding to tho Wellington public the advantages of the Co-opoiativo System. Tending better arrangements, temporary premises have betii secured'iu a good position on Limbton-iiuny. Applications for Shares will bo rpcjiveil at tho OHicra of the' Company, Lambton-ijuiy, Wellington, Mnsterton, Greytown, Cartnton, Kketahuna, I'ahia'ua and To Kui, or nt the' eliices of tin unlcrinen'tioned Brokers■ ■ IIAKCOUIIT k CO., A. T. BATE, D. T. STEWART, JAMES HENDERSON, • J. G. CHAI'iMAN. Jlaslerlon—J, C. I'ODDINGTON ; C'aricrton—E. W. DORSET; Greyto<vn—F. WOOD; Fea%rston-KENT-JOHNSTON; Eketahuua-VONREDKN: Pali! _Ai.ii\.ix'ni'ii w.iT.ifvn ' : . .... -. 1 , , -ALEXANDER WALKHE. Ist Fcbiuary, 1807. H Paliiitu WASTE NOT, WANT'NOT-! Tiierefore don't delay, but conns right away and purchase your Grocery at J. WmTTAKEB'S CASH 'STORE. And so save money. !| ' ; ■„ ■, HAMS m BACON l-A SPECIALTY-HAMS AND BACOX! rjlli' J.W;'s TEAS 1 tboy em't bo beaten. Nothing but the best o£ c' NoikAddhess- ! Next .to C. E. Daniell's new store.

GEORGE HERON, HALISTBEET,^ M;ASTERT.ONy ! . CENTRAL DINING BOOMS. ' Queen-stbeet, —,, Masteetox. i J.. WiOKENS, ... ! PMPMETOB, " BEGS to notify the public that he has,'. ( fitted up a Limes' Aftssnoox Tm Hoo'm and Wmtico Koou with Livatobi, - flrst-ciasslVlealsl/-^ 'I !, | S J#jf,MraUj»l. . 'list qaaliji" 1 always on lisnd, Weidihij Cakes a BjiUs, Dinners, and Parties Vatered for. All • reijuisipf eto!, icmhita at tno'dSrafe rargclli J •: ■ J. WICEENS, QoiEK-mißTt

The Masterto'n ... COACHING AND CAKIffING CO. CLUB HOTEL ■ Livery and 1 Bait Stables. ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES. PEOM-MASTEItTON TO :TENUI .I MDCASTIEPOINT.' MASTEBIOS-HOP^OODIND,, "EAST'C6AST : COACHES leave Masterton at 7.45 a.m. i on Tuesdays' and Fridays, retaraiDß on Wednesdajß and Saturdays, in time to catalt 3;15 p.mVJfain to' jiiilsand bookiDgoJiicb a{ tho''Club StaWss, Carrying undertakoa to all parts of thn district at lowest.rates.;-,. !'. ;;,j CorLpinidefice •Gi • • : mtim.P.O, SmWi Jtoferlon,

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5563, 19 February 1897, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5563, 19 February 1897, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5563, 19 February 1897, Page 1


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