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The Mnslerlon Town Lands Trustees meet again next Wednesday evening. Tender* for road work are invited by the Manricoyille Uoad Board. The Hey. James I'atcrson has been a member of tlio Wellington' Education Board since its constitution in 1877.

Mr J. G-. Alackay, the well-known baker, is removing to more convenient premises uear the 'Masterton Public' .School, ' I

Mr G. S. W. Dalrymplo leaves Misterton for Palmerston North on Saturday, to lie present at the marriage of his grand-daughter, Miss Winnie lfankins second daughter of Mr Herbert H, Hanr kins, to Mr f, MclUe, of PaJmefßton Jfotlh.

Additions urornndo to tlio entries tori Mr F, 11, Wood's ram sale, ■ Messrs J, Grnlinm and Co., notify tliat they hold full stocks of tile finest cloyors and other grass _ A 'Guzelle Jidmorihtanj has been issued furtlier proroguing Parliament until March 18th, Tlio charge of treating in the Wellington election petition case has beeu dismissed.

Mrs KMioll, purchaser of secondhand wearing apparel has removed to premises lately vacated bv Mr J. Sillars, opposite the Occidental Hold.

We understand that all the present members of the Masterton Licensing Bench are likely to seek re-election. A rumour lias been published that .Mr A. W, Cavo lost ''hundreds of acres of wheat." Mr Caye informs us that lie lost no wheat; it was all safely harvested before (lie late rain. The Postnnster-Gericral has informed tfco Canterbury Chamber of Commerce lliat lie cannot see his tvay to re-open the telegraph olliccs on Sunday mornings.

A young man mimed Abe Morris has been arrested at Wyalong for murderously assaulting a woman with a sluvel.

The recent flood in the Uaugitikoi River did damage to lire extent of about £2OO to the temporary bridae at Mannawclta.

A rabbit-pvooE fence, extending from Munguildi to IhcNanioiliiver.adistancc of 113 miles, is nearly completed.

Lite Masterton School Committee decided to plump for Mr A. W. Hogg, at the Education Hoard election last night.

The following are mentioned as certain candidates at the forthcoming licensing election for Wuirar.ipa:— Messrs H. H. Bunny, .fas. Donald, li. W. Dorset, G. W. Deller, IT. Morison, and H. F. Skey. Some dirty-minded individual lias been besmearing the interior walls of the Kuripuni Fire Brigade Shed with filth. The police have the mailer in lmiid, aud it they secure the culprit, lie will no doubt receive a proper punishment.

The widow of the late Itev, Canon Miller, D.D., Canon of Rochester and Vicar of Greenwich, died on the 12tb December last, at Fulham. A son of the deceased lady, Itr J. Vaugliau Miller, resides in this district. We have received from Wellington a prospectus of a mining company estimated to pay an annual dividend o£ live hundred per cent. This is not Rood enough for our own money, but it may be asiillicicnt inducement for some of our youugjr friends.

Should the weather be favourable the Masterton Municipal Brass Band will give an open air concert on the Park Oval in aid of the Mastorton Hospital on Sunday next. Judging from the practices which have been held for the occasion, a lirst-elass programme will bs rendered. Some of the late Exhibition Brass Band Contest pieces will be played.

In a circular asking support of his candidature (or the Wellington Education Board, Mr Job Vile says " 1 place my services at your disposal simply on tlio pica that there is and always has been dislinet waul of country representation at headquarters." The following cricket team has been selected to represent Wairarapa agaiflrt the Bush, nlGreytown,on SiUtli February: Bowse, Udy, Judd, llawkc (2), Rcnall, Baillie.llcccliey, Darrocli, Beimel, Keys. Emergencies: batsmen, McKenzie and I Smart j bowlers, Snywell and Kiddie. In a circular asking the Masterton School Committee's support at I he Wellington Education Board election, the liev. J. i'atcrson 'says'" I haye always upheld the present system of Munition Ulid contended for the free education ol children to the extent of well-lilting iliein for successful competition in all trades and professions." A dastardly trick was performed by three youths on Saturday last, says the Oiiumr. They were not contented with crossinga farmer's paddocks near Brook-lyn-road, but, their evil minds templed tliem, on seeing a poor harmless dairy cow leisurely feeding near the banks of tlie M aungaterere. and they thought they would have some "fun," and drove the beast headlong into Ibe surging torrent, which was then in high Hood, and the consequence was the cow was just upon drowned when it reached the laud lower down stream. The penalty for an act of this lijnd is very heavy «i)d action should be taken and the tlirpc pulp ni) example of. Until it is done such tricks may continue.

At the sale of Education reserve lenses held at Eketahuna by Air D. Crewe, the following sections were sold under (he hummerSection Ml, block X, Mangaone, 230 acres at Is, F, Hooker; section 12, block XV, Mukuri, 223 acres at 10d, J. Ayrton; section 2!), block I, Mangahao, 131 acres at Is; ,7. Vile | section 17, block 13, Jlaiigahlio, 52 acres at Ud, C. J. Morphclt; section li, block I, Tararnu, 5 acres at Is, M. Hammond; section 15, block IV, Tararua, 250 acres at Is 3d, li. Crarer; section 28, block VI, Mount C'crberus, 130 acres at !)d,S. llounslow; section 5, block XIII, Mount Cerberus, tiOO acres at Oil, li F, Piiighat]; j section 3a, IV, I'ipi Creek, about 02 aoros at 3s 3d, T, I|cslic" The remaining sections are still open for selection at Mr Crewe's of lice, Pahiatua.

" Flaneur," in the lutllebm 'lhcx tells how during the recent visit of his Victorian Excellency it became quite the fashion among the Christclmrch Johnnies to talk of" my old chum Brassey," Two of these gentlemen were passing a Cliviste))Brch Club just when a small regiment of members iferp coming out. " I have supped here to-nlglit with my old friend Brassey," said one Johnny lo the other One of the club members started slightly, turned round and held out his hand. "How do you do? But I don't remember you in the least." The Johnny stared and said," How do you do? I—l don't understand." "Oh, yon said 'my old friend Brassey.' I ijiounht you would like to have a chat with ni!." i' Are yoi( Word Brassey ?" " Certainly," 'Uteii scplug flip young 1 man's embarrassment, he said kindly, Come down by tlio three train tomorrow, and I wiil show you over my boat, Good-bye." "Good-bye," said the youth, and everyone smiled. In a day or so the young mau j recovered his composure,' and even ventured to boast of receiving j an invitation to visit the Sunbeam. The vice-regal parly left for Wellington, and the matter was forgotten. But during this week the gilded youth suddenly exclaimed, " Why, there's lord Brassoy across tlie street." " Lofd Brassey ? said lijs companion, "that's Blank,' of the 8.N.Z." And now yojf njijst not mention Brassey in a certain mercantile establishment.

A during case of theft is recorded by flic Austrian police, Between Vienna and Pesih recently there travelled in one railway carrago five passengers—an Englishman, two Magyars, a mild-loolc-ing man of sixty, and a handsome young German, w]io sepmcd dreadfully sleepy. The Englishman ohserypd flat the sexagenarian essayed to'chat with the young German, who; however, yawned and sboii slumbered.' The sexagenarian became garrulous, and lamented his sqk's carelessness in money matters, "Seo him, rioy, going to sleep in a carrago full ot gtrahgen, I J.hmlt I'll give tho young man a fright" for ouc6 in liis life, And, liftiug up the lapel of liis coat, he laughingly drew out n pouknt-book. At Prcssburg the care; fillfathm'said lie must get out Ma niiuulc, but when the train moved on ho didn't return. When the young mau woko up they tftld Jiipa tWt I>js father had'got nut and taken his Vockei:book'. My father! " he shrieked, and, clutching his empty pocket, burstintok volley of most unfilial imprecations. ',' l hftvn't got a father! 1 ' he howled, out. '' I lieypr saw tho old seounj)rpl before." That pockot-bpok pontaincd tinoo thousand floras. He must'hayescen it whoa I took mjr. ticket.-' >lt was not unlikely, That gonial parent Las not up t<> the present b.eenjieardfron), ' ' ;

rite Masterto'ii. Borough valuation lists arc, for inspection at the lown Clerk's Office.

. The singular punishmont for bigamy in Hungary is to compel the matt tolivo together with both wives in ono house. average of three British seamen lose their lives every day by drowning, ana 300, British stcaraeiM and sailint; vossols arc lost yearly at sea,

A wealthy gentleman of Vienna,stipulated in hjs will that an electric light must be constantly burning in his tomb and another inside his coin for twelve months after his death,

Dunedm is a much governed city. It has tiro engineers, a cattle inspector, a clerk of works at the building of abattoirs at Burnside, n town belt ranger, nnd two city inspectors for traffic and nuisance. , The lnitchcring business of A. Yulo in Wellington, has been worked by t'uo Official Assignee at it substantial profit since the bankruptcy. We understand that Mr A, P. Eawson has now secured the Standard Survey of Mastcrtou and is in a position to give prompt ajid accurate information as to the specific boundaries of any town section.

It is said that 119 one lias yet found out what becomes of the diamond after combustion. When burnt it leaves no asli; and after it has blazed itself out there remains not even so much as would dust the antenna; of a butterfly.

A meeting of the committee of the llaslerton Horticultural and Industrial Society was held Inst evening and final arrangements made for the forthcoming Show on Wednesday next. The followiny judges wore appointed for classes one, two, three, four, and seven; -Messrs Hale and Murray; class live:-Messrs Waterhousc and Everett; writing and ■ drawing-.-Messrs Keith mid Scllar; 1 homework Mrs Arnot, Mrs Forbes (and Miss liockcll,

To lie greeted will) cries n£" Butler" by an enraged pit should lie a gratification to the heaviest of villians, but Mr Boothman did not think so when the pit chose that name to him last night at the Wellington o|icr& House, and, stopping in the middle of liis lines he 'remarked, "When you're doneyour funny business I'll go on." The rebuke had the desired ell'ect, The pit slopped and lie went on, says the Wellington Times. Eawhide go iring is now used on quite a variety of machines, and gives out a soft purring sound, instead of the almost deafening roar often heard in a mill or factory. The material is more like horn than leather, retaining a certain toughness, which allows the cogs to bend slightly. Lubrication is said to be entirely unnecessary. Such gearing has been tried on street railway motors, and appears to stand the test,"

A small cottage at the Taueru belonging to Mr W. Kiddie and occupied by Mr Hammond and his wife, was totally destroyed by fire some days ago. The lire occurred during the night, The house was empty as Mr Hammond was away at work and Mrs Hammond was staying villi her mother who liyes nearly opposite. The fire cannot be accounted for in any way. " What s the good of allowing a fellow like that to loaf about the city ? ffliy cannot the police deal with the case and bring him before the Magistrates and have an order made against him, and if ho doesn't maintain bis wife lot him bo put Into saol and fed 011 bread and wntcr." One of the Benevolent Trustees spoke thus yesterday concerning a wharf labourer of whom it was reported that he was drinking heavily whilst, bis wife and child were destitute. It was further alleged that a year ago the rulliau had kicked his wife iu the mouth and broke some of her teeth, I lie 1 nistfcs l'csolved to tali e proceedings him for maintenance, suys tho JY.£. Tim,

Mr Cr, J!. Sims bad a dog which has learned how to post letters. Writing in the liifme lie says :-My Billy Greet has been allowed to go out to tho midnight post with me, and I have trained him to earrv the letters, reach up to the pillar-box, push the slot Hipper back, and drop the letters in. Lately I have sent bim to ths pillar-box alone, not wishing to turn out myself in the bitter east wind. The other night I gaye him six letters and let him out. I:\ a few minutes he returned withoneletlerstill in his mouth anil laid it down at my feet. I had forgotten to put a stamp ou it.

An American fanner, who gives the following remedy for entile that are choking alleges that ho lias never known it to fail:—lf the sulistancois so largo that it lodges in ll\cll\roat, get someone with a small hand to take it out; but it it gets started down the guzzle, throw a largo spoonful of powdered saltpetre on to the roots of the tongue. As soon as this lias time to dissolve, or in fifteen or twenty minutes, the substance will go down without further trouble, as the saltpetre causes the guzzle to stretch so that anything that will go down the throat will go clear down,

_ flic following Public Works appropriations have been made by Cabinet Cape I'alliscr lighthouse, £1,400 i MnngatahiokaliitilwayStalionbuiklings £1,532; Eketahuna-Woodyillcliailway, ballasting, £3,000; Lake Alaponrika to Wallio, Okarita district, £.100; Orders for rail, fastening, etc., .£14,235 ; Puketiralii station, t'ioO; Gladstone, upper junction, £250; Grcenstono bridge, £500; Cook's liivcr fnppcr), £250; Turakiua Valley, £283; Tracks, Mount Arthur, £500; Belgrove-Wesport-lieef-lon, £1,500; Alia Alia Swamp, £250; Tadmore-Uotuliiko, £300; Bridge,Wairan liivcr, £500; l'uhiatua i\o. 3 Farm Homestead Association.£soo;AlfredtonWoher road, £1,127; Tracks and huts, Mount Egmont, £047; improved I'avm Settlement, £250; lioad construction, Eawhia County, £506; l'orirua Asylum, £2,000,

A remarkable, incident recently occurred at the Bristol Post Office, and what is more, it is a story with a moral. Some time ago a letter containing a cheque for upwards of £3OO was posted to a gentleman's business address in the city, and nlthough there was proof that it was delivered tho same evening, the addresseo complained that tho important missive had not, reached him. Subsequently, however, it occurred to him, that as his business premises were infested with rats, and as everything put through the aperture in the door, in tho absence of a letter-box dropped to tho floor, the postal authorities might not, after all be responsible for the strange disappearance of tho letter. A search which ho instituted was completely successful. On looking behind a cornbin he discovered, to bis nstouishmont.twohuge rats actually lighting for the possession of» dust-besmeared envelope, wliioh, on being oporipd, was found to b'o none other than the ono that contained tho clicqiio. A characteristic story is told of Hermann the conjurer, whose death Las just been announced. Tho incident took place at a. well-known London Club, where cearte was one of the favourite games indulged in. for stakes by no means insignificant. It was observed that on these occasions a certain member almost inyariably. roso a considerable winner. At length so marked became tho good fortune of this member, that'another determined to prove the matter to tho bottom. One eveniug act cordingly, at his ho introduced Herrman under a falsc'natne to a select party of the mcitilicr's, among whom figured the suspected-one. At the close of the night's amusement, when the guests had departed, the host turned to the conjurer and demanded his opinion. " Not a doubt of it," replied Hermann, " our friend cheats, but pxapfly how J can't say,yet- Qjvo iqe another chance." A second'meeting ■ was subsequently! arranged, and play begqn. Suddenly Hermann looking , straight at tho svip, culprit, exclaimed,. " Whero did you get %(; ling P" " Where ?" replied;the other, " out of tho pack, of course." " Impossible, my dear sir,". retorted Hermann," for I happen to haye all the four kings' here" and thereupon ho calmly drew, tfanv flow fnj m y. r

An application fronvNurso Bagge for .three months leave of absence, without pay, was granted yesterday by the Wellington Hospital Trustees. ; ' '

Notice of spceinl moetinfi of the Itfas : terCon Borough Council, to confirih'aa I alteration of tho Borough .Bylaws, is pon. . •

In Franco the doctor's claim on the [cstato of a deceased patient has preI cedeneo oE all others;

_ Extract from JJueniiij Post, Wellington, February Bth, 1897 :—"A number of mementos of tho industries of New Zealand were taken away from tho Colony by Lord Glasgow and liis family on Saturday.. The Wellington Woollen Company's gilt was & suiting woven in the Company's loom at the Exbibitior, Dresses woven in that loom were also precontod to the LadiosDoyleaud Lady Glasgow, the latter wearing this dress on her departure from New Zealand on Saturday, On the occasion ol Lord GlasW S first visit to tho Exhibition, ho especially admired one ol tho now makes of rugs m die Wellington Woollen Company's exhibit, and ho has consented to such rugs being named the " Glasgow." This vug is evidently a favourite, as Lady JBrassey on her visit at once selected it from all others, and the visitors by tho Sunbeam all admired its design and quality. "What's in a name?" Well everything when it is that ot F, J, Osmond, member of Institute of Mechanical Engineers, England, amateur Cycling Champion, N.C.U., lor four yean (all distnnoes; aud maker of tho incomparable Osmond Cycles, Other good names nro the" Townend" and the" Traumi" (American), both of which mean sterling vnlue.-D.1.C., Wellington. Agent for tho Waivarapa, F. H, Wood. —Advt.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5561, 17 February 1897, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5561, 17 February 1897, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5561, 17 February 1897, Page 2


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