Witbont aasnmiog airs, tbe now celetested Black Family can claim that their retara tiait to Hokitika has been plea•orably anticipated by the music-loving portion of the community— that means tbe majority of the public. On Thursday aad Friday this talented troupe will have tbe pleasure of presenting to their Hokitika friend* an entirely fresh programme. Tbe daw of entertainment offered by the Black Family, while musical and artistic in the highest sense of the term, is popular 4 and appeals to all taste?.
The programme will include new comic aongs, new comic sketches, latest conge by Miaa Nellie, new orcbostral Nlfctiona, yum mandoline quartettes, latest aerio conga by Miss Elsie, new Japanese dances, new Persian dances, new eowbof dances, new novelties, etc.
West Coast Times, Issue 13799, 18 April 1906, Page 3