" Fritz " Cycle Works, COUNCIL CHAMBERS).
LADIES AND GENT'S BICYCLES BUILT TO ORDER. Old Bicydies taken in part payment. Detachable tyres Jiiade to fit any rim. REPAIRS OF ANY KIND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. A full stack of Cycle Accessories always on hand. The Geraldine ■Club Annual Road Race "was won on a "FRITZ " Light Roadster by iLTPearce, who scales Isst 101b.
/'TAPTAIN LEES -will appear as a Scotch Lassie, in Costume, .and sing
■Scotch Songs. The first appearance .of the White Robed Songsters (8), who -will sing some beautiful Action -Songs. Very Realistic
-and Startling. Lieutenant Worsdale in character will recite that thrilling story, " The SStarless Crown." Numerous items of great interest will be given. Moisic and Song. ADMISSION— 6d. T. H. LANE, C;O.
F:R ED. SMITH JF-JfAVING Resumed his Practice of PEDOTOGEAPHY in Queen Street, Waimate, begs to ■draw -attention to a Class of Work not hitherto introduced here, which can only be appreciated 'by being seen. ENLARGEMENTS A SPECIALTY. sCall and Judge for yourselves.
W. George Black, CONTEACTOE, WAIMATE, Is prepared to do CASTING in all its branches, in and around Waim&te, All Orders left with Mb F. Smith, Painter, will be promptly attended to.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Waimate Daily Advertiser, Issue 25, 12 November 1898, Page 2
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