HOTEL BRAEBURN. Recognised as one of the leading hotels in New Zealand. Up-to-date in every respect. Electric light; h. and c. water in bedrooms; ten bathrooms; unique situation. Suites of rooms, fiats or bed-sitting rooms available for permanent residents.* Terms on application. ANZAC PARADE, WANGANUI. 1 M. A. RYDER i HIGH-GRADE LADIES' TAILOR i & DRESS SPECIALIST 122 Liverpool Street Extension. Business Conducted as Usual. 'Phone 455. MORTON ALDIS BARRISTER & SOLICITOR (Late of Button & Aldis, Tauranga). VICTORIA COURT - VICTORIA AV. (Opp. Bank of Australasia). P.O. Box 295. P.O. Box 62 ’Phone 468 M C BREARTY & SHIRRIFFS DENTAL SURGEONS Hours: 9 till 5. Saturdays, 9 till 1. RIDGWAY STREET (Over H.B. Buildings). T. H. BATTLE F.N.Z.I.A. ARCHITECT VICTORIA AVENUE ’Phone 288. R. M. FINLAYSON A.1.A., N.Z. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 3 VICTORIA AVENUE 'Phone 1144. THE BEST FRUIT For, GOOD HEALTH THE BEST SHOP For the BEST FRUIT is B. DAVID & CO. GUYTON STREET (The Little Shop with the Big Reputation.) DON’T be misled! If your Teeth (natural or artificial) are not in a satisfactory condition, consult the man of experience. E. P. PRIDHAM, “The Careful Dentist.” Hundreds Of satisfied patients recommend the NEW GAS, which is most pleasant to take. My artificial work stands unbeaten for appearance and comfort. Address: VICTORIA AVENUE - ’Phone 1102 PLEASES THE W. EYE - W^ OOSY “Konka” SOME A Government Inspector says of a long-period-test of "Konka." “No more convincing test coni’, hay 3 been devised, and the ■ result disclosed could not possibly be more satisfactory." KONKA (Patent building sheets) Is Permanent — Fireproof— Borerproof—- • Decayproof— KONKA—Saves the painting bill every few years. The pretty creepers are not destroyed. INSURANCE .Premiums cost less On Konka homes. KUNKA is not cold or damp like fnll Concrete or brick. HUNDREDS of Konka Houses In Wanganui. Send for “KONKA” free booklet. BASSETT & CO., LTD., TIMBER, JOINERY '& CEMENT MERCHANTS, 55 WILSON ST.- WANGANUI * H. N. MAUNDER A.M.I.E.E. (London) A.A.M., I.E.E. (New York) CONSULTING ENGINEER. (Electrical & Mechanical) Electric, Steam, Gas, and HydroPower Schemes Designed, Supervised, Inspected, and Valued. 10 DUNCAN ST, - - WANGANUL Telephone 1171. ANTED to Sell —6-Cylinder Studet baker 7-eeater Car. Apply Adana Ltd. Aven we. Mothers! protect your little ones from colds and coughs. Give them “NAZOL," On sugar. Sprinkle baby's pillow. Safe and pleasant.
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 18237, 23 July 1921, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 18237, 23 July 1921, Page 4