: .. '...-% jOontmutd,) ...:., j , INBMCTOR OF NUISAKOEB 1 ItBPOIIT. 'I beg to report that there'iare in the 'Borough of MastOTtomseveralhay-staoks. Their are' considered to bi very .dangeroußj and contrary' to the laws of the Borough, i The firit is the property of John Edward' Thompson; 'who owns part of: a.hay-stabk:within about sixteen feotjrom a cottage in Dixon-street; the second is 'Charles McKillop r who has a: haystack in ! his garden ;;Wthe third isHoffien's tfc.Kopke, situated in Ohapelatr'eet, on Mr Renall's property. These ■I consider to be in dangerous,places, and if allowedito remain, we cannot tell';what might be.the consequence. These are all near the streets, and are a temptation to any wanderer to' take a night's lodging whether drunk or,,sober, morejo uuder th'o present orisis.- O '''; > ... I. have also given'notice to Messrs Jas, .Thompson, John Blley, and' r J. H. '■ Cor:lietfc,.reap"e.otini( nuisances on their premi-i sos._- They: have promised to.abatethe nuisances, but if thVnotices arejiot oom-pliedjwith-l shall take legalCprpceedinga against them, ."'-.; ' .';:- J. O.lngram.
Tha,Gounoil deoidepVto pass,over, this report, it being of opinion, however, ■ that the Inspector was perfectly right in oalling attention to the matter;', ' ! "/: kEPOET.
I. beg to report on the works in course of construction. •'..,.:
Albert-street.-Mr'iTinsley has completed hi« contract for forming and metalling 7 chains of Albert-street very satisfactorily, and the satisfaction of the Works Oommittee,'aud is passed for payment. '" ■.!-<"
Lincoln road.-Mr G. Hopkins has completed his contract for addition to the Lincoln road culvert-very satisfactorily, andßed_fo.r_payment. „.;_.,„ The Upper Plain road has been repaired since last meeting, and is r.ow in a fair condition All the roads appear to. be in fair condition at present while I the fair weather oontinues. : L Gbosob Hctton.
'lt was reported that although Mr Hopkins had takon the contract at a very low figure, it had been finished in a conscientious and workmanlike .manner, arid \ : - CrWoo'drbofe moved, seconded-by Or McCardle-" That an additional sum of 10a be paid to Mr Hopkins for extras • in conriection.with his contract in Lincoln •Road."-P&rried v : 'CtASaiFKIAIIOK"OF BIEEETS "OOMkilTBl, ; ;. Your Oommitteer 1 ' in accordance .with ■the -/resolution have, after mature consideration, grouped the streets with.a,view to repairs 1 - by contractstas follows.:—.. ..,. ~...,.. ~..,-,, .U ■ • i lsfc ; Queeni'SoutK r 2nd. Hall-street, Lincoln and Akura roads, Albert-.street, jOhap'eUtreet, from to; the Waipoua fever, 5 King and Beritley-streets, ' "•■'- -' ■'-■■'-*-■■ i ; -3rd. Chapel-street .from Hall-street 'to Orayne-street, south'; Renall-street and 1 Upper Plain road, Railway Road, Cole'' and Perry-streets.
4th. Church, Dixon; Ross, iWilliams,, Smith; ; ,and] Bannister-streets, Colombo road, Johnaton-street, Nursery road, and Kuripuni-street. •,,
A. W. Renail, G. W. Woodeoofb, '.'. ri v .T. Russell, j' S.E. G/APPEB. ; J ' ; Cr Renail sugeested.tha'tthe Council, if, they approved of-the-fay streets were! grouped, should call for tenders -immei' diateJyfpfjWorkßjfgquired in same. Ho: would move that the report be andthat tenderpibe cajlejkfoi;. up_to next meeting for the same. N " ' ~"' '; , L orjßußsell seconded, and the motion was nut and carried^" !J ■ --:--- J^-v= ;; irndbes;; :":' -^" •*-'• : •- •■ .il » -'a d LI. .;i .T-'i ■ Tandara werethen opened for removing and re-erecting a quick hedge and fence; in Ohapel-streat. The following it a list! of the names : a : ndamouriWf tender;-~ i '; £W. Jones (Carterton), 15s per chain. James'Sinclaiirj 15s; - W.OGille'spie, 18s 5; John Williams, l?a 6d; Bentley Bk>sa ; 7s 6d ; W. Marshall, £lO the whole; W. Kibble,whitei £1214s 6d the ,whole; ii : Kitohingham, 20s p bh'am,""' ""' ' '' ; "■ Cr Renail accept' the low ; eßt,t.ender,. l pro.vided/: the'j Council; made nonobjection as,to,whether,the work would be carried oiit'p'f rio'tj and'the tenl der of 'Beiitley Bros;;'at '^» ;: 6d peip ijhain 'was-therefore accepted.--' 'A y!w ; :\
. ; Qr.Gapperk notice of.;mption i gi'een/at last .meeting then came on for,hearingi 'lt'was'secon'dM byCr'Vile', .and wag'as. difttely;for forming and. raetalling: thj.ifpllowing Btreets-i Hail-si, from Queenjst, to'Lincohußoad. 2. Lincoln Roadi' from railway 3j Ohapel-st. from.Hall-it. to the Instituted The weeks t6°^ c 'done as''foilows':—To put a ouWerfc'iin: the creek/opposite thj Town'Hall;,reduce the Hall ist from Queen-'stjto,Ohapel-st/ and Chapelst. from Hall-Stf to the surj plus matoriaPtbW' usedfflr'J-filling up in Chapel and Halhstjeeti. dThaijjthe present crown,of to, : road-way.from Ohapelst, to the be the permanent' formation; that'the water-tlblis'be taken out one foot/below-llie preient.'roadway in thelighest places and .the, u material sS' taken'us'edlor 'filling to'lowplaces aha in front 'of:li ; ;fowh^fflall,>; That thj orpwn.;:bf: : the present roadway; at the 1 : of oHall-st.';and Linooln'-Roa r d be iredu<»d, 7^ in length;: thattfiapresent brown of the to^inLißwln^idUthepwmwiij
firfriiatiou;: v Thtit walertablesVilind; i ftibtpwthilio inadefrora|^ubet^i£;: ; iolthe; culvert now wiHettLiiiT' coin Road/ aril from-tliehce-iof trance to the railway stations to be made on the west sidei pf^the-road,: the present be metalled; from the end of the footpath to the station traffic entrance." ./' ■ ■;. } '.^. : "' : ::?.oi^appw;:M said Renill-atreet and Upper Plain road were sufficiently; wide for any traffic on! ;them.. i ..The:fir3t.workought-to bedonein ti 'HallWee£faf r imentioned "ih'th'e'resc-" lution, as mostjjraffio would be on that road Vhan the irailway to Masterton jwas opened in October* He was sorry that so /much- work had;been done on Kuripuni, i'oftd,.asi whenjthe railway jwal opened j there' would not r be so as on Hall-street...'The J resent formation would require a little alteration ;to places.. The greatest expense in the' footpaths would be near Mr Wrigley's house. He hoped that Councillors ; wquldi : see the urgent necessity oMhis wc)rk" paths could be made from ''material' al--ready on the spot, and; he; thjiught (| whole could be"done for £260.' .Or ~Gapper; ' made a long, and,able 'speech,', which pressure on our space compels us to curtail. ...... ~_..._... Or Vile said the work was very urgent, and-thought the matter should be referred to! the Works Committee;'with power to act.' "The only- question was one of finance, and if this could: be, successfully overcome he saw no reason why the work should not he gone on with,' '.""" Or Russell wondered who paid for the loin? notice of .motion that appeared in the Wairabapa Daily of a late date. It must have beep charged fur; as it was so. fearfully length. 'lt combined with it plans, specifications, aiid notice of motion, and he wondered, how Or Gapper, had arrived 1 at such Simple conclusions! 'lf the work was done for ;£450 it, would be a great favor, and not £250, at stated by' Or Gapper. He would not mind niakine a small wager—such as a smoke—that there would not be half so great a traffic. on that road as on therKuripuui one,, which had been so disparaged by Or'Gapper. In his opinion, if Hall-st. was lowered the Waipoua river would Bwamp the town. The Council could not undertake the work on account of the low state ; of: its, finanoes, and he maintained that the Waipoua river waß not stopped yet, and lowering Hall-street would ~ bring" the' whole of it through.the town.. .He-would, ask Councillors to carefully oonsidßr,what it A was proposed- to do, before I "rashly spending ratepayers' money on such an undertaking. Or Gapper;:h'e}suppoßed, thought residents of Grey town and lower Valley districts would put their"buggies on a railway truck and bring Itfiem to .Masterton, for,unless they did so'-he could not see .where the- large;traffic was to ; come ; ffoinr Besides tnati''the", road would continually want, repairing, and Or Gapper, who knew a great deal r nodoubt,of. mill .machinery, must be.aware that ' these things; iihlike: mill outside'and ekpose'dV the ihcVemenby of the weather. yHe.aould not himself.waste ; public money'iri su'ch~a "manner and he would nWbeApartytp its. being, done.-,.-Or Woodrobfe/from prihciplefc'o'uid' n , o the Resolution'. ;ilorl.Gapperhad stated the work would-only-oosir about £250, and even the'foqtjath hepro-, posed to do would dost "that sum." He would never be r ohe to beggar -the district •and-pay-hinerorten-per-cenrinfefestofi'.,,,JheKuripuni- road.was far' more-dangerous d tWi W. one- now mentioned by.Or .Gapper, arid' the money.BpentdifKufipuni road was not thrown away;" He" hoped to see all roads .opened u'pfto/' a -wide before long. j_Giving.every.-ofae'-fair play,'Or Russell had made*, very fair speech that evening,""(laughter,"arid,cries. of •'?Hear, hear' 1 ).; -It was 1 their' duty .to the ratepayers Iribtito: allowLthe money to be gambled away, and not to do such a gigantic work as"Or.!&ipper. proposed.- Vv*hy Or Gapper had actually, gone into engineering I '.They: had no' money; even if they/had .the inclination, to throw away. He would; vote decidedly against it. ■ Or McOardle, wished to know how much had peen placedpn.the estimates by'the . Wprks'^Committee. to be spent: on this [Halb'Btreet'jpr theipurrent:^earl. and' was informed that it amounted to £2Bor Or McOardleiwojild: therefore supportthe" resolution, arid that Sis .sum should be spent; on the improvementsjamed by Or Gapper. "be a good deal of traffic-on, this-road, and-.;if the Oouhcilfailed tojundertake this .wort'they would' be lacking in'the "duty they, owed their possible the Council could obtain the use of some'-of' the rail way truokVfor'ffie''conveyance of .metal for theJmrttag.:o£thisWrk!-<><»n : Bidering the matter, in this -light-he would: be prepared to-support the resolution,- ■ provided this;'spent ori'the-work. He was surprised to find that to-night two of the Works Committee had diss-' greed with the terms of their report brought up that eveti;~g (No; ri6„fr'6mor Russell)..' But; he would'reiterate,','they had do!ne ; soi r arid'it'waS , th.e'duty!of memberg of the.Works Committee to meet to- . gether and discuss the formation of the report, and; not when. ifc was . brought up. ;; When heihadjformed one of' the Works.Oqmmittee they did not have' the. disagreements whioh occurred' nearly every meeting, si ... \ ■ <;•;• The-Mayor-supported- the'resolution,.. but would have liked see,it" bought ; forward.-in a the exchequer was.low, arid iitlj! thepayments tljey bad made ,thit overdraft'would'amou'nt [to abou]t"£3po.j *Or Renall spoke at j length- 1 in..-favor"- of, the Resolution,; 1 ! &'!-was 3 grgatiy;.obliged. toOfi'^ppffiM;Hnirfn| ; wardslbufc if: they, placed a foptpatH in-flall-stfeet it would be an expensive job.' ; tell'them at next meeting! they dohid draw- - on them- for a 'then it would be tijiie ;"to tak^the" Matterlnto Consideration; 1;:' . ~.,;■'..-.,: , ;';-V. J "' ! .vl " : Orßish saio^jiher^s:no;r^o'ubUthe^; street req'uired v 'to be" "but Ked|dnot "6e BPAnt;qn-ori fi©-wpuiSijaii" iiupport'any imojion- that would spend(more c. money •■ than i was(placed:,on.the J Work».Comhiittee' ; ■ Estimates. ]Ee would oppose-it in justice it.d the other "streets,-whioh-urgently-re-quired somethirig-dbrie Wthbiri-- lii 0! , Or gapper .said it was absolutelyneces-sary^sohiething-should"be done tb'lthis road. : . Money- onrtKe "; suburbs of the town, but' he" would ask l what had_ been spent in'the heart of it? It was quite time the. thing was .changed. "&% to* the!■ estimate; he/ had'; arrived at, he ' bad simply asked 1 two*'or'three contractors what ; they :Wquld do it for, and they hadjgiye.'n^imthat; Bum';alsihe:c'ost.; l . l did not p'retend.t6° buthe could see whea.any street was level or '! mi, 0 Hall,| was a;yery narrow, roi'd, and two carts could-not pass, each other!, and besideß.ltKat>f66t ■ pjiaserigera would ,- require something to walk on out of the' way of traffic, thing was the ! poverty-which at-preaent existed in. Mas-' and-this would iprpvjde some, work ~ ..had npj idea>pf : the, amount of- povef ty»iq ; I Wislown. 'People came tb'iurn every!'day Wng r th.ey.;i'i^ io;m?tQ w'ir'dinnen;, :; Jadbeentohis houseftha^day;,' i was high, time somei,works was -thrown r j;^fcfer^4ovedv ; > sell-!" That.|he!djw^ 'until"ifelttoting.^;-,: .;;;;';.;;;' )f:JifPis. :! ;:;qr;yjle:te /iktW:thai;;iip,*^f|;*
|j.p&R6^^po;k?at!Je^^ ithivt^n^m'^ou Mlwirigilißft or«r till next mMtih|r, as it be|ngjwinter time, no work could*!-W- - if thei rwolution .wasJcarriMjind a fortnight's delay would not'cauMmuoh inconveuience. : McOardle moted;«Ji ah ameridment, secondedby Or mittee, insUu<;t thfrnj to prepare plans -and specifications'bf We v work re-Or:-Woodroofe would support the amendment, provided : the Works Com* thittee prepared plans and speoificstions according to the. funds at of tlie be;l«ss.|, , vOrPej , ry!wi^hdrew;hilllamendment with the consent of; Council. '^ Or McCirdle's amendment Wsi then put and carried, - |';«- ■.: The attention of Council was drawn by Or Bish to the chimney in Mr Patterson's building in Queen-at. It transpired that notice had been given Mr Patterson to ■either rebuild, or ( chimney down, arid he had riot done soup to {he present itime; tnduhatjthe chimney was a very "dangerous one to the whole heart of the town. ''<'.' Or Vile moved, seconded by Or Bish r-That -instructions,,bergiven .to the Borough Surveyor to'take'proceedings at once against Mr Patterson for a breach of the Building Regulations. The Counoil then adjourned at 10.45 p.m.
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Bibliographic details
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 2, Issue 522, 22 July 1880, Page 2
Word Count
1,942MASTERTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 2, Issue 522, 22 July 1880, Page 2
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