The Black Family will give a grand sacred ooncert in the Opera. House on Sunday evening, commencing at 8.30 The programme., which is a first-class one, will be as foMows: — Miss Nellie Black will sing "At the Beautiful Gate," "O Dry Those Tears" (with 'cello obligato), and "Rest in the Lord." Her violin solo. "Elegy," is said to be played with a brilliancy of execution that stamps her as a musician of high rank. Miss Elsie Black will play a flute solo La. Serenata," and also take part in an organ and piano selection from Mendelssohn. Mr. Bertie Black will play a« cornet -solos The Lost Chord" and The Soulls Awakening." Mr. J. Black will give Raffs "Cavatina" as a clarionette solo, and the family will o-ive a selection from Mendelssohn as a full orchestral number. Those who have already heard the Black Family will require no recommendation from us to attend the concert. We shall be much surpr lse dif the Opera House is not filled on Sunday evening. A shilling upstairs and a silver coin down seems very little to expect for such a' highclass programme.
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXXVII, Issue 12064, 16 October 1903, Page 7
Word Count
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXXVII, Issue 12064, 16 October 1903, Page 7
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