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Bis Worship tV.e Mayor was a passenger to Wellington bj the .Stormbird on Saturday night.

Afc the Hospital Ia8<» weok Miohael O'Brien, from Max we! 3 town, -van admitted, with 14 fraclurml leg. The dis.ihavgcs for the weßk were iwo Waugamu patients, Judge and Heunan. Tho number at pr(v sent under treat uiont is 19, 16 nviba and three males.

The Jockey Club havo granted the Caledonian Hociety yerpetual use of the Wanganui Bacecoursfl for their sports, provided that they do not obstruct the view of patrons of the races by the planting of trees or the erection of buildings.

A. number of young children have been left unprovided for by the somewhat sudden death of Mrs J. W. ftobinsou on Saturday last. Mrs Kobinson will be remembered as the widow of the first captain of the Wanganui Fire Brigade, whose face and form were bo familiar to all Wangauui resident of a few years back . Since the death of tbo head of the household, the members of the Masonic brotherhood, who do good by stealth, have been very kind to the family, and we have reason to believe are still further interesting theinablves in the welfare of the little ones now that they have become orphaned indeed. There will, however, be plenty of opportunity for fcha efforts o? any other of the charitably inclined amount, us who may be disposed to render assistance.

The Progress Medical of France claims that America has such a low standard for the granting of medical degrees tbat that country ranks only just above Turkey and China in the important matter of medical qualification.

The body of the little boy Fißh, who was drowned in the river laat week, was found by some Maoris at Putiki on Saturday.

The old settlers, who bore thfl heat and burden of the day in tho early history of the colony, are rapidly passing away to their long home. Another much respected lady, whoso kindly hearfcedness and liberality of disposition long ago won the esteem and affection of all who knew her, succumbed to her last illness on Saturday. Mrs Blyth, of "No. 1 Line, the deceased lady in question, was one whose heart was in the right place, and who could always be depended upon to render substantial aid whenever appealed to on behalf of any worthy cau?e. In addition to the wide circle of friends who will mourn her loss, she leaves a large grown-up family, several of whom are settled in life and have children of their own growing up around them. Tho deceased, who was only four years short of the alloted term of three score years and ten, arrived in the colony in the year 1842. 'The funeval procession i 9 to leave the late residence of the departed at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Ladies who travel by the Heads railway complain that they get their wearing apparel soiled by the thick smoke from the engine. If the engineer can do anything to remedy the grievance he will earn the gratitude of a not inconsiderable aeotion of the patrons of the railway.

The travels and experiences of actors, visiting as they do so many different towna and countries, and converaing with people of all shades of opinion, are frequently in* terestingand worthy of record. Mr Wilson Forbes, of the Juno Dramatio Company, who, in his professional capacity, has been all over the world, has occupied his spare hours in writing a book, which he "will present to tha world of letters as " The mendi> cant actor in his travels abroad." It is composed of vivid word pictures of the yavious towns he has visited, and his experience in each - amusing or otherwise — making altogether an entertaining and eminently readable work, Wanganui is to occupy a place in its contents, Mr Forbes considering our little town to be well entitled to it, occupying, as he says, a delight* ful situation on the banks of a beautiful river, with lovely scenery, which should be seen by every tourist to the colonies — a healthy, temperate climate, and containing inhabitants whose kindness and hospitality cannot be outdone anywhere.

The Tuhua, with the Freethought excurBion party, succeeded in getting a- few miles beyond Parikino yeetorday with the greatest ease,

Should sufficient inducement offer, the p. 8. Tuhua will make her second excursion trip to Banana ou Thursday next. As the feasibility of steaming over the rapids as far the above-named notable Maori settlement has been practically demonstrated, we have no doubt that the excursionists who will take advantage of Thursday's t:ip will double or treble the number who risked the first experimental voyage lasb WBek. It may be as well to mention that the forthcoming trip will be the last, for the present at least, at excursion fares, as the company propose thereafter to adhere to their time-table arrangements Details with regard to Thurs 6 day's excursion will be fouud in another column, but we may mention that the river is now exceptionally favourable, and no difficulty is expected with the rapids. We fancy that, should th re be a sufficient num>> ber of passengers ,on boa^d to encourage them, the directors wight be prevailed upon to go as far as Pipiriki.

T/e subject of (he leoture to be delivered by Mr Robart Bruce, M.HR., in connection with the V M.CJ.A. will be " America." The date of Die lecture will be sdrertised to-morrow, but it will probably be Thursday nei.t., the 25th in? tank, and the place tho Y.M.O.A. room?, ore- Mr P. J. Jones's, and almost immediately opposite the Princess Theatre.

His Worship tha Mayor has received a letter from Mr Elliott, iiarton, of Fiawera, acknowlaifgi'.g the re-oipt of a draft for £156 9s from Wang&nwi, in aid of bush sfittlerfl, sufCerers by the iato fires. Mr Bart n adds : " I'he fuud 19 almost compietely administered ; in fact, even with it nw.y of the aattlors anticipate v«ry great dilUculty in getting through tho winter.

iea.'n from the Wellington papers that Messrs Johnston and ngenls for bho P. and O. Steam Navigation Company, arc prepared to issue return tickets from Wellington to London, availal> c for nine months, first class £105. second olnss £55. i'nafionijeivt taking second olaes tickets receive cabin passages to Melbourne by the Union Company's stonmsrs, and the pasHongerd bavo the option of going to Sydney via Auckland or to Molbourno via Bluff.

(* tihp inquest on the late Dr T. <>. Carr, tlio phrenologist the evidence showed that lie iihnifcied taking tho dru^r, and expressed an opinion that he would bo dead in a few hows. Mv Bit' Eec staled that the decossed p;r ohasi'd tot) grains of morphia at his sh p. Th: jury decided that dv.-.tli resulted from the el'l'.-c's of uio: phi.., but; tiioy were unable {o say wii tiicr the deceased contemplated suicide, or )iKr<-ly look the drug to alUjviatg paia.

The Segatta fete will bo repeated at Mount Desert to-morrow night, should tho weather prove favourable.

Whateyer may be said of the peaches, tho plums sewn to bo all right. A t any rate we venture to hazard the opinion on the faith of a splendid sample of egg plums forwarded to us on Saturday by Mr John Provost-, of Gordan Park. We do not remember to hare seen anything finer.

No better designation than " Mixed " could be found for tho farcical comndy of thafc name played at the theatre on Ssturdiy evening. It occasioned uprouriouß laughter from pt'.rt to finish all those taxing part entering fully into the inn of the piece. sVith a ludi-Tous " gel; up," and a pretended short le?, Mr Taylor, (Bosco iilithers), was excruciating, hia gag, '' I I)cjz your p*rding, but, I've ci led about a 'at," euuaiug in a3 it did when l^ast expocted, and while the audience we-e alt-oody lau : .'hi--g. sending every one into convuhfon?. Mr .Keniwdy, too, 'was euffi iently funny as Mr Selwyn, while all the others, euh of whom had a comical part to un lenakc, made them as ludicrous and mirth-provoking m waß possible. It was a pity tho comedy was uot presented. eai'Hee in. th*. seacon. The company Mt the earao evening in the " Kennedy " for Nelsou, where (hay pay a ?eason of six nights, opening with " Called Back."

Mr W. T. L Travers has beea elected president., and M> John DuUiie vice presi» dent, of the Wellington Chamber of Com mercp.

The Feilding Star complains bitterly that M.v Andrew Thomson, the clerk of the R.M. fourt there, was removed to Wangunui some six weeks ogo without any uotice of his intended removal having been given, J'ur contemporary now say?: — It wits uncieretood that i£v Thompson had hsen sent to Wanganui to relieve Mr Wood for pit weeks, and no.v that, the time has expited wo learu that the former gentleman has been s?nt to Blenheim, and it seems very uncertain if the Justice Department in'end allowing tho Feilding public a resident clerk.

Saturday wps tho last day for receiving uornina'iions for the thive vacanciee on the Edur ation Board. Tho following gentlemen have been nominated: — llev. J. Hobs, Turalrinaj Mr Kry, Makino j Mr Carson, Wanganui ; Mv Thynno, Foxton ; Mr Audry, Marton ; Mr VV. Bamber, Mat-,-rawa ; nnd Mr Wicksteed, Gt-oat Valley.

The public bodies on tho West Goast of the other island team to have very elastic ideas as to what they may do with the ratepayers' money. We learn from the Wellingt "-n c rrospondent of the Auckland Herald that tho 'v.urMtor-Ghncral has applied to the 8 reyinouth Harbour Board for a refund of £60 expended on fe'iflg the Premier and tho Ministsr of Mines about twelve months ;sgo. The " little bill " for this purpose appears to have boon stowed away among sundry charges for improvements of various kinds, but the Auditor-. General "spotted" the "extras," and xe> turned the accounts to the 0-rey mouth authorities. The Hokitika harbour contributed some £10 to a public library. They also have been informed that tbey had no right to make use of publio money. The gentlemen of the boards will have to make up these Bums out of their own pockets or from subscriptions.

Muoh dißsappointment is felt in commer» cial circles, especially South-West of Germany, at the selection of Antwerp as the port of call for the subsidised steamers of the new German Line. It is pointed out that freight from the Thames to Antwerp only averages 3a., while from the Rhine pro* vinces it is 7s 6d a ton.

A gentleman who dined with, the late Mr Vanderbilt, aay» the dinner was only com" parable to one of the magical banquets described in the Arabian Knights. Most rich people ara content with a fine dainaßk tablecloth ; but Mr Vanderbilt's cloth was a fine old lace laid over pale blue- satin. All the tureens, dishes, knives, forks, and sp ions were of gold or of silver gilt , and at each end of the table was a golden trophy in the style of the Renaissance, standing about five feet hi^h, set with large moonstones, and piled with the finest fruits he had ever seen, There were flowe-s everywhere. Instead of table napkins there were largo Irish Ihcs handkerchiofs.

At the late sitting of the Presbyterian G-oneral Assembly at 4 uckland, it was des cided to form a company with 100 shades, at £1 each, in order to establish a church magazine The Rev. Mt; Treadw«ll has been m« viled to become the editor.

Mr T. R. Richardson has been appointed Chief Registrar of Brands for Wellington, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Bangitikei, and Wairarapa Branding districts. He will also bo a of Brands for the Wellington Branding District Mr A. Munro has been appointed Registrar for the Wanganui District-. Several other appointments hay c been made.

The New Zealand Times of last waek say that Mr Gr. Cummins, of Old Customhouse street, Wellington, has shipped to the Wakatu Club of Nelaon a racing inrigged gig which ha has built to the Club's order. She ia 42fc long, 7iin deep, and 30in from gunwale to gunwale. She is constructed of Sydnoy cedir, English ash, and American pine, and is fitted with sliding seats ; and altogether she reflects great credit on her builder, who has received an order to build a similar boat for the Pioton Club .

The assessment agreed upon to meet the expenses of the recent sitting of the Presbyle ian Q-eneral Assembly at Auckland, when the following properties in the respective congregations named '.—Auckland Presbytery, £77 193 ; Wanganui, .£26 10s j llawke's Bay, £23 10* ; Timaru, £20 10 5 Kelson, £13 ; Christchurch, £69 10a ; Wellington, £22 10s ; Westland, £17,

Wo (Post) are glad to find at least one member of Parliament who has the courage of his opinions and prefers principle to party. Mr J. B. Bradshaw, the member for Dunedin Central, spoke out in plain, manly language last night on the subject of Protection and the Ministry. Greatly as he likes the Ministry, lie will vote against them if they elect to stand or fall on the question of Protection versus tfreetrade. Bravo, Mr Bradshaw. It would be wsll it there were a good many more members like him in the House. Bud edin is supposed to be one of the strongholds of Protection in this colony. The central portion, which Mr Bradshaw represents, has a larpe arbtsan population, yet we fi.!\d th'-it a vole of confidence was carried in Mr J'Jradshaw by a Urge majority as s-gainsfc n. vota of thanka only, wbioh was rnoyod especially to chow disaaproval of Mr Bradshaw'B vio^ft on tin's particular ques-, ticn. This i« a i'opeful eigu of the times.

Tberepulaiion of Oalifo'niau nowspapei'B for strict adherence to truth may confidently rest for the season on an incident just narracodby the San Francisco |*-lU. it tells of a small boy of Q.uincey, who went Tip the mountainside !ullof pleamre at tbo first fall of snow. At the summit ho slipped aud rolled down the hill becoming the nucleus of a vast snowball which hopelessly imprisoned him. He was missed after several hours, and the searchers got on the track of tho snowball and tra'lfcd it to where it'had leaped from a dill to a canon. LooVinej down they could spr it (lodged in the boughs cf a pine tree. They finally got it, broke it open and found the boy inside, alive, but rather ehlly, Ailev reading this no supviae nead bs felt that tho death-rate »t Monterey is 6 per 1000.

Those wishing to get a really go.od putfifc I at less than cost price, ehouid visit .M" Walkee's O;ish Clearing Sale, cfl ahr , " s made still further reductions in !>*>" .

The stock must be sold to - ,, p ™ eSI Wamcbr to make room for f> „ enab £L :i r 8 Goods. Kote the addreF' d _^ O w7 Milliner and Ooßtuiu'\ P Viotri^ *'

The Tidy Housewife- Tho careful tidy, housewife, *kea giving her houae in spring oleamng, B hould bear iv mind that the dear inmates ure more precinus thea houses, their systems need cleansing by purif jing tha blood, regulating tho stomach and bowels, and she should know that the s ib nothing that will do it 6 o surely as American Company's Hop Bitters, tha, puwafc and best of all Bi9dieineß,-rAB?Ti

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11134, 22 February 1886, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11134, 22 February 1886, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11134, 22 February 1886, Page 2


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