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A little romance of tho Land Board comes to ua from a correspondent. A man named Higgitis, registered in the Wellington Special Settlement Block, as a substitute for a member named Kirk. Higginswaßto use the land for mnoyears, and in the eveut of his being turned out before the expiration of that period, was to receive £3OO as compensation, Hig. gins settled on the land, built a horns, and partly cleared tho section, ' Kirk got drowned, and the property reverted to his father, who became insolvent. Then the Official Assignee took over his interest, and applied to liggins to make an offer for the property. Higgihs codsalted a neighbournamed, Dawson, who went and arranged for the purchase of it from the Official Assignee, for himself. The Land Board was asked to transfer to Dawson, but riot liking to turn out His;, gins, whose moral claim to the section was not disputed, it forfeited the section. Then the Offiolal Assignee and Higgins same to V satisfactory understanding which t was ratified -by the. Board, and Higgins remains Vin:;the undisturbed possession of the propettyy ■- : J :^fX

I Lord Onslow, speaking at the Suffolk Colonial College,' said Now Zealand re • quired men with a snnll amount of capital who were willing'and able'to work upon the laud, ■•. -; :'

The American press agrees that Eng« land cannot allow France to approach her Indian territory.

t The Lancashire, Yorkshire, Bristol and Nottingham minerß have struck, and th.9 South Wales miners refuse to load vessels for English markets, Sixty thousand additional miners will strike in a. fortnight, mating a total of 340,000 who have gone ont. Tho Rangitikei Advocate states that Mr. Donkin, who has bean requested to explore'the Mimi route for the North Wand Mam Trunk Line,-has refused to gojnto the buah with the men who were sent up to him from Wellington. None of them know anything about bash work,

In an article commenting on the quarrels of the Ohristchuroh City Counoil o'ier a water supply, Tndh makes tho following allusion to Masterton': r " Wo can remember many sad scenes in Coun. oil for which water was responsible. Some two or three years ago in the Wuiratapa the apparently innocuous fluid caused weekly encounters of a teritlio intensity. The Mayor, an aged patriaroh with primeval theories on the subject of water supply, turned, the loosl. river through tho main atreot of the town and constructed a dam just outside the local post office. The consequenco was that persons desirous of gettint! their letters had either to ohartor vessels,"or swim across the local Rubicon.orgive upcorrespondence, The inhabitants, for some reason or another, objected to this ingenious irrigation soheme. The consequence was that considerable vehemence was introduced into the deliberations of the Counoil, and thero would certainly havo been bloodshed had not the patriarch aforesaid been a man of a muscular development which enabled him'toknock if necessary, the heads of the. entire Council together, The feud between the Mayor and the Councillors continued for a long time, until tho former, disheartened by tho ingratitude of tho latter, turned the river into another province, cut off the water supply in Mo, aud took to his bed." . Thero is an all round increase on th« work done and revenue oolleoted on the Wellington seotion of the Government railways for the month of June as against the corresponding peiiod of the previous year. The number of passengers carried was 31,036 against 23,214, season tickets 127, against 85. The number of parcels, vohicles and live stock carried wbs 18,485 against 16,331. The weight of goods, including wool, timber, gram, merchandise, mlnorals, etc, amounted to 6,496 tons against 4,488 tons in June, 1892, Tiie revenue for the four weeks amounted to £5,763 as against £4,971 for Ihe corresponding poriod of last year. Tho noxt social in aid of tho funds of St. Matthew's Church will be held in the Temperanco Hall on Thursday the 10th instant. _ This will probably be the last of the series. Sunday turned out a splendid day in IhoForty-mile E:vdi. but on Monday morning rain again commenced to fall. MrF. H. Wood adds to hisnex' Taratahi Stock Sale, forty-one fat ewes 100 ewes in lamb and five calves. iThe Oederbank, from Newcastle (New South Wales), has arrived at San Francisco with her carso on fire. Two hundred tons of cargo havo been jotfatd and bofore tha flames were "extinguished the vessel had to be beaohed and then

flooded. The revenue for tho New Zealand Railways for the four weeks ending 24th June, was £81,004 against £83,002 for June 1892. Tho North Island lines contributed £28,706 and the South £52,207. The proportion of expenditure of revenue for tho samo period is 58-90 against 68'91 for last year. 'J'ho expenditureon Northern lines was 6fl-89per cent; and on the Southern 5505 per cent. Tho rate percent is highest on tho Kaihu Section, 104-30 ; Nelson, 9963, and Kawakawa, 9473. The lowest are Westport, 44 32; Greymouth, 45-741 Hurunui-blnff, 55-18. Tho Weilington and Napior-Taranaki Sections are nearly equal with 64-88 and 65.23 per cant, "respectively. Auckland Section costs 69,63 per cent. Having flnishod his series of public entertainments in the Exohanjjo Hall, Wellington, Professor Richard has goneroußly uodertaken to give a-special electrio exhibition, with a strong supplo mentaiy programme, in tho Opera House on Saturday evening next, the wh-do of the proceeds of which are to be dovoted to charity in the shape of a donation to tho Aged and Needy Institution. This particular entertainment will be held under the patronage and In the presence of_ His Excellency tho Governor and suite. During tho week private patients may still intorview Professor Richard at tho Exchange Hall up to five o'clock each day, and his Wellington consultation practice finally closes on Saturday, Bth August, pending Mr Richard's opening at Masterton on the Thursday following The New Zealand Gazette shows the liabilities of tho various banks in the Colony to be £15,888,484, with assets £18,382,870. The following are tho rates and amount of last dividend paid:— Bank of New Zealand (five per cont), £22,500; Union Bank (twelve percent), £90,000; Bank of New South Wales (fifteen per cent), £03,750; Bank of Australasia (ton per cent), £80,000; National Bank of Now Zealand (five per cent), £6,250; Colonial Bank of New Zealand (seven per cent), £14,000, At the same time the amount of reserved profits stood at :-Bank of New Zealand, £75,830; Union Bank, £1,095,708; Bank of New South Walea, £1,010,000; Rank of Australasia, £809,986; National Bank of New Zealand,£lß,oß4; Colonial Bank of New Zealand, £77,423, To-morrow evening, by special re« ] quest, the Kennedy Company will stage the popular piece " Little Lord Fauntleroy," when there should be a bumper house.

Tho fourth annual report of the Wellington Meat Export Company is published. In consequence of the altered nature of the' company's' business tho directors make a recommendation to the shareholders that the number of directors should bo reduced to' five. In furtherance of their reoommendation the directors all tender their resignations and recommend shareholders to elect tho following gentiemani-Messrs W, 0. Buchanan, 0. B. hard, 0, Pharazyn, J. W. Marshall, and\Y. G. Foster. In order to make proper provision for depreciation it has been found nooessary to absorb the reserve fund of L4OOQ, which provides the necessary amount with the exception of L 129 6s 4d, The latter amount added to the Bum of 1.02114s Bd, which is the loss upen working account, reduces thn balance

oarried forward last' year from L96210s 2d to L2119s 2d.-JU.KmM Tho young men of Masterton havo determined to form a gymnaßtio oiub, A meeting was held in the MLHall. on' Thursday sight last, about a dozen being present. They decided to call theolub 1 'The Wairarapa Gymnastic Club" also fixing tho fee for membership at 10s a month. There will be a general meeting ou Thursday next in the Ml.Hall

A Good Tim* at the present to buy Men's Boy's, and Youih'B Clothing cheaply. You can get them at the lowest Safe and Salvage prices, with a discount of Is in the £ returned in oaeh for the nest 15 days onlyj atTeAroHouse. . ■ -I

. The Best Choice ever yet offered. look to it men. Heavy Bcotoh Tweed Suits at 32s 6d for 22s Od, Colonial Tweod Suits at 37s M for 26s 6d, with an extra oash gift of Is intho£. One Shimm in .the £, Men's Tweed Vests at 2s lid and 3s lid, Heavy f addle Tweed Trousers at 19s Gd for Us Gd. %' a 20j pared of (to mid secure a ccwA ioniis of U in the &, ~ Finmv Days Okly. Men's Tweed Ovorcoats 35s for lGsGd, Youth's Trouser Suits 21s for 13s Gd.'ond to crown the whole a discount of h m tht£. Thkiswkre tfo bou'scomein.' Tweed Knickers at 3s'Gdfor2s3d. Sohoolsuits at Bs.6d.for4a.lld. Heavy Serge' Kntcker SuitslOs 6d for 6s 6(1. Buy what you want oflheknow. ... ' Now w the Time..: All ; prioes both Sale and Salvage with the extra discount of Is in' the £is'for 15days only.'bni -purohas'esi'of 20s worth and up, at Te Are -House, Wqjv

I • We hear that iMr,: Brabant o| iho Bank of Australasia in this town is to ho transferred to Mr Scales, at prespnt in thefeilding office, will come to Mastertori.. ■: , .. ■

| _is we go to prow the result of Messrs Hood and Johnson's lollia guessing competition is being decided. On the fi tst count being made it was found some six or mow guesses were so olose,that it was arranged that the contents of the bottle should be oounted a seoond time,

; Tho'North Wairarapa Gun Club has jusb made arrangements throush tho Secretary, (Mr E. H. Waddington) for a supply of 250 pigeons for a match to be firod on August 17th at Messrs Lowes I and lorns'-yarde. At.this meeting Mr J. J, Breeds' presentation cup will be competed for :n a ten bird handicap; Tho Masterton Borough Council will not meet until 7.30 this ovoning, as, owing to the nnavoidable absence nf the Mayor, the Olerk.has been requested by His Worship to ask Councillors to delay the proceedings until tho hour named, to enable him to.attend. The Works and Finance Committet will meet at 1 p.m. Thero is in Wanganui (says the Chronicle) a well-kuown prohibited person, who the law has said, ehall not obtain liquor in Wanganui. In spite of the law, however, Jhis person is the worse for drink almost daily, and yet evety licensed dealer inalcuhulic drinks, who has been aßked, peraißts that he never sells anything to the man in queation. . This may bo true, and we have no desir; to hint that it is otherwise, but the factrematnß that notwithstanding tho magistrate's order of prohibition, this unfortunato man still imbibes moro than he can safely carry, It seems •to us that this is a little problem it should not be veiy difficult to unravel, and we should like to see those whose duty it is to deal with such matters try their hand at it, Tho above remarks would apply to a number of similar eases in Master* ton,

No lesß than nine worahippersafc.lho shrine of Bacchus wore captured by- the Masterton police last evening, and the cells wero full to overflowing. This morning the nine were marched into tho R.M, Court in single file, and as thoy sat in the jury box wore indeed a beautiful picture. The batuh included one or two wJio were not used" to the business, and felt keenly their position, but aiuiingst them wero also some of the meet broken-down, dilapidated deads beats, wo havo seen for a long time past. Eight of the culprits had not been beforo the Court for the .past six months, and were accordingly each fined 6s and 2s oost3aß" first offenders," or in default 24 hours' imprisonment, The ninth ginllemau had the penalty doubled. Messrs T. E. Price and H. K. Eton wero the presiding justices. Intending members of St. Matthew's choir eve reminded of tho mooting called for eitfht o'clock to-night at Mr R. Brown's office, Council Chambers, for the purpose offorming the same, appointing the necessary officers and making arrangementseenerallyforitabeingestab 0 - lisbed on a proper footing and carried on Any lady or gentloman willing to join, whoso name is not seat in, is invited to attond.

Mr J. J. Kennedy will appear this , evening as" Yank Thursby," in Hans the Boatman, at the Theatre Royal. A man named Alfred Freeman was oharged in the Masterton R.M. Court thiamorningwithusingobscene language. The accused pleaded that he know nothing of tho matter, being undor the influence of liquor. Sergeant McArdle proved the offence characterising the language as" the inost filthy and abominable he had evor heard fall from the lips of a man." 'The Bench (Messrs T. 18. Price and Eton J.Ps) sentenced Freeman to ouo month's hard labor. ■ Sergeant MoArdle remarked in the R.M, Court this morning, that •'• it appeared. as if a gang of drunks had taken oharge of the town last night," Perhaps the wet weather had something to do with it,

We have received a letter signed " Maori," but we are', for the presont, declining letters on the subject referred to by our correspondent In a new advertisement in this Issue, Mrs Forbes, of Queen street, reminds tbe ladies of Masterton, that she has a choice assortment of ladies' and children's underclothing, fancy work, and fancy wools, _ All orders givon for fancy work and plain sewing, will have her special supervision,

It is Btatod that the Now Plymouth highwaymao, who is now rustioating in gaol, was assistant 'editor' of a periodical read at the meetings of the local Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Association, and was to have met the other ' editor 'on the night he was oapturod to fix up the paper for tho next meeting, but the businbos was somehow postponed. Wallath used to take on important part in the society, and always spoke onevery subject which came up. MrT.W.Rowe,M.A., has been appointed Head Librarian at tho Wellington Library.

Mr John Ollivier.a very old settler, died at Christchurch, yosterday, aged 81. He arrived is the colony in 1853, and held many offices in tho Canterbury Provincial Council. He was Provincial Secretary in Mr Moorhouso'e Goyernmont, and afterwards Speakor, On his retirement from that, position he was appointed provincial auditor, a position he held till the abolition of tho provinces; and he subsequently occupied a somewhat similar position under the General Government. For some years he was Magistrate, at Christchurch and at Lyttelton.

The Borough Ovorsoot'B report for the month shows that about fifty ohainß of the Masterton footpaths have been ropairod, and metalling has also been done, The report recommends repairs to Chapel Street, Dixon Street, and Perry streob. The Works and Finance Committee Meeting, of the Masterton Borough Council, lapsed last night for want of a quorum.

A craze for bargains set in this morning at the Bon Marche, Wo, that is Hooper & Company, havo started clearing out the balance of our winter stock. Our bargains aro always genuine We don't say wo cell at cost price, because no one or very few could test it, not knowing what the cost price is, We don't offer our goods at 20 per cent discount because no ono can check the calculation, not knowing on what it is Aased, We rely npon tbo pricos at whioh we offer our bargains and in nine cases out of nine and-a-half those prices are staggerers both for the Publio and the Trade, Of course, wearegoingto lose money over this job I How could we do otherwise? Bu whynot? Why shouldn't we as well at other people ? Everybody's losin moneys now-a-days, and wo are drop our share just for the sake of company, but that we lose we lose in a good cause, We benefit tbo Public, so keep your eye on the Bon Marche for bargains. Everything at panio prices,

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4491, 1 August 1893, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4491, 1 August 1893, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4491, 1 August 1893, Page 2


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