The European War.
Per Pi aw Association-Copyright (Australiiiii and N.Z. ('able Assn.) KOMI’., Nov. 12. It is reported Hud Constanza- bat. been destroyed and evacuated by the enemy. IX Till', DORRPD-lA. i; \ I'M V THROWN HAC K. The u .\lr-iigi'nX" IVnoyrad mm'spomlen i -Tat.- dial dm Russians lllivu land. enemy detachments which , ,-ossed dm Danube ai Teliernavoda. Another report .Mates that die enemy has nyiu.d in dm' Dobnulja Idly kilo;11,■ 11 i- L ■ lbe,i I d REVIEW OK TIIK SITUATION. FAVOURS ROUMANIA. (Australian and N.Z. (’able Assnand Renter). 1 ’ efr'na a I n.'jtl Nov. Mih. BUCHAREST. N.IV. v,v Military ci ii in-; consider dial He
Au-I ro-Gciaini n ell on s to force Dm Carpathians arc gradually slaekeiiiny. The in .ops arc laiieimd ami are imPkel> to premre-ss further union 'iniicjl' ndnlnrccil. ’I he German iailurc in break through ihe barrier is (lmllrstly to the stubliorn Roumanian iv-.-i.sialice and capai iiy fer nnoniiain war;iii.l ab-.i id tlie i immy's inability le use heavy artillery m ihe passes, 'ihe I lemma nians meanwhile are rapidly imorevine and beenming a hi'st cla--i;.,ln iim macbiiic. ITi■ ■ (■ernian plans m .I:. 1 1 Pa--, v. iiieli -o badly miscarried. were well conceived but faultily e\een ;■ 1 d , I'lle.V aimed 01 clltling off the (psi Rcmiianian army, but the main tody, advancing ovciTam for the .-nppnriing cdlnmn, was itsell tlireati m.d wilb • aivel<ipmein alld ( dinpelled tu hack mil. with heavy hisses. Ci REECE, NA MON Ai, GOVERNMENT. GIVEN ITEM) FOR REGTUTTING Received 5.5 p.m.. Xov. 13th. ATI [EX'S, Xov. 12. A,-, a re- 11 it oi tin 1 GovcrnmenEs acqnicscimee in i hr. Entente demamis, piibli'- dliiciaM and ollicers are pe l '- mitie.i to join the provisional Government. provided the officers first resign. The Entente Mini-tors accepted this condition. The German Note is not regarded seriously. It i- considered to he an attempt lo gain time.
Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn. and Renter. Received 1.20 a.m., Nov. 14th. LONDON, Nov. 13,
Tlie “Morning Post’s” correspondent states that the question concerning the imprisoned soldiers is becoming a scandal. Tlie. Entente’s acceptance of the Government's proviso relating to resignation was a. heavy blow to the Entente's prestige. It would only have required a plain demand for their instant release in order to force the Government to capitulate. I lie Gerinanophd.cs regard the solution as their triumph. Little good came from the Entente Ministers’ visit to the prison, and only three ollicers have consented to nsign. CENTRAL POWERS. .PROTEST AGAINST POLISH PROCLAMATION. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) Received 5.5 p.m.. Nov. 13th. MUNICH, Nov. 12. Twenty Polish notables, including AL Henryk Sicnkiowiez (author of “(pic Vadis”), have issued a manifesto repudiating with shame the independence offered by Germany and urging Poles not to light against Russia.
(Australian ami X.Z. Cable Assn.) , AMSTERDAM, Nov. 12.
Tiic “Lokal Anzeiger,” commenting on Air Asquith’s Guildhall speech, states that the Germans arc fully occupied with their own affairs and can hardly he expected to act as the saviours of the Armenians and others suffering from the misfortunes'of war.
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the western campaign,
FRENCH ('AITFRE SAILLISF.L. MANY GERMAN DEAD. (High Commissioner's Ca'olo.) LONDON, Nov. 12 (11.10 p.m.), French official.—North of the Somme cur troops, in achieving the conquest of Saillisel, reduced with grenades .some isolated positions in a par-t oi the village when,' German fractions still resisted All the village is now ours. T lie Gorman losses in this combat have been very bid!, judging by the numerous bodies in the conquered ground. BRITISH UNDER ARTILLERY FIRE, An- 1 1 cha n ami N.Z. t:d •!, ■ A- m. and Renter. •LONDON. Nm. LL Received 0.55 p.m.. Now L'Uli, Sir Douglas Haig reports that enemy artillerv is active at Les lloenls, Eanc(iuft- and L’Ahhaye. We twice discharged gas north of the Anere. ( ARTERE OF REGINA REDOUBT. MINOR MET IMPORTANT OBJ EC'nVE. R< ( l ived 5.5 p.m., Nov, 13th. LONDON. Nov. 12. .Mr lb naval Gibbon states Hon the ( ii| tore ol To .: ' trench was a iiiinoi operation. Inn it was ncc.'"ary lot various masons, particularly because I; m;.; ;i regular hot-bed ol -nipers, raking unceasing toll ol onr |.osiinms. A Stall' officer declares that. Hie barrage preceding the attack was tin' best wc have ever put over, and the precision w>th which it wins kept ahead oi the infantry was wonderful. Tito anillerv ollicers speak of it in delighted tones. The infantry's task was heavy, hut might have oe.’li worse. The iemnants of the garrison surrendered in true linn fashion the moment onr bombers com iiienccd lo oti\o l! eil(Tivi-’C. A notewci Iby leature oi the enemy deli nee was the variety ol mac.line c 1 including Russian maxims, and Ansire'n guns captured by Russians and i.'taken by Hie Germans. FORT DOEAUAIONT. GNLY SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. A correspondent with the French Headquarters, alter a visit lo lorL Doiiaiimout, says that owing to a big explosion ol the magazine tlie Germans afa ndoneu the fort hurriedly. They undoubtedly intended to return. I,nt, t!u- French forestalled them. The German stories oi destruction arc inventions, and excepting lor a large hole in tlie root the fort is undamaged.
Besides niucii stores two seventy-fives iiiul n large gun were left. V* hen the French entered the evacuated fort they found the remains of sixty Gormans who had boon asphyxiated months ago by an explosion. They had remained immured within tho inner wall like faithless Huns, SIXTEEN INCH GUNS. TOOK A YEAH TO CONSTRUCT. Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn. HAIMS. Nov. 12. The sixteen huh howitzers, -which fired Fort Douaumont with four shells , presenting a hundredweight of mol in iti-, and with which we also drove ou' the Germans from Fort Vaux, occupier a yiar in construction. . RATTLE OF SAILLISEL. FIRM RESISTANCE OVERCOME. Router’s Telegrams. Received 10.1/5 p.m., Nov. 13thThe battle for Saillisel was resumed ) Saturday aLornoon, utter artillci'y preparations which swept away new enemy works. French detachments assaulted the ruins of the village. Desperate fighting ensued, the enemy offering the most vigorous resistance. Nevertheless tho fiery dash for tho trench crumpled up two bavarian battalions and they re-, took the greater part of tho village. Houses were carried one by one, each harbouring one or more machine guns. By 4 o’clock the whole central part of tho village was in our hands. The battle continued during the whole evening and the greater part of tljo night, A document found on a Staff officer showed that tho German. command ordered Saillisel to be held at all costs.
BERGA RIANS DESTROY VILLAGES Anal rail an and N.Z. Cable Assn, and Renter. Received 1 .‘JO, Nov. loth. ATHENS, Nov. IT. During ilie ('vacuaiimi ol Hie 'md bank A the Struma Cite Unitarians burned six villages and deported 12,00 Greek- into liie interior. THE AIR WAR THE KECK XT GREAT EIGHT. A|SOVE WESTERN TRENCHES. (Australian and .X./. Cable As-n. and RenterA It, ivuid •’) 5 p. 111.. Xnv. Mill. LONDON. X..V, id Ri uloi'' i ..respondent ai headquarters says that die old leisurely air combats have mw none. They arc now swifter, more breathless, reckless due!-:. The Germans are exactly copying onr methods, formations, and tactics. Hie last engagement raged lor twenty minnies at an altitude of oHOO leei iinnmy; the cloud'. It was an inexiii--•ihle tangle of darting, whirling machines. Tim mar ol seventy propc 1 - ](>rs and die chiller of yams Idled doe air. A strong wind drilled dm bat dm deeply into dm enemy country. PEACE TALK. * THE GERMAN RRFNW APPROVES 1 IOEEWEG'S SPEECH. (Australian and N.Z, Cable Assn,) Received 5,5 p.m.. Nov. Mill. COPENHAGEN, Xov. 12. German newspapers declare that \ on Hoilweg's s)ieeeli terms a basis lor negotiations for peaeo. The “Frankfurter Zeitnng' says:— “Ti is ei'idenee to the world that Germany is readv to parloy. Me aro anxious to learn \ isconnt- Grey s reply.” The Vulnis.he Zeitnny” says 'dim speech gives a fonndadon for negniiitioiis. Germany desires die fieedom of both small and yreat countries.'’ AMSTERDAM. Nov. P2.
The “Lokal Anzeigcr,” commenting on Mr Asquith’s speech, says:—“Nobody in Germany has {ho slightest inclination for a separate peace with Bptain, hilt if oilier enemy States sound Germany wo will perhaps try to build a bridge for them.”
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Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XVIIII, Issue 446, 14 November 1916, Page 4
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1,394The European War. Waimate Daily Advertiser, Volume XVIIII, Issue 446, 14 November 1916, Page 4
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