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% The Wairarapa North County Council sits this afternoon.

A special announcement from Mr O. Pragnell appears in another column. Mr Ziman is now building at Eeoftoa wliat is stated to bo the (iucst building on the Coast.

Levanter, tbo outsider who won tlio Auckland Steeplechase, is half-brother to Mr J, H. Prosser's Steel King. Tlio minors at Back Creek (West Coast) have been idlo for want of water for three weeks.

Those who saw Euroclydon during the Dunedin meeting say ho looks in fino fottlc, aud as sound as over, A courtof female Foresters was opened at Pnlinorston North this week. It started with twenty members. "Tannergrams" is tlio latest name for tho new system of sixpenny telegraphic messages, says the Post. The colored people of the United States, maintain seven colleges, seventeen academies, and fifty high schools.

Scycral Palmerston North tradesmen are to be prosecuted under the Shop and Shop Assistants' Act.

Tho Star of New Zealand inado a record passage from London to Melbourne in <l2 days one hour. Tho dead body of a man has been found hanging to a tree near Jerildcrie. Over £ls was in his pockets. Lord lirassey has donated £IOO to the fund administered by the Victorian Masonic Board of Beneyolencc.

The sum of £245 representing totalisator commissions at the South AustralianJockoy Club's autumn meeting, lias been handed over to the Adelaide charities.

Silent Friend (The Mute—Maid of tho Mountain) who has been turned out for the last six months, is now an inmate of J. Taggart's stable at tho Hutt.

It is stated that a lady is coming forward for election as a member tat the general meeting of the Canterbury Jockey Club. The FeMug Star says the five crying evils of this Colony arc drinking, smoking, gambling, perjury'and Chinamen.

The Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association notify that they are prepared to make cash advancc3 on the coming season's wool clip.

The wife of a farmer, John Parker, was killed by a tree in Latrobe, Tasmania, which Parkcr.fellcd. The man did not know his wife, who was 70 years of age, was standing near. During the past twclys months there has not been a single arrest for drunkenness in the Borough of Mosgiel, although the borough contains a population of 1300. It is understood from Mr Baucrs, of Grcytown, that he will take steps tb start bus'ness againon tho samesitcas speedily as possible, and arrangements are now being mado for re-building.

The Nelson Star says"The public have been availing themselves so largely of free rides in tradesmen's traps in the Collingwood district, that the drivers have jointly decided to make a chargo of 3d per mile." The tradesmen there are up to snuff.

The case in which G, H. Powley, shirt manufacturer, was charged with having attacked Mr W. ,T. Geddis. editor o: the Obsener, with a walking-stick in Queenstreet, Auckland, several weeks ago, came before the Magistrate's Court yesterday. Defendant was lined £5, with £3 lis costs.

Watts' victory on Persimmon in this year's Derby is the fourth lime within tho last nine years that he has steered the winner of the blue riband. He gained his first victory in 18S7 on the back of Merry Hampton, then throe years later he won on Saiufoiu, and at an interval of another three years lie scored on Ladas.'

The first annual meeting of the Wairarapa Ilor.icultiiral and Industrial [Society wai held last Saturday, The balance sheet showed a not profit on the late show of £2O. The following oiliccrs were elected Patron, W. C. Buchanan, M.111i.; president, H. S. Izard; vice-presidents, A. Matthews, 11. 1(. Bunny aud 11. 11. Boetham; secretary and treasurer, JS. W. Dorset; committee, W. Miller, J. G. Oates, J. Browu, J. Strang, A. Booth, W. B. i!!!cn, F. Bennett, S. C. Skcllcy, E. Eagle, jui'., J. Snell, C. H. Cormack, J. Bayliss, jun., T. Kemp'on and S. Haigh, It was decided to hold the nest show in November.

Writes the Argus London correspondent:—"A Ehry is circulated at the clubs that Lord Salisbury is dying, that the form of fright's disease which has threatened him for years ivas only arrested, not cured, that he constantly drops off to sleep in the daytime, and so on. I fancy this is the same story tlmt" was put about by the Labby and T, P. O'Connor clique in 188!). Lord Salisbury's son Edward, in the Greundicr Guards, has just been fortunate enough to be ordered to Egypt for special service. I gave an account of his grand marriage with the fascinating Miss Maxse, Admiral Maxse's daughter, a year or so ago. Lord E. Cecil is enormously tall, rather bald, a very keen soldier, and most anxious to get on."

Cyclists have to put up with funny experiences sometimes. Some Napier riders know what it is to meot a team of bullocks occasionally on country roads, and they prefer the bullocks at a distance to facing them, says the 'lclcgraph. A Melbourne cyclist, however, the oilier day, was pursued by a cow. The. pacemaking was strong for a time, but the cyclist knew it'was cither a record run or a lift oyer the fence. After the cyclist had broken the record from 0110 to five miles, the cow, in her mad chase after the cyclist, dashed blindly into the wheel of a vehicle that was standing on the side of the road. The violence of the collision was so great as to bend the axle and partially stun th»~animal, which was then driven quietly away. The cyclist lives to tell the story. The Lord Chief Justice (says an English paper of 13th "April) has directed that almost immediately after the reassembling of the Law Courts this week, a court, consisting of himself and Mr Justice Grantham, shall be constituted. It will proceed to the hearing of tho case of Bird ». the Licensing Justice of Sheffield, wjiiclito publicans and tho liquor trade generally will almost rival in importance the celebrated decision in Sharpe v, Wakefield, where it was held that tliero was no vested interests in publicans' licenses. In the present caso the point for the decision of the judges, shortly staled, is whether magistrates having a pecuniary interest in teetotal causes or enterprises are in the same legal position as those concerned in the liquor trade, and are, therefore, debarred from sitting as licensing justices by the existing law. The question arises out of the refusal of the local licensing magistrates to grant a beer and wine license to a restaurant at Sheffield, some of the justices being shareholders in a rival temperance hotel. Last November tlio counsel for the restaurant keeper obtained leave to argue the question before a special court for Crown cases. It will be tliero contended that the order refusing tho license was bad in law, and otight to be quashed, on the ground that the financial interest of these gentlemen in a rival teetotal business was such as to "create a reasonable apprehension of bias in tlioir minds," :

Teacher: "In what year was the battle of Waterloo fought P" Pupil: "I don't know." Teacher: "It's simple enough if you only would learn to cultivate artificial moraory, Kemember the twelve'apostles. Add half of that number to them. That's eighteen. Multiply by 100, That's 1800. Tako llio twelve apostles again. Add a quarter of their number to them. That's fifteen,- Add to what you've |ot, That's 1815. That's the date. Quite simple, you see, to'| remember dates, if you will only adopt, my system," • .

I Jlr L. J. Hooper was tlus.imorning sworn in as a Justice of the Peace, nt Mnsterton. '; ' • Messrs John Mowlem and Co. announce they will sell new and second-hand furniture, etc., in their mart, on Saturday, 13th inst.

At the Transvaal gqldfields whisky brings £3 10s a bottle, champagne £3 10s, and beer 6s a bottle.

The Masterton Volunteer Eire Brigade intend to give a coffee supper next Wednesday eyenihg to tlioir retiring officers.

Messrs J. Mowlem and Co. add 420 wethers, five fat cows, and fourteen pigs to their Mnsterlon stock sale list for Wednesday, 17th inst. The present lease of the Masterton Tetnperanco Hall expires in the year ISIOO. It was leased in February, 1879, for twenty-one years; consequently it has about three years and a half to run.

To-night in the Salyatiou Aimy Barracks Captain Wansbone and Professor Pollock will tell their lite story and also giye plenty of song aud music. Lucrclia Autheman, who was found guilty at _Auckland on a charge of sheep-st?a'ing, has been sentenced fo niuo months' imprisonment with hard labour, and ordered to pay £2O, the costs of the prosecution.

Mrs Camille Lociier, charged, with attempting to murder Georgo Norbmy, at Wellington, by shooting him, has been acquitted on the ground of iosanity. She has been ordered by the Judge to be kept in siricfc custody.

Thomas Ihrd'e and James Steen.. charged with stealing £227' from the liotorua Post Olllec, have been seniejeed to three years' liavd labour. The money found ou the prisoners is to be paid oyer totJiePostmaslcr-Gencrai.

Mr W. Praguell intends erecting three new shops on Ins property nt the corner of Queen and Kenall streets. The old creek which originally ran through that property is now bc'ns; filled in preparatory to making the foundation.

As ex-Detective K'rby was an iinpo.iant witness in cases atilie eom'iig s.lM'ig of the Supreme Uoirt at Napier, and lie cannot atvlye in lime, application wi'l be made to have iiis evidence :'u ilie lower Coirt admiilcd. Air iteming fact in connce ion i\!th English Derby is Unit the Mvmei's of the la«: s'\ races have all be.m P'..'va!c'y bred. S'r Frederick Joinslone was rcspons'blo fo.' the brr .ling of Co'.inio'i, Lvd Bradford fov Si' Jiufio,. Jlr H. W-'Ca'mont fo:' JsiJ~'nss", Lord iiosebci'y fov Laius nml Sir Vis o re-pcciively, wlii'c \'ie lV'rce o" Wales cla'ins the honor of having bred t'crsnimou.

Spcali'iig at llic Su'ivcme Co;'vi, Chr.sLclrjro'.i, Ijo o.he.' day, Mr.insiicc Denrstonjs repo..c.l to liave sn'd thai it seemed to lrn l!i it, as the State bore t ie expenses of uiuessfs fertile C -own, a'jd ligh;'? so, it was aim proper thai, wiilih re.-.wnab.e lim i:;. the e:pc:ses o: n iticsscs wlio.ll ama 1 ir : 2lit rcqu' .-e fo.' h : s de' should also he paid by Government.

The AmlfahiwA says:—"By Mr Thompson, of Foo'scr.ty, we have been sliowna sr>iy.s..i nip whim should come iilo iVyoi" wiili riding mm, fncc'aliy .hose who jump fences. 1) wilya.iaccidc.'tbyw : 'ieiia 1! Juris' l ; ;'.ble to become fast by i:ic s.'.-up out Hi's, a ]v:c-scd by the iasicn cruses lkcs!i..M]< io msirap iisel? as it were, nd the foot is rele.scd."

The regular meel in;; of ilie Juvenile branch of the Ma:lcrion Tent of ilrchabites was held last nijht in the Fo."es!crs' JTa'l, Ero. George Sellar, 0.1!. in the cha'", The mi lutes of the previous meeting were read and coniii'med. The election of ollieers !o)lc place as follows ;-C.l!.,B"o. G. Sellar (re-elected Chief Buler); J).]{., Bro. J. Sel'ar; Secretary, D~o. P. W. Temple jan: (re-eiec.ed); Cash Steward. Ero. J. Cavpenicr; Book Slewa'tl, E'o. f. Williams; Lovi.e, Bro. W. Smith; Guardian, liro. H. Jones, Four candidates fov membership were proposed.

The Waivarapa Pastoral and Agriculiui al Socic'.ybavccomnienced I j improve llieir grou-jJ,! for the next show. The prese:ii jioiillrj sii:d is to be removed andrebir't near lo the main en! ranee. Ae.vt lo th'.s on ;lie lel'l: is to be creeled a new prodm e shed 10.1 r i IOIt and property tilled up and floored, a Plilc i'uvlher sso 15 arc (lie ladies' rooms, l'licie is a'so n permanent fruit strll fouiicen feet by sixteen and a permanent rcl'.'o-hieut booth fifty feet by twealy. Tie only bu'ldings iu the (m.'co? (lie g.wiud will be the Secreta-y's oilice a«'d .bey will be lilted in w. li every modern conveaience. A new grand stand wl'l a'so be erected.

The ovdinrv fortnightly meeting of the Mastclon Volinlcer Fire Brigade was held la:t eyes'ng, Captain Da'i'ell presiding. _lt w:ts decided to procure s'X new un : fci.ns, a:id a committee was appomicd lo revise the n:!es of the Brigade. The p'celicn of offlcers for the ensang year resulted as follows Captain, C. E. Darnell (re-elected); lieutenant, W. Divon; secretary, C. H. Payne (re-elected); foreman, A. G. Edwards; as-islant foreman, L M. Heatley (re-elected); branclmian No. 1, A. Falls; bvancliman No 2, F.Saxon; briiiichman No. !), J.'Hanlcy; enginekeeper, 1!. Dixon (re-elected); messengers, J. Parlies and L. Dixon; aud'tcrs, A. H. Gardner a:id A. G. Edwards; trustees, Cap!aii Daniel 1 , Secretary Payne and Eranehman Ea'ls. A veto of thanks was passed lo the rctirng officers. Tweiiiy-eigiit members answered io their names at the roll-call a?d the meeting terminated with the usual vote of thanks to the chair.

At tlie Mnstorlon S.M. Court tliis norning, C. liogers claimed from T. )can the sum of l is, as the latter's conribution towards the pnymciit of the luster of the Mangppakcha Aided School, tlie sum having becu paid to tho luster, with oilier contributions by Mr iogcrs. Mr Dean's defence was that ie ought not to be called upon to conriliutc for the July month, as his hildren were not attending the school, ,nd that if the payment was made it ras unauthorised. Mr liogers stated hat the school iiad collapsed in July liter it was burnt down, but the master ras not discharged till the end of July, iiul his fees were calculated on the previous month's average. It had been ranged that lie (Mr Sogers) should iollcct tlie fees. Jl'hc school had not jeen re-established since the fire, Tho 'act of Mr Dean tailing his five children 'rom the roll made it impossible to :arry 011 even au aided school. Mr T. ?. Smith gave evidence that Mr Hogcrs jaid tlie teacher and collected from the mronts when it was convenient for hem to repay him, aud this had been his Histom all tho time school was carried in. After hearing evidence His Woriliip gave judgment for plaintiff, with :osts against Dean amounting to £i 4s. Mr W. G. Beard appeared lor plaintiff, ind Mr Pownall for defendant, In a recent issue the Christchurch Press says" The bookmakers and jtliers who mc known to make a business of laying totalisator odds were jiven every chance before the extreme course of refusing them admission to racing grounds was resorted to. And now that they find, after doing their utmost to defy the law and the clubs, they are getting the worst of the bargain, they are beginning to cry out. We cannot admit for one moment that the clubs are !wrong in taking any legitimate means to,protect their revenue, and illicit : raids on it require stringent action.;; .If a man is known to follow the business of laying totalisator odds, wo do not consider that becauso bo may own a racehorse bo is entitled to admission to a racecourse more than any other layer of tho odds. A licensing scheme such as Mr Pollock suggests ' might bo adopted probably with advantage to many. If such licensed men had 1 an enclosure set apart on tlie racecourses ■ for the transaction of their business, and ! weie content to lay their own odds, those '' wh6 so desired would be provided with J another means of betting, while thol J reputable members of the ring would'l not liaro to be banished from the race- j ] /courses for the fault of otlwrs," ; : [1

ThN.Z. Times-says" The sum of £SOO lias been/appropriated for the JlTastcrton-Tenuilmproved Farm." .The above is certainly news, as up this way nobody knows that such a farm exists.

FrcdMntthows, tho trainer, who for some time past has been resident in this district, is now lyipg in the Maslerton Hospital, anfl his condition is serious. •He was, it is stated, struck on tho head with a panuikin. The civil list at the Masterton S.M. Court was yery ligbtthismoining. The only other case beside Mr Eogors' claim against Mr Dean was one in which Chas. Wyett sued Johu Lane for £22 lis lOd forgoods supplied j judgment by default with costs £3.

The full programme for tho eoncert at tho Masterton Theatre Eoyal tomorrow evening is as follows Solo, Mr J. P, Elliot, " The Romany Lass," (Adams); duct, Mrs Ibbelson and Mr SinntiE, " I've Wandered in Dreams, (Wade); solo, Signora Fossella, ' Spaza Camino"; solo, Mr li, P. Johnston, " Friend of the Brave," (Calcolt), with cornet obligate' by Mr Geo. Gray; yiolin solo, Mr J. Modem "LaKevd," ((juuo) ; solo, Mrs Butement," Spanish Love Song," (Chaminado); solo, Mr Meadows, (selected); solo, Signora Fosst'Jla," La Barcheia"; resitat : oa, Mr Gindcrs, (selected); duet, Mrs Butement and MrSimms, " Nocturne," (Denz.i); solo, Mr Eargess," Will o' the Wisp," (Cherry); solo, Mrs It. E. Jcekson, "Alia SteJl a Coufiden'.e," (Eobaude), with 'cello obl'gato by Mr llussell; solo, Mr E. P. Jolnslon, "A Hundred Fathoms Deep," (Wittuck). From the above it wilt at once seen that the concert is ot great merit.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5353, 11 June 1896, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5353, 11 June 1896, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5353, 11 June 1896, Page 2


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