Thursday, Febuuauy 14.
The Board met at the Education Office at 8 p.m. Present — The Chairman, Messrs Mueller, Revell, Greenwood, and Paterson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, and the outward correspondence was read. The folio wins? letters and telegrams were read and dealt with as follows : — A telegram from the Secretary, Education Department, Wellington, statins lhat the Government would grant the Hoard the sum of £3600, out ot vote, for buiMi»g purposes. Eeceived. Another telegram from the Secret.i'}, Education Department, stating that ; ie above sum was all the Government could grant for this year ; but that they would ask for a special vote for Westland at the next session. Received. A letter from the lion. Secretary, Kanieii Local Committee, giving the names of the persons elected to be members of the lianieri School Committee, deceived. A letter from the Chairman of the Totara Local Committee, giving the names of the persons elected members of the committee. Received. A letter from the hon. Secretary, Pjroa Local Committee, {riving the names of tbe persons elected members of the committee. Received. A letter from the Chairman, Ilokitika Committee, iequesting the Board to alow gas to be laid on in. the school-house and gas fittings put up. Consideration deferred for estimate of cost. A letter from the Chairman, Okarito Committee, statins that Mcs-rs Mueller and Clapcott had been nominated by the committee for the Board. Also asking for ;» contingency vote of £20 for the ensuing h.ilf-year. Resolved, "That the sum of £20 for contingencies for the ensuing half-year be granted to the Okarito Local Committee, in terms of the chuirman's letter." A letter from fie Chairman of the Okarito Local Committee, stating that Mr A. Hamilton, teacher at Okarito, hid given one month's notice of his intention to resign. Resolve 1, " That the resignation of Mr Augustus Hamilton as teacher at the Okarito school be accepted." A letter from the Chairmau of the Okarito Local Committee, requesting the Board to sanction the appointment of Mr James Owen Wilson to be teacher at the Okarito School. Also a letter from Mr Wilson, requesting that the appointment may be made permanent. Resolved, " that Mr James Wilson bo temporarily appointed, under clause 45 of the Education Act, as teacher !>t the Okarito School." A letter from the Chairman of the Bruce Bay Local Committee requesting the Board to graut the sum of £20 for expenditure upon the school building a3 Gillespie's Beach. Resolved, " That £20 be granted to the Bruce Bay Committee to complete repairs and improvements to school-honse a f Gille?pie's Beach." A letter from James Penrose stating that at a meeting held at Grille-pie's Beach, certain persons were elected a committee for the Bruce Bay district, aud that immediately after the election a meeting was held, and that, he CPenro3e) was elected chairman for the ensuing year. Also requesting that the Board would appoint a permanent teacher for Gillespie's School as 3con as possible. Received, A letter from John Bruea, Giliespio's Beach, stating that at the meeting held for the election of a committee for the Bruce Bay district, certain informalities occurred, and requesting the Board to decide a* to tbe legality of the elecion. Also stating that the committee held its first meeting immediately after the election, instead of on the diy fixed by the Board. Resolved, " That the Board declare ••hi_ election of the Bruce Bay Committee. -\h submitted, correct. The election of chairman, however, having been proceeded with on a day other than that fixed by the Board, the Board declare it illegal. A letter from the Chairman of the G-rey-mouth Committee, giving the names or' the persons elected to be members of the School Committee for the Greymonfb district. Received. A letter from the Chairman of the Giv*--month Committee, sta'in^ that at the <ivi meeting of the committee, Mr Grcenwi i was elected chairman, and Mr Nauwrrow treasurer. Received. A letter from the Chairman of the Greymouth Committee, stating that the committee had decided to bring into operation clnu?es 89 to 93, both inclusive, of " The Education Act, 1877," Received. A letter from the Chairman of the Greymouth Committee, with reference to whether the Board had power to pay for work done in preparing for elections of Local Committee- Referred to Finance Committee. A letter from the Chairman of the Grej 7 - . mouth Committee, statin? that Me?srs Revel and Greenwood had been nominated members of the Board. Received. A letter from the Chairman of the Greymouth Committee, recommending that Klissa Bwing be appointed a pupil teacher I in the Greymouth State School. Resolved, " That Mliza Ewing be appointed pupil teacher of the 4th clas*, in the Greymouth State School from the Ist inst., according to reeomrnen lation of Local Committee," A letter from the Chairman of the Greymouth Committee, requesting the Board to grant the committee a contingency vote of £50 for the six months, ending 30ih 1878." Resolved, " That £50 be granted to the Greymouth School Committee for contingencies for the current half-year." Resolved, " That £34 per annum be the maximum amount allowed by the Board
as payment for the services of Secretary to Local Committee." A letter from the Secretary of (he Arahura Committee, stating that the committee have elected Mr J. M'Whirter to be chairman for the ensuing year. Also, that Messrs It. J. Seddon, and B. Lyons have been nominated to be members of the Board. Received. A letter from the Hon. Secretary Arahura Committee, stating that Mr 11. W. Sandle had been temporarily appointed secretary to the committee, but that applications would be called for lrom persons competent to fill the office. Received. A letter from the Hon. Secretary Arahura Committee, enclosing a letter from Mr Phillips, head teacher at Kumara school, and in accordance v/i h lequesL contained therein, requesting the Board to appoint an assistant teacher for the school. Also stating that the chairman had been empowered to make temporary arrangements for supplying a teacher. The chairman reported having appointed Mr Mackay temporarily to the Kumara School. Ke«olvecl, " That applications be invited for a male assistant teacher to Kumara School, in one of the Melbourne papers, and that meanwhile the temporary appoiutment of Mr Mackay, be approved by the Board,' 1 A leHer from the Hon. Secretary Arahura Committee, requesting the Board to grant three additional clocks for the Kumara School. Also that the school reserve at Kumara may be fenced in as , soon as possible. The secretary was instructed to forward the clocks ; and the , question of fencing the reserve was deferred until the present contracts are finished. A letter from the Hon. Secre'ary Arahura Committee, notifying that the committee had decided to bring into operation, clauses 89 to 93 ot the "Education Act, 1877." Received. A letter from the Hon. Secretary Arahura Committee, requesting the Hoard to furnish certain furniture for the Stafford School. The Inspector was directed to report. A letter from the Chairman of tlie Arahura Committee stating that Miss Kate Fyfe had been appointed assistant female teacher at the Stafford School, and requesting the Board's approval of the appointment. The secretary was directed to inform the chairman, that the matter cannot be dealt with, until Miss Fyft's certificates are forwarded. A letter from the Chairman Arahura Committee, requesting the Board to grant the sura of £15 to Miss Su>an Hogg, on account of her having had a great tkal of extra work, owing to the school being without a female assistant teacher for tome time. Resolved, " That £15 he granted to Miss Uisan Hogv?, as a bonus in consideration of her having worked as acting assistant for some mouths in the Stafford School." A letter from the Chairman Arahura Committee, stating that the Committee had appointed Mr John Palmer to be head teacher at Stafford School, and requesting the Board to confirm the appointment. Resolved, "That Mr John Palmer be appointed head master at the Stafford School." A letter from the hou. secretary Paroa Committee, stating that the Committee had decided to bring clauses 89 to 93 of the Education Act into operation in the Paroa district ; that Messrs Faulkner and Green had been nominated to be members of the Board ; and that the appointment of a clerk and treasurer had been deferred. Received. Resolved, "That the contractor for painting the Dungauville School-house be paid the amount agreed upon, he having finished the work according to the terms of the contract." A letter from C. M'Carthy. head teacher of St. Patrick's School, Greymouth, forwarding certificates, testimonialg, &c, and requesting that his name may be recorded as an applicant for any suitable vacancy in any of the Westland State Schools. The Secretary was instructed to write to Mr M'Carthy, stating that his name would be reaistered as being an applicant for appointment to one of the State Schools, but that under " The Education Act, 1877," certificates; are issuud only by the Minister for Education. A letter from R. Souiidy, assistant teacher, Ilokitika School, requesting that his certificate may be raised from the second division of the second class to the first division of the second clasa. Resolved, " That Mr Soundy be placed on the first division of the second class, from February Ist, 1878." Eesolved, " That Mr L. G. Vincent be appointed teacher at the Arahura Road School, salary to commence from February Ist'" A letter from the hon. secretary Kanieri Committee, requesting the Board to grant a fnrtlier sum for contingency expenditure." Resolved, " That £25 be granted to the Kanieri Committee for contingencies, for the ensuing six montha." A letter from li. Clegg and Co., contractors for additions to the Hokitika School-house, requesting the Board to grant extension of time for completion of contract for four weeks. The overseer recommended that the request be granted. Granted. Resolved, " That sample copies of text books and forms in use in the Westland district, be presented gratis to H. Kenrick, Esq., for the information of tbe School Committee at Gisborne, Poverty Bay." A letter from trustees of church building at Blue Spur, requesting the Board to expend a small sum of mouey in repairs. Uesolved, " That £10 be granted to the trustees of the Blue Spur church buildiug, to effect repairs to building, in terms of agreement with the Board." The Board adjourned at 1.30 a.m. on Friday till 10 a m, the same day. Friday, February 15. The Board met at the office at 10 30 a.m. Present — The Chairman, Messrs Revell, Greenwood, Paterson, and Seddon. The Inspector read his report of the yearly examination for 1877. Eesolved, " That the report of the Inspector of Schools ba received and printed." A letter from Mr W. Banks. Chairman of the Ahaura School Committee, stating that the Nelson Board had communicated with the committee with reference to taking charge of the school" until April. Received. Resolved, "That the Paroa Committee be requested to dispense with the services of Mr Knglert forthwith, in consequence of the failure the whole school at the Christmas examination, and owing to incorrect conduct on his own part." Resolved, " That the Boird deem it advisable that the Paroa School Committee request the uncertificated teachers ot Dunganville and Greenstone, to send in their resignations forthwith, in consequence of the failures at the recent examination of the schools,"
Kesolved, "That -the Paroa School Committee be authorised to invite applications (in Victorian papers) from certificated teachers, for the Marsden, Greenstone, and Dunsjanville schools." Resolved, "That the attention of the Kanieri Committee be drawn to the unsatisfactory results of the last examination of the school at the Upper Crossing, Arahura ; and that they request the present teacher to forward his resignation forthwith." Resolved, " That the Kanieri School Committee be requested to draw the attention of the teacher of Woodstock School, to the unsatisfactory result *of the last examination, and intimate to him that, if he fails to shew decided improvement at the next examination, they will be under the necessity of dispensing with his services." Resolved, " That Nancy Martin and Susan Hogg be allowed t > pass as 4th class pupil teacher", as recommended by the Inspector." Letter from Michicl Carrick, head teacher at St. Mary's School, Hokitika, asking (he Board to alow him payments for results upon the veariy examination for 1877. The Secretary was directed to inform Mr Carrick that payment for results is only made to teachers in schools established by the Board, the Board not makincr any direct payments to teachers in schools established under the 40th clause of the Westland Education Ordinance. Letter from J. Hislop, Secretary Education Department, Wellington, stating that no direct payments will be made by the Government to local school committees, but that the sura of £25,000 had been voted for distribution, thiough the Boards, amongst local committees, in lieu of the capitation tax proposed to be imposed, but struck out of the Act by the House of itepresentatives ; also promising to send I 100 copies of tbe Education Act. Petition from settlers on the Hokitika river and at Kokatahi, requesting the Board to establish a school in the neighborhood. The Inspector was directed to ascertain the number of children in the locality of school age. Petition from settlers on the Christchurh road requesting the Board to establish two ball-time schools. The Secretary was directed to inform the petitioners that there was at present no funds available for the purpose. Letter from hon. Secretary Paroa Committee requesting that the Inspector may be allowed to furnish a special report to that committee of the stato of the schools in the district, and of the competency or otherwise of the teachers. The Inspector was requested to furnish the information asked for. Resolved, " That £5 he granted to cover CDSt of hanging bell at Maori Gully school." The secretary read the report of the Building Committee. Received aud adopted. The secretary read the report of the Finance Committee. Received aud adopted. The Board adjourned at 1 p.m., to 2 p.m. The Board resumed at 2 p m. Letter from Messrs Young Bros., re deviation of Okura W.'tler Race where running through Kumara School Reserve. Resolved, "That a further sum of £24 be granted for the completion of the tunnel through the Kumara School Grounds," Letter from W. A. Spencc, offering to undertake the teaching of military drill in some of the State Schools, on cortaiu terras. Consideration deferred until next meeting of the Board. Letter from A, JJavill, teacher of gymnastics, Melbourne, Victoria, offering his services to the Board, on certain terniß. Deferred for further information. Resolved, " That Mrßevell be authorised fco arrange with the owners of the race running through the school ground at Maori Gully, for diversion of said race." Resolved, " That a sum not exceeding £10 be granted for the purchase of furniture for the Maori Gully School " Resolved, " That tbe sum of £3 5s be granted for cost of season ticket on Grey and Brunner Railway, for teacher of Wallsend School." Resolved. " The Board agree to pay the bonus for Goldsborough teacher, retained by the Inspector for reasons noted in his report" Resolved, That the Building Comraittee, be authorised to have plans and specifications prepared, for clearing and fencing the Maori Gully School site ; and that tenders be called for and accepted, as soon as funds are available." Resolved, " That the Greymouth School Committee be authorised to engage the services of a permanent caretaker for the Greymouth School." Resolved, " That until the houses for the caretakers at the Hokitika and Grey- ' mouth Schools arc erected, the respective School Committees be authorised to incur the expense necessary for renting a house close to the school sites." A letter from hon. secretary Arahura Committee, requesting the Board to appoint a teacher for the Callaghan's School, and stating that the committee had [ empowered the chairman to make temporary arrangements. .Resolved, "That Callaghan's and Greek's be made half-time schools, and that the teacher at Greek's Gully School, give instructions at each of the above places for two and half days each week, and that the salary of the teacher refer/ed to, be increased by £50 per annum," A letter from the hon. secretary Arahura Committee, requesting the Board to build a new school-house and teacher's house at Stafford. Referred to the Building Committee to report. A letter from the hon. secretary Kanieri Committee, recommending that sewing be taught twice weekly in the schools at Blue Spur and Woodstock. The Secretary was directed to request the committee to ascertain how sewing may best he taught in the schools referred to. A letter from the hon. secretary Kanieri Committee, asking the Board how the committee are to arrange for having the various school-houses cleavedThe Secretary was directed to request the Committee to make their own arrangements. A letter from the head teacher, Hokitika School, asking why there was such a great difference between the payments for results made to the teachers at the Hokitika and the Greymouth Public Schools. This letter was forwarded to thu Board, by the Chairraau of the Hokitika Local Committee, with a request that it may be favorably considered. Mr Greenwood moved, and Mr Revell seconded, the following resolution: — "That in answer to the application from the Hokitika Comraittee, the Secretary inform the committee that the Hokitika and Greymouth Schools have been paid for results, strictly in accordance with the regulations ; and that the opportunity of obtaining equally high lesults with Grreymouth, was volun-
tarily forfeited by the head master of the Hokitika School when he reclassified his school in the first half of 1877." To this resolution the following amend- i ment was moved by Mr Mueller, seconded by Mr Paterson, and carried—" That the Hokitika Local Committee be informed that the teachers of the Hokitika and Greymouth Sohopls have been paid for results _ strictly in accordance with the regulations ;• and that the opportunity of obtaining better results, in a pecuniary sense, was voluntarily forfeited by the head master of the Hokitika School, when he reclassified his school in the first half year of 1877. r l ! , Board recognise the disadvantageous position the teachers placed liMmselves in, who r. classified their sch<> I--, but cannot deal exceptbnally in the ca.H' of the i 'okitika School." A lett<r r hi he Chairman of Bruce Bay Con., uue, bating that Mr C. S. Todd had resigned as teacher at the Gillespie's School, find that the committee had tempo- ;:rily apnointed Mrs .Murphy. Theß accepted Mr Todd's re?ignation, and confirmed the temporary appointment of Mrs Murphy. A letter from C. S. T^odd, asking to be reappointed to the Gillespie's School. Resolved, "That applications from certificated teachers, for the situation of teacher at Gillespie's Beach, be invited by advertisement in the Melbourne papers," A letter from C. S. Todd, asking to be allowed his expenses for travelling to Gillespie Beach. Granted. A letter from Mrs Gordon, teacher at the Wallsend School, stating that the attendance at the school was greatly increasing, and requesting the Board to increase her salary or allow her a suitable building and residence for opening a girl's high school. Resolved, " That the secretary acknowledge the receipt of Mrs Gordon's letter, and request her to forward any teacher's certificate she may now hold under any other Education Board, in order that the Board may be able to give her a definite classification, and judge whether she is entitled to any increase of salary under the regulations." Letter from the headmaster Kanieri School requesting the Board not to reduce the number of pupil teachers at that school. Resolved, " That owing to the average attendance at Kanieri School, having fallen under one hundred, one of the pupil teachers be henceforth employed at Woodstock School." Letter from the Hon. Secretary Totp.ra Local Committee, stating that the Committee had unanimously elected Mr C. Malfroy to be chairman ; and stating that the committee had appointed Mr J, R. Lopa^ to be secretary and treasurer, at a salary of £^5 per annum. Resolved, " That the Board sanction the payment of a salary of £25 per annum to the treasurer and secretary appointed by tht- Totarn School Committee, and that the committee lie informed that they should have obtained the sauction of the Board, before fixing any Hilary." Letter from the Hon. Secre'ary Kanieri Local Committee, stating that the committee had elected Mr T. Learmont to be chairman, that Mr B. Patten, and Mr Potts have been nominated to be members of the Board. That Mr James Webster was appointed secretary and treasurer, at a salary of £25 per annum, and that the committee bad decided to bring into operation clauses 89 to 93 of the Act. Also recommending that an account for travelling expenses /Vom Wellington, forwarded to the committee by Mr L. G. Vincent be paid. Resolved, v That the Board sanction the payment of £25 per annum to the treasurer and secretary, appointed by the Kanieri School Committee, and that the committee be informed that they should obtain the sauction of tbe Board, before fixing any salary." Letter from the Chairman of the Greymonth Committee, requesting the Board to sanction the payment of 10s per week to a secretary. Resolved, " That the Board sauction the payment of 10s per week by the Greymouth School Committee for the services of a secretary," A letter from the hon. secretary Arahura Committee, requesting the Board to sanction the payment by the committee of £40 per annum, to a secretary and treasurer. liei-olved, " That the Arahura Local Committee be informed that the maximum amount allowed by the Board for the services of a secretary to a locol committee is £30 per annum, and that the Board authorise the committee to call for applications at that salary." The committee appointed to draw up bylaw?, reported haviDg drawn up a set as iequested by the Board. The Secretary read the by-laws as prepared. Resolved, "That the by-laws as read and corrected, be adopted and printed.'* Resolved, "That the Inspector of Schools be authorised to inquire into and r>port on the desirability of having the Kumara School, classified a3 a first- class school, in accordance with the Board's regulations." Resolved, " That in accordance with the report of the Inspector, and with the sanction of the Chairman of the Board, the Arahura Local School Committee be empowered to fill temporarily any vacancies in the teaching staff of the Kumara School." Resolved, •' That a sum of £8 10s be granted to tbe Greymouth School Committee, to enable them to procure drawing material* for special class. Such loan to be repaid when the materials are sold." Resolved, " That the Chairman of the Jackson's Bay Local Committee be requested to furnish the Board with particulars as to the daily attendance at Okura School." A letter from Wm. Riley, asking for a share of the Board's advertisements, in a paper he is about to issue. Received. A letter from Duncan and Co., asking for payment of £150, amount retained by the Board as penalty for non completion of the Hokitika School, lleferred to the Building Committee. ■* The Inspector W2s instructed to visit that portion of the educationol district of Nelson, to be added to the Westland district, to ascertain the requirements. Resolved, "That Air Robertson, the teacher employed temporarily at the Kumara School, be paid the sum of £2 10s, being salary from March 4th to March 15tb, both inclusive." Resolved, "That tbe sum of 25a be paid to Flowers for ferrying children across the New river, from the date of the last payment to him, up to the time of the erection of the tramway bridge, being about three months." KUMARA BUSINESS. The Agent read the report of his visit to Kumara. Received and adopted. A letter from Borough Council, Kumara, asking for a lease of sections 203 and 204, First-street. Resolved, '■ That sections 203 and 204, Fir3t- street, Kumara, be let to the Borough
Council for fourteen years, at a rental of £1 per section per annum." A letter from W. Perkins, solicitor, Creymoutb, asking the Board to allow a section in Seddon-street to be transferred from W. Todd to the Borough Council Kumar a. A letter from Messrs Corn foot and Stenhouse. asking the Board to reduce the rent of forty acres of timber leased by them. Not granted. The meeting terminated at 6.30 p.m.
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West Coast Times, Issue 2771, 18 February 1878, Page 2
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4,151BOARD OF EDUCATDN. West Coast Times, Issue 2771, 18 February 1878, Page 2
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