Local News
At the sports on Wednesday, £33 14i3d wai taken, at the gates. We remind readers that the quarter'g subscription to the Advertiser expires next Saturday, and would be pleased if amount* are forwarded to the office or given to the runners. 1 The manager of 'the »Go-op. informs us > Jbat riders of .Anglo-Special .Cycles, for which his Association -are the W&imate agents, " carried off three iirsts .and one third prize at the Friendly Societies' sports on Wednesday. On Tuesday next the annual A. and P. Show is to be held. The entries this year are much " better than last, -and it is to be hoped that there will .be vi good attendance, and that the weather, will be favourable. The Waimate Volunteers, under Captain Coltman, "journeyed .to ' Timaru on Wednesday, and engaged- "with -the i three 'Timaru Companies .and .the,. Main .School Cadets in an ( attack on Timaru", jrhich was defended by tbe' J Ashburt6n Biflesand High School Cadets. ' jL very mseful day's work' was put in, tho defenders-jbeing finally, .victorious. ,- ,- „ From ,a telegram received by .a Waimate-'"-Tefident^we* learn r? thiit 0 JMrs' Barron, the ,: mother of^Mr -J. G: Ward,, diediat the Bluff I .i'» o ft'^ ur *dayi f evening., in her, sixty-eighth '.year. "The Otago iDaily Times states that i -'' -death' was "'due' io 'paralysis,^ and« tthart r the 5o .Hon. 1 - J.> G; -Ward iarrived ifrom Wellington f^ <ooly, on.j.We.dnesday-, ct f, 7 ,;, (t r , t , r ' ~\ u OfjDPßiio'wsHip!. The 'ifsiial fortnightly ""'"jaQeeting'of '©ddfellows !: was r ' f held« ori 'Monday pr.«venirig^P i ;G!;'ißro. fWattu in^.the/'chair; A.. *l 4arg«jampunt of 'Cor,seB,pond«nce,was- received ; «nd considired." ' A d latter was receivid irom
Bro. Barclay stating that he would pay the Lodge a. visit on their next meeting night and,give an entertainment on the gramaphone. It was resolved tothank Bra Barclay for hit .offer. .The .secretary was instructed to make -arrangements for the evening. Several degrees were conferred on members, and after passing accounts >and sick pay the Lodge dosed. , The Salvation Army hold an entertain- , ment in the Barracks on Show night. A grand programme has been prepared, and this, with the, very small charge, should .ensure a full house. On Monday _ evening the Jlnox Church Mutual Improvement Society -closed its session with a* lady's svening. The Bey. OK .Barclay introduced ,the programme in & felicitious address. Solos were given by Mn Dowle and Missea Cooper, Kilgour, Griffin and Dowle. A quartette r was rendered by - ' Misses Str ong'and' Kilgour and' Messrs Thdmas and D. McTaggart. Miss Warnook gave a humorous reading. , Misses Spalding and' /Boyd read interesting papers descriptive of t,ge« .yoyaging. ( A vote of to the pro-. *' grwtnmist^Was nioved and accl*Jra»d.
i. Phasing Ceremont took place at Hunts* on Wednesday, when Miss Jeaanie Dodd, of that place, was married to Mr Wilharn Philip, of Waimate. The ceremony was performed by the - Rev. B. Mackie, of St. Andrews, at th« residence of * the bride'« father. After th« wedding breakfast th*« parly drove to Makikihi, from whence *h« happy couple journeyed to Christchurch to spend the honeymoon. Both bride and groom ar« well and favourably known in the district, and every good wish is expressed for their future happiness. In the evening m number of friendi met at the houit and calibrated the occasion by a dance.
Local News
Waimate Daily Advertiser, Issue 25, 12 November 1898, Page 4
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