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The Rev. A. W. Aahoroft, who is to take charge of the Methodist) Church at Pahiatua, has arrived in the district. The rev. gentleman was until recently in oharge of tho Otaki Misaion Station.

A correspondent of the Post, writing from Featherston, states that on Wednesday last a magnificent meteor was seen there at 4.45 am. Its colour was a beautiful crimson, and in falling it left a train of small fire-balls.

The Mangatainoko Battlers are endeavouring to statu brass band, The sum of £2O has already been collected,

We remind our readers of thoextenslve sale of stcck and station requisites at Gladstone on Thursday next, by Mr F, H, Wood, at Brooklyn farm. The sale commences at noon and luncheon wdl be provided,

The Obsorvor says that Mr T, Ray has been granted a temporary license forthe Taratahi Hotel, of whioh he iaowner,and has re-entered and taken possession of, claiming that a condition in respect to Insurance under tho loaso has been broken.

Our exports increased £3,000,000 between 1887 and 1890. Between 1890 and tho close of 1891! the inorease was but £68,404, Stagnation camo with the Ballance Ministry, The estimated receipts and expenditure in connection with the Masterton Hospital were considered by the Trustees in committee yesterday afternoon, and although the estimates showed a j slight deh'cienoy, it was decided 'to intimate to the United Charitable Aid Board that no levy would be necessary on account of the institution.

Tho Literary Tadpoloof the Masterton Amateur Athletes suggests that the Borough Counoil should strike a special rate to be oxpended in the public park for the benefit of the Amateurs, We are assured that the ratepayers will cheerfully pay this special levy. The Rev Father MoKenna has resigned his position as a member of the Masterton Hospital Trust in view of bis approaching trip to the Old Country. Mr J. L. Murray notifies that he will clobo his premises on Friday, St Patrick's Day, at one o'clock and consequently will keep open on Thursday (to-morrow) afternoon,

The Member for Masterton informs us that the (Tovernment is potting seyeral large blooks in within the next few days without giving publicity to an event whloh is of great interest to many Bottlers in the district, and that he has called upon the Government te postpone the sale of it till adequate notice has been given to all parties interested.

The date-for receiving tenders for painting a house at Eopuaranga has been extended to the 21st instant.

In a new advertisement, in to-day's issue, Messrs R. F. Temple and Co. announce the arrival of a consignment of lamps, among which they have a useful novelty in the "Young American," a perfect, central draught lamp for household use, For this lamp it is claimed that it has no equal for cheapness, and the quality of light at the minimum of kerosene used. Messrs Temple invite inspection of their newly assorted stock, The Rangitikei Advocate Bays that Mr Millar, of Otaki, "has atouoblng faith in the omnipotence of the Government, and thinks that their support would ensure the eleotionof a Chinaman."

Tho Olutha Leader understand? that Mr T. Mackenzie, M.H,8,, has been offered the managership of a large cooperative concern in Gißborne, with the prospect of a walk-over as member for the electoral dintriet. For the present, however, Mr Mackenzie intends to stand by the Olutha.

A canal in being cut between Lakes Erie Bnd Ontario, It will be thirteen miles in length and will Bave 112 miles of transport. It is intended to form tho first section of the proposed canal be« tween Montreal and New York,

The Irish Landowners' Convention refuses to accept tho report of the Evicted Tenants Commission, when it denounces as ruinous, ignoring the history and character of tenants, and condoning and helping the promoters of the Plan of Campaign.

A lad named Richard Gregory was thrown from his horse at Pahiatna on Monday afternoon, the animal kicking him on the right leg and breaking it.

The Chicago railway authorities have decided to Bpare no expense in offering determined resistance to the switohmen,

_Mr F, H. Wood advertises the sale at his auction rooms, Carterton, on Saturday, 25th instant, of the equity of redemption of 126 acres of land on the Taratahi Plain Block. There Is some valuable milling timber on the property, which is said to be sufficient to pay for the whole ofthe improvements. Particulars appear in our advertising columns,

During an excursion to MountEgmont at the latter end of last week Mr Babbage discovered falls that had not previously been known of, Ho and two others had been attempting an ascent, and got as far as Fantham's Poak, but the wind was very high, and it was deemod inexpedient to go further. However, they did somo exploring from Dawson'B falls, and following along a ledge half a mile off very fine falls were discovered on the Kaupokonul, They are not as high as Dawson's Falls, but are prettier.—Hawera Star.

In our advertising columns Mr E. A. Andrews notifies that ho has purchased tho express and carrying business formerly carried on by H. Cole, and will give careful and prompt attention to all orders placed in his charge,

"Go at 'cm again I" "1 saw young Harry with his beaver on I "—I Hen. IV., IV., I, Aye and with'his eyesopen and his head screwed on the right way, and ho went for them noteiactly bald headed.but straight from the shoulder, and, the people cheered him and said go at 'em again old man, and doubtless he did. It was good advice and wo propose to tender it to onr countless supporters in connection .with our half prico remnant sale. Go at 'cm again wo say as' hard as yopn.'tyon'tleavethem till they're all'gone. "See that you clear the lot so that when the end comes their place shall know them no more, We want these Half Price bargains distributed throughout the length and breaclth of the laud. How long will it laa;t ? We can't say I 'We 'don't know I Our minds aro not made up I We're going te have a cabinet council'perhaps to-day, arid we'll let you all know if any decision is arrived at. In the meantime go at. 'em as hard as yon can. ft might be one day, two .days, perhaps' three, perhaps aweek. We oan'i say! 'We dop.t jnow except if can't last long'be'foreihj) end comls M any rate. Now Is the time to buy largely at Hooper's oalf'prics fieninant Sale II I- • A»YI

At a meeting held on Monday the 6th instant,by a number oteettlersof Central Mansaraahoe Road, Bartons Line, and adjoining roads, the question was raised whether thoy were being fairly dealt with by the Government, in. respect to the formation oftheCeritral Mangnmahoe Road, it being understood by the plans of the block that the road was to be formed tothe Mt, BakerKoad,a distance of four miles from the main road, for which the majority pay G3 an awe. Having heard from very Rood authority that the present intention of the Government was to form a little oyer a mile, it seems that some smaller olaims have received greater consideration. The next question raised was as to whether it was possible for them to hold their, leaseholds, having spent their little capital 011 the same though the condition of the tracks at present being next to impassable and the Alfredton .Road Board rates not being procurable for maintaing the tracks. The thirds are not forthcoming, the track having to be kept in repair by soros of the settlers. It was resolved to write to the Commissioner to ask him to verify tho reoort and state that there are between 80 and 40 settlers interested in this road, who wish the formation extended from the Mount Baker Road on the Central Mangamahse Road, to the extent of Barton's Lino, by raising a special loan.

The only soa-guing steam vessel that has propelltrs in the centre of the boat' instead of in the stern, is named Le Louyre, and plies between St. Nazaire and Pariß, thus taking in its course Bea, river, and canal. It is a small vessel. The two screws are in two tunnels in the centre, in front of tho engine. The tips of the blades do not project below the koelOne advantage olaimod for this invention is that the screw can be examined easily in case of accident, a* It is only necoessary to introduce compressed air into the tunnels and force out the water. It is reported in Franco that large ocean vesaela ate to be built with this arrangement' of tho propelling power. This system of propulsion is a modification of that of Thornycroft, which has been employedfor years on the. torpedo boats of the Brazilian Government, and the police boats on the Nik-Marine Journal.

Railway arrangements for St Patrick's Day aro published in this issue. Messrs Lowes and loms add to the entries for their next Masterton Stock Sale 600 2-tooth Lincoln ewes, 200 2-tooth wethers, 120 lambs, 30 2-tooth Itomney rams, 13 2-tooth Lincoln rams snd 10 full-mouth Lincoln rami.

Programmes for the Wellington A, A, and Cycling Olub's Sports to beheld on 15th April, may be had from tho Treasurer of the local club, Mr Eton, In. tending competitors from the Wairarapa Club are requested to send in their nom« inationß before the 29th hißtant, Tho Borough Overseer has recommended there-metalling of High Street, Tenders aro to bo called for the work.

The estimated cost of maintaining the Masterton Hospital for tho present year is jEGOO. The eßtimatod receipts by oon> tributions, fees, eto., amount to £6BO. The tender of Mr E. Uarley has been accepted for the erection of a coal Bhed at the Masterton Gas Works, The price is £43.

What is the damage which tho Hesßian fly does to farmers? The Collector of Agriculture Statistics has given us an estimate for the Masterton Road district, In one instance a settler lost three bushels to the acre, in four iustances five bushels, in one instance six bushels, in another oight bushels, In nitio cases the loss was ten busheh to the aore, in three fifteen bushels and in one twenty bushels.

It appears that shortness o[ coal wbb the cause of the Borough lamps being unlit the other evening. It is, however, not good management to have a deficient stock on hand, and it is just as well when a hitch ocours at the gasworks if the public were at once informed of the difficulty, and not left to explain it for themselves.

Messrs Lowes and lornß add 00 4-year old steers and 60 calves to the entries for thoir Bpeoial cattle sale on Wednesday, Maroh 29th,

The Masterton Volunteer Band ha! been engaged to play at the MastertonOpaki Baces.

In another column Mr Mason announces the arrival of a shipment of phoßporus whioh will be disposed of at lowest price. His Worship the Mayor of Maslorton has declared a half holiday on Friday (BtPatriok'aDay)andlnconsequencethe |uaul Thursday half-holiday will not be observed,

The lease of the premises known as the Lion Store, and the corner shop opposite St Luke's Ohuroh, Groytow.i, has been transferred through Mr F. H. Wood to Mr H. J. Thompson, of Wellington, who intonds opening the Lion Store as a General Store. The leasehold of the premises lately occupied by the late Dr H, Taylor in Kuratawhiti Street, Grey* town has been sold to Mr Geo. Humphries, builder of Graytown. The Borough Overseer reported last night that the water from Mr RonaU'e mill lead, overflowed to suoh an extent on Saturday morning last that neither Messrs Oarpenter or Johnston could get to or from their properties in Dixon Street. The Council decided to ask Mr ltenall to take stops to prevent a recurrence of the nuißance.

Mr James Russell, Borough Surveyor, complained to the Masterton Borough Counoil last night that alterations had been made to the doors at the Wealeyan Church without the plans being submitted to him, and that si the rfoors were made to open inwards they would be a source of danger in case of a pauio. No action was taken, as the law only provides that fire escapes, eto„ are provided at public halls, hotels, and places of amusement, This brings into prominence the fact that some provision ought to bo made to include churches, for the public safety. The license fee would be a mero secondary consideration and could be made exceptionally light,

The Grand Fanoy Bazaar in aid of St, Patrick's Church, Masterton, will be opened this evening. The Theatre Royal hasbeon very beautifully decorated and the arrangements throughout are moßt complete. His Graoe Arohbishop Redwood, and the Rev Fathers Devoy, Power and Lano, and the Rev Dr Watters of St Patrick's College, reached Mastorton at noon to-day. Tho Bazaar will be formally opened by His Grace at 7.80 this evoning. Mr A. Von Keisonberg'a Masterton Orchestra will give Bolections at intervals,

Some silly and not over scrupulous or thoughtful person (says the Napier News) on Saturday night started a rumour that the s. s. Australian was lost. The rumour was variously Beired up. One person heard that tho vessel had foundered and gone down with all hands, another that she was on the rocks and being beaton to death by the surf, a third learned that all handsbad been swept overboard, and that only the captain on the quarterdeck remained at his post. As a matter of faot tho vessel was at Qißborne, which port she loft at 10.80 on Saturday night for Auckland, and there are no grounds whatever for a rumour so distressing as Hub whioh we have ohroniclod, Have you seen tho new llainprool" Im pcrvanas" Dress Serges now showing at Te Aro House, Wellington ? The"lmpervanas" Dress Serges are in all colors, principally Navy Blue, are fast dye and guaranteed rainproof. Only to be had at Te Aro House, Wellington. "AU the rage" describes the popularity of the" Impervanas" Dress Serges, They am invaluable for country l wear and wet weather. Every lady should have a dresF, Send to ,Te Aro House for patterns. '.' LuWwafcr off aduck's bfl\iek "-'describes their wonderful quality. No one Deed now fear the heaviest shower of rain while wearing a dreSdof "thelmper'vioua "Infpcrvanas" Serge. Procurable only at'Te Aro House, :WeUihgld)iv"' : ! . • ) ' Severe coldß and doctors' bi)ls are both avoided by the flse'of'" Impervanas "'Serges as dtess fabrics for the winter.' Sample's poßt free from the To Aro Hduse, Welling'-' ton, " ' ■" ' l ' l '•■ •*• .7 Impervanas."' Serges will not spot, will not styinjj, are not affected by sea watejr, o'nd are' ot "the b'est'Ne}? 'Zedhihjl Vpolj, Write for patterns to tho sole agent, Junes Smith, Te Aro House Wellington

Brand Mrs Johnston left Carterton yesterday .afternoon enrvufe to the Old Country, also Mr Acocks (of Uraithwaite and Acocks) of Waihakeko. They oxpect to return to Now Zealand about November next.

An advertiser offers a reward for a lost purse containing notes, the numbers of which are known.

We regret to hear that Mr Webb, nephew of Captain Baldwin, met with an accident while out shooting to-day. The gun exploded, striking Mr Webb in tho forehead, Mr Webb, rode from Blsie Farm this morning to receive mcdioal aid. We wish him a rapid recovery. On the motion of Mr J. 0. Boddington, seconded by Mr J. B. Keith, Mr Burton Boys has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Masterton Hospital Trust caused by tho resignation of the Rev. Father MoKenna,

The heaviest baby shown at the recent Melbourne baby Bhow was Susan Mabel Greenup, ot Sydney, 1] months old, weight Sat. A Marton resident, who enjoys his pipo, and Btnokes American plug tobacco, is forming quite an interesting collection of miscellaneous curios he finds at odd times embedded in his stocks of tobacco, Already he has a portion of an interred ing love letter, a newspaper extraot. two rusty wire nails, a five cent piece, and last week he discovered the spout of ai oil can, with brass sorew conneotionß all oomplote.— Mercury. We understand that the Borough Counoil stall have visited Mr Kingdon's premises to remove the obstruction referred to in our report of the Council meeting Mr Kingdon ordered the men oft his premises, with an intimation that forcible ejeotion might follow if they remained. The invading force retreated, leaving Mr Kingdon master "of' the situation.'

The Advocate aaye:—A young man named Harry Streenwas found wandering about on the road between Bulls and Sanson on Tuesday night, in a semi, nude condition, A gentleman who was driving past took him a ohargo and conveyed him to Bulls, where he was looked up until the following day. OnWednes. day morning he was brought before Dr Bennett, J.P., oharged by Constable Moon with being a lunatio, and was remanded to Wanganui. The acoused had the appearance of having just gone through & aevere drinking bout, which hud tho effect of turning the brain. Besides a disposition for wandering about rather thinly clod, Streen had a decided craze for singing, Be was a young seaman.and originally hailed from Manchester.

The daily newspapers have (wires the London correspondent of tho Sydney Morning Herald) alfoided quite painful reading in the last week or two on ao oount of the number of' sensational inquests. Thero appears. to be quite a mania for suicide just now, especially among unsuccessful professional men »ud haiuworkers generally, Several young medical men have been among those viotiras of their own act. In some ol the cases reported, drink has been tho cause of the suioide; iu ono or two cases disappointed love; but generally, even whero there has been a resort to drink, impecuniosity aeems to have boon at the bottom of the mischief. There is no doubt at all that the struggle for life at the present time is bearing very hard indeed upon the poorer olass of men who have to wear black coats and oannot call attention to their suffering by demonstrations in. Trafalgar Square, They have in thousands of casus to praotin pitiable economies to get along. But oven this is sometimes insufficient, and they are driven to desperation. There mußtbo great hardships here among the people in tho position of clerks for instance. One readß of a young commercial olerk of twenty-one, apparently ol industry and excellent character, coming from Edinburgh to London in searoh of work, tramping the streets hopelessly until only a few halfpence were left in his pocket, and then in despair committing suioide by taking laudanum. In another case in which a man is seeking work, one of his ohildten dies of starvation in the mother's arms and when the man and his wife are brought to the police station they and their other children are found to bo nearly famished. Tho fact is that tho London market for labour of all sorts is overstocked, and the amount of misery daring this severe winter must have been enormous. The mention of George Leitch's name (says a writer in the Melbourne Argus) reminds me ef tho strange adventures which befell him on a trip round the Now Zealand Sounds not Ion? ago. The "Insect" was always of a retiring nature, and when he wont on board the Tara. weraat Dunedin he begged that bis identity should not be disclosed, and was I consequently introduced by a wag in the Union Company's office, and duly entered into the passenger lißt, as the Kev Mr M'Leitch. There never was a parson eoirritatingly and unbendingly sanctimonious. With bis long black gloves and the complete clerical mako-up unearthed from his property-box, ho stalked the deck for a couple of days with a pious indifference to'bis fellow passengers which angored thrm exceedingly, so that thoy took counsel together and decided to take the starch out ol him. They got him out in a boat after dinner and rowed him by mistake under a_ water-fall, Then they made him tear himself to pieces climbing rocks, and left him to be eaten alive by .the sandfliea. After a while they brought him back to the ship, where tho horrified purser put him to bed in dismay and dosed him with rum, which he swallowed until ho was iu danger of bringing discredit on "tha cloth" The conspirators ooncernedin the mischief were hugely delighted at the sad plight of the "blooming parson," but next day the kind-hearted purser thought to pacify him by inviting him to contributo something towards the programmo of amusements, which had been prepared for that night. The Boy. Mr M'Loitch kindly consented to deliver a short address on " The Breviiiy of Life," and having tipped the wink to the professional pianist, who was the only per. son on board who knew him, stood up in clerical garb, and thore and then sang with much unction his famous song, "The Good Young Man Who Died," Before the first verse was finished the audience gave a gasp of Burpiisod dolight as the truth flashed upon thorn, and tho two conspirators faded silently away to avoid the too effusive congratulations of their friends upon the success of their practical joke.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4368, 15 March 1893, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4368, 15 March 1893, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XV, Issue 4368, 15 March 1893, Page 2


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