$ £ & ?? E N E B S. Kent frca, on condition of.the ]ioub£ gupph'ed, the very productive Kitchen •Si Kowsr Garden, and Vinery and "1, situated at Te Qrg Ore, near Masby Jettw or otherwise to T, L, THOMPSON, IBS Te Ore Ore. BKASS BANT). A saeetiag of the members of the above wiß beheld on THTJBSDAY evening next, •4 S p.m., at the Empire Hotel. —To adopt Iliiles and confer i.e Band Trustees, vJ)o are invited to E, BB4GGINS, Bandmaster. : E SAL E. F 1 Harmonium, in Walnut, 7 stops. For particulars apply to A. BISH, / Watchmaker, Masterton, -fflHfi Masterton Hifje Volunteers ■will X parade on FRIDAY, 4th July, in the '■Town Hall, at 7.30 p.m. F. W. BUCK, 112 Caps, commanding M.E.Y, Corps. te'** Supreme Court, of New Yealand, Co, (DusEDp') y. GOU)ER. T" HEBEBY notice that by virtue of a -S- Writ, issued from the above Court, I is&vs tliia day seized— Tina whole of the Household Furniture Effects, and Stock-in-Trade, the property of the defendant. thai; E.wJJ qsjJge the same to be sold kyp'Ublic auction oaMQNBAY, the 7tli day ■■ at July, 1879, at 12 o'clock noon, nuless redeemed or replevied, HEKEY EHODES, " • Bailiff. "Masterton B.M. Court, July 2,1879. 182 * 1 «i ■ i 11— JJIGHgB EDUCATION OF GIRLS. A Lady of great experience ill teaching i. tfce following branches of Education, English, Preach, Italian, German, Drawing, and Uuaio, intends shortly to. open a Boarding School in Masterton. . Good testimonials. Reference to Mrs P. B. Chalmers permitted. 182 TPY A £ MASTERTON LODGE. M. U. J. O. 0. P. The Half-yearly Financial Summonsed Meeting of the above Lodge will be held in Boom, Empire Hotel, Mastertou, fttf tyUaoDAY, Ist July, at, 7 o'clock p.m. ; —financial and GcneraL. By oider N;G., Jib G. S. VV. DALIIYStPLE, aWK>»- . - ■ - E.S. and KG. •Tp^Ejul'M IN All Y inrfTCHT VALLEY PLOUGHING -m'WM. will be held at Waihenga iSBDAY ■, July 16th, on iaiid kiiidly * dapoeal of:the Committee by /cfcal{*rtin. sjpjSffcfesWs in future advertisement, - ' 171 JJ JX. PLOUGHING MATCH. farmer* and otherir interested ' be held at the Council. WEDNESDAY, 2nd July, at % request, a. bkown.
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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 2, Issue 200, 2 July 1879, Page 3
Word Count
347Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume 2, Issue 200, 2 July 1879, Page 3
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