West Coast Times SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1897.
It was assumed that as soon as the MlTinfey party obtained power they would revert to an ultra-protectionist 'tariff an assumption al>undausy evif .cfe^ced by the records of tnV'pa^fc few months. Thi& country wilUo¥6> becthhfce' .of the pr ; ohibi,tory duti^s-on,woo| imposed to placate the w.estern farmers, wJhjO, in thei« turn, b*ve to> payt excessive' - amounts' Jfor manuffeciiurfid'' gbads/' Tie , , r . . . j » ri . f .i/T .jxn , vo, -.it iSiii i \s< new duties have not< yet been.b'to^bt into- operation and 1 fefier delate; 1 ' Has enabled the formation of one of 'those- eno»rtfdus nlonop'oUes- ftir* Vhicfi' A^merica is- nptorious. It is said that a syndicate has 1 been 1 formed which intends to rfweep into 1 ih-' warehouses'all the wool offered in' Europe Forty, : fi^vß,,thousjiid baljes; hasre already
j bees j^ftrelia'Seif f involving ' a remittance . of ,sjree- mijljon^p^ajg, afli/a^rahgemtsnts ; have^ been a>ajde< which wiJJ'e&able the 'syndicate; td, acquir£ : 'a miffio'h bales, chieffyj Australian.' ans , Sputjn American. Tbefßoagpitnde^' tKerfff figures- convey an idea of the' enofmous interests involved in the recent Presidential election. The statement is made on the authority of the American correspondent of an influential Yorkshire paper, a paper which fakes; upon- itself- the special duty, of giving all the latest and most reliable information respecting the wool trade, so we- may take' it for granted thai? the assertion has a solid .basis of fact. Probably' the. figure? are magnified* but as to that there is no' evidence. The surprising, feature of the' affair is that operations ha/ye not as yet become sufficiently marked to cause a sharp- rise- in thY price- of wool. liTxce'pjaonalj ' purchases must' materially dtepkfce the mar- 1 kef and price? will rise accordingly . Pjob^bly the syndicate have- buyers, in-all j the chiefs sources* of sopplysothat- the aggregate of their operations snalf hoi "be so
marked as they would if the purchases were made in the great London market. It may happen that the bulk of their pur chases- will be effected before ( the- majority of the \Vool buyers 1 and' manufacturers liave been enabled [ip obs erve any ( deflection, 1 in the current of Bup>ply ' and 1 so/.theV prices wjl{ nofj " jump " uatiHUe bairenesU of the market is ;ol&feVyed.; ol&feVyed. ' Sioulxf' ri'ojAiirig, untoward 1 occur t<y, affect i the' calculations) ofi the» syndicate- the^ro^ $tf fre 'entirmpus as they -w-jll gaim thfer amounti o£< the duty; pliis|thea'dded' price" which their opera;. tions,ha\!e oreatad- Colonial) shflep : farmers will 1 also benefit sufficiently' in the near, future to- aujbiflipate< the loweredprises which musj j^awlfc l?rtem r t»tef M?Kin> ley protectivedttties. TheWi^alpo hope in store chat at the next elections the American people will have become so dissatisfied with high tariffs that a new departure will be made and American portsonce more be opened to our wool growers.
In the meantime the poor of the Old World, aswVll as of America, will have to pay more for their woollen goods or use more shoddy, probably both.
An awfully sudden death occurred last evening, one of the daughters of Mr Flannery, governor of the gaol, a young girl about 17 years of age, having died after a few hours illness. Great sympathy is expressed for her parents and relations in the bereavemeut. A fcjotball practice will be. b.eld this af iierno'qrrb'n fM Square.' Sides? will h& hojlMM on the'grbund at 3 sharp. In 1896 as many as 197 Banks suspended in .the United States, with £1},£35,874 liab'Ufyi&Taiia £9s(}S/{45 of' indicated r , seCtfie rff eVaffe"' Jiabjliti^s being abpat i6o,tidtf per Bank/ Thi^ 'shp^ejl a considefabte' increase over 1895, when 135 Banks suspended with £4,552,927 liabilities, and over 1894, when 89 suspended Anth £2,7P3.990 liabilities. But, \:i co^e, |$31g98 ia along way shott, *of "that of I^9S, for duviog thd punic- oi * 't^at year 593 Banks stopped payment with £34,059.135 liabilities. During tljis year, a fUrthei' 21 "Brfnki* suspended in the United States, par,t<J which were at St. Paul. Diamonds do nqt often figvtre in the manifests of "shipping from Sydney. Pearls and rubies and opals are common 1 enough. By the F. and O. Company's steamer Paramatta, * which left Sydney ' a 1 few days ago for London, there^vaS'ship- ' ped by Mr D. Humphrey a box of dia- | monds valued at £2,530.
Says the Ashburton Mail: For the paafe.eight days -HiriKeßa- of-'Mfds j of daft k plumage have covered the ?ea about half 4 mile oil shore at Longbe^ch. and local naturalists are greatly exercised as to the cause of the unusual migration. • • J- Hi "^ual "i - r r The Auckland Herald reports that Mr Buchapan', & local GOrifectiotfer; is at pr'es!enfi;'n¥anufacting"tli'e "-wedding cake, for lihe'TO^al niarria^ oi the jKin^of Tonga. It will be the handsomest ever made in New Zealand. It stands five feet in height, and weighs little under a quarter of a ton. The design is very unique, the base being ocfiagon in sharieand pannelled, and the denotations are most elaborate and artistfe. ""'The cake is surmounted by at crowny^6"n wiiich stands a 'vase (supnorbj<l b» foif- i cfil're:-T' px " yr i7«flS ) sSnf.-'iti-'in; a •<, Qfni.ic'Tii *> v; i !. 1^ a;ij)e-cf'-tHat th -X n*.. hi i Tonga" prin:e. ra- . cerr.-n-g- -'tefs" Wftt3Mi(?ti $-5 ERe 'liiakland College and'CTr'a'fo'ttMr' tJcßoof- s^trie years .ago, formed a friendship with Mr Buchanan, which ripened and strengthepedas;time»we7itonj §,ndiK redolledtibn di "{y h^ppy acquaintanceship", • the King has placed the order for his wed-ding-c^^e Wyjth.hjra'oidr A-u«Mla n .d-fr"tend'. , As curiosities, in, ihe way of falls w-e (.E^dfafedStt 3 Sha.^) hVive \feofirrl oi: a si'lor mtMtrotf Wfor^dp-tfaffant ya,fd of a ship ( and s^rnin^ to tialf an hour af tera'ticf of andWer s£4- faring maa>who rlofted'Wa'myfipW&ie^dsle^p '^'^-' ter of a couple of feet) and broke' his neJek-; fcut'lihe bies^e 7 fvbtii th'e^TiKumes of a man whsle'arie'3agasns£ nothing when he thought there was arp'ost behind him 4tfdssu-s'lfake*c»ncu*ai6dof trie 1 bratn', is as strange as anything, that has happ" enett !in this lin^: ' «■' " ' • ' ' There was a novel scene recently at ' Summerlea*Farm, right in the midst of ! the. flood near Maidenhead on the Thames, *here Mtt h: !>••' Tiltyfj eon- ■ duc^eCTia l 'salfe of live'-" 'anft' 4 dead farming : growing root crops, &c. Those attiending the sale bad, to, proceed in punta ' amd vehicfeft' through acresof water. The ! aluction was' dri a : part 6$ tie farm above , nood-levei, and on this island the lots were 'ofljetedi Although- mady of th'ef • crops were under wafeerand invisible, they werti i(Ad. r •Na'tfet}' $r-t>Jk&ly7 tai a|- sale i tieei; clßfiiffactefFaniep inch '60*61 'cifcooi-> stances. A new orchard pest, exiled silver blight, Has appeared about Christchurch, and is liow aijajokiiig all" fruji^jtrejes . aliid,' eve*n smairfruit busies. .When it, makes its Orsrfc'arjpearanc'e- g^neiiallph' only a single branch is affected: Tne leaves gradually dssume a conspicuous" lus.trous light siJU ce I*dolorecl ap^feAraaacej'VT'Mcri^e^tefcdk dWnwards. Above the healthy leaves the 'disease sodri 'Mlft the' ; %\dnhv ' bairi and (kmbiaitt'kkyer of the 'affected limb; the dellular substance of the leaves thickeu and. dj«,- and the; uppe? suijfac'e of) theljedves turn Dr-OMjn an«l giyidji-aWy/ s&riveli up and fall off. The diseaso spreads downward,, and if/ it becomes fisedy iffde- ! the whole tree. So far the only Remedy found for it is to cut and burn c! very affected branch.
j We clip the following important tesijno 1- > nial from the " Illawarra Mercury," (N.SW-) on the 30th. It needs- no com. metrfc:— Mr John Loveday, of t*he Biill- '' mouutains, writes to ; iis that after suffering ■ for four ydars tfifch' actftW 'gravel, he has experienced alihbst 'cbmtotelie relief by using I Sander and' Sons' Eucalypti Extract. He j. aays seeing the said Extract advertised in the " Illawarra Mercury," his intense ' suffermg. induced him to obtain a bottle of i< the medicine from' Mr Hosking, chemist, of ■ ihis town, and that the use of it gave him ! great relief at once. He states that betvween 1 the 10th March instant', when he obtained the first bottle of theeitraot&ndf on the'l'jto'h, ' the use of that'inediqine<eqntinued to afford L him relief, to which He had been a stranger . lor four years. Mr Loveday writes also ' that he ha& fo'ilitd 'tfife 'Eiitt«jtj^tli..SJktr.a-ct ' a' i cure,for rheumatism as well as gravel. He requests us' to publish' this information through' t'fie ♦'Mercury^" _ We- ha-WTmuch i pleasuTe in- ' complying with Mr Loveday's ■ request,, whose word cajinot be doubted and who'can" have'no object in" "view*otiher than a pure desire to" "benefit suffering humanity."^— Ai>vaf • ' j Florilink for the Teeth and Breath 1 A few drops of the liquid " Floriline " \ sprmk-led-ona wet tooth-brush- produces a ! pleasant 'lat'h'eri ' which throughly cleanses 1 ' the teeth from all 1 ' jtarasrtes or impurities hardens the guins^-i preterits- tartJar^ stoj)? decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly whiteness, -and a delightful fragance to the breathy It- removes all unpleasant' oddiii? rising from decayed teeth' or tobacco smoke, infche Eragrant Flbiilme,' being composed us'partf'dX honey f and s.weet herbs, ia , deliqi ous lib the taslie 1 , and the' greatest' toilet dfscovery of the age. Price 2s 6d of all Chemists and Perfumers. ' Wholesale depot, 33, Barringdttu,''E§bddh TWs'lan'tr.'-^'/tVvT';-Don/t . Cough* — Relief i can be obtained . immediately, ttse "'KEATIItfG'jS OOUaH. LOZEN ( GES.;' well known- as., the -'utterly unrivalled,' Cough remedy. Strbngfy recommen^Mr By many 1 eminent physicians. They at once check the cough and remove the cause — without any after effect j.Jbhe most delicate can therefore take them. One Lozenge alone gives ease — one or two at bedtime ensures rest. Sold everywhere' in tins 13£ d each
:^,.i^. L v _y 'in '■« ' i ii. r '; ' ■_■ r'";'.'!T' . The Oamaru Mail reports that at the sale of Dr de Lautour's potatoes on Saturday there was an interesting duel between two Government supporters as to who should possess a 101 b bag of seed labelled "Richard Seddon." The bidding rapidly advanced until about twice the price of any othsr sample had been reached, when the two knocked oft. A third party, imagining that there was something good behind a spirited competition which was really political, then took a hand in the proceedings and wiped out the competitors by a bid at the rate of £126 a ton, at which price he secured the fmbers. The highest price realised j outside this wa3 6*d a Ib. A peculiar occurrence happened in Victoria lately. A woman named Mrs Cole was driving through Maffra, when a Swaf $ of bees alighted on the Horse's head. The animal, yhich was an old ones, iminedUtely lay cjqwn and took matters philosophically. A ' man pame to the rescue, and securing a pail of water, doucedthe bees, imd thus frightened them away. The application of electro motors for the cfrivirfg^ niacliiiiery hi'sfiip-yiircls afi'fl engine 'works promises to extend rapidly thus providing an additional factor ii> the aetielerdtion bl theb already' rdpid" rate t(f prod,uctiqn.in tfcege 'branches oHadastfy. SUch motors have already <been adopted to some extent in several of the largest Clyde' yards and fengjrie shß^s., v The rapidity of the wßrk'wfilfcfn'hds' o^n recently done on several British Battle ships has been remarkable, and has Been maitfly due to the empl6yme.nt pf forked drills, slotting' machines, $na bmev apl)arati of a kindred nature. The application pf electricity, $Bfc/&fes, bh& Wot inf i England assumed anything like the dimensions observable ia, Grej«»fta_work^shaps arid ship-yards.
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West Coast Times, Issue 10552, 24 April 1897, Page 2
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1,853West Coast Times SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1897. West Coast Times, Issue 10552, 24 April 1897, Page 2
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