Spooial Advertisement*. X I fcKPATRICK'S LOLLIES, i" hh tout LOLLIES are made with the •"• Best White Sugar, and are guaranteed Absolutely Pure. KIRKPATBICK'sTcRrSTALIZBD FRUIT DROPS Are the Best and Porest in the Market. Mavcfaottjbbd bt S. KIRKPATRICK & CO., NELSON. J> BA D V TIIT O N B Y. LADIES* UNDERCLOTHING, At Wholesale Prices, LADIES' CORSETS, Grand Value, LADIES' ULSTERS, Half-Price, CHILDREN'S JACKETS, At Very Seduced Prices, GIRLS' and. LADIES' UMBRELLAS, From One Shilling. COME AND SEE The Value we are Sending out for Ready Money. J. NICHOLSON & CO., Dbatixs.
The County Council elections will take place to-day. Considerable interest is taken in the Eanieri aad Arahura Ridings, in both of which especially in the former thare is a keen competion for the seats* The Prince of Wales Company at Robs keep busily at work and a good washing is expected shortly. The Ross Uaited Gold Mining Company are said to be within 400 feet from the Cassius shaft. They are driving in three levels in the direction of the staff, and good news may ac expected at any time. The elevators are likewise in constant employment. Mr James Clarke and Mr James Spence addressed a meeting of the electors on Monday evening, at Humphrey's Gully, Mr Palmer in the chair. Both the candidates were wall received, and accorded the usual vote of confidence. At a late hour they addressed the electors at Blue Spur, Mr Pate in the chair, where they were equally well received. Mr Spence, who was a comparative stranger in those parts until tbe last few days, is said to have made a most favor* able impression in his addresses, Mr Greenwood Dentist, will re-viiit Hoki. tika aboit the end of Mareb.— Abvt.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
West Coast Times, Issue 4767, 12 November 1884, Page 2
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