MAGISTRATE'S COURT. (Before Major Keddell, S.M.) Thursday, Nov. 10th.
In none af the following cases did the defendant appear* Prtest and Holdgate'v.' John Cameron, (Claim L 27 Sa 7d. Judgment for amount with L 2 Is -costs and solicitor's fee LI 11s 6d. A. Pelvin v' John Cameron, claim L 9 16s 9d. Judgment for amount with costs LI 6s and solicitor's fee 16s 6d. W. M'Pherson v. W. Bobertson, claim LI 10s. Judgment for amount with costs .sa. W. Evans v. F. Hare, claim LI 11s. -Judgment for amount, with costs ss. Same v David Scott,' claim L 6 10s. Judgment for amount with costs Bs, and .solicitors' fee 15s 6d. Same v A. Seymour, claim L 2 12s 6d. Judgment for amount with costs ss. Same v. S. Smart, claim L 2 ss. Judgment for amount with costs 18s, solicitor's dEee ss. Same v. Jas. Quinn, claim L 2 Jsb. Judgment for amount with costs 13s, solicitor's fee ss. Same v. Gr. SulhVan, senr., claim L 5 4s. > Judgment for amount with costs ss, solicitor's fee 15s 6d. .. Manchsster Bros and Goldsmith v.G. Hicks, claim L 4 15s 3d. Judgment for with costs £&. ■•" '- 'Same v. Joseph E. Frost, d'aina LI 14s '7d. Judgment 1 for amount with' costs ss. Same 1 v. F. r Hare',' claim 'L2 14s lOd. Judgment for amount with- costs sa.
', , A neat trick was worked in a , small township near, Waimata the other, day. It *ira» yeryh'otand a swagger took shelter an jthe - .blacksmith'.s shop. He h^d aj3hor£ conversation,with the boss and" a fe\? minutes, afterjw'ards .emerged ■frpm,the^ smithy yith sleeves , Tolled ap, leather t apr6n^,6n^ Ana the ortho- ., .dox black about hi? face, and', arms. ], 'jng-intp jthepub. he pl»nted\al small bucket ' .on th'e'counter and requeittdlhaiit' might be • , filled liwitli fieer.' w^Takin'g s jHim, t " for^a «mpldyee,*b6niface complied."^ A,^qujar|e» of r an hour later the" stagger',. struck*/^across country > the a |ng 1 ithy went back •to their toil,~wiping*an amused smile from are now aVaiting. further * i 'idaveldnTnantfc 1-""'.1 -""'. ' >«:' :l: l 'i •;<<?" "• i• '• "i
,(>, (> Some little excitement was ( caused on Monday morning by the announcement that two hozsW had. fallen down the well in 'the drillshed'paddock and f wcre. kicking* "'the well to pieces in their 'frantic endeavours to 'regain the surface. A relief corps was arranged, and armed wrfchitopei and' long poles made for the parade ground. One young man, burning to 'himself/impressed an expressman into his service and .startedloff Jo bring the crane'fronvtho railway station. Soon seeing that this was likely to be a long job.ihey^desisted^and rushed to the scene of action." "There it "was found that - the rumour had Isorne. foundation' in fact, a foal the size of a large, dog hairing fallen between the planks which covered the wall's mouth. Everyone in the crowd suggested that the other wasanost'fitted to descend and faßten. the ropes to, the* animal, but ultimately brave " Billy," carrying his life in one h*nd und a sack in the other, descended/and in spite of the struggles of the now frantic Animal, placed it ,in the bag, the mouth of which he tied securely and then passed the word, to " haul away.'V Several hundred* of hands seized the rope,and rescuer'and rescued were brought to the light of , day in a f«w seconds, the latter, five minutes after he had been emptied out of the sack, being none the worse for' his adventure.' l
MAGISTRATE'S COURT. (Before Major Keddell, S.M.) Thursday, Nov. 10th.
Waimate Daily Advertiser, Issue 25, 12 November 1898, Page 5
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