Ale, porter, beer of all sorts, cider and perry in bottle, Is 3d per gallon Ale, porter, beer of all sorts, cider and perry in bulk, Is per gallon Almonds, in shell, Id per lb Almonds, shelled, 3d per lb Ammunition, sporting powder, 6d per lb Ammunition, blasting do, Id per lb Apparel, not otherwise described, 5s per cubic foot Apples, dried, Id per lb Apothecary's wares, not otherwise described, 3s per cubic foot. Arms, firearms, 5s each Axles, /isle arms and boxes, 2s pc? mp
Arrowroot, in bottles, jars, or tins, 2s 6d per cubic foot Arsenic, 4s per cwt Bacon and hams, Id per lb Bagging, bags, sacks, and woolpacks (empty) Is 6d per cubic foot Baskets and wickerware, 6d per cubic foot Baking-powder, Is per cubic foot Beef, salted, 2s per cwt Bellows, Is per cubic foot Bicarbonate and carbonate of soda, 2s per cwt Biscuits, plain and unsweetened, 3s per cwt Biscuits, fancy, 3s per cubic foot Bitters, 12s per gallon . Blacking, Is pei? cubic foot Black lead, Is per cubic foot Blankets and rugs, 3s per cubic foot Bonnets and hats, trininied, 5s per cubic foot Bonnets and hats, untriinined, 3s per .cubic foot Boots, shoes, slippers and goloshes, 5s per cubic foot Boots, men's common watertights and lace-upj and diggers' long, 3s per cubic foot Boot and shoe vamps and uppers, 5s per cubic foot Brass and brass manufactures, 4s per cwt Brushware and brooms, Is per cubic foot Buckets, wood, 2s per dozen • Buckets and tubs, of iron, 4s per cwt Butter, Id per lb Candied peel, 3d per lb Candles, tallow, Jd per lb Candles, other than tallow, Id per lb Capers, 2s 6d per cubic foot Caps, apparel, 3s per cubic foot Caps, percussion, Is per 1000 Cards, playing, 6d per pack Carpet bags, 3s per cubic foot Carpets, wollen, 2s per cubic foot Carpets, hemp, coir, or jute, Is per cubic foot Caraway seeds, 2s 6d per cubic foot Carriages, carts, drays, and waggons, ad valorem, 5 per cent Carriage and cart wheels, 5s per pair Catsup, 2s 6d per cubic foot . Cement and plaster of Paris, Is per barrel Chains, except gold and silver, f-inch diameter and under, 2s per cwt. Cheese, Id per lb Chicory, 3d per lb China, porcelain, and parian ware, 1b per cubic foot Chocolate, 3d per lb Chutney, 23 6d per cubic foot Cigars, 5s per lb Cocoa, 3d per lb Coffee, 3d per lb Coffee, roasted, 5d per lb Coffee, essence of, 2s 6d per cubic foot Collars and cuffs of paper, 5s per cubic foot Combs, Is per cubic foot Confectionery, 5s per foot Copper manufactures, not otherwise described,. 4s per cwt Copying presses, 4s per cwt Cordage, 3 inches in circumference and under, 3s per cwt Cordials, 12s per gallon Clocks and watches, LlO for every LIQO value Cotton manufactures, not otherwised, and all articles made of cotton mixed with any other material, 5s per cubic foot Cotton counterpanes, 3s per cubic foot Cream of tartar, Id per lb Curry powder and paste, 2s 6d per cubic foot Cutlery,'4s per cwt ' ; ? Poors, of wood, Is each Drapery, 5s per cubic foot ■ Drugs and druggists' sundries, 3s per cubic foot . .. ./"..■ "■.-:>■.:.:.-. ' v . Earthenware, 3d per cubic foot Engravings, prints, drawings, paintings, and pictures, 1 s per cubic foot '■.-,-;■ ■-- • Essences, flavoring, "2s 6d tfie cubic foot .Fish — ctriecl, pickled, or salted, 2s the cwt Fish — potted arid preserved,' 2s 6d per cubic foot ' " '■; •■'•• . ' ■ Eish paste, 2s Cd the cubic foot Floorcloth, Is the cubic foot . Forfar sheeting, unbleached, 3s the cubic foot Fruit, bottle, or preserved in syrup, 2s 6d the cubic foot •.:_■'"" Fruits, dried, Id per lb Furniture and cabinetware of wood, 6d the cubic foot Fruits,- dried, Id per lb Furniture and cabinetware Jof wood, 6d the cubic foot -■■■-■• Furs, 5s the cubic foot Gelatine, 2s 6d the cubic foot Glass, crown and sheet, Is per" 100 superficial feet : ■■-.- ; .'■■ Glass, plate, Is the cubic foot Globes and chimneys for lamps, 6d the cubic foot . ■:■-■■■■. yu - "» -... * i ■ -•* Glassware, Is the cubic foot : Glue, 2s the cwt .: ' ":..% Groats, prepared, Is the foot ' Grindery, Is per cubic foot . Gutta percha;, manufactured (not being ap- -, parel), Is per cubic foot ' '■■■'^ >■ -'^ - • ■■'f'Hardware, 4s per cwt " v Haberdashery, 5s per cubic foot Hair-seating, Is per cubic foot Hams, Id per lb . " ■'■ '■ Harness, 2s per. cubic foot Hats, 3s per cubic foot Hblloware, 4s per cwt Hops, ] d per lb ■ Horse-shoes, 1 s per cwt Hosiery, 5s per cubic foot Ink, writing, Is per cubic foot Iron, fencing wire, staples and standards, straining posts and apparatus, Is'percwi; Iron i gates and gateposts, 4s' per -cwt : - -''- Iron, galvanised sheets,, tiles, ridging, guttering, spouting, rivets, washers, screws, . nails, and wire netting, Is per cwt :- V Ironmongery, 4s per cwt - : Isinglass, 2s 6d the cubic foot Jams, jellies, and marmalade, 2s 6d the cubic fOOt ' ■.-■■.••;.■' ■••. •■•■■. Japanned and lacquered metalware, 4s per cwt Jewellery/LlO for LIOO value Lamps, lanterns, and lampwick, Is per cubic foot - ■ : -'-■.-■ ••■•.":; Lasts and shoemakers' wooden pegs, Is per cubic foot Lead, sheet, pig, and piping, Is per cwt Lead manufactures not otherwise described, 4s per cwt . -S . ' ; '■. Leather, sole, £d per lb Do, other kinds, Id do Do, bags, 5s per cubic foot Do, leggings, 5s do Do, manufactures not otherwise described, Is per cubic foot ■ ; •;-,;-; Linen manufactures not otherwise described, and all article's ipade : of? Unen mixed with any other tnrfte'rial,' 5s 4 p£r' cubic; foot ' ; - "• '■' - ; -' Liqueurs, 12s per gallon Liquorice, 2s 6d per cubic foot Looking-glasses, Is do Maccaroni, 2s 6d do Maizeifa aud corn-flour, 1b do ■ Malt, 6d per bushel ■.-'•■. Mantel-pieces, Is per cubic foot Marbles (toys), Is do Matches and wax vestas, Is do Miits, door mats, Is do Matting of cocoa fibre, and other kinds, 6d : - : per cubic foot Millinery not otherwise described, 5s per cubic foot ' . . . • ' .: .■ Musical instruments, Is do Mustard, 2s Gd do Nails, of iron, Is per cwt Nuts of all lands, except cocoa nuts, Id ■nerlb. . . ■..'.. .' . ; :• v f Oil, vegetable, in bulk, 6d per gal Do, do, in.bbttle; 2s 6d per cubic foot Oil, mineral, 6d per gal - ' ; >' ' Do, in bottles, 2s 6d per cubic foot -Do, perfumed, 2s 6d do Do, not otherwise described, 6d per gal Olives, 2s Gd per cubic foot , ,-.r f „-:- Opium, Ll per lb : Oysters, preserved, 2s Gd per cubic foot Paints and colors, 2s per c.wfc • Paper, writing, p p or; 0 tt bj o jw
Do, hangings, Is do Papier-mache ware, Is do Pearl barley, is per ewt Peas, split, Is per cwt Pepper and pimento, unground, Id per 1b Pepper, Cayenne, 2s 6d per cubic foot Perambulators, 6d per cubic foot Percussion caps, is per 1000 Perfumery, not otherwise described, 2a 6d per cubic foot Pickles, 2s 6d per cubic foot Picture frames, Is per cubic foot Pipes, tobacco, 2s per cubic foot Pitch, Is per barrel Plate, gold and*6ilver, for every £100 value £10 ■ J Platedware, 3d per lb Pork, salted, 2s per cwt Portmanteaus, Is per cubic foot Raspberry yinegar, 2s 6d per cubic foot Rice, 2s per cwt .. Rice, ground, 2s 6d per cubic foot Resin, 2s per cwt Rugs, wollen, cotton, or opossum, 3s per cubic foot ...... . . Saddlery, 2s per cubic foot Sad irons, Is per cwt Safes, iron, 4s per cwt Sago, in bottles or canisters, 2s 6d percubie foot . ; : Sago, in bulk, 2s per cwt Saltpetre, 2s per cwt Sauces, 2s 6d per cubic foot Sashes, windows, Is per pair Scrim cloth, Is per cubic foot Shirts, navy serge and Scotch twill, Ss per cubic foot ••' • : •■-■ Shirts, white, regatta, Crimean, 5s per cubic foot ■ . ••.:■■;. Shot, 10s per cwt , Silk manufactures, os per cubic foot Snuff, 5s per lb Soap, common, 2s 6d per cwt Do, scented and fancy, -2s Gd per cubic foot Soap powder and 'washing powder 6d doSoda crystals, Is per cwt ' Spices, cassia, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, nutmegs, mixed and ground spices, 3dperlb Spirits and strong waters of every kind, sweetened or otherwise, of any strength .. not exceeding the strength of proof by Syke's hydrometer, and so on in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, 12s per gal r Spirits of tar, 6d per gal Starch and hlue, 2s per cwt Stationery and account books, Is per cubic foot ... .-'.. Steel, Is per cwt Sugar, treacle, and molasses, Id per lb Sulphur, Is per cwt Swords, 5s each Syrups, 2s 6d per cwt Tacks, 4s per cwt Tapioca, in bulk, 2s per cwt Do, in bottles, jars, or tins, 2s 6d per cubic foot ■ - ■••'■- •'••'•■ ■ Tar, Is per barrel Tartaric acid, Id per lb Tea,6dperib Tinware, 4s per cwt • Timber, sawn, is per 100 feet super Innber— Shingles and laths, Is per 1000 Palings, Is per 100 ft Posts, 4s per 100 ft • Rails, 2s per 100 Tobacco, 2s 6d per lb Do, for sheepwash, subject to its being rendered unfit for human consumption, and to such regulations as. theflCJom- ' imssioneys of Customs "shall, .feom iti&e to: time/V prescribe rin tjjat teijalf ■, $L perlb' "T ' V ;.. 7 . r^ ■/■-<*■ ■ToolS, carpenters and others, pat otherwise : '*:•■ - tiescribedj'4sper'Cw£"" "" V-:^.-"'*^. ; Toys and fancy goods, not otij&wise; <tiea- . •y::.'v^cribela,itf:per-cuTjicf{>6t-- :i " i "'^ Ef - r"-' -^-. j Trousers, moleskin and cord, 3b per cubic foot - — Twine, 2s per- cwt Turpentine, 6d per gal Tubs, of wood, -2* the nest Umbrellas and parasols, 5s per cubic fpqfc Varnish, 6d per gal " '. ?— Vermicelli, 2s 6d per cubic foot Vinegar, 6d per gal " Weighing machines, 4s per cwt Whips and walking sticks, lsper cubic foot Whitingand chalk, Is per cwt, """"T',.'. IZ.-,-Wine, in wood and bottlercipntaining Ibss than 25 per cent, of aicohoTdf a'sje^fle gravity of -825 at the tempe.rattir&bf^; deg. Fahrenheifr's •4heMombter;-~^g :2 p^ gallon, or for six reputed duarfboM&j; or for twelve reputed- pint bottler --^v^ Woollen manufactures notf.othervris© enume- .. ..rated, and all articles ma<lei.o£v.^bpl mixed with any "other niuterijJfl/ajApfir cubic fort, -_;...> ■ '^'"riS; ' zi £*3 2gnc sheets, tiles, ridging, guttering, mping, r and roll^lsvper c«at. :'.~'# -^e-gacarfesafe Zinc manufactures not otherwise described. 4s per cwtj- _-• .^ .*. , v j,fsyvj«r?; Tablk or Exemptions; Anchors, anvils"; M&fefniih's'' bellows, bottles of all kinds (empty), r cabin furniture and effects which ■have'-been-fiP'tise^dr.iSpti imported and for- ; sale; ■carrjage^ '^riEffi^ mountings^ and trimmings, chain >cab'ies .raft shackles^qver f-ths of •■ an^infeh^diameierf churns,.cotton waste, cbpper.and contpositioH rod, bolts, sheathing.;andvai^Js, ; corn sieves and riddles, crab winches', cranes, capstans, and windlasses, drainage; pipes and >il£ai felt for sKeathing, jMt.ersj.'fice,engines~anji hpisgj fish-oil (in bulk)/|ptgesVgMT|dpe^maQhinerjr all material "which may be c _'sj{e^ally i^npogM fbr '■the ;? cbnsiaructi6n of i '^k^^6v : kk^"'\^n bridges, atid^-^ all-material ■ iiUy H^ specially . imported Tfori tlie %<sfis^upiEi6b "bf bridges, wharaes,:3etties,-6r^atenit ; 4Hpß^ir6)ti )bar x - rod,- bolt, hoopjandvpig)^.ii'tin^alipposts, iron tanks,.iron;. plates^ civets, -boltsi screws, and castiiigs foy s)jips, irpn^ wSighJbfidges for* carts, machinery for agricultural: purposes, machinery for. bonngj^hEieJc ajid tile^makingj'planing, pii]QchnigvSawttig r sheaE; ing, : turning, and qtiitrt?" foj • mills and- looms*; 'inapKMeS' "for""^^^ vessels; macMneryi for wdol ainVha/greSsiHg;' machine saws, maps and charts, orgarisftfatnioniums, bells, furniture siyeGinHy^lmpbrtfed for places. ,of .public •vvi.nsHip,' :passengeis r luggage, glinting, machiiieiy,;. presses^ iype, a^^terials, ; p.rintinginkjEiJjd paper, printed' books," paper and music, plojuglisandtaixow^ pumps arid other apparatus for raising water, railway plant and materials specially imported for the, construction .of. railways. :^nd-tiam-ways, ropes above three inche'a in. circumfe^ en,ce, sail cloth, ships' ibiocltSi ship cjjandlerjv no| other wis'e^deXcribjK^schpoJ.rboakSj^late^; and "apparatus,' soda'aah.. and cajj%t^c-sod^ sodaya^er machines, steam engines, and parts of steam engines, sewing rnachipes,iarpauliofl, waterpipes^'not otherwise y&p- 'a^l otjierniaterial which - r inay- be-'sp^S^alfjr'int^ ppi;iftd. for, the. construction of and all othej: acticles, ' not • otheEwise d"S^eribe^. ; ■.■••. :; ,' •:•* ": ■ • '-'•"' •^^'•i=' ■*' ' • (Signed) Wm. S;eed.
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Bibliographic details
West Coast Times, Issue 957, 16 October 1868, Page 4
Word Count
1,915THE NEW TARIFF. West Coast Times, Issue 957, 16 October 1868, Page 4
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