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Wairarapa Daily Times. [ESTABLISHED 1878.] FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893.

Mb PowNAU,in his letter which we published yesterday, said: " Your statement that I was consulted by Mr Hare is incorrect." Two letters in Mr Hare's handwriting aie before us. In one of them, he Bays: " I met Mr Pmmo.ll in Wellington, and got-hit aMa as to further action (rs Madame he Brand) when h informed me she kd got another house," lii the other he writes:" Wmlnet Mr Pownall in Wellington I told him of my trouble re the woman tenant, who, under false representations, succeeded in getting possession of one of my houses, and he advised me not lo tde Itgtilproceedings to moveher, asshwas then in treaty for another house," We leave it for the public lo say whether we were incorrect in the statement which we made, and whether Mr Pownall was or was notcognisant of the obaraoter of the establishment conducted by Madame ;Le Brand, when he arranged the transfer to her of Mr CargiU'u house,

The Government has promised to consldor the advisability of declaring a close season for mullet on the north-east coast of the North Island, In a new advertisement over leader, Messrs Kirkaldie and Stains; of Wel« llngton, announce that for fourtaon days, from the third to the seventeenth hut,, special bonuses will be given to their customers. These bonusos range from ten to fifty per cent., aud it is claimed by the firm, that during this period £6OOO will be distributed, eclipsing anything ihat co operation has ever before' done in the Empire City. Very heavy rain has fallen latoly in the Forty-Mile Bush almost continuously. The rivers round Masterton were again running bank and bank last night. Several of tho flats were also flooded, Socials aro getting quite popular in Eketakuna, Oge held on Wednesday evening last in connection with tho local Wcsleyai Church passed off very successfully. We again remind our readers of tho farewell performance of the Kennedy Company at tho Masterton Theatre Royil this evening, when " Ten Nights in a Bar Boom "will be produced. As this will be the last opportunity we shall have of attending a performance by this clever combination, for some time a least, the house should be crowded, par ticularly as tho play is new to a Masterton audience, The Hawera Star saysA very peculiar incident happened on MrH.M. Bayly's farm, Monaia, a few days since. Be was removing some lambs from one paddock to another, and in doing so they had to cross a drain about a foot wid». In jumping over this no less than five of them broke one or other of their legs. This would'almost indicate a brittlenesß of bone' that requires account, ing for. A bou of Mr R. Thompson, of Tiraumea Block, had his arm broken by a fall from' a horse on Saturday. The lad is four years of age, and-the break was at the elbOff.-Examiner.

The, pork "cornet" in Obioago has collapsed. Many failures have resulted in consequence, and there is great excitement, as the liab'litiea are said to be Boms' millions sterling/ At the annual meeting of the Bank of New Zealand, Mr R, B. Glyn, chairman, said that deposits were increasing faster itban they could possibly employ .them, The elvanoes to the New Zealand Loan land Morcantilo Oompjny ::\vere amply! .secured, I

Mr Buchanan waots tlie -Government to amend tho tariff by removing the duty qn timber dressing or planing machineiy.

■■■■ At a Prohibition Meeting on Wednesday night (says the Woodyille Examiner) br E, Han \m loud in his praises of Mr Gladstone, when the Fcv. J. 0. Ecc'ea shoutvd "Traitor." Mr Hall readily respunsed"Tben long lifoto the Traitor," and the audienco oheered.

Mr John White, of Oakbourne, has made a valuable addition to lm flock iu the shape of 25 four-toofch-pure-bred Romney Marsh ewes from tho celebrated Elderslie flock.—Waipawa Mail.

Mrßuo!ianan(fiays tho Press) is of opinion that'co-operative works might be carried on satisfactory and profitably, but not so long as a Government engineer is at the head jf them, His reason for saying this is that ho does not think engineers, as a rule, make good contractors. '

About twenty members of the newlyformed Gymnastic Clnb met last night for a practice in the Drill Hall. • Boxing and football seemed to take best;, but exercises with the olubs and dumb-bells, and on the 11 bar" and trapeze were heartily iudulged in. To day—August the 4th—is Arbor Day.

A well-known resident in the Makuri, namnd Mrs T, lliller, has been committed to to the Mount Yiow Asylum. Mr J. R- Juggins advertises for sale the goodwill (5f the Hawera Junction Hotel, agood-butoheting business and a first class farm.

It is stated by a southern journal that Mr J, Freeth's raoe horses last secion won no less than £1,040. Says the Marton MercuryTo show the productiveness of this district, a fine large orange nearly ripe, grown by Mr James Moßeth, of Forgon Farm, was brought to this office yesterday, Tho tiee is a young ono, but bids fair in a tejv years to produce most excellent oranges. Lemons are also doing well in this district.

A dramatic incident Ins just occuvrod at a wedding at Toulouse. A young man named Consul was to be ma'.riec 1 to a Mademoiselle Bagnola. On the day appointed for fclie ceremony, the two contracting pariics with their friends assembled at the " Capitol," or Town Hal!, where the Mayor, wealing his tricolourcd sash of oftico, was in readiness. First of all, In accordance with French custom, the articles of the law, or' code' relating to the duties and responsibilities of husband and wife wp read by the presiding officer. Tjen .he asked the father of the bride the question, usually a purely formal one," Do you consent to give your daughter in marriage to M. Consul ?" There was a moment's silence, then the latter in a loud, emphatic tone, said "No I" There was a feeling of consternation among those present, and amidst the excitement, the father of the yountr man rushed foi ward and struck the objector in the face. The two men wero promptly parted. Meanwhilo the bride had fainted. When she had recovored, the parties left the Town Hall, each going their own way—Daily K ows, Mr Bruce, of tho New South Wales Agricultural Department, considers that "the weitk point in tho Border Leicester is the comparative lightness of tho fleece and lack of cc coring, especially on tho belly and legd." Mr E. 8. Maunsell, (f Waihakoke was chaining a young hull up on Tuesday last, whemhe animal turned on him suddenl)', and without provocation threw him heavily to the ground, and made an attempt to impulo him with its horns Hearing his cries, one of the men rushed to Mr Maunsell's assistance, and by determinedly attacking tho animal, drove him off the prostrate furmor. It was found that though no serioas injuries had been sustained by Mr Maunsell, some very serious bruises had been inflicted upon him, and he telt soindiaposed after his remarkably nai:.ow escape from a violent death, that he was obliged to take to" his bed. We are glad to hear, however, that he has'since sufficiently recovered to get about again.—Observer. Tin habtt of swearing Is dying out. It was, within the memoiy of .those who do not like to think themselves very oil, very common. 1 have heatdon what I am sure is trustworthy authority, of a clergyman of the last generation who, summoned to brcahfasi, while at his morning devotions* turned upon the unfortunate messenger with mi exclamation—"— you I How daro you interrupt my prayeiß Much lese ex* tretuo instances are known to many of us which would now bo simply impw. sible. Are we becoming more pious 1 That is not the general impression. Is the fibre of the race softoning 1 That is often maintained, but I do not think successfully. Tho Civil War is there to disprove it for the Americans, at least. Or are we, as French men and womeo did long ago, learning more adequately to master the resources of our own tongue, and becoming independent of this crude and rather stupid—to o'all it nothing worse-devico ? -Edward Carey, .m the" Century." Mr Chas. Pharazyn, of Feathorston, has presented £5 5s to the prize fund of the Wellington Agricultural and Pastoral ' Society. The Argus reports tho funeral at Dunoily of Mr James Georgo Blake, who died aged 107. The deceased had resided over forty years m the district, being a genoral storekeeper. At seventeen years of age he entered the East India Company's service, joining a cavalry regiment and obtained certificates for his services. Ho was hale and strong up to within a ; short time of his death,

A child about fourteen months old, the son of Thomas Cambage, head gamekeeper on the Hipawell aud Hudswell estate, near Richmond, Yorkshire, hat died from the eifects of injuries received through being attacked by r< gamecock, The child was playing near the garden when the cock attacked him, andpeok'ed and spurred his head and eyes to auch an extent that he died recently. When the mother heard the screams of her child she rushed out, and the bird made an attack upon her also, pecking her face and inflicting slight injuries. A sensation has been caused in the United States by tho order issued by the Baltimore Park Board againßt love-mak-ing in the Park, General J, S, Berry, secretary of the board, has deolared that the publio parks are not meant as courting places, and that in future anything in ths'way of love-making will be held to bo improper conduct, and punishable by the police, Two young people have, in fact, been arreßted for kissing, and been fined—the man UO do!., the woman 5 dol.; a curious distinction in the value of a kiss. . :

The discovery of moa bones by Mr J. | Rutland, in the Pelorus (says a Marlborough paper) is not th'e only discovery of importance that gentleman has re* cently made in that locality. Ho has, with much patience, collected and formulated a mass of evidence, which is now under consideration, by the Polynesian Society,, and which seems to throw a most-Interesting light on the ancient histoiy ot the district, and to suggest conclusions equally novel and importapt respecting the habits of those who formerly dwelt there. '

A Good Tijib at the present to buy Men's Bey's, and Youth's Clothing cheaply. You can get them at the lowest Sale and Salvage prices, with a disoonnt of Is in the £ returned in oashforthe'nextlfi days only atTo Aro House,

v The Dsm Choice ever vet offered. Look to it men. Heavy Scotch Tweed Suits at' 32s 6d for 22s Gd, Colonial' Tweed Suits at 37s 6d for 26s Gd, with an extra cash gift ofIs in the £.

. Oife" SBttiiHo re the £. Men's Tweed Vesti at 2s: lid and 3s lid, Heavy SMdle Tweed Trousers at 19s 6d for 14s 6d. Bug a 20j parcel <\} te and extire a cash horns ofls In tie (, Fifteen Davs Ospy. Men's Tweed Overcoats' 85s for 16s 6d, Youth's Trouser Suits 21b for 13s 6d, and to in the whole a discount of Is in tk£,

Thkis where the Come in, Tweed Knickers'at 8s GdforSs 3d, School suits at 8a 6d for 4s lid,. Heavy Serge Knioker Suits'lOs 6d for Gs Gd; Buy what yon leant ofthaenow. ■ : .Now is tub Time. -All prices both' Sale and Salvage with'the extra discount of 1b in the £ is for 15 days only,'on pfirohases of 20s worth and up, at Te Are -House,: Wei-

Mr John Gregory, of Pahiatua, /la negotiating for the sale of bis atorekooping business. , Arrangementsfor its disposal will probably-ba complate'j tomorrow. • \

News has reached Kirkwall (says the fefeni'ii) that the mermaid has again made her nppearanco at Deerness, Orkney, The creature has arrived at the same placenow many years in succession, There It remains all summer, disappearme in the winter and returning again with line weather.- Last year a largo sum of mciiey was offered for its capture and sportsmen tried to kill it. ■ As it struck out to sea immediately it was fired at, nnd wua never again see until now, it was though it had been wounded or kilbd. Naturalists who have got a full disorlption of the "mermaid" think it Is an ocean seal, bnt thepeopleof Deerness, who havo waiched it closely fur years, say ifchaß few, if anyof tlio seal's habits, and maintain that it ewiriH like a human beine;. At the presont time it may be observed daily, being very partial tn bright sunshine, hut it rarely appears on dull days, ,

Centrifugal crearu separators are now so largely used in' this conntiy (says The Timesof May 22nd) that attention ought to be called to a danger which is always an accompaniment to the terrific spread with which the bowls revolye. La Patriate, a daily paper published at Brussels, has just given an jiccount of a terrible acoident which has recently occurred- at the dairy belonging to Count de Villermont, Saint Roach Oasjle Cpuvin,. A cream separator has been recently placed in this dairy, which was capable of a speed of 30C3 revolution!) a minutes- At a time when the bowl was revolving at the rate cf 2500 revolutions a minuto it suddenly burst, wrecking eveiything in the dairy and seriously injuring four men and a woman. 1 One of the men, Gerard Taeset, had his leg fractund in jevcral places, and his injuries were expected to terminate fatally. Few persons realise the terrific speed with which these bowls'revolve, or the dan«e. which always exists of their bursting under such pressure. In this case the fragments of iron, flying about broke evorytliioj; in the daily into small pieces, oarried tha window bodily away, and made deep holes in the wall ami ceiling, the dsmagodone being estimated at £l6O. These separators are now used all over the world (adds The Times), and it would be a good work if the whole history of this accident eould bo thoroughly investigated and reported upon, Our own Board of Agriculture ought to obtain sorno trustworthy information toe the benefit of British users ot these machines.

A colossal terra cotta statute of the late Mr Oliarlos Bradlaugh, M.F., is to be placed on Abington Square, Northampton. The monument is to be 7ft Gin in height, the whole resting on a platform of rc d granite. The spaco requii ed will be 12ft square, and the cost about £4OO The inscription on the front panel of the pedestal is to be " Bradl.iugh for Northampton," the title of the famous song.

Mr Hargar ilagan, an Amorican contributor to the Cosmopolitan, has been in London searching for houses and localities that have gathered associations with Charles Dickens, and nothing has surprised htm more than the obliging politeness of the London policemen as compared with the blunt manners of hts brethren in New York. Aldgato pump, which marked the goal of the frequent pilgrimages undertaken by tho susoeptible Mr Toots from "tho Wooden Midshipman," excited our visitor's curiosity,. and awakened a desirs to securo an instantaneous photograph then and there; but the two great streams of vehicles rendered the attempt fruitless. Here it was, as Mr Bagan says, that the London "Bobby" proved most unexpectedly to be a friend indeed, Just as he was about to abandon his purpose as impracticable the constable astonished him by 'aying, " Wou'd you like the traffic topped, sir ?" This ma more than the stranger had the assurance to ask, but bis questioner did not wait for a reply. Up went his hand, for an instant the mighty stream of London life parted, and the flowing tide, as Mr Ilagan puts it," stood still in older that a wandering Yankee might photograph a pump."

Another of Sir George Campbell's Mutiny adventures may also be told in his own words 11 1 overtook an armed rebel, noi a sopoy, but a native matchlock man. He threw away his gun, but I saw that he had still left a large powder-horn and an old fashioned piscol in his bolt. My blood was up, and I dealt him a mighty stroke with my sword, expecting lo out ilim almost iu two, but my swordsmanship was not perfect. He did not fall dead; on the contrary, he took off his turbin, and presenting his bare bead, pointed to a small scratch, and said, ' There, sahib, ovidently God did not intend you to kill me, so you may as well Jet me off now.' I felt very small; evidently ho had the best of the argument. But he was of a forgiving disposition, and reliovod my embarrassment by cheerful conversation; while he professed, as natives do, that he would eorve me for the rest of my life, 1 made him throw away any arms he still had, safe-conducted him to the nearest field; and we parted excellent friends; but i did not feel that I had come very gloriously out of it.'! I

The Melbourno Age reports :--Otto G. Merlin, a German doctor, was proaeoUtod at the City Court the other day on tho charge of having stolen a skull and bonk, the property ofthe trustees of thePublio Library, Swanston-street. He borrowed the skull for the purpose of using it at lectures on phrenology whioh heintonded to deliver in the suburbs. He failed to return the article, and when nearly starving, pawned it to obtain food. Ho told the Bench that he had suffered great privations during the last five months. Ho appealed against being sent to gaol, pointing out that' it would debar him from again re-entering the eduoated society with which he had formerly been associated. Mr Panton to accused: "When did you come to the Colony?" "About throe years ago." " Why did you not ask tho German Consul to assist you j" "I did not care to." Mr Hilk "Ue is a clevor man, your Worship, but has fallon a victim to the pernicious practice of injecting cocaine into his system." Mr Panton: "It'is a painful case to deal with, and I regret to have to send you to gaol for three months, However, it is tho boßt place for you,"

Medical experts are discussing the question of the quantity of food neces. sai/ for an adult to live upon fc r health, LordPlayfair gives the following as a week's fare:—Three pounds of meat with one pound of fat, two ordinary loaves of bread, with one ounce of salt, and five pints of milk; or, for meat, five l or six pounds of oatmeal, Dr. Pavey gives a higher stsndard, but even that is low compared to tho actual practice of tho most abstemious—viz. 16 ounces of food,per day in absolute rest; 23 ounces during light work; 26 to 30 ounces for a man doing hard laborious work. Dr Fhvcy's estimate is based on dry weight ; now, as all our food con-1 tains more or less'moisture, it would appear 38 to 60 ounces of ordinary food are necessary daily for a healthy adult, In aotive life. . .

Acrazo for bargains set in this morning at the Bon Marche, We, that is Hooper & Company, have started clearing out the balance of our winter stock, Our bargains are always genuine, We cbn't say we sell at cost price, because no one or very few could test it, not knowing what the. cos; price is. We don't offer our goods at 20 per cent discount beoause no one can check the calculation, not knowing on what it is based; yfe rely upon the prices at whloh wo offer our bargains and in nine cases out ol nine ond-a-balf those prices are staggerers both for (he Pablio and the Trade, Of course, weare going to lose money over this job 1. How could we do otherwise? Bui why not? Why shouldn't we as well a other people f Everybody's losinmonevs now-Mays, pd we;are prepared to top our share just for'the sake of company, hut that we lose .wo lose in a good cjnse, We' benefit the -Fablio, so keep your eye on the ■Bon Marche for bargains, Everything at paniopricesi . ,

The Privy Council having decided Bgainst. the points reserved for , the defence in the wp of tho man Makin, convicted of murder in connection nith numerous cases of baby-farmin», at Sydney, the Executive have that he shall pay the extreme penalty of the lav on Monday week, the 14th instant.

Farmers are always interested in hearing of a good fertilising medium, whioh may be used with certain benefit to their laud. This being , so, we feei that we cannot do better at this juncture than direct their attention to the admirable products of the Wellington Meat Export Company, particulars of which r.ppoar in a notification elsewheio in to-'lay's issue. Last yoar the Company completely Bold out its stock, so much were these manures in demand. Their quality is vouchsafed for in an independent analysis, copies of which can be had on application, and purchasers may therefore rely upon the genuineness of the article whicn is supplied 'o them. The Wellington Meat Export Company also intimate in their advertisement that they are purchasers of all classes of fat stock, and that they are represented iu the AVairarapa by Mr A lexandcr McEenzie, of Featherston, Mr J. L, Murray, Draper of Masterton, has an inset iu this issue, in which ho announces a sale of drapery and clothing to continue for fourteen days only. A reference to tho inset will show the figures to which tho goods are reduced, Amongst the Wairarapa exhibitors at the Wellington Poultry, Pigeon and Canary Association's Show, Messrs A. A, Elkins and Burton Boys, of Master." ton, have succeeded in carrying off several prizes.

Several Masterton vocalists have kindly consented to assist at tho benefit concert to be given to the widow of the Into Mr De Lacey, at Carterton, next Tnursday week,' We understand that the Masterton Orchestra and Pearson's Brass Band hare also offered their aorvices.

Mr Alfred Oiy nutifios that he hay purchaßod the carrgmg business formerl lurried 01; by Mr Dalgotty. He solicit 1 a share of public patronage.

The immigration and emigiation roturns for the month oi July, giron by telegrams from iho Customs officers ac tho several ports of New Zealand, show a net gain of 318 for tho Colony during that period. A Carterton correspondent Informs u 9 that the local Salvation Captain " is no' insane enough to mako such a statement) as the one reported, to tho effect that he had not sinned for 14. years," We are glad to hear it. To-day being a public holiday, the R.M, Court was uot opened. One case was heard before J.P.'s ia the Polite Station.

The regular fortnightly meeting of tho Court Loyal Enterprise, A.0.F., tcn, was held last evoning, two new mombers being initiated, We are glad to see that Mr A. Murray is again able to get about after bis late serious illness.

Mr Henry Phillips, of the Occidental Hotel, is reported to have taken a turn for the better, and it is hoped he is now on the high road to'recovery, A good housemaid is advertised for. Says tho Inangubua Times of Tuesday:—The commercial travellers are having a lively time on the ooast just now. One of them triad to get away from Westport yssteruay. Ho reaohed Gallagher's aud returned. Dot to be beaten, however, he went by tho afternoon train to Greymouth to catch the Grafton, but that and all other boats are now outside tho bar, and shipping (as they tay down there) is 'temporarily suspended,' Should he try tho Christ* church route it is to be hoped the Bealey won't stick him up; but it may. At a mooting of Vestrymen of St. Matthew's Church Mastertou, hold last eroning, the Bev.ff. E. Paige presiding, it was decided to accept the offer ot a number of lady and gentlemou residents to form a choir, Additions are made to the entries for Mi'F. H, Wood's next Taratahi Stock Sale,

The Woodville Examiner says :-Ab showing tho omissions on the electoral roll for Woipawa, we find that such wellknown names as Messrs Hart-stone senr., MoKibbin and Knight are not on tho roll. Tliis bliows the necessity of those qualified to vote Beeinp; whether their names are enrolled, so that if not they may bo put ou. At Mangataiuoka one hundred settlors were almost immediately found whose names were not on tho roll,

The following letter, received by Mr J. J. Kennedy, 'should be of interest to many of our readers The Story 11 Ten Nights in a Bar Boom." has helped largely the Temperance Reformation, It occupies a somewhat similar relation to the Temporance Reformation as" Uncle Turn's Cabin" did to tho Slavery Reformation. I am not a supporter of the averago Theatre, but I believo that a moral story like this dramatised, would be a powerful moral lesson.—Robert Wood ; Mango, Masterton, 3rd August, 18D3.

The Ruamahunga riyor overflowed itß, banks in several places yesterday, and several portions of tho road wore covered with water to a depth of two or thrco feet, A number of tho willows planted to protect tho bankß were swept away, and other damage was also done. Robert Walsh, one of the nine " first offenders" fur drunkenness, who were recently before the Masterton B,M, Court, was arrested again last night charged with (1) being diunk and disorderly, (2) indecent oxpoiure, and (3) using obscene language in a public place. The accused pleaded guilty to each oE the ohargoß, and begged for leniency, as ho did not know what ho was doiner at tho time of tho offences, The Bench, (Messrs T. E, Price and H. E. Eton, J.P.'b)-said the charges were of a most serious nature and could only be punished by imprisonment, The accused would therefore bo fined 10s for drunkenness, or in default 48 hours, and on each of the two graver charges be sentenced to one month's imprisonment, The Walrarapa Hunt Olub held a meot yesterday at Burnside, llanaia. The attendance was small on account of the inclement woather, but the course laid off was in tair going order and the hunts'rnon present had a good run, tho bounds working splendidly. In the absenoo of Huntsman Roake, Mr Hughes took his place, and managed the dogs vety oroditably. Tho throw-off tookplaco in Mr McKenzie's scrub paddock, and followed through his land,'the first cheok ta'dng placa at his ploughman's cottage. The return was a straight run home, doubling across tho road through some stiff ground and finishing close to the Homestead. The fences throughout the run were very stiff but were all negotiated in good style not a single spill taking place in the whole run, Amongst those present were noticed Messrs Vsllance (Master) on Falsehood; Hushes, on Tom i'oy j D. Donald, oil Goldio j H. Perry, o.\ Sunbeam : J. Weller, on Squib; R, Weller, on Rocket; H. Welch, it, Walden, and Harold Welch, There was also a fair number of spectators, who together viith the Huntsmen were handsomely entertained by Mr MoKenzie. Tho dray was laid by Mr .Robinson, on M.B. whose jumping was greatly admired.'Yesterday was local members day Id i tho House of Representatives, and a good deal of work was done. The Bill prohibiting the supply, cf intoxicating liquor to children mi passed,, and the I encing Bill, _ and Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Bill, and the Bill legalising the marriage of a woman with the brother of her deceased husband, were read a second time. Several local Bills, two relating to Wellington, passed their second reading. The Magistrates' Courts Bill was passed in the Legislative Council, whote the Cheviot County. Bill and thp Bill conserving the rights of judge Ward as Civil Beryint were' read a second time,. Timy.. / i

Dp.W. H, Honking leaves New Zealand by the nest Ban Franoisco piqil, on a tour round the world. The tfip will be praotically a professional one, as Dr Uoaking win visit all the principal medical institutions', We wish him a plea** ant time and hope to see him return lo Majtetton benefitted by the trifi ■■■■.■> i

; The Lotidbn correspdtideiitof ! Times Baya:—"Whata thMe-volumehdveliil | Geo. Gissing could "make out :of-the $ | Wormwood Scrubs murder.,-Police- , constable Oook would be the .hero mth » ' a blameless record till.a low trollop, p tomped him from tho path of virtue and,!' tied him to her vicious side. He in time' 1 grows to hate the woman and tho life ' he's loading with her and longs to escape. His superior officers help, him, and i Cook is transferred to-another part of London. 'For a tlmo he succeeds in shaking the creature off. Brighter days seem dawning, when she finds and fol- ' lowshnn, preys upon him, libels his character, and assails him in .turiouifits of greed and jealously. Cook has formed '■ 1 a new.attachmeiit to a virtuous girl, wjio - returns his sly rqjgtross .• him and meob'fWr-iWPjely place; y irritated beyond endurance, he turns and strikes her, she utters an intolerable tauutand threatens him with exposure, . : professional iuin and tho saorifico of his engagement.. At this he becomes insane with passion. It is a fierce joy to: rain down blows with his truncheon on :. this accursed fiend's head, and it is not till he has staggered 'away from a bleed- ' ing ' corpse that the unhappy man realises he is a murderer. And yet Mr Frederic Harrison and other learned • gentlemen assure that nobady can write romances btoaiise tliore is nothing romantio. to write about.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4494, 4 August 1893, Page 2

Word Count

Wairarapa Daily Times. [ESTABLISHED 1878.] FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4494, 4 August 1893, Page 2

Wairarapa Daily Times. [ESTABLISHED 1878.] FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4494, 4 August 1893, Page 2


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