The Wairarapa Daily. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1880
. /.;/ —-4-r The tim has come round .to f make our how t#e year -of our'-. Lortl 1880, and tJxpvess our good wislies' to our new fiend, 1881. ' The' I 'moribund year P been comparalively ai uiievent-' ful'de in our local annuls, alhiost the ohl/red' letter day in' it having.' been tluone which celebrated the completion'; oiie railway to Mastevton; and even t!s opciuTonce has not brought to tis aat increase .of niateiial prosperity Mich ko many looked for.. At" the close of the year, 'however, there is an indication of new industrial enterprise which- may make the coming year a more satisfactory period tliaii its predecessor. - The past twelve months would almost seem to have been a fallow one, hut. none the less a season of comparative inactivity was, necessary to sweeten the soil and re-invigorate it for future efforts. With the weeds' and foul growths of the wretched past exterminated, the country .may in the year 1881, launch out into a new career of prosperity, founded on' hard .work and" the \ utilisation .of local ■, resources; rather '|;han oiV'ihe reckless distribution, of borrowed money. The year 1880 Ms nolj bp,eivsuch-;a..bad-friend;. to niariy v of us -that we cau afford to witli 'it' without some, regret,. Nevevtheless W'aremove sangujlie, of tlfejNe\y Year. We will not, in tluo vvpvds /of. TMiiiyebii,..usher it in with a- 1 ' ojjfc Wild' Bells,", its our m lipt wont to be. frantic, and .even for the birth of a new year, they'cannot'be worked into a paroxysm. 'We must needs usher in what y*e trust may prove a,"glad ; new" year" quietly and soberly. The poet to whom we have ajfjided in other verses embodied a nobler ibtioughj; %n is- to be found in his farewell to ; tjie dying, ye'ar. Writing - upon . the " Golden V ear," that year of peace and plentyand . happiness, which has been the vision of wets for .countless ages, lie says:
hi tkffWWM* r 1 \llaf hr ß^'1 ' jJHthe J n a ! v„|„/erß will beiheld on 7 «i* \ Ai x t Mo V-ethployeea_ (i|)|/uii the metiibeis of theirtinu null j uL\ to day, jjj ( f , , L Fealhustnn Coal Pinspecting Gujik A lus suSfMtd wwknig o, - i/iliiii;:'lie :recei[jttuf a lepui t finiii v L)i. ; ju or monthly'iiieetin<! of ,the.Car- : - /ut on Fm Unmade tikes place on Tuts /a\ 1 lie tin line commune of (he flliialeitmi Unmade will nieet.oii the sumo, list \ 'llitSl indiiil makiw sensible soggis tiuii |nr ruJiien:j{ llie -eoHt-of' ediiuiilioliv vk, hull ilgi liu f"i iMipil'iliihliiidiidb V ind VI A k,uiuil if £IO,OOO |ju iiiiiiuni-iiiiulii, we estimate, be obtained ftuiii llm adoption ol this plan We would like to see I lie various Habbit; Dislnu 'I itisiies iii iliu W.niaiaiM piotest ii":iuisi the levy o[ a rate of ten: shillings on do n 's The icsult of it mmc be f ivoi able to rabbits,'. nn<l a serious obstacle, in way of their oxioiuiination. , ■, Captain Knollys aid-du-caiiip In, the (iovenior has to see Te Whin at Panhiika on some K!>euhil uiisßio'i. All siiivlß nl iibsiird rumors are. afloat., but ihe nnly point'' tlnit seems at all uleai- is 1 hat the Governoi' mid Ills advisers by piiyin»: suuli a coiiiplniieut to ihe prophet are rirewiny fresh native coiniilioations. Jf soinebody must lie- sent there, why not send the Ex'J.P.. The Goverimient liaviii" decided to release thirty' more of tliu native pnac'iiers'i at present stationed at l!ipa Island, Port.i Lytlolioii, a warnint for tlip of that nlinilier -was issued under the hand and seal of His Excellency the Gevernor yesterday. .■■'Mi l Pavns, A»ont, has bemi msiriieted to select thirty men from;those not to the West Const tubes, and to »ive the preterence when necessary to aged men. Tire Uinemoiij whiolr is now at Ly.ttelton, will leave with the discharged prisoners this day, and will cull at Wellington en route for the West Coasti—N.Z. Timbs,■ 'A gathering of a very enjoyable character took' place oiv Christmas Day, ; at Spring Bank, Gladstone, the occasion being the third aniiual pibiiio given by ,Mr and Mrs McLachlan' to tp children attending the public school', and their relatives aiid frieiids, . Some, fifty of the young folks were present,' nor.was there wanting a sufficient complement of" their' sisters','and'their cousins and tlieir auiits' 1 to' promote. ; their' iiiirth; • The various pastimes suitable to,the season were freely indulged in, and it need scarcely be stated ; that ample justice was >paid to the good cheer so profusely provided: by. the liberal entertainers.. . Each/child was the happy rsoipje)ib of loiliesj'or other aweet evidence of the kindly good-will of Mr ; and Mrs McLachlani to/whom ■ many exr pressioiis bfthanka were tendered.: at the close oftheda'y. • . *• 'Messrs Olias. Pow'n'ail & ; 00., scriveners, report continued supplies ofroutside capU: tal'offerihg • for investment oiv mortgage, for wjiich,'in large suiiis,' per cent, ■would be freely aogepted. .Business, not*withstanding, continues almost paralysed, the valuations demanded being the present . forced selling value 1 of properties, ..accompanied with large niargin upon that value. These so-called valuations, .are both unjustifiable and unnecessary,' as, with,the preselif temporary depreciation. -passing away, properties will then be' agaiii. placed in their true position, kf an 'instance «f the ridiculous extreme it ; is now carried to, the owner of an estate in the Wairarapa, upon which, four years since, a loan society advanced £iO,QOO-r "their own valuation being then £2?.00Q — tequired a renewal of ihe uiort>j:vjtJ, and the'same amount was tendered for at 7|. per cent', but it fell tlirou(;Ji;owilig to the fresh valuation necessary' being given under £12,000, arid that notwithstanding the very great • improvements that- had •been effected in the,interval.
J had a visit from an Illinois farmer who is emigrating'' to his family of gro\v,n-up sons , and (relates the American correspondent pf. a conteniporiiry) aiid told hnfi'what he could accomplish-in/ New. upd what ha could-not. . I.! gfive him yogr last P'l supply of Daily- Times, which"! 1 assured, hiin would give hiin all possible inform atioH. He is tlie .'riaht stamp of man. This.fainily can do 'all theil' prelimiuary work of housebuilding, fencing, • &c: without hiring labor, I wisli you had more such immigrants,with American ex-. dustriiit ejangeliptp, exploding the eight hours; fallacy,: .-halMiujtyiy j half-play method of labor in vogue in- thp ; oolpny New Zealand is'the workihg man's paVii-. dise,' despite llio plaitudes of the Liberal' party,
; The Government of South Australia, having regard for the strpng pppositipn -which- Australian produce -meets with in the English market from the ports of America', have'determined to reduce the railway.rates on; thecarriiige.of wheat and other- cereals. ; The jpreser>t charges,;are iiniiii](itMiely ))iuh, being in exceaa'of the rales of all of the Australasian groiip. ; The.', rates wljicl) the., Go-.' ivernineiithavenoivdecided upon imposing: ja re. as foll»>w; :=—Fof' fhe ■ first fifty, 2j(d per ton : 60 to 75 miles, 2d' o'er tori.;; ifiiid beyond .75 milesj*l| per.ton permile.- ; -Lord-Archibald Gainpijell sends'to ;the Scotsman the following account of a tattle, ■ofwhicli-ifee between; athresher, .sword-fiallapd: ,a : ' whale ofij "Belleftlei- at ! 5.'; nri 17th. • ,His• Lordship, , .who '.was ;board the Peruyiaii;..w-ti t'es;:hen.fairly outsids • Belleisk .wind (lat;- 51.55 Long iif Sl W,), wifch iceberg 3 (if-no ereat : size}in. either. bow,the fictf officerjold iije jhe;had see.a twice'a jargo:'' thresher" M '.leap olean out-, of the -water riot.'far from' •our bows,.; NYe-.keptra cl(tae watch near, aboiif whereiie had lastieen"the fish;.nor :had we lori» m wait, and fprtfie^nißxt;ten; minutes to a . quarter, of aii jjio|]r we : watched thisjish and a large whale,which evidently attacked:also.' from below 'by ; wiig ineffectually tryina to '.sound! and do all iii v .itimi»hty power'to; set away, but tti ei;e: wn ii o ■ eacii jie £ if;T!?eliresh erari J fish—reckoned <:lhe . first officer in length; kept conliimally lasliingithe whale with ill powerful tail. if not satisfied ihat- blow* had ''told' threw. itßeif-;into thes air: with enormous • leans, landing. <in'the whale-with ilie nioßt resounding whacks'.*' ;>;Tbe sublime and the 'ludicrous were- Btrangely, blended dir. these attacks';* the' passe'n crew were.all gathered at thebulwarksjfascina-; ted, by .the iggautjc flight. 'The, whale [ui'hed i/i its agony almost belly uppermost, casting itself in nil directions', but there,. _was no*escape.,, It .never, got •deep befiiw'tlie'siirfacejwhich was cjiurned by its mingly .ejforlgjiito ii eed'hing mass, 'if fojmi, :jThe combatants went,right, Itfasiese^
tliollirectori/f the C.ile-' (Iniifui SuLieiyiu cl)i]U'iiedj ; f(if, > thi6 r e*en-j Hold .i lyiuiginplucil error, admissirtn to paddock !,nf the Taratahi-' o,irieHtm Racts was stated in 1 ourjast issuetijbess(id' TheWeetarauuntii *' ' ' loiiii kCo sell the sO^rtot roil race privileges oil Saturday)" otn of JiUimiiy. 7" We ci(ll iitleiltliTlffo Sfo* nniiuunifemcii!of the N Z Shipping Cuuip lily's fnvnilte - !'?-Bieiimßlu|>awNiirtl>uralierliu«l-s ulnch tin London, ill January ' , , > ) { ' t I» > The following weights fur the Fenlier slon'kitiikes liavejlieen dediiiid': Nicnls' Fiycik'liei, by is, Oat 101b; l)immiV<iiil'» suiuiita, 4wh, 7si lOliu, Hearn'stlka, aj,eO,B t 10,1 In , (Casey's Romeo, "uged.i 9st 4llis The oihei ,i»cus ato ueulu f<u nj;e ' ' t meeting of the Cemeleiy IVustueswiis held yesterday afteruoiiiijpre-; sent, Mi'saia F.mhinthm (Uun), Huokei, li Anderson, and A lot'el was readtroin Mr J,'6.-, llnlilawi'ith to JL W , Booth, le allotting ilO .loies (if the reserve: fuiy Ceuiotery purposes,- audi' l he Manu3-30iiues-tu lie invested in the b,une'Jiustees as a public paik 'lhe Tiusteu demuutd tu tli nid ii)sliuuled their Cliaunun tu agii'i mldie-s the Coloui il Secililary, aakuu fur -areply-tu ji-forniei' letlei-reiiuirUL' thu. 40-aoi'B suutiuii to lie conveydil in into, it was tesolved tu supply Mr Uoldswoith with all ihe information he.asked.for as far as pi'iieticaltle; and fto thank -AJrBooth for Mr Holdawrijtli'S letter und the trouble the former Imd.> taken m the uuuei.
Se'tlers along ; the .Carterton line of railway. are complaining that the authorities are n»t usingundinaryprecautions to prevent the aiid lumps of fire thrown iiuthyihe ' Although tlie i uddocke and cleitringa are init yet so dry as we may' expect them to jbe befiire thesuiiiiiier ißoverjitas no uii'oummnn thins; even now; to iini the line lall alight on the l(ie side, if f the wind ia at mil high. The Government have no. right ■to place the property of settlers in danger, ; and ought, without .delay, to provide | spark-catcher-for each engine. We are (told that the emall ballast engines are 'much worse than those employed with the ■trams, the former , bemgi represented as regular spittiies. i The contractor (Mr Gfay) ■ for. Messrs Caselberg and CO.'a newstore at.Greytown espectß'to hand-it .over in a few days.. The building is spacious and lofty, and the Qttintis are superior to any .other m the borough; reflecting great credit upon the architect (Mr Knott,.of Featherston,) and the builder; We understand the firm expect to open the premises in about ;a week or ten days. : The result of the agitation in Greytown re closing the police station is not yet kuowny but the, matter-is being gone into with Major Atkinson,' who is acting. nate that the l probabilityofa changewas not made known ;Booner,-.-. so :that the incopsißtency.could.have been shown and' whatever decision arrived ar before the holidays.. . But. .we. have. ~p doubt the* meiubea.appointed- will nof leaved stone unturned, From whit we can gather, it' is to work 1 Greytowuv between' Featherston and' Gar}ertun,:!,viß , the constables at those places- to visit Greytown at unknown times, aud catchoffenders on-the hop; is more thanlikely that it ut change is made offenders wilf Cijtgh the constables on the hop< by comnutting'offejfces at ''unknown times." The whole aftair is so inconsistent that"our representatives should' haye no difficulty ;in pointing it out. : "ft cogtp the Queen.■fll.OOO'lvyear to ride between England 3i|d. Scotland., . <
: ' Louisville brings to tlie front a woman 115 years old who 'doing her own • •'flip Princess .Louise,:it Is statedj has lost the hearing okone ear through her recent carrmfitj accident) - > • Literary ladies are coining, rapidly l in thd front in the Uuiied btfltee. Mrs Kate Sanborn has been appointed to the chair of .literatuie in-Simth College, j^Jai>sachusetls. , The Parißjuii ladips are becoming veritable dandies, to the ii|asci!line.ten dehcies of fashion. The' ladief year jackets, paletots; ; coats/- ' and' cravats, after the fashion of Bruinmel. ; ' Bioinie sptisatjofi (phepiWMsed iii (lie neighborhood 'of fokeim by the teport that a "oldliold'had; been found in that locality. We believe thatlseveral settlers are busy looking-for the r«ef;- - 1 So alarming hits been 't'lie increase nf:the bpium-tukmp habit amongst American ladies, that £IO,OOO have been subacribel for the erection -of an-asylum in Connectiyilt for iuebriate aud . opiuiu-dazed ffoinpii, '! A disappointed Gallic lover recently took a curious revenge on the bard? hearted fair one. .: Aftennnumerable rebuffs, he summoned his lady'love before a neighboring magistrate,' him compensation- for-the time .he had lost in ,wooing, t ' , ''•i. t; ..... ... ■■ r. The .China Mail %?. ( oagton uncovered with posters warning the 'people not to go to Australia, where .the mouse has-got into the cow's ear,' i.e., where the natives are. taking.: a-, mean' advantage; of the pljtiuiae monster's helpless position. : The police conniye^at; the insulting behaviour, and the authorities are too weak to get .at the ofjfeadei'B., The happy, jahd'ims'Ohange^ row, Friends are : warned by/ t felegrapli' to ..stay at Home; and;eat; the Euiper: br?«krice""*Worst .of ; -tlie ;fbosses!, Sre'v levying *"av poll-tax-/: of•;.. 100;-dolsVv bti ''each Chinaman.Sidney, and New• shili)t> (i New- Zealand)-tare' as- -^ad-- as New^ljifprJiia thevpewterhills.:of. man lare a happy - land t : iliijji if'only! asm 1 valjey >'a n d already oyi^po^wj dllitjeVcoffygitj :gre r ipAkpn pf'ap.jjhijjfa who have given jh tyeir r
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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 2, Issue 656, 31 December 1880, Page 2
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2,198The Wairarapa Daily. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1880 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 2, Issue 656, 31 December 1880, Page 2
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