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NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. V rUHIS Old-establißhed Office has a LARGER PAID-UP CAPITAL AND RESKBVB FUND that any othor Now Zealand or JL Colonial Company, IT DOBS THE LEADING BUSINESS in the Colomeß, and has ACHIEVED UNIVERSAL CONFIDENCE by its upright dealing and Promptitude in Paying Losses. Risks of every description, hoth Fire and Marine, are accepted at the LOWEST RATES. %ss" All kinds of Station Property insured against; Eire. WOOL Insured against ALL EISKB including Fire and Mood, from me of Shearing until.doliverod n London 01] other Port of DisohargOi BRANCHES AND AGENCIES THROUGHGUMH] WORLD. A. L« PARSONS, Manager, NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDINGS. VIOTOUTA AVENUE, WANGANUI,

"VT 0 T I C E C DDY~& CO., LONDON BtITOHETCY Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. CADDY & CO. bog to notify the public generally that they have made arrangements for killing in town, in order to enBure a supply of Fresh Meat DAILY. Having the pick from a herd of 2000 head of Cattle, CADDY & CO. are in a position to rely upon a constant supply of tho choicest Beef. Tho firm haro also the advantages of a Cooling Chambor, so that their numerous customers will he enabled to pick their joints from the shop and have them hung till required at thoir houses. EVERY FRIDAY ovening there will be a Grand Display of BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, P)!JT. and Small Goods, in tho A vonue, opposite the Convent, H. CADDY, Managor. (CRITERION CARRTAGE WORKS, RIDGWAY STREET, WANGANUJ. Opposite Public Library. W. Hicks, Practical Coach Builder, Has commenced business in tho above commodious and newly-orectod premises, and having secured the sorvices of a most efficient staff of workmen, is prepared to build to order every description of ENGLISH & AMERICAN CARRIAGES. REPAIRS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES On the shortest possible notice, and at most reasonable prices. Building and general ron work done at Lowest Rates. VEHICLES, BOUGHT, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED. W. H. would respectfully solicit a sharo of public patronage. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. f£P* Noto the Address— CUITERION CARRIAGE WORKS, Oppcsito Fublic Library, ~|tyj ONSIEUR \ UJAED, PROFESSOR OF DANCING AND FRENCH. DEPORTMENT A SPECIALITY, KIT Address— Corner of Livorpool and Bell Streets. Le Menuet delaCour taught to tho music of the Gondoliers, the Waltz Minuet, the Barn Dance, the d'Alborts, the Tonnis Dance, the latest Lancors-, the latest and moat fashionablo dance " Pas do QuatrG," taught to tho music of '' Faust up to date." La Marche Russe, the latest March. An easy and graceful movement. Tho "Saragota" lancers. DRUID'S HALL. 1 Every Saturday. Quarter starts from 1 date of entrance, Saturday Morning — Children's Class from 11 to 12.15. Terms, Onet-Guinea for eleven morniag assemblies, with one children's ball, showing result- of tuition. Reduction made for large families. Class for young ladies from 12. 1S to 1.30. Ladies and gentlemen taught privatelj. the latest stops. Terms (six lessons), One Guinea. ASSEMBLY. Woduosday Nights. Pianislo, Mademoissello Lnx. Commoncing Feb. 28th, 1894, Druids' Uall, from 8, p.m. to 10 30 Refreshments providod. Terms, One Guinea fcr six Assemblies, or fee for single ovoning, 4s. French Special Class for children dur--1 ing holidays. " Gouin's system." Conversational Class for Ladies now forming. Monsieur Aujard is at home daily from 1 to 4 p.m. FIEE IFIRE ! WATER. WATER, GREAT SALVAGE SALE 01' PAPBIiH A.NGINOS, FANCY GOODS, ARTISTS' CANVASS ON BTRETCHERS, &o. Tho above Lhws having been Blightly damaged by fire f.nd wator, I have determined to hold a GREAT CLEARING SALE for It DAYS ONLY. PaperhaDgings from 3d per piece Ai lists' Canvass Strotchers, from lOd each Fancy Goods on 6d, 9d, ana 1b Tables. Como early and secure the Bargains, as I am determined to clear out the whole iegardleos of cost. Side commencos TUESDAY morning January 30th. Open every evening till 9 p.m, Koto the Address — J. D. Tustin, P A I N T E R, Avenue,

MUST BE SOLD. MUST BE SOLD. To those furnishing or fixing up thoir homes for Christmas. GREAT BARGAINS. W. CUMBERLAND will offer tho whole of his stock at greatlj Reduced Rates. Nola the undermentioned p r icos— Brussels carpets, from 5/ per yd. Oil cloth, from 1/ per yd. Tapestry carpets, from 1/10 poryd Linoleum from 1/6 por yd China matting from 8d Door mats, cheap Carpet squares from 8/ Austrian Chairs, Black Walnut, 7/ Grocian cane-seat chairs 5/ Black and White wood seats 3/6 Spring, wire, flax and kapoo mattrasses lower than any house in Waiiganui. A largo quantity ef mirrors at cost price. 200 Pairß vases almost given away. Arnold's Prame— rubber wheels, £i All other goods equally cheap. No reasonable oilor refused. W.C. asks his friends to assist him in this clearing Sale, as ho 'wants Cnßh. Tho abovo prices aro for CASH ONLY. Noto the address— W. CUMBERLAND, Next Cummins, fcharpe & Co., Witkstood Street. Q ADULBS. SAI)JLUjJj;». SADDLES. JAMES~HAIG, THE WELL-KNOWN SADDLER, Has pleasure iv calling tho attention of the public to hia roally first-class Stock of ENGLISH BUNHNG SADDLES AND BRIDLES, Just imported direct from the loading makers in England. These Goods aro the finost tc bo purchasod anywhere, and will well repay a visit if only for inspection. COLONIAL SADDLES & HARNESS All made upon the premises, in groat variety, and at prices to suit everyone. The largest Stock of imported Harnesß^to Eeloct from on tho Coast. VICTORIA AVENUS, (Next tho National Bank) Wanoianui. Fir3ant Prize Saddlos at all tho Exhdibitions in the colony. mHE EDUCATION BOARD OF THE _L DISTRICT OF WANGANUI. TECHNICAL SCHOOL. I Re-opens as follows : — MORNING ART OLASS-TUESDAY, Fobruary 6th. EVENING CLASS - Drawing and Painting, Engineering and Architecture, MONDiY, February sth. Arithmetic, Algebra, and Shorthand, TUESDAY, February 6th. Saturday Art Class for Teachers under j Iho Board — February 10th. Further particulars as to fees, &c, may bo obtained at the School from the master daily this week from 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and 8 to 9, except Thursday afternoon. EXHIBITION OF STUDENTS WORK. Tharo will bo an Exhibition in tho School of Drawings and Paintings done by the Students during tho p&st year, to which the public will be admitted free, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, tho Ist, 2nd, and 3r3 of February. A, A. BROWNE, Secretary. New Zealand Land Association (Ltd.) LAND — A largo numbor of desirable Properties have been placed in Company's hands for sale or Lease. Areas vary from SMALL FARMS to largo STATIONS, Also, excellent Blocks of Bush Country. GRASS SEEDS- Just landed, direct from London, largo stook of specially tested Clovor and other Seods. All of extra quality, and at low prices. Whito and Eed Clovor, Alsiko, imported and Colonial Cow Gars, Shoop's Foscue, Crostcd Doestail (English and Colonial), Timothy, English and Colonial Rape, Meadow Foxtail, &c, Ac. Also, — Full Etock of best old pasture, specially machined, Southland and Povery Bay Ryegrass and Cocksfoot. Samples and quotations on application, Agent for the Celebrated JOHN STEVENSON, Managor. W, A. D'AKCY, Produce Department, GEORGE FINN, Agent, Hawei'iv. NORRIa & ASHCROFT, Agenti Huuto'viUo,

Shipping Noticen. SJHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION © COMPANY (Limitbd). Will despatch their vessels as under, (circumstances permitting), FOB LONDON. Fast Pas3enoisk Stkamebs. ■ g DatoPort Steamer. I -g, Commander. D ° D ° ep turo. ling Tainui 6031 lCvans Feb 8 ton Gothic 7730 Jennings Mar 8 Doric 4781Kempson Apr 5 Coptic |4448 May 3 lonic 4763 Ridley Ma 31 JheHcmeward route will be via Rio de Janeiro and Tenoriffe, and tho time oocupied should not exceed 40 days. cargo~steTmers. '"" ~~~ Probn-boiPort S&moofßMp. Tns Comnmndor. Time of o c Ji. Sjfflng. jj o^ 8-B. Mnmarl 3583 Matwcll Jan 18 Lyt Rltfnori Scotland Feb f o i S.P Pakolia 4331 Molfatt Mnr r" S.S. Matatua 3322 HcDoueall Apr t™ B S Bangatira 4015 Burton liny SAILING VESSELS. Blenheim 1136 *ICOA.I Colvilh Jan Hudson 848 *AAI Kemp Fob__ 'Ihe Undersigned are empowered to grant passages from London to New Zoasnd, payment far which has been gwraneed in the colony :— F R. JACKSON & CO. JAMES THAIN & CO. M. HOGAN & CO.Ltb. A?enta. ' IT T\ fTNIbN STEAM w*M^Tnk I J SHIP COMPANY l -^ro^i\ OFNEW ZEALAND STEAMERS SAIL FROM FROM WELLINGTON AS UNDER :- LYTTELTON. Ponguin • Fri | Feb 16 '4 pm Waihora | Tue | ieb 19 |6 pm LYTTELTON AKAKOA, TIMARU OAMARU & DUNEDIN. Brunner 1 Sat 1 Feb 17 1 1 L pm DUNEDIN VIA LYTTELTON, Waihora | Mon | Feb 19 |5 pm MELBOURNE, VIA LYTTKLTOJS ~ DUNEDIN, BLUFF, & HOBART Waihora | Mon I Feb 19 I5 pm NAPIER, GISBORNE & AUCKLAND Dinpftdeef | Tue | Feb 20 |3 pm Manapouri | Tue | Feb 20 | 5 pm Australia | Tue | Feb 27 |3 pm Rotomahana | Tue | Feb 27 | 5 pm •Calling at Tologa Bay, Tuparoa, and Hicks Bay. fCalling at Tokomaru, Waipiro, Awanui &, Tauranga. ' SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND Manapouri | Tue | Feb 20 | 5 pm Rotamahana | Tue | Feb 27 | 5 pm j SYDNEY DIRECT. i Hauroto | Tim | Feb 15 | noon Wakatipu | Thn | Fob 22 | noon * PICTON AND NELSON. Grafton | Fri j Feb 16 | noon Penguin | Mon | Feb 19 | 1 pm ' NELSON DIRECT. Mahinapua* | Sun | Feb 18 | 8.30 pra Mawhera | Mon | Feb If) | ' BLENHEIM. Three boftSi & week. for«BCkland. Takapuna | Fri | Feb 16 |3 pm Mahinapua | Sun | Feb 18 | 830 pm •Calls Nelson. WESTPORT. GREYMOUTtT, &HOKITIKAV PICTON & NELSON Grafton | Fri | Feb 16 i nocn ""WESTPORT.GRbYMOUT &HOKITIKA, via NELSON Mawhera | Mon | Feb 19 | WESTPORT DIBEOr Omapere | Tue | Feb 20 | TONGA & SAMOA FitOM AUCKLAND Upolo | Mon | Feb 12 , 5 pm dUVAAND" LEVUKA7 Maori | Mon | Feb 12 | I Steamers leave TARANAKI FOR ONEUUNGA As nnder (weather and circumstance permitting) : Takapuna I Sat | Feb 17 | 7.30 am Mahinapua* | Tue | Feb 20 10 pm Takapuna | Fri | Fjb 23 | noon Mahinapua j Tuo | Feb 27 1 10 pm •Train leaves Wellington 6.30 a.m every Tuesday, arrives Taianaki 9.40 p.m fTrain leavos Wellington 6.30 evory Friday, and arrives Tnrauaki same evenng. Passengers have an opportunity of breaking thoir journey and proceeding by this magnificent steamer. Passengers Booked, nml all informatie*. Riipplied by tho Agents, Johnston & V,o, Tnnuo Quay. r^AFE DE PA I! IP HOTEL Oppcsito l'altuorston Railway .Station. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE GbNEHAL PUBLIC. W. HOOK Desires to intimate to tho public gonerally that he hos takon posFession of the above-named commodious and popular Hotel. This Hotel will be found lo bo both comfortable and convenient in evory respect, and patrons may rely upon their personal comfort being made a first consideration. Sanitary arrangeraeits ara perfect, and tho furniture is quite new. All Wines ac'>%nrits kept in stock are of the best quality. A first-class Btock of Cigars kept of the oicost Bnd most approvod brands. chDuno'lin Beer always on tup. First-class Stabliuc. A Porter attends every train

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11932, 17 February 1894, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11932, 17 February 1894, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11932, 17 February 1894, Page 1


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