MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF DAISY CATTLE. VICE-ROYALTY HONOURS THE GATHERING. (By Oui‘ Special Reporter). i Though a .strong; blustering westerly ’made matters unpleasant, the weather Iwas line fur the second day oi the Manajwatu A. and P. A sociatiun’s 35th grand i Metropolitan Show at Palmerston North .yesterday. There was a very large attendance ot the public, and the main stand presented an inspiring spectacle jin the afternoon while the u< inpetitions jwere in progress. His Excellency the Governor-General (Viscount Jellicoe) and Eady Jellicoe arrived al noon, and were received by Mr W. McKenzie (president of the Association). The Vice-Regal party were given a most enthusiastic .ecepii.m by th'i public, the cheers which were given for the exAdmiral of the Grand Fleet being must hearty and sincere. The Governor-Gene- . ral and Lady .leLieoc were the guests of the A. and P. Association at lurcheon, and their Excellencies throughout the afternoon took a men personal interest in tile line exhibition made cf New Zealand’s pasoral «n«l agricultural potentialities. CATTLE. The outstanding feature of the Show yesterday was unquestionably the magnificent display made dairy catrle, ithe exhibition uf Jersey, Friesian, and ’Ayrshire < attic oeuig superior io anything yet seen in ine Dominion. The* vast iniproveuijnt which his bten effected in the breeds of dairy cattle during tlie past lew year., rs due (<» :he rapid advancement the dairy industry has made, and the insistent demand lor only the best milking strains. The AlfaLaval. Cup, for best daily cow, any breed, was won by Mr S. R. Lancaster, of Palmerston North, with his typical Jersey, Fox’s Patch IL A iiew class for Aberdeen Angus cattle was well represented, -ia 1 showed that this breed is rapidly coining into favour. Mr D. J. Grant, of Dannevirke, carried uft the bulk of the awards in this bleed with his recent importations from Soo'.land, which should go far to impruvi the strain in tins ucuntry. SHEEP. The showing of sheep was wel. up io the standard of previous year.;, in Lincolns the honours went to t'i*< 'A'airarapa breeders, Messrs Wm. Perry and Sons, Rayner, of Mastertun, and W . 11. Booth, of Carterton, who fairly evenly divided the prizes. Some splen- . didly woolled Romneys were also to I hand from the Wairarapa. especially ; those of Messrs Win. and Sons. [Mr A. it. Fannin, of Taihape, proved that Rangitikei County cun grow as good sheep us any part of the Dominion, '• when an experienced breeder has tiie [growing of them. The Taihape breeders wins in Romneys included champion ram. first for two rams 18 months or [under, first ami second for shorn ram ■lB months or under, second and third ■for shorn ram over 18 months and un‘der 20 months, and third for two ewes under 18 months. Sir James Wilson, of Bulls, had matters all his own wav in Shropshire Down, as did Mr D. Mathieson, of Carrington, in the English Leicester classes. Messrs Blair and Hunter, of Maxwelltown. were awarded the prize for champion Romney ewe iu the natural condition class. COMPETITIONS. Tiie competitions provided excellent entertainment for the huge, crowd which thronged the stand and surrounded the ring during the afternoon. The award tor best harness horse went to Bachelor, the handsome property of Miss G. Maher of Hastings. There was a large field in the Hunters’ Competition foxlady riders, which, after a tine exhibition by both horses and riders, was awarded io Mr J. J. Brice’s Twilight. One lady rider received a nasty bump (through her baulking at a hurdle [and tnough she cleverly retained her [seat, she received a slight touch of concussion, and had to be carried from the. neld. Best boy rider (.under 9 years): 11. Benton 1, H. Blunden 2, R. Hatch 3 elrl rider < und er » years): iiona r leld 1. Best boy rider (over 9 and under 12 years): L. Holland 1, D. Shaw 2, R j Sexton 3. Harness horse, style and action (staltions excluded): Miss G. Maher I J. H. Rymer 2, E. Newdick 3. Hunters’ competition (lady riders):’ J. J. Bryce 1, Miss A. K. Nelson 2, H. HasI sal J. Weight-carrying hack, any age; up to « Beatson L F- Clancy 2, D. E. Batchelar 3. Hack, any age; up to lost.: Miss « Maher 1, s. McAulay 2, J. Brice 3. st. Mi-S .1. Perry I, Miss L. Mac Niven U. Howard Booth 3. Maiden hack, any age: W. Raymond J, i=> ’ . c *s u^a y Batchelar 3. Weight-carrying cob, 14.1 to 15 hands
(gelding or mare): B. Thomson 1, Mrs i . H. 2, G. D. Smith 3. I Mare or gelding most suitable as a ; hunter: Miss G. Maher 1, \V. Raymond 12, Miss E. Mac Niven 3. i Mare or gelding most suitable as a ’hunter: H. Hassat 1, D. E. Batciiclar 2, Best lady’s hack; to be ridden by a lady: Miss J. Perry 1, Miss A. R. Neilson 2, Miss G. Maher* 3. Best paced and mannered horse: Miss J. Ferry J, Miss A. It. Nelson 2, G. D. Beatson 3. Best horse most suitable as a troop horse: up to 14 st.: W. Raymond 1, W. Howard Booth. 2, J. Brice 3. Single harness horse, 14 hands and under 15 hands: Mrs . H. ..Lean 1, H. N. Cave 2. Single harness pony, under 14 hands; to be driven in harness: W. A. Doughty 1, F. E. Freeman 2, Mrs Benton 3. Single harness pony, 12 hands and under: Mrs H. Gillies 1, J. E. Munday 2. PEDIGREE CATTLE. SHORTHORN. Bull calved prior to Ist July, 1917: \V. r. Jacob and Sons 1 and champion. Sir James Wilson 2 and reserve champion. Bull calved since Ist July, 1917: G. A. Turner 1 and 2. Bull calved since Ist July, 191.8: G. A. Tuiner .1. and 2, A. McLeah 3, J. Knight 4. Bull calved since Ist July, 1919: G. A. Turner 1, A. McLean 2, G. A. Turner 3, Sir James Wilson v.h.c. Cow, with calf at foot, or has calved within previous twelve months: H. Willson 1 and champion, J. Knight 2 and reIserve champion. I Heifer calved since Ist July, 1918: A. (McLean 1. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1919: H. Wilson I, W. F. Jacob and Sons 2. Best pen of 2 Shorthorn heifers, calved since Ist July, 1919: W. F. Jacobs I! and Sons j, A. McLean 2. HEREFORD. The Hereford Herd Book Society uf i England’s silver uup; E. Jelterson 1, Q. IF. Moore 2, E. M. Granstone 3. j Bull calved prior to Ist July, 1917: E. 'Jefferson 1 and champion. ' Bull calved since Ist July, 1917: E. I ; Jefferson 1 and reserve champion, A. E. Sandlands 2. Bull called since July Ist, 1918: E. i IM. Granstone 1. E. Jefferson 2. I Bull calved since Ist July, 1919: E. | [Jefferson 1, G. F. Moore 2, A. E. Sandi--1 lands 3, Durrant and Swift v.h.c. j Cow, with calf at foot, or has calved ( within previous 12 months: G. F. Moore 11 and champion. I Bull calved since Ist July, 191i7: A. E. } Sandiland. I Heifer calved since Ist .July. 1918: G. [F. Moore 1 and reserve champion, G. F. i Moore 2, A. I£. Sandiland v.h.c. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1919: J. : S. Nelson 1. G. F. Moore 2 and 3. I Best pen of 2 Hereford heifers, valved i since Ist July, 1919; G. F. Moore. I I A BE RD EEN A N GES. i Bull calved since Ist July, 1918: D. J. I Grant .1. I Bull calved since Ist July, 1919: J. F. Knight I and 2. ‘ Cow, witn calf at foot, or has calved : within previous 12 months; E. Creswell I L, 2 and reserve champion. I Heifer calved since Ist July, 1918: D. J. Grant 1 and champion. Heifex- calved since Ist July, 1919; D. J. Grant 1 and 2, J. F. Knight 3. Best pen ot 2 Aberdeen Angus heifers, calved since Ist July, 1919: D. J. Grant I, J. F. Knight 2. AYRSHIRE. Messrs B. H. and J. I'. G. Slack's Perpetual Challenge Cup, value 4 ogns., for , I bull, 2 year old and upwards, and 3 ; females in milk, owned by a private breeder: J. Kyle I. D. Buchanan 2. Bull calved prior to Ist July, 1917:1 Porirua Mental Hospital 1 and chain- ' pion. J. Kyle 2 and reserve champion, Porirua Mental Hospital 3, J. Kyle v.h.c. Bull calved since Ist July, 1917: Porirua Mental Hospital 1, D. Buchanan 2. Bull calved since Ist July, 1918: A. Montgomerie 1, Porirua Mental Hospital l ■ Bull calved since Ist July, 1919: A. Montgomerie 1, D. Buchanan 2, J. Kyle j Cow in milk: Porirua -Mental Hospital I and champion, T. H. Coleman 2 and reserve champion. Cow or heifer, dry, visibly in calf, calved prior* to July, 1917: Porirua Mental Hospital 1. 1). Buchanan 2 and 3. Heifer calved since Ist July, .1917: W. Moore 1, Porirua Mental Hospital 2, D. Buchanan 3. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1918: A. Montgomerie i, Porirua Mental Hospital 1 2 and 3, D. Buchanan v.h.c. and h.c. ■ Heifer calved since Ist July, 1919: A. | Montgomerie I and 3, W. Moore 2. Best pen of 2 Ayrshire heifers, calved since Ist July, 1919: A. Montgomerie I, Porirua Mental Hospital 2, D. Buchanan 3 and v.h.c. Best pair of cows, four years or over, in milk: Porirua Mental Hospital 1, J. Kyle 2, T. t>. Ed wards 3. JERSEY. Cow in milk: S. R. Lancaster 1, E. B. Eagle 2. J. Nicholson 3. Cow or heifer, dry, visibly in calf, calved prior tu July, 1917: S. R. Lancaster 1, R. L. Horn 2, S. R. Lancaster 3. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1917: G. R. -McKenzie 1, S. It. Lancaster 2 and 3. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1918: S. 11. Lancaster 1 and 2, E. B. Eagle 3. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1919; W. Anderson 1, S. R. Lancaster 2, R. L. Horn 3. Best pen of 2 heifers, calved since Ist July, 1919: E. B. Eagle 1, S. R. Lancaster 2, R. L. Horn 3. Jersey cow calved prior to Ist July, 1917, holding authenticated milk and butler-fat records made under supervision N.Z. Dept, of Agriculture (cows lu be judged on type): S. R. Lancaster 1, E. B. Eagle 2, J. Nicholson 3. FRIESIAN. Bull, calved prior to Ist July, 1917: W. 1. Lovelock 1. Bull calved since Ist July. 1917: Central Development Farm (Waeraroa) 1 and reserve champion, J. Liggins 2. Bull calved since Ist July, 1918: Central Development Farm 1 and champion, R. R. Pearson 2, ’Wm. Bevan 3. Bull calved since Ist July, 1919: Central Development Farm 1, N. P. Nielsen 2, J. Donald 3. Cow in milk: TI. R. Green 1 and champion, H. R. Green 2 and reserve champion, Central Development Farm 3. Cow or heifer, dry, visibly in calf, calved prior to Ist July, 1917: W. I. Lovelock 1, Central Development Farm Heifer calved since Ist July, 1917: Win. Bevan 1, H. R. Green 2. Heifer waived since Ist July, 1918: It. R. Green I, J. Liggins 2, Bloomfield Farm Co. 3. .Heifer calved since Ist July, 1919: Central Development Farm 1, J. Donald 2, A. Burgess 3. Best pen of 2 heifers, calved since Ist July. 1919: J. Donald 1, Central Development Farm 2, H. R. Green 3. Best Yearling Friesian heifer: Central Development Farm J, J. Donald 2, A. Burgess 3. milking SHORTHORNS. Bull calved prior to Ist July, 1917: 8. Bolton 1. J. Wall 2. M. Kearin 3. Bull calved since Ist July, 1917: R. L. Field 1. Bull calved since Is.. July 1918: Mis J. Wall 1 and champion, D. Buick 2 and reserve champion, D. K. Bucnanan 3. Bull calved since Ist July, 1919: Mrs J. Wall 1 and 2, M. Kearin 3. Cow in milk: J. De La Haye’s 1 and champion, B. H. Slack 2, I). Buick 3. Cow or heifer, dry. visibly in calf, calved prior to Ist July. 1917: R. L. Field 1. Heifer calved since Ist Julv, 1917: Mrs J. Wall I, D. Buick 2. RED POLLS. Bull calved prior to Ist July. 1917; Central Development Farm 1, Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 2. Bull calved since Ist July, 1917: G. Forster Pratt 1. Bull calved since Ist July, 1918: Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 1. Bull calved since Ist July, 1.919: G. Forster Pratt 1. Cow with calf at foot, or has calved within previous 12 months: Sir R. Heaton Rhodes I and 3, Central Development Farm 2. Heifer calved since Ist July, 1917: G. Forster Pratt 1. Heifer calved since Ist July. 1.919: Central Development Farm 1, Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 2.
DAIRY CATTLE. Cow or heifer, any age, in milk, to be Judged as a dairy cow: JI. J. Lancaster 1, H. R. Lancaster 2, A. Lancaster 3. Cow, springer, of any age: S. It. Lancaster 1. Dairy heifer, over IS and under 30 months: dry: H. J. Lancaster I and 3, A. Lancaster 2. Dairy heifer, over IS and under 30 months; in milk: A. Lancaster 1, R. Bligh 2. S. R. Lancaster Dairy heifer, over 12 and under IS months: pens cannot compete: H. J. Lancaster 1, A. Lancaster 2. A. D. Train 3. Best pen of 2 dairy heifers, over 12 and under 18 months: B. B. Zurcher I, S. R. Lancaster 2. 11. J. Lancaster 3.
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 18018, 5 November 1920, Page 6
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2,240MANAWATU SHOW. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXVI, Issue 18018, 5 November 1920, Page 6
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