Special Advertisements. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STBAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. THE SECOND SALOON ACCOMMODATION in the above Steamers having been thoroughly reorganized, the Company are now enabled to offer intending Passengers to Europe unrivalled ACCOMMODATION at the following greatly Reduced Rates : — Single Ticket £37 0 0 Eeturn Ticket (available for 12 months) ... 65 0 0 All necessary requisites, except wine, , c, provided. W. G. JOHNSTON & CO., Agents, Eevell Street, Hokitika.
BRUNNER COAL COMPANY'S LINE OF STEAMERS. THE S. S. HERALD, Captain Jones, Will leave Greymouth for AUCKLAND DIRECT, on THURSDAY, For Freight or Passage, apply to KENNEDY BROS., Greymouth Agents. «■ FOR THE ARAB COFFEE. IT consists of a mixture of the finest ORIENTAL COFFEES, and is aighly recommended for its flavor and strength. TRY IT, and you will use no other. To be obtained from the leading merchants and storekeepers ie every town in New Zealand, and from PATERSON, MICHEL & CO., WESTLAUD STEAM COFFEE MILLS WHARF STREET HOKITIKA. GOOD NEWS to PARENTS IF YOUR SONS REQUIRE GOOD SUITS, Now that the Holidays are over H, SCHRODER & SON AEE PREPARED TO MAKE TO ORDER AT VERT LOW PRICE. H. S. & Son are also SELLING SUPERIOR PEINTS at WHOLESALE PRICE to make room for NEW GOODS on their way out from Home. H. SCHRODER & SON, TAILOEB AND DRAPERS . INIMBLE SHILLING. A BIG LOT""OF LADIES' AND CHILDEEN'S H A T S,* New Goods. 1 s Eac h. j. NICHorsoN&BiCO., . ,'• • Drapers. *
A PERFECT COFFEE. GBEGG & CO.'s"^CLUB" BRAND, (Registered.) A PREPARATION of the FINEST MOCHA and INDIAN COFFEE, with a small proportion of Chicory. Packed in lib and 21b hbt wbiqht. FANCY CANISTERS. Aiso •♦EXHIBITION" BEAND COFFEE •'EAGLE" BRAND COFFEB.| "CROWN" BRAND COFFEE. "ELEPHANT" BRAND COFFEE.; To be Obtained from all Merchants, storekeepers, and Grocers throughout New Zealand, . WILLIAM GREGG & COi, Conn, Pbppmb, and Spice Mbrohants AND MAHDFAOTURSRB. Officeß and Works :— DUNEDIN. Chicory Farms :— lhcf Cmitb .
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
West Coast Times, Issue 6416, 14 February 1887, Page 2
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