On the motion bf Cr Paterson, stemded by CrGsc rjptti.it was resb'vtd ti call fi r tendeis for the. construction jf a punt j to he in by fhat day week,' the r.bairmaa . (o airange for specification?. | -.We are informed by'Wr F. L'j\elay thst he is now opening np i'O cas^s of Not? •Drapery by tbe e.s Rangßtira, direot fr m London. As tbese goods were shut out of the p.s. Kaikoura, and ara air!ving ra'.hrr lat9, they will bo Bold at "fry low prices for cash. The goods consist of Ir.diet,' /atketr, Ca-ep, FurF, Skir e, Aprons, Wool Under Vee--, Drais Materhle, Pilte, Bibbons, Hosiery, Glov6P, Umbrella*, Blanket?, Bogs, Velveteens, P:u heß, Flanneletleß Eider Down Qnilti, Taiicoep, Sheeting?, Cretonneß, Shawl?, Bugs, Counterpanes, Trimmings, etc.— Advt.
J y77yA V SPECIAL MEETING. A FERRY TO BE ESTABLISHED AT ; VV* ''-- VO®;WANO4EHU. ; - * A_ ' ■ -'!.;_:' j^_Boi«l' me«tt_tiuO?.:the -Waneftnui Counoil" Was held/ yesterday, fore: ' nbbn.t^ 'Vibnsidtr ' what . stspa '/should ..be, . taken tn reEtbre communication thiDngh- :.'. - but vthe-^dißtnot at places where the, : ? bridges were' washed sway by the floods. '."•'• Present— Mr J. B. Sommervillo (cha'r- ; • raki) and Councillors D. Bosp, E. F. .' Fletcher; A'; M. Gebfgetti, J, C. Patt erson, -:• A. Higgie and /..McGregor ,r._ '._■; 'tjTbe chairnian explained that, 6n:flodiV'inetKikUia Wangaehu Bridge had gone, A "and- knowirg that it 'was necessary to f,V tickle ttie, matter at proe, he la* tele- ..'.- : r'nap_ed-fb the chairman of the Rang!-. \ ■_■ -^fikei County. .Council, telling him that it ■ V:4 Was, necessary in ihe publio inteest tot i tike acHon at ODce. He had rece.ved a j -Bangitikei- County < > VCoandlilef t the ..matter la their handi to. , iV*k^6PV*l*^ : jb'e) ■ .intercourse;, with;- that 'i the' ; »ireHbsing pouched as fol? < •mvltsvß.i&i&iy^oii- you provide ferry or • ? ; rfeSn>Vcr<isß_ig": Wangaehu " He . Qobert Law arid J '' ' bhMinWfrW him "an estimate for a suitrgfepjtiiinp:-. was that j fatTenVahdtaken at once, t iV^He jw^ge^id tbat,ipehding thecbrisli-uc- ' &S?tioi^otJ_Le'pnht, Jf^olf^era'decided on, J rviba^ jAbulS'JbJJ'ra^ahged.for eo f « Viptlpsengarß oobld;be^bKl aorbss. ,• He t :VfßJ||Sfreiry 80?ry^Bay'ftiStt:ti J e:whdle dis-' ' j .iseyj>*Bly:?;_nd ,; had ( i i/ai)_-vt_«id a great loss, _nt^hoirr J loßs ,w^ as -VfcSinp^UTWnotiiQK^thi^s^ \ Bangitikei Cbnn^?f .lndeed be did i VS_j#SnowAwhat • the ipbbliijSbodiss would Yio_&oMsko only Kc^fiejxbnld jse»'w_B that,' ■^V3^^_w_«t,Besaibn^^of tn«;HdiiKe, J 3»udrjußt _IltwSi»»#ißihg;;i the^bT^hmint^-had ,; Vf^&lssa- to "; suV si.ue ficbund f or pound : damage ;MUB94^yyihe ' WWfimttte* : a little lightiauMe'darkhfs?, iat present. ' ?W«^^nut offered b^Mtlisw the t'mber TS^c^Stb-rt^onto^b ground and Mv t sppt. J t^^XfieT^Oiß^as'ahout £&sfpr?apnnt rather _ al^tolJpSro.i The I *_#Buiifl^Bi«ldSbe'i^jiUli;&bt V -white ' ; tSSl^^.^mbe-ill'a^afterj : two, J : : bridge be of k^.&m^baffttlilte bf 'the"oldbr|dge,' and (^"ole^feb_lTOal^ih;oo_Beqaeho^h_vet^ | A-a 'a - . ». fjyiQr^&ieiiir A- imld yK_ YjriaiY. decidedly aiptuit^ B *S.Th'_ SlVbr^Snwly^alw^ and J 'V*^Srjrt^S^'wßs alf tfiby need go in for, 5 _Sflf^Sey^;wettfein?forSthel:big:e_rj_hEßprbis P V^gfld.tb'byi.'itouJd'h'av'e fo ii f|&acd^Seswth?evS:yffl}od, would' either d l^^^-mjgTd^jbr ,wash;ed.{away t and would b «-Mbafe*Jbil«TepUoela:VAi^M wonld t»k»* ' V.'all^tßngera.and'-'so light buggies and §.TitMW?;wh'Ubyh_*vyst^ to _ would b>. ablato ford ._. % fjiexeeptin timaof flood,- and at such a tl_s t , '%-^W^bulaaoV' be'-nable . to -, wbrk : ajpnnt; d il^iS»_#M-I»oS4_ 'the, prcpisiil (o put « 'V?oS_;pn_t.pss?*;V^- V ! v'^' '.'--', J {.'-..,"' al ifig.. Cfep|ggiedid:notthihk buggieslcould ;-. :^^-W_e_-ov'er^y#noe.i; '_-- Ay A\i- "■■'- g ™V ;„Cr;Jleteher|jsaid; tb^herhbnsel? had w ; -teken t dbienß o£s'r "777* JYY; 'J!'-'Y"'j V a V s -*' ■"■ '-'■■•J In außwer tb Cif - Paterson, ,Cs Fletcher ', -said that atany ordinary time theycould tf r drlv^throijrh;<ilie 'river, the water Joeing . L#fitae : hig^i;thatt"fl i -briefs; girth. |They ai oi'^nldfn^tT&^lsneep'-brbt'i'if'^ ;., .' .■ WjYCiißi&ifon-lw j tyJfUe 4 Jbn jjjfti l(Bi;'C!bunty,w« s prepared to A. %_*y-ibj^-ihenobßt.^Stopt contd.nof come . "ii^rbß^h^rb-i'Naplbri-n-RAngitik^iib^ "; -A: rail, and t he iwouli^%erefbre;move; fh*t a :' fi?fpuht^uto_ aa^^sibou as possible; It was not, '. fifer. bhly^ni»ttetbf four br ;" g^ive month s" J -Jt i waa'.'a niatter of Jwo yearg; ' ' W^^^r^Y^T^Yho^. tliey conld do "" fj^itlioi^&^gMtji'V^iu^ .'g ■Jl 3 ?jC*' lioGregorrßsc.nded ; .tbß;jn^Uon.'' .'. a >^HfOrl_latbser bbjeJtsd to thb motion, and ;oOTodo«diiiV,'%^di^be A s%^'ea»r;^fiifey wentVinfo fijowcr, to put, , \MW*^'^oy7^^'m^>>tm^-fi^^j r V?#_mW , jHr^ jVonld M^i-i-nEffi^'-fcfbaKfcb-si^^ind ,whicplcbhld a fft -SfttßiW-s^^eging^n^ gbnnSciibn with V^^-ewib'ndle^He.rbbyW ?vV6i«it!that aXjerap r or_ry: wfeUe pinebridge li mmmm^*mmu7&M7JA \-. a^^e^hatfmlrT.said^ie tadtxpsofed to iVipaMiSonifetitong ; tjiatiwot_^i£ birry;;with it ; ; that' "subfc;a'pro- : : of -. »; white]; pine ' g^ridga- would be entertainad, ai it simply irfK^iS«nfc puttiogj two, three^or f<iur hundred l^ponnda'inv. tte>iriv'er to' Be' washed -away 'jj V*' agUKbyTthsP.'nVxt fliod, r»7A« to tlr? sug- '_ ?|S^ei^hf^lV^f r Tbnce^o the canoejhe ; , S-r: Baid tb^twhat.mighthave -been doria in ' nbtidbcin'the'year ' 'S'c«|_9fj|i m; t _jr^:aip^|.CrvFeltbhtr had ; ;, , * ; Used ; :auch f ft*gumbote, m _ tall, r 3£-ia»rins'ii Wß4~witlt' the outsidepublic: •- : ''-; '*" Wfgmi, _lbtehW'Tb_7_a?l'Sb , right t-4i^ ' _: firji%roi_?(a'_ir_i^rl^nn6ij'_llbwTy^^^^^ ■ : sp«A>»g_i^-^^^ V. ■ i l ißsh^Q^iißlete-eif-^rliw.tb a^^pointtbf order. i-««*'f^e'^l»Tr_iaßV^ere>is^ of VJ- c^^i-^tKb^atter^^^frpir_ayeT_ I ready ; - AeV^lren rand -cahhbt do sb^'gain. ' 'l 'tonst - JiW^»p6^:tbtjrb_7 gehtleman.fo Support ine >?ijißMifer^«r^V»^i- V "'pJj'7i \ ''■ '-, gH(y?:s&vio6&& ' t .f^iaiarkttg that Ihe-chairman had no right r#**or^i!&^KW.<o.r-liMh*e^ .-. is& b^niected with Oie butlide jjinblic? V ; i '.tVv-^'R°^^?Bb'-i'bey werea l'ttle fu C ; : yt hedaik^ and |»id be .would like to' have ;ifeßS : lest>_Sie?_s?to > what ithe approa-.-h'aa ; ma^)a^^?lA^^j^f;jj: j ■ #^^sipPja*ri^_ ; p9iated but-thai ' the ap . ?V"s^oaohes ! woiild bave to beunade whether |^-^tl^^e«ld^';buia^aht jor a canoe. - What jJ-With^Sai^to'db wlth ; h'ow was.the. queatiou : S»V^fcto_yinfe;_"pi_i'fc'dr~npt.'^?">'. V'-- r .] A -A •■; sj%>^TCifS;-sbis''eaid -]ie*'tiad ; besn informed ' ' on tha lines of the V-- : ohe'M-nae-_t Upbk'ongarb conld be piade '»j,Vif»forr£4ft^ffe^feo.'^ the ; ex- ' •^f /peiißea'iniOT^d waa tbbemad^ yS'V^Board affwr "6^^ ' . ?}A^V Th *"*^i"* n ****** that' the ma'ter V - -**■ in.th'ejr?ch<irge at. the prssent oilme, -. pandit Jra-Jthelrj duty tb facilitate the ' V-^'rO;te«ftionvOf 'ooi-m.nication'; " • V A "•:-- XVHiggie eaid he had a_fair knowledge jr'Vof the loisality and had probably crossed ■".'. it more fr» queotly than any other counI * ii^tsti^^mfiWvdd net cws3.Bheep With'-.'•-^*^ttta.b,ndgebM-punt, and :h'e "did not' ; ;think that a' punt, rope and approaches Ay wonld;gpJ^:^uohVover. £100, If ! they r ' -we^fe^JßW*c^iwb|yMra for the bridge ;"-.-"--;•'• iti^|_^^f|^Bsfttei)rn;;the intetesta of :AA; l t'i^^^^^^^\^J^pub:mpwii bn. ' ;VHiei»^^uld'aike'vi»^_ow whether it v-T^_Kg|ll^'J6"te^ S';'|S^HW#W!rConcertett^"(the'i^p^ Wan-->.igi^rji^Jtfielioriey-'ata'«ac^^ ; own' -?,islm'ffge«.^i^b^^ rVSha^^n^^-* Ma *Ma%ga whero and :f^-fe_rtr^Db_«ld*efe* he ®o>«minen(r hnd, ~-Y '■-. ; i^pade a ge_ero_s offer, the- local bodies '?-/<:?i&_Sey^oiyppuM:JW. onnd: c He was not f f > f _iTO^tti?6l^trthei.nreßenfc Govern, '■■; _je_^Sl>'i'p;t|Ber'-3id: ft good thing he ' Uked'^to'?#v^j|*lSm- ;! crad;t for it; He :-'.---. iwonld like tb'jsnow whether people using ,'". r .4hefer^.>onld,have to pay fares/ After ■ *7 '; f a few' ffirtEe'r remarks,' Cr Higgie ; con„,.,oludedhy.Btating that. the traffio should • ~~' 'nofbe interfered with any "more :than . _ ' oould -be helped, and expressing the V; :-'. lopi-ibiir that the beßt way out of the 17 'Vdiffiicnlty "JW:^' the. punt; J'w ; r? Cif Jtpssjaid ho was,. in. f »vour of obv . - taining a punt and having the approaches VV- xnade.';:. ; He wooldprove latsr on' that by S';V|rt_eißnd,oX^two'.yeajs^the..neoesßary exEx%j;^il^snonld .be. reconpedby 'fares. 1 ; '■ 'iZiJiJtJSjom^_ib_on:wM:then! put and CAi.ied, ;i^';^|S^'^'H» i ttt *. : V
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIIII, Issue 12287, 22 April 1897, Page 3
Word Count
1,029WAGANUI COUNTY COUNCIL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIIII, Issue 12287, 22 April 1897, Page 3
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