JNorjces. i Protected by Uoyal Letters Patent, « Dated October 11th, 1869 Under .Distinguished Patronage v DR BRIGHT'S "I 1 J) HOSPHODY'NE.] 1 ' (ozonic oxygen) , The new curative a^ent, aud only reliable i remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. This Phosphatic combination is pronoun., eed by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession to be unequalled for its power in replenishing the vitality of the body, by its < supplying all the essential constituents of the blood and nerve substance, and, for developing all the powers and functions oi' the system to the highest degree. It is agreeable to the palate, and innocent in its action, while retaining all its extraordinary properties ; and as a specific, surpassing all the known therapeutic agents of "the present day for the speedy and ; [ permanent cure of — Nervous prostration Shortness of breath Liver complaints Trembling of the hands Palpitation o<f Heart and limbs Dizziness Impared nutrition Noises in the head and Mental and physical ears depression Loss of energy and Consumption (in its appetite first stages Hypochondria Timidity Female complaints Eruptions of the 6kin General debility Imp.ired sight and Indigestion memory Flatulence Nervous fancies Incapacity for study Impoverished blood or business Nervous debility in all Sick headache its stages Lassitude Premature decline and all morbid conditions of the system arising from whatever cause. The action of the Phosphodyue is twofold — on the one hand iucnasing the principle which conI stitutcs venous energy, and on the other the most powerful blood and flesh generating agent known ; therefore, a marvellous medicine for renovating impaired and broken down constitutions. It quickly improves the functions of assimila ion to such a degree, that where for years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous, and semi- vital condition iias existed, the flesh will rapidly increase in quantity aud firmness, and the whole systim return to a state of robust health. The phosphodyue acts electrically upon the organisation; for instance, it assists nature to generate that human electricity which renews and rebuilds the osseous, muscular, nervuus, memhrauous, and" organic systems. It operates on the system without exciting cafe or thought upon the individual as to the process. It moves the lunys, liver, heart, kidneys, stomach, an<l intestine^, with a harmonj', vigour, jet mildne-s unparalleled in medicine. The Phosphodyne gives back to the I human structure, in a suitable form, ihe pho.spho.ic animating element of life which has been wasted, and exerts an importaut influence directly on the spinal marrow and ueiyous system of a nutritive, tonic, and invigorating character, maintaining that buoyant energy of the brain and muscular systt m which renders the mind cheerful, brilliant, and energetic, entirely overcomeing that dull, inactive, and sluggish disposition which many persons experience in all their actions. The beneficial effects of the Phosphodyne are frequently shown from the first day of its adruifiistiation, by a remarkable increase of nervous power, with a feeliug of vigour and comfort, to which the patient has long been unaccustome. 1 . .Digestion is improved; the appetiie increases wonderfully; the bowels become regular ; the eyes brighter ; the skiu clear and healthy ; and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance of the action of the Phosphodyne on the organs of nutrition. Finally the Phosphodyne maintains a certain degree of activity in the previously debilitated nervous system ; its use enables all debilitated organs to return to their sound state and perform their natural functions. Persons suffering form Nervous Debility, or any of the hundred symptoms wbieh this distressing disease assumes,* may rest assured of an effectual aud even speedy cure by the judicious use of this most invaluJ able remedy. DR BKIGIIT'S PHOSPHODYNE JS SOLD ONLY Iv cases at 10s 6d, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the Globe. , Full directions for use, iv the English, * French, German Italian, and Dutch languages., accompany each case. (^"Caution — The large and iucreasing demaud lor Dr Bright's Thospbodyne has led to seveial imitaiions under somewhat similar name-; purchasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to observe that each case bears the Government Stump, with the words Dr Bright's Phosphodyne engraved thereon, and that the same words are alsc blown in the bottle. Wholesale Agtnts for New Zealand KEMPTHORNE, PKOSSER & CO., Duuediu and Auckland. 938 OVER 1000,000 IN TTRK AND THE DEMAKD RTiADHY INCREASV>S%. milE great success of tho WHERLER i_ arid WILSON (Jo. ia witnout doubt due to the Superior Excellence ot their machines, and the LITTLE EXERTION required to work them, which renders them the most suitable FOR FIJMALIOH. '•'hese qualities are owing to the Rotatory Hook System on which they we constructed, and which combine GREAT SPEED wilh surprising durability and sunalicity. It tas been clearly proved tnat the genuine WHEELER and WILSON MACHINE Will do One-Third More Work and has double the durability of the Siuger. ! The new No. SIX, For Manufacturers, will sew any material from MUSLIN to MOjuESKIN, and LEATHERWORK Of all kinds. We w rraut every genuine W. and W Machine to a;ive every satistantinn The FAMILY FRIEND Hand Machine, £4 4s. , Time payments arranged for on the mos liberal scale. Beware of SPURIOUS IMITATIONS' COWLISHAW & PLAISTKD, , ' IRONMONGERS ' ; Sole Agents for Hokitika*,,, .a^ j
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West Coast Times, Issue 3219, 19 January 1876, Page 4
Word Count
855Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 West Coast Times, Issue 3219, 19 January 1876, Page 4
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