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> Fkihay, January 27.

The Council met at 2 p.m. All the members were piesent.


Mr BarfF presented a petition from a number of settlers at the Three-mile Creek, complaining that the Hokitika and Greymouth Tramway Company would not put up any fences, and there being no means of compelling them to do so, praying that the i ounoil would consider the best means of obtaining an Act for that purpose. The petition wai re id and received.

Mr Bouar presented a peril ion from David Hughes aud others, praying that tho ferry referred to in the petition, situate in the Greenstone district, should be brought under ibe Fcries Act. The petition was read and received.


The Chairmau laid on the table the report of the Surgeon-Superintendent iv respect to the Lunatic Asylum. Also, a statement of the payments made by cheques given b 3' the late Chairman after the Bth of December las;.


I Mr Robinson brought, up the report of LI he .Select < !nmrnittee on. the Kanicri Rorul,. recommend ing that the starting-point should ! proceed from Stafford -street at its eastern termination, and the road should be constructed by prison labor. The report was read and received.


The Chairman, by leave, moved without notice that the Council resolve itself into Committee to consider the tenders received for printing, advertising, and the supply of sundries.

In committee, tenders for printing were opened from Mr J. P. Klein and Messrs Tilbrook and Ivess.

After a brief discussion the tenders were referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs Reid, Bonar. Scanlan, and Robinson to report at the next sitting of t!ie Council.

Tenders for advertising were received from Mr J. P. Klein for insertion in West Co\st Times and Leader, 2s Gd per inch ; from Me-wra Hay and M'Kellar, for advertising in the JUveirivg Sta)% 2s per inch for the first insertion, and Is fid for the following insertions ; from Mr M. Browne, for insertion in the Evening Star, Greymouth, Is (!■! per inch ; from Messrs Cobb and Harris, for insertion in the Westland Independent, 2s per inch. Mr Button moved — "That the lowest tender be accepted. Mr Guinnesi seconded the motion pro forma. Mr Robin«on moved, and Mr Bonar seconded -" That the tender of the Westland Independent be accepted. The C mmittee divided on the question, Ayes, 5 ; Noes, 4. The following is the division list: — Aye-:. Noes. Mr Binar Mr Guinness Button O'Connor Robinson RarfF Reid Scanlan The Cbairuvin. The tenders for supplies to the gaol, forage f>r Police, &c, were referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs Bai"ff, Scanlan, O'Connor, and Robinson, to report on Monday. Tenders for the Teremakau ferry were received from Messrs Angnew and Andrew at £7 per month, Messrs Taggart and Crease at £4 per month, and Mr Trabey at £2 2s Gd per week. Mr Button moved, and Mr Robinson seconded — " That no tenders be accepted but that the ferry should be open to all boatmen licensed by the Harbor-master. Upon which an amendment was moved that the tender of Mr Fahey be accepted. The Committed divided — Ayes 2 ; Eoes 7. The following U the division list : — Ayhs. Noes. Mr Barff Mr Bonar „ Scanlan „ Robinson „ Guinness „ O'Connor .. Reid The Chairman The motion of Mr Button was put and carried on the voices. Progress was reported with leave to nit again, and the Council resumed. modi: of elkctiag the chairman. Mr Barff moved — " That in the opinion of this Council it is jdesirable that the Chairmau of the Coun'y Council should for the future be elected by the vote of the people, and that a Select Committee be appointed to memorialise the Colonial Legislature on the subject, such Committee to consist of the Chairman, Mr Bouar, Mr Scaulaii 4 and the mover \t\ re-

Mr Button seconded the motion.

Mr Bonar pointed out that the resolution pledged the Council to the course indicated, and he did not think it was expedient to do so hastily He was not prepared to pledge himself on the subject, i hough he was open to conviction or argument if the matter were remitted to a committee.

Mr Reid agreed with Mr Bonar, but suggested that, as there were other matters in connection with the cnncMnents relating to the County which needed amendment, the whole of them should be referred to a committee for consideration so as to consolidate them into one enactment. Mr Gninness suggested that the member for the Arahura should accept the suggestion.

Mr Barff said he would be able to give an opinion when he saw the amendment in writing. Mr Bonar thereupon moved that, all the words after the word "that" hi struck out until the fifth line commencing " a select," the motion to read as follows — " That a select committee be appointed tJ memorialise the Colonial Legislature on the subject of amending the County of Westland Act, such committee to consist of Messrs Reid, Scanlan, Barff, and the mover." ' "

Mr Reid seconded the motion

Mr Barff accepted the amendment, reserving to himself the right to bring the matter before the Council again if he deemed it necessary.

The motion as amended was put and passed without dissent.


Mr Scanlan moved — " That advertisements be inserted in the Hokitika, Greymouth, and Dunedin papers, calling for tenders for a bi-monthly steam service between Hokitika and the southern Ports of the County."

Mr Barff seconded the motion, and hoped that no opposition would be offered. It was bad enough that the district was without roads, but it would be far worse if the steam service were withdrawn. The result would be that all the population about Hunt's, Gillespie's, and other places would desert them. Mr Guinness suggested that Nelson should be added in the advertisement.

Mr Robinson opposed the motion as premature. "When the select Committee on the finances had brought up their report it would be time to ascertain whether there was any money available. However desirable the service was, it was not expedient to pledge the Council to it, until it was ascertained tbat the County could pay for it. After some further discussion the motion was put and carried.


Mr Button moved — ''That no more honorarium be paid to Councillors ;" and, in speaking to the motion, said it was absolutely necessary, considering the financial state of the County, to mike all the reductions that could be made. The present revenue was not sufficient to meet the expenditure by several thousand pounds, it was therefore necessary to economise. He might not be doing the country members justice, as they have to come to Hokitika and incur some expense. But when they found it requisite to reduce the County servants, he thought the members would see that no more honorarium should be paid to Councillors. Mr Reid seconded the motion pm forma, but thought the matter might be left till later in the session.

Mr BarfT would vote against the motion. It might surprjse- some of the members, but he wouia vote against tt. The same questioa had been brought up at eve.y session of the Council, and with the same object —to place representation in the hands of one class. He referred to several members of the House of Representatives, who had plenty of money, and constantly brought the same matter forward. He should decidedty oppose the motion.

Mr Guinness had an impression in his mind when he came into the Council that they had no power to vote honorarium. He had now settled his mind on that point. The law does not intend that members should not be paid for the expenses they incurred. No constituency in Westland would object to necessary expenses being reimbursed to any member in the Council. The expenses to which he was put were the ordinary cost of living and of travelling to and from Grey month. There could bn no doubt but that that there was pressing need for reductions. He trusted the member for Totara would withdraw his motion until the financial statemenr was made.

Mr O'Connor did not think Mr Button was influenced by economical reasons.

.Mr Bonar considered the matter should stand over till they saw what the financial statement would be. He did not think the town members should receive anything, and the country members should receive such honorarium as would defray their actual expenses. The amount should not be such as to make it worth while for any one to seek a seat in the Council for pecuniary purposes. If a fixed sum were paid it might cause the session to be unnecessarily hurried over, and if paid by the session the reverse mipht be the case. He would move that the "consideration of the matter be postponed for a fortnight or so, until the estimates were brought up. Mr O'Connor seconded the motion.

The Chairman thought if would be time to consider the matter -when the item on the estimates was brought up. The amendment was carried unanimously.


Mr Robinson moved: — "That a Committee, consisting of Messrs Bonar, Barff, Reid, and the mover, be appointed for the purpose of drawing up a petition to the General Assembly, pointing out the great injustice suffered by the - ounty of Westlaud under the ' Payment of Provinces Act, 1870,' and praying for the redress of the same." He considered it the duty of the Council to give an expression of opinion on the matter ; if they did not do so the General Government would think they were satisfied, which, of course, was not the case.

Mr Button asked that his name might be taken off, which was granted.


Mr Barff moved— "That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report upon th: petition of the settlers in the Arahura district, praying for the construction of a Mad, such Committee to consist of Messrs R id, Bonar, Robinson, and the mover. To teport in a week." The matter had been b-ought before the previous Council, and he believed tenders had been called for, scut iv, but rejected. The cost of the formation would be but small, as Mr Mackay, the Native Commissioner, had consented to pay £^00, on behalf of the Mauris. He was iv formed the land was first-class for agricultural purpoa a, and if the road was not made would lay idle for some time to come. His, motion vf^uld not hn^d, "Cjys&c.U t$ *h|

formation of the road, and he-uoped there would be no opposition. Mr Button seconded the moion.

The Chairman stated it Avas iis intention to place a certain sum on the Estimates on the suggestion of the County Engineer, and he trusted Mr Barff would vithdraAV his mo'ion. Mr Mackay had promised to pay £200, and the whole cost would only be betAveen £300 and £400.

Some discussion ensued, in which Mr Bouar and Mr Robinson took part, as to the amount of the previous tenders, the loAvest of Avhich Avas £960. The motiou Avas carried. SPECIAL SETTLEMENTS.

Mr Bonar moved—" That a Select Committee be appointed to report on suitable blocks of land for forming special settlements under Part 11. of ' The Westland Waste Lands Act, 1870,' such commit;ee to consist of Messrs Reid, Roliuson, Barff, Chairman, and the mover. To vepon this day week.' The part of the Act referred to empowered the Council to tet aside land for the purpose of encoui aging settlement. If sufficient inducement wore held out large tracts of country south wauld be settled upon. Mr Barff seconded the motion.

Mr Scanlan knew in the Okarito distiict where there Avas about 10,000 acres of as fine land as could be seen anj where, but it was useless as there Avas no track to open it up. Miners could get as much gold there as they could on the leach, lut the difficulty was in getting provisions there. The motion Avas unanimously carried.


Mr Robinson moved — " That the Council go into Committee for the purpose of considering the Mining Regulations and the amendments proposed by the late mining conference." He slid the matter Avas one of very great importance. It Avas certainly late in the afternoon, but it Avas better to commence at once.

The Chairman proposed that the motion should be allowed to lapse for the present. Mr Button suggested, as an amendment, that a Select Committee be formed, to consist of Messrs Scanlan, Barff, Robinson, and the mover, to report within ten days. Mr Barff considered the appointment of a Select Committee Avonld be useless.

Mr Reid would second the amendment.

Mr Guinness Avas in favour of the appointment of a Committee, but thought it better to postpone it, so thiit Judge Ward might be a*ked to assist on the Committee, in conjuction Avith the Wai dens.

The Chairman would support the appointment of a Committee.

Mr Robinson did not oppose the amendment. It Avas carried unanimously. PLANS TTOII THE KAN] ERI ROAD.

Mr BarfF moved — "That there be laid upon the table of the Council a tracing, showing the proposed lines of road between Hokitika and the Kanieri, and the Big Paddock, together Avith plans and specifications of such Avoik?." He thought the prison labor could not be used to complete the far end of the road, as the prisoners Avould be too far aAvay from the j;aol; it, therefore, became a question Avhat the cost of the remaining portion Avould be. It Avas possible the Council Avould have to pay compensation to the Kanieri and H:iu Hau Trannva}' Companies. Tiie prisoners might form a road for a certain distance, and it might then branch off to the Kanieri and Ilau Ilau.

Mr Kohinson seconded the motion, which was carried.


The Chairman askoil leave to withdraAv his motion — " That this Council go into Committee to consider the report of Dr. Knight Avith regard to the construction of roads in the county of Westland, with a view to communicating the same to the General Government," as it was too late to enter into discussion on the matter. It was a large report, and would occupy some time.

Leave Avas granted accordingly.


Mr Robinson moved — " That the Chairman or the County Council lie requested to submit to the Colonial Secretary the desirability of diA'iding equally betAveen the Road Boards of the County the sums voted by the General Assembly, during la<?t session, for the year endin? September 30. 1871. Such division being, in the opinion of the County Council, more equitable than that proposed by tlie late County Chairman, Conrad Hoos, Esq." His reasons for bringing this motion forAvard Avas that the lato County Chairman proposed to divide the money as folloAvs : — To the Paroa Eoad Board £510, Totara Board £610, Arahura Board £510, Okarito £750, and the Kanieri Road Board was to get only £350, which he thought very unjust. The principal reason the Kanieri Board had so small a sum allotted to it was because it Avas always out of debt. Mr Reid seconded the motion. After some discussion the motion was carried on the voices.


On the motion of Mr Robinson, the Council adjourned until Monday cA r ening at half-past seven o'clock.

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Bibliographic details

West Coast Times, Issue 1663, 28 January 1871, Page 2

Word Count

THE COUNTY COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 1663, 28 January 1871, Page 2

THE COUNTY COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 1663, 28 January 1871, Page 2


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