J. McPherson, HORSE SBOBIi ct GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Studiiomie Ju>,ction. A#ent for BEID & GTiAY, MASSEY HARMS, and BOOTH, MACDONALD & GO. Fittings foi the abo% c niakei &' Machines and Implements always in stock.
OF THE RAILWAY TIMBER, COAL, AND FIREWOOD YARDS, Has been appointed SOLE AGENT for KAITANGATA CO.'S COAL, AND ALLANDALE CO.'S COAL AND DRAIN PIPES, 1 A"ND Has on Sale Kaitangata Coal at 2s 3d per sack,^ or 25s per ton. ( For Allandale Coal at Is -Qd per sack, ["Cash. or 20s per ton. ; "Westport Co.'s Famous Coalbrookdale and Newcastle Coal at Shippers' Rates.
SEASONED TIMBER of every description at Lowest Town Prices. Timber Direct from Southland Mills at Invercargill Rates. Large Stock of Seasoned Firewood, Fencing Material, Hurdles, Cement, Roofing Iron, Ridgecap Nails, &c. Doors and Sashes all sizes All Orders will receive Personal Supervision, and if Customers desire, Goods can be delivered in the Back Country at the Shortest Notice. -OFFICE : QUEEN STREET WAIMATE.
CARPENTER and BUILDER. Jr^LANS, Specifications and Estimates on Application. Address — Main North Road, Waimate
Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Waimate Daily Advertiser, Issue 25, 12 November 1898, Page 8
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