At noon yesterday His Worship the Mayor (Mr. Hatricki, and the member for the district (Mr. G. Carson), as Chairman of tlie Championship Committee, officially welcomed the visiting competitors to Wanganui. There was -a large attendance of wheelmen-, including Mr. Atack, the League-} representative, and the officers in charge of the arrangements for the meeting. Mr. J. T. Muir, the Secretary, was unable to be present, as he was engaged in putting the finishing touches lo the hundred and one details which go to make up a successful s-ports meeting. The Mayor, addressing those present, said that about a year ago — to him it seemed but yesterday — lie had had the pleasure of welcoming, in ihe good name and on behalf of -the citizens of Wanganui, the -i isiting competitors to the then athletic and cycling meeting, they would remember, that proved thoroughly successful, and they would all join with him i" the hope that this meeting would be quite as f-ueeessful, socially and financially. Since j ho had last had tbe pleasure of welcomini visiting competitors to Wanganui there had, he understood, been a change in the matter of the governing bodies, and all meeliii-*s were now held vnder one govern- j ing body—the League of N.Z. Wheelmen. This alteration., he considered, would prove much better, as dual control, like lhe course of true love, never did run smootlily. ' That Wanganui had again been selected as the scene of the battlefield for the second year in succession, thty accepted as r. compliment, and he could assure them that the local men would leave no stone unturn'd to make the meeting pleasurable and profitable to all concerned. The people of Wanganui were v, sport and amusement loving peoph. Only recently a bowling tournament was held here for lhe clubs of the North Island, and some 24 clubs were represented. Play extended oyer a week, and the tournament was^i decided success. Now we had the' cycling champions, to be followed or. Saturday by tlie N.Z. Rifb Association, and after that there came the • regatta and the March meeting of .he Wanganui Metropolitan Jockey Club. When such a small community as ours could support a carnival fortnight such as that they must be admitted to be a sports-Icing people. Mr. Hatrick referred briefly to the grounds, which though now excellent, thty hoped lo have in the course of a few years nearer a state of perfection. After a passing word oi piaise lo Mr. 11. T. N. Beasley, under whose supervision the prison labm.rers had put in so much work on the grounds, his Worship concluded by extending a hearty welcome to the visiting competitors, and by expressing the hopo that the meeting would prove, successful, socially and financially, that the best of good feeling would prevail, and that ev«ry competitor would have a fair field and no favour. Mr. Hatrick then called on Mr. Cars>on, the Chairmar, of the Championship Committee, lo blietly address them.
Mr. Carson said that, knowing as he did that they were anxious to get lunch as early as possible, he would not detaili them more than a few moments. He endorsed the remarks of His Worship, and s.tid AVanganui was. to be congratulated on tho fact that wo had the cream of New Zealand with us, the best men of the colony. As the Mayor had said, we weie certainly a sports-loving people, and did a great deal to foster outdoor sports. The Mayor had referred to his (Mr. Carson's) position as Chairman of the Championship Committee. Ho could assure them that it was quite a treat. Here were the two clubs trying to out-do one a nother in promoting the sport equally represented on the Committee. It was ti splendid teaii — Imt not to drive. He had not attempted to drive them; indeed there was no necessity to do so, for they were ready to go from the start. But they weie »oin K in tho visitors' interests, in the endeavour to give them* a good ground and as perfect arrangements as were possible. This was (lie spirit of emulation iv which they bal worked, and he trusted that the result of tneir efforts would give satisfaction to all concerned. Mr. Carson concluded by hopm;' that they would bave- a successful meeting, and that the best men would win. Mr. W. G. A tuck, as representing the League of New Zealand Wheelmen, and s', practically representing the competitors, returned thank*- on their behalf for the hearty welcome which had ueen extended to them. Speaking of the men generally, he did not think they w ould • find better "sports" in any part of the world. We 1 had here none of the abuses which lower-sd I sport in other parts of the world, and our men raced for snoit. He did not think the charge which had been made that the racing men of New Zealand were imbued with a bririt of ''cash" vas true. He believed the men were actuated by the true spirit of sport, jind that the majority' of i them valued a trophy jn the shape of a gold medal as mucli as they di(} a £3 yr £4 cash prize. It was comparatively only a short time ago that the "cash man" in New- Zealand had the ringer of scorn pointel at him, but that laint had been remove.l, and the cash cycling man was nowrecognised as beiug as good as ,vi amateur, This concluded the foimal reception, and tho competitors moved olf to get ready for tho FIRST DAY'S SPORTS, w liich commeneced ou Cook's Gardens at 2.15 o'clock. The weather, which had been wet and threatening on the previous evening, had cleared olf beautifully, and was fresh and cool for the afternoon, though it became a trill- too chilly towards the close of the day. The arrangements for the meeting | were in perfect order, thanks, mainly, to the untiring efforts of Mr. Secretary J. T. Muir, and the members of the joint committee. The amount of lime and trouble which Mr. Muir has devoted to the work during the past two or three wonllis is dillicult to estimate, but the lesult of Ins labours was evidenced,, as we have said, by the perfection to which the hundred and one details essential to a successful sports meeting had been carried. Mr. J. U. MeNaughl bad charge of the gun, and once more proved himself to be a thoroughly capable starter. Until the ten mile event was reached the events were got oil with clock-like regularity, but the start of the long distance event was delayed by an accident to Barker's pedal, the " field " electing to wait while another pedal was .substituted. The Mayoress (Mrs. Hatrick) started the tirst race smart to; time, ard from that out things were kept brj'skly moving. As to the racing. The finishes in the maiority of eases were good, but in more thau one event — notably the second heat of the Half Mile Cash Championship—there was a decided tendency to put all the racing into the last lap. This may be " scientific," but it is not sport, and the sooner s6mething is done to check the practice the better it will be for cycling generally. The only remedies which present themselves are the giving of lap prizes or the fixing of standard times for the different distances, no race to count unless it is within the standard. Spills were numerous throughout the day, but except in the case of Ralston, wlio was rather badly knocked about in the Three Mile there' were no .serious accidents. The benefit nf " pacing " was clearly shown in yesterday's races,' and we shall no doubt in future see more b.f it tin the local track. It was, however, not an unmixed blessing, as some of the spills were certainly attributable to riders inexperience in wheeling with pace-makers. The Sash and poor Compimy's Band, under Bandmaster HinIsy's baton, was in *tteii4ei«ee, mi pl&ysd,
a number of bright -ami tuneful selections (luring the afternoon. Mr. Beavis presided at the refreshment stall, and apparently good business was done. Needless to say the attendance was large, us befitted tlie importance of the meeting. Below we give the
RESULTS:— One Mile Cash Handicap.— First heat: M. Bennett (Dannevirke), 25yds, 1 ; G. Lewis (Christchurch), 75yds, 2 ; T. Kirk- 1 wood (AVangauui), 70yds, 3. Also start- ' cd : L. AA T . Graham 30yds, H. G. Gage 80yds, AY. Thomson 100 yds, and A. E. 11. Harrison 120 yds. At the second lap the back division drew up on the limit men, Kirkwood going to tin front, followed .by Lewis and Bennett. At the sound of the bell Lewis was in the lead, with Harrison and Bennett close handy. At the back, however, the Dannevirke man shot to the front, and, cutting out a big lead, won ca-sily, Lewis just beating Kirkwood for | second place. Time, _mm 19 3-ssec. Second heat : A. H. Coe (AVangauui), 70yds, 1 ; H. Lyon (Marton), 70yds, 2 ; G. Porter (Christchurch), 60yds, 3. Also started: M. Randrup 60yds, AY. Clarkson 70ydb, AY. Robertson 70yds, E. Campbell 98yds No noticeable change oecured un-l til' the second lap, when, after Randrup had had a nasty fall, the field bunched up, and Porter shot lo the froni. He was quickly tackled by Lyon and Coe, and a grand race ensued, the latter just winning on the post. Time, 2min 15 3-sscc, Final heat : Bennett - (Dannevirke), 1 ; Lyon (Marton), 2 ; Coe (Wanganui), 3. The pace for the first half of the journey was on the slow- side, the order being Lewis, Lyon, Cop, Kirkwood, Porter, and Bennett. * At the start of the last lap t'ue Dannevirke candidate made a tremendous spurt, and, catching the field napping, was soon twenty or thirty yards in the lead. The others woke up, but could not regain tbe lost ground. A grand race for second place resulted, the Marlon "rep." just getting lhe verdict. Time, 2mi.ii 58sec. i
Half-mile Amateur Championship.-— G. R. Bell (AVellington), 1; H. Thompson (Christchurch), 2; J. Grozier (Auckland), 6. Also started : J. L. Carl (Christchurch), S. C. Baron (Christchurch), H. C. Thompson (Oxford), and J. Donald (AA r anganui). Bell took the lead from the start, and went away with a big sprint. At the last lap, however, Harry Thompson tackled him, and looked, for a moment, like cutting him out. Bell, however, wai* not to be denied, and won by a length, with Crozier close up. Time, lmin IC 1-Ssec.
Half-mile Cash. Championship of New Zealand. — First heat: G. Sutherland (Christchurch), I;AV. Tierney (Auckland), 2; E. A. AA'all (Christchurch), 3. Alsoi started : McOabe (Nelson), and L. AA'. Grfiham (AVanganui). Tiiis was really only a one-lap race, a-s the field hung together until the bell rang for home. Then Sutherland put in a claim, followed by Tierney and AA'all, and the trio, cutting out McC'abe and Graham, won in the order named, in lmin 19 3-ssec. ■ Second heat: Allan Jones (Auckland), 1; A. C. Middleton (Victoria), 2 ; K. Reynolds (Auckland), 3. Also started: A. AY. Humphries (North Olago), and J. A Thompson (Wangauui). Like (he first heat, the first lap was done at a snail's pace, the pace being reserved for the final flutter. At the sound of -.he bell Hum phries shot to the front, but was quickly displaced by Jones, of Honolulu, who came with v clinking spurt, followed by Middle ton and Reynolds. Won by a length. Time, lmin 3353 c. Third heat : G. Porter (Ckrislchurch), 1 ; A. R Barkei (Christchurch), 2; A Ralston (Olago), 3. Also started : 11. A. Dexter (Auckland). Barker and Porter led the field first round the track, but on going routr.l for the last time Ralston moved up to third j.-lace, "Joey" Barker lying last. At the turn for home Barker put in his claim, and a rattling finish ensued, Porter just getting home an inch or two lo the good. Time, lmin 22sec. Final heat : Sutherland, 1 ; Jones (Auckland), 2; Middleton (Victoria) 3. . At the start, Jones, Barker, Middleton, Reynolds, and Sutherland went round in that order, Porter lying last. At the back Porter shot out, and maintained the lead for the best part of the lap. At tht turn for home Sutherland made his effort, and, sending his wheel along in grand style, just won a hard : fought race by :i foot, with Jones second, and Middleton third. Time, lmin 21see. 100 Yards Flat Handicap. — First heat : S. Davison, 10yds, 1; A. Stedmai**, scr., 2 ; F. Beaven, 3yds, 3. Two others start cd. Time, lOsee. Second heat : G. Pownall, 6yds, 1 ; T. De F. Baker, liyds _I K. Matthews, 10yds, 3. Two others started. Time, lOsec. Final heat : S. Davison 1, T. De F. Baker 2, A. Stedman 3. AVon on the tape. Time, lOsec.
Three Mile Amateur Championship. — Harry Thompson (Christchurch), 1 ; H. C. Ihompson (Oxford), 2 ; J. Crozier (Auckland), 3. Other starters : G. R. Bell, J. L. Carl, and S. C. Baron. At the end of the lirst mile, If. C. Thompson, who had gone to the front, was stili in the lead, when he was displaced by Bell, who had Harry Thompson ;us hi*., closest attendant, H. C. Thompson next, and then Crozier, Baron, and Carl in that order. At the seventh lap, Crozier took tho lead, but was soon replaced by Harry Thompson, his namesake being second, and Baron fourth. Bell gave up al the eighth lap, and Baron took the lead, with Harry Thompson filling second place, H. C. Thompson and Crozier lying next, the others having retired. At the last lap Harry Thompson was again leading, with Baron second. At the back, H. C. Thompson went lo the front, followed by Harry T. and Crozier. On entering the straight, Harry Thompson made a final bid for honours, and after a good iitiish won by a wheel, followed by H. C. Thompson, Crozier, aud Bantu. Time, Smin 12lsec.
Three Mile Cash Championship. — E. Reynolds (Auckland), 1 ; M. Bennett (Dannevirke), 2 ; AY. Tierney (Auckland), 3. Fifteen started, the tine field including G. Sutherland (Christchurch), A. Jones (Honolulu), AY. Tierney, R. A. ' Dexter, and E. Reynolds (Auckland), A. R. Barker (Christchurch), H. MeCabe (Nelson), A. Ralston (Duuedin), A. C. Middleton (A'ictoria), A. AA'. Humphries (North Otago), G. Porter (Christchurch), J. A. Thomson (AA'auganui), M. Bennett (Dannevirke), A. E. AVall (Christchurch), and L. AY. Graham (AVanganui). Graham went to Iho front, followed by Sutherland, Tierney, Middleton, Jones, AVall, and Dexter, Thomson lyiiig fiiuyth from last. With a few interchanges-*, the positions remained materially the same at the finish of tho ' seventh lap, when Reynolds took the lead, followed by Sutherland, Tierney, Middleton, Willi,' the rest tailing oflf. ' At the end. of the second iniie Reynolds still led, followed by Sutherland, Tierney, and Aliddleton, the second division,' headed by Middleton and AVall, being several yards oeliiud. At the ninth lap Reynolds' was leading by fully a hundred yards from Sutherland, while fifty yards behind came Bennett, Ralston, Barker, Middleton, and Jones, AA'all, Graham, ami Dexter having given up. At the last lap Reynolds was leading by two hundred yards' Barker, Middleton, and Ralsto'i fell, leaving Reynolds to will by half a 'ap from Bennett, with Tierney and Sutherland close up l-u---third and fourth places. Time, 7min 39sec. The result ot paco-muking was clearly shown in this ram. the speed b— ing swift throughout, and resulting in siiji'i-lj-mg very close, to a track ree.u-d. RaUlou was i : *»Hier Tj-uliy nij-ire-'l, awl was removed iv the linibulunce whit-mii. He was partially sluriicd, and sustained a nasty abrasion ou tie cheek-bone. Dr. Tripe was promptly ft attendance. Barter had his elbow gnzed, und MijihU'-Um. got oh* with a bit of a shaking. li Mile Amateur J. L. Carl (Christchurch), 80yds. 1 ; H. C. Thompson (Christihurch), _oyd«*2; G. R. Bell Wellington), scratch, 3. - Other starters: P. C. Baron and J. Donild. At the end of Ihe half-mil? Carl wai in the lead, followed by Jack Donald, tie second division being 100 yds away, wi_ Baron leading, H. C. T'pjujisoii- next, md Bell next- " Going round fort-lie >nfe- tyjj', 'Donald toyk ' the lead from Carl, t* second batch having (dosed up to -vyitUn 50 yards ot tlip leaders. At tlie lust hp _lon;(kl still led,, with Carl second. At the turn f<*r home, Carl went to the fron',, and wen by 20 yards, followed by H. <y. Thompson and I.ell, Donald having dipped b.i-.-k last. Time, . T imin. 49 l-sthsec 440 Yards Flat.— T. 9c Baker, 18vds, 1; G. Pownall, 12yds J ; T. DArcv' 1/ yds, 3. Eight ethers iarted. Pownall look the lead at the end if 220 yards, but v, as pushed by Baker, vl) supplanted him in the lead, and was 'ever afterwards headed, winning by a -wuple of yaids, D'Arcy 10 yards away tlifil. Time, 7miu. 522-st'bsee. Ten Mile Cash Chuinii-nship.— ]-.. A AVall, 1 ; E. Reynolds, ; Some delay occurred at the start, tying ro Barker's pedal breaking. At tkeeud of the first. mile Humphries was in te lead, followed by AA'all, -Reynolds, l-ieEy, Jones. _liddiet'on.'*' Sutherland, *■ ttennett, Barker. Thorossou and Porter, for t^e next two
laps the positions were unaltered, save that j Thompson and Barker gave up at the of the steond mile. Al the next lap Poi- 1 ter and James dropped (.ut, and at the tenth lap Reynolds took up the lunning, ( followed by Wall, Tierney, Middle! on, Su- j tlierland, and Bennett, Humphries having dropped back and given up Al the Iwcllth lap Middliton and Tieiuey leli, leaving Reynolds, AA'all, Sutherland, ai.d Bennett still in, the light. Al the next lap Bennett fell out, leaving Reynolds, AA'all, and Sutherland iv the position nam- ' fd.. At tbe fifteenth lap Sutherland tumbled, so that only Reynolds and AA'; 11 were left to tight it out. AA'lien five miles had been tray.-used, AA'all made a big, hut i useless, spurt, and led for the next lev laps. Reynolds again tal;i:ig Him pisuion at tlie 26th lap.' At the last lap Rey ii- Ids was kr-diug, but a* the back, AV'.iil, ' who was going strongly, made a splendid spurt and caught his opponent napping. I He rode round in splendid style, and won ' by fully 20 yards, amidst intense applause. I Time, 25miu. 26scc.
Five Mile Amateur Championship. — H. i Thompson (Christchurch), 1; J. Crazier (Auckland), 2 ; H. C. Thompson (Christchurch), 3. On the s-omul of the gun, Harry Thompson went lo the fi out, followed by J. Crozier, H. C. Tiioinpsi-n, Donald, Baron, Carl, and Bell iv that or der. When the seconl mile was finished the position of the three leaders was the same, with Carl next, and Donald, Baion, and Bell. At the end of the tenth lap Carl had worked up to third position, and going round next time Bell gave up. At the thirteenth lap Donald came to g-ief opposite the sheds, and a little further round Porter, who was taking his turn at pacing, tumbled, bringing Car! down with him. A little later Baron gave up, leaving dozier, H. Thompson, and H. C. Thompson still in the race Two laps from home Harry Thompson, went to the front, with Crozier and H. C. Thompson close on bis wheel, and a good race resulted in that older, Harry Thompson winning by t couple of wheels. Time, 13min. 251-stb sec. A protest was entered by the Re feree against Crozier. Two Mile Cash Tandem Championship. — Campbell and Dexter, 1 ; Lewis and Humphries, 2 ; Willi and Barker, 3. Graham .and Reynolds also started. For the first lap AA T all and Barker led, for the second Humphries and Lewis, and for the third lap Graham and Reynolds had a " go " in front, after which Campbell and Dexter took their turn. Barker and AA'all next brought their Sterling tandem to the front, and then the Massey-Harris took up the running, followed by the Rambler. Going round for the third time AA'all and Barker shot to the front, and at the sound of the bell were challenged and passed by Campbell and Dexter (Rambler), and Lewis and Humphries (Waverley), a capital finish resulting as above Time, omiu. 30 :C).
TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME is a really good one, and should attract another large attendance. It includes the blue ribbon of the cycling track, the One Mile Championships for both Cash and Amateur, the Ten Mile Amateur Championship, and the Five Mile Cash Championship, and also the Five Mile Scratch Event for the cash section, the winner of which holds the valuable Royal Enfield Cup for a year. The concluding event is the great test championship between the One Mile Citsh and Amateur Champions. The riders will be much better used to the uacing to-day, and better all-round sport may be anticipated.
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XLIII, Issue 15000, 24 February 1899, Page 2
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3,466THE OFFICIAL BECEPTION. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XLIII, Issue 15000, 24 February 1899, Page 2
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