lIIGII-WATlin. ■WoihuMlay ... 3.12n.m. ... 8.30 i> m. ARiuvr.D. Januivy 23— Travollor's Brido, ketch, Quail, from Grey Vohviiccr, ci ttcr, Hall, «al laden, lVo.n Q-vcy Lioness, p.?., Whitford, firm Groy Willitnn Miskln, s.s., Uopbnm, from Dunodin. Passengers— Sa!oon ; Mis, llungerford, Mis 3 Johnston, Messrs Milli-r, Walke; 1 , Buchanan, Goldsniilh, Jones, (Hnan, Master Harrison, nnd 22 in tho stccragv). Uuin, H'oughton, and Co, agents l£»mont, b.s., llugloy, from Nelson. Two sulocm p.issengc: s. 1?. Gicer, ugont ABRIVED IX Tnß JIOAISTEAO. January 23— Thveo Slstora, sell, from G:vy Lapwing, cuttor, from Groy. lSgmont, 8.8. SA.'.KD. January 23--Ellon, cutter, Olai-ksjn, for Nolson, in ballist. EXPECTED ATttIVALS. ■Rangito'.o, s.s., f:-om Melbourne, on Iho 27th Gothenburg, s.s., fi'oni Melbourne, on tho 30th Kennedy, s.s., Nelson, th:s day South 'Australian, s.s., from Nelson via Dunedin, on Friday Kcorn, s.s., from Dunedin, early Phoenix, soli, from Dunodin Lloyd's Herald, ketch, from Dsnndi.i. PrOJi'.O.Rl* Pi:PAr.TUKK3. CilTv of Nelson, for Okavita, to-ino.row. Thames, forDnico In.v, early, Auslialian Mtiid, for Okarl a, curly Tiger, for the Gre>\ early. Tlnee Sislois , for the Grey. Dart, for Melbourne, envly. lona, for Oknritn, enrly. John Mitchell, for Grey, ih : s day. South Aus,fiYi''un, s.s., for Alclbuurno 2711 i instant. Pji-ucc, for Okaiila on Thnml.-iy n'-xt. Egiyoiif,;s.s., for BhuTand i)um\lin, on the 25th Wjlliam Afiskin. s.s., for Nelson and Ihinedirt. on Thursd-iy Vl'SSl'.fiS IS PORT. Uriganliner — Dart. Scliooners— Crtrol'iie, DunciUn, AFcfeo: 1 , Am. 1 * Robsnrt, lona, Crest of tho Wave, Tigir, Matilda. Thninrs, An^Ual'tm alaidjVolmitCM', Traveller's Bride. Sleamovß— Uallarsit, Yarra, Biuco, Lady of l!ieL:ike, Lioness, "Willimn 51' skin. IMI'OUT'. Per William Miskin, ex wmvhouae, under bond — 5 qr casks wine, Pole nn.l Co j 2 casts drapery. Duty paid an I fivi* — 4 osi-H's, atutioncrv, Bniu,' Iloughtoii, and Co; '.) cases eggs, i do sundries Campbell and liinton ; 5 casks soda, 10 do cheese, 1 casj slalionery, 1 pkge do, order ; G do boots. Walker ; I case drapery, Sloan ; 2 bales do, Luhniug ; 1 easii hardware, Drake ; 1 c.'alo carlhcir.vniv, Hirsch ; 7 pkges luggage, j\looro ; 2 do tlationery, Shaw and Co ; 2 bales paper, 1 caso drapery, Turnbull mid Co ; 4 pkgos lugpige, Marks ; 1 bale drapery, 1 ease do, Davidson ; 4 do do, Thorn and Bullen ; 1 do cigars, 4 do inehdise, Helms und Co ; 2 kegs jam, 4 boxes teaj Louttit, Eeid, mid Co ; 3 wipes salmon, dimming and Plumridgi 1 ; 3 pkges saddlery, Reany ; 1 halo leather, Korlegast, Bro3 ; '2 cases mchdise, IT. Brown ; 1 do glnsswniv, 3\lcLandrcss and Co ; 5 coils rope, 2 trusses calico, Moss ; 5 pkges hoots, order ; 3 ensos drapery; ttulicn and C 6 ; 8 pk^es luggagi', Mrs Ihmgciford ; 1 caso drapery, O'Donndl and Groves ; 16 do drugs, 1 qr cask spirits of wino, Williams ; 1 cask, 4 kegs, 3 diuiiis, 2 bales drugs, Prosscr ; 1 case- drugs, J. I{. Kyloy ; 1 do do, Brown ; 2 do do, Alcorn and Co; 2do do G/cor ; Ido drapery, Col'ins ; 7 pkges do MolJualh and Co ; l> do do, Coates j 5 do do Lyons and Prince ; 0 glass, 3 bales papcrhangiu^s, 1 do pcrim, 2 casks colors, 1 do vn-.nish, 2 cases oil, 8 do paint», Holmes; 30 cases, 1 bale, 2 trunk?, J Iru/s 'Irapciy, 4.7 pkges fixtures, Aleorn ; J I do do luggage, Kennedy ; 30 half chest. s ten, 10 cases vinegar, 10 boxes uo:ip, 10 cases lohslers, 50 hoses candles, 5 bags oal meal, J'o!i» tuid Co; 2 case 3 cheese, 1 wisk wliiskoy, J'owcll and Co ; 2 cabes ehceso, 1 cii*!:, ] car-o mchdise, Loutlii, Reid, and Co; 13 pkges luggage, Bain, Jloughloii, and Co; -JOO bags flour, order; 10 cases onion:", Aleorn C\>.
TIioP.N.Z.A.It.M. Cn.'.s.s\s. Kginont, James Hajlcy, comma. icier, left Nubon on the 22nd inst. at 1 p.m.,, with a stroi-g lin-i-a- from the S.E., and arrived off llokitika ;it 2 p.m., on the 23rd. During the passago lino weather piovailed. Fiom Cajic Faiowcll to thp roailstead the winds were light and vaiiable. The Kginont will leave again for 15lulr and' DuiK-din on the 25tb. Sho bring-; full tiles from Diiiit-din and intermediate porls.
We feel much plrasiue in announcing lh-it the s.s. Eleanor, which has so long laid on the North Spit of the lliver Grpy, is onco moro afloat, having been moved on ways from her first position lo the edge of the river, w!»e.-i (he steamtug Lioness made fast lo her, and after two sittompis, succeeded in dragging her into tbe water, iiftcrwr-riU towing her s-iifuly to tlm raooiing-placc in front of the town.
Tho schooner Canterbury, vhi.-h has been sunk for somo time nt Lyl'tehon, wns raised (his week, with (he assistance of divers, and in (ho mud in (ho hold was discovered Ihe body of a mini, (00 much decomposed lo be recognised.
The s.s. William Miskin left Poit Chalmers nn the 13th ins'ant, at B.SO p.m., with moderate N.E. winds and fine weather. She arrived at the l.lnff the next day, at 11 a.m.. wheic she remained two horns only, sailing again at 1 p.m. In tho meantime tho wind hauled into the. S.W., and commenced blowing fiesh iv squalls, one of which struck the steamer as she was clearing Ihe^ harbour, and split hor mainsail in pieces. Seeing there was every nppeaMinee of bad wmither, and Mic sea rapidly getting up, it was deemed advisable to wear round and run back to tho whaif. Here she lay for six and thirty hours, the gaie in the meantime blowing furiously ; but on tho Kith, the glass givintr indications of a change, and the weather slightly moderating, stpain was again got up, and at 10 a.m. sho left the harbour und proceoded to mm. At noon, however, the gale again sprung up with incipased violence from iho W.S.W., driving her for shelter to Hlenait's I>iar.d, where she anchored off Murray tteneli at 3 ]J;m. A slight lull occuiring at .sundown, the Miukiii got up her anchor, and nt 9 p.m. mado -mother attempt to steam to the weslwaid, which proved equally as futile ns Ihe preceding one.-.-, for hho hardly had cleared her friendly Miclti-r when she again caught tho gale fiom the same quailer, and oncn more was forced to seek the Ice of Ihe land. Nothing daunted by previous lehnlfc, tho Miskin at 7 a.m. on the 17lh— Ihe wind having veered into the K.N.W. and fallen li;d>t ami variable, put lo sea once inoip. I.ut had only time to make a good oiling when her old enemy fiom ihe W.S.W. ngain appealed, and the glass falling to 29 deg. 0 miii, hhe «gai:i slewed her stern (0 it, and ran hack 101 0 Mus:el 15ay. Sh^, bowever, had bmely reached it when the Weather suddenly cleau-d and the g.dc alaled ; so instead of anchoring, the plucky little boat stood onlsido again. January 18th commenced with slioug N.N.W. winda and a Ihrcatening cloudy sky, (he baiometer, too, giving warning thero wa.i*moie than a mere capful of wind coming. Tluvo prognostieatioiiß were soon veriiied, for at 4 a.m. the wind freshened in tj a g;do that boon \>\v\\ v
pvi'ccl hnriic.ine, nccunip.mio I by deluges of ran, and a troirondous>'- r.e.-i, which undo tho Miskin labor heavily and fliip n givat di'.il of wa'.e. 1 . At SCO a.m., tin: «n!o sf-ll increasing, and tho s'c.uner inikiti-r very bud « cither of it, si. 1 was a'jain lie.i-led fo,r Mussel Day, and lo an nhchtr in lln uueinoon Finding her coal miming shot I, nhc no.\t d.iy (I lie
Mil) r.m ba;k to the liln'i", I o giloMill blowin r heavily w"th a very high crosi bc:i i Miuiiii;;, whijli -iiai'ohrV roll boili ivils under. She c.uiig to an nm-hor in IjliiH' Iliirticmi* at noon, ami the day after battled a'on^ido tho ss. Airdalt- lo fill her eoAi up, and at 1 p.m., the .same day iteuned to sea, an 1 this time favored with li.-o woalliar sho Miecu'hd in reaching llokitika nb, on ilie VivA, cinttslnjj tho bar sifoly .it bi^b walor. Tho Win. Miskio brings a fit'l general e.irgo to our poit and hue Dunedin files.
Tho 1.1t.M. Compnny's s.s. Claud Ilumil'ot*, Cii]>tain IV.isonby, left Hokilika, for Nelson on Friday, ULh inslanf, al 10 a.m ; ai-ivod al Nelson lL'rh, <:£ 7 a.m ; left Nel-011 for Lyttolton, at 7 a.m., ou 14(b, and arrived yesterday niovni'.'g, at X.BO. am. K\porie,need lino woaJl'o: 1 during tlio pas-a^e. Sho b!-iii(»3 four in saloon 20 in sleeiMgo. The Claud Hamilton, BiiK-j rcciving her new boiler nnd sc;vw, has materially iueu-aced in spivd ; she ii now ono of tho fas-tivt andmo&t coiiiforhiblc s'eamcrs iv t'.ieso waters. Luft Lylli'boi, for Dunedin, on Slonday afternoon at hall-past Hire;) o'clock. — LyitcKmi Times, Jan. lo". Tho O.S.N. Compnny's s.s. Albion, Kidney, ar<:vcd in harbour ul ].[SO p.m on Saturday. Sho kit Hokilika nt (J a.m on Iho IMb, and tirrlv*el nt IS'ebon at 3.15 a.m on the 10th. Left al l.! 20 a.m on (ho 11th, and arrived nt Wellington al 1.45 p.m on tho 11th. Loft nt 3.10 p.m. on tho 12th, an I nr. ived at Lyttcltou at i!.<!s p.m on loth. — Iyillellon Tim.s, Jan. 15.
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West Coast Times, Issue 110, 24 January 1866, Page 2
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1,519SHIPPING. West Coast Times, Issue 110, 24 January 1866, Page 2
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