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TO TRAVEL THIS SEASON! IN the Wtirarap* District, (he Celebrated Draught Entire CASHIER. For days of travel and pedigree see Cards, CASHIER will visit Carterton. Greytown, and Featheraton, and return to the Oinb Hotel Stables, Masterton. JOHN MIDDLETON, 267 Owner. TO STAND THIS SEASON. la the 'Wairaraps Patriot, the Coaching Stallion RAPID ROAN RAPID EOaN it a roan stallion, 16 hands high, bred by C. Massey, Beq., Timaro; sirs old Knettingly, by Sondd; dam Tourna. ment RAPID ROAN is ’ out of the trotting mars Fidget, imported by James Stark, Bag., from Tasmania RAPID ROAN is brother to tbs famous trotting mare Nelly. RAPID ROAN has only bsso shown ire times, and has taken two first and urea second prises. He is a very fast trctter i hss first, class action, and a splendid temper. RAPID ROAN stood in Timaro and Temnka districts, for five yean i and has left the beet roadsters and carriage horses in Sooth Canterbury. Terms,£6 10ssingle mare; groomage fee, lie. All fees for above payable by PN at first sendee: made payable Ist January, 1887. Good paddocks prorided. A charge of Is per week will be Rapid Roan will be at Greytown on Tuesdays; Fee. themon, Emnire Stables, Mondays; Gladstone, Thursdays j Psrkrale, Carterton, Friday*; Club Stables, Hneterton, Saturdays. W. OOBLBTT, 276 Park Tala, Carterton. TO TRAVEL IN WAIRARAPA DIBTBIOT. ] The Pore Clydesdale SUllion “AVON” AVON if a b*y horse with bhwk points, end stands 17 hands, with plenty of bone and hair. Ha is come of a great family. His dam waa sold __ r at 80 guineas when good nares were sold at a fourth of that price. She is out fa Blackleg mare—ona of a family of four, out aftha ame dam, and the quartette, by Renfrew Jock, wen he four beet hones ever bred in ths Oamsru district. AVON, by Aron Chief (150.N.Z.5.8.), bred by Wm tone. Ban.. Fendnlton, nenr Christchurch, ont of his uncus prise mere Graee Darling (88), by Prince of lilbride, imported (662»), Grnoe Darling by Pnnce lharlie, united {♦ and 8*8*). Graoa Darling • . * .i _i 1m Vm ZddldtlH inrlie, imported {♦ and 828*). waos , uarun, -» a best mere that ever stood in New Zeeland. She s been first and Champion at Chnstohuroh many nos, beating the great Maggie Cm*. Champion of otland. She was firsts! Dunedin in bar clam and lampion of the yard, in fact her career m the tug is Gipsy, by Renfrew Jock (>3B), imrted from Victoria; g mre Renfrew, unported from otland j g dam Jets, by Blrokleg, imported from otland. Renfrew Jock's dam Rose, by Cowden Lad umooa CWdetdftl*, imported from Scotland fcj the »Darid Nesbitt. Renfrew Jock was a.most snonfol show horse. Before leering Victoria he took sny firsts, and he was first 3 years fa snMsasion in unaru, Tunaru, and Dunedin, and Cbampion of tae Fromtbis history breeders will rseognise that they to fa Avow not only a horse of good porta, but an itire of good lineage, a matter altogether different >m a good lookinghoree. The great pout u horns ceding is to bare a sire connected with good_ families undoubted character. In the one ease the Kook 11 bo uniformly good, while fa the other cess indlduals may surpass, but the general character of the jck will be inferior and dieappofatmg. Nothing is ore grierous ton breeder than to see weeds spring im a good looking sire. Terms, £4: Groom’s Fee, fi For full information apply to „ ROBERT DONALDSON, y Groom In oaarge.

Thi permanent investment AMD LOAM ASSOCIATION OF WAIEARAPA. Main-street, Gbbttown. Incorporated under the Bulling Societies Act, 1876. Dibeoiobb : Messrs W. 0. Cuff (chairman), M Oaselberg, J. Fuller, VI. Booth, W. Sheet, and F. W. R. Seed. Tan Annual Inoomb bxobbdb £7,000 Oamial on Loan £18,000; Pbouts albbabt allotted £4,M3; Bebebte Fund £Bo4 The purpose! for which the Assoeiitioii is established are twofold. In the first place it offers an excellent method of investment to those who wish to accumulate their capital or savings at the highcctrate consistent with perfect security, sad hr allowing small or large sums to be invested by periodical payments, it eomorms to the circumstances of all classes. In the second place to those who require loans upon properties they already possess, or who may meet with opportunities of acquiring propertiee advantageously, it presents the means of obtaining advances upon favorable terms. The Association receives Fixed Deposits at rates to be agreed upon. Subscriptions on Inveetment shares, ts per month; ultimate value of shsree, MO. Applications for shares te be addressed to the Manager. A liberal commission allowed to agents on Investment shares issued through them. Office Honrs—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 to 4 pm. Fay Day- The first Saturday m each month, between the hoars of 2 and A, and 7 and fl p.m. Agents— Masterton—Mr F. H. Wood. Carterton— Mr F. H. Wood. Featherston—Mr J. O. Cox. O WTETT, Manager. DR. SPEER’S PRIVATE Dispensary, Octagon Chambers, Boss's x Buildings, (opposite the Town Hall, Dunedin, New Zealand. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous and Bpeeial Diseases. Dr Spear is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, tJ.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most expert Physician in hia menially in the United States. Voting Men and Middle-aged Men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of | Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental j Depression, Sidney and Bladder Troubles, Neuralgia, i Rheumatism, Sorofbla, Salt Rheum, Paralysis, Pits, Spinal Disease, St Vitos’ Dance, Gravel, Files, Ac., 1 and are tired of taking mineral drags, will do well to come and by the Doctor's method of cure, as it will, if properly applied, relieve them of (heir sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral preparstiens; bis treatment consists wholly in the use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have implanted in their system, by improper use of ealomel, seeds which produce an annual crop of disease. To such he would say, come and be healed. It matters not what your troubles may be, come and let the Doctor examine your case. If it is curable, he wUI tell you so; (fit is not, he wUI tell you that; for he will not undertake a case unless he is confident of effecting a cure. It will cost yon nothing for consultation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that ths Doctor understands your case. Dr 8. cures Humours and Diseases of the Blood. To Ladies who are afflicted by any of the following complaints,—Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, ooisbpation and indigestion, pain in the side and back, leochorrea, etc., etc. —I wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to perform impossibilities, or te have a miraculous power. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I wiU guarantee a positive cure in every case 1 undertake, or forfeit £2OO. Consultation in Office or by Letter, Fail. Charges Moderate. Examination and Advice, £l. Call or address: Dr H. J. Speer, Octagon Chambers, Boss’s Buildings, opposite Town Hall, Dunedin, N.Z. Hours : 9to 12,1 to 4,6 to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B.— All Medicines necessary fora complete cure can be sent free from observation on receipt of symptoms.

GRATEFUL.—COMFORTING. EPPS'S _ COCOA JJRBAKFAST. “By a thorough knowledge ot the natural lews whioh govern the operation* of digeation and nntri. tion; and by a careful application of the fine propertiea of well selected cocoa, Ur Epos has provided our breakfast tablea with a delicately flavored beverage which may eave na many heavy bill*. It ia by the judicious use of anon artioiee of diet that a oonatiresist tendency to disease. Hundre§* of subtle maladiss are floating around si ready to atuck wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping onnelves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."— Bee article in the Civil Service Gaaette. Made simply with boiling water or milks Seld in Jib packets, by Grocers, labelled thus;— JAMES EPPS A CO., Homoeopathic Chemists London England

£1 to £4! per day to bo made by persons of either sex, iin their own localities, at work for no. New business. All with wonderful success. Any one csn do the wort. Capitol not required. We will start you. O worth £1 mailed free. The employment is psrl i « Urly adapted to the region in which thi* publioa •irenlstes. Boyo and girls earn nearly as mjch.. men. Full particular* and instructions mailed fr* l • Kow is the time- don’tdelay, bntwitteto ns at oner, address BUnson A Co., Portland. Maine, Unit'd States. U7

A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. “PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE,*’ OR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THEBE IS HOPE FOB THE WEAK, the DEBILITATED, ahd xhh DISEASED. SIGNOR RENAUD, The celebrated Eoleotopathist, Botanic Practitioner, Specialist, Profeaeor of Natural Beianea, Bj-i • of the following worke “ Tha Prinoiplaa and Practice or Medical Botany, Tha Rationalistic and Electric Treatment of Disease,” " Shadow.," Ac., Ac., . H«i the honor of announcing to the reiidents of Auckland and Hew Z«md gmerwlr tb* be ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42, BHOBTLANDSTREET, AUCKLAND, for the effectual and Permanent Cure of “ Functional Derangement, Nervous Affeotiom, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases." CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PBBSONAL OB B1 LETTBB) FBEE. author SIGNOR RENAUD has made the following clan of complaints tha study of hie life, and hie Kleetne treatment ha* proved pre-eminently successful m thousands of cases. A sure core will be guaranteed in every case undertakenviz.. Incapacity for Study or Business, Lose of Energy, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decay, Spermatorhoea, Errors of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Specks before the Eyes, Trembling of the Hands, Pimples on the Face, Lassitude and Depression; Nervous, Head, and Mind Complaints ; Fits, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder Affections j Diseases Peculiar to Females, ConsumpUim (stages only) ; Cold Extremities j Rheumatism (both acute and chronic); Impoverished Blood ; Scrolulons Humors ; Piles ; Neuralgia j Sciatica ; Dropsy (of the chest, of the abdomen, and general) ; Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Belohings : Heartburn ; Dizziness, Hot and Cold Chills ; Pain and Oppression in the Stomach; Lou or Appetite and all morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no matter from what cause analog. All those who may be suffering with any of the above forms of Disease or Complaints not here mentioned should at once consult the only NATURAL HEALER of all DISEASES in New Zealand , who practices upon Hyeenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature’s own System of Healing forms and pusses of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL OASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P.O. Box 230. Of won Boons, 10 to 2, awn 4 to 8 Daily. Non.-SIGNOR RENAUD will give advice and medioine FREE to the POOR TC MDAT, from 10 to 12, on bringing a note signed by any local clergyman showing their inability to pay. Send for Boon aaaoows post free on application.

AN INEXPRESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHERS. DR. AUGUSTE KURSTEINER’S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET ■"Endorsed by the Medical Faculty of Europe, end Pronounced by ell Leading Physicians THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE ! In piecing the Euscikio Nkokibi before the New Zeeland public, the discoverer end proprietor by to draw SpeciaUttention to the feet that the material enrronnding the inner chain of metelUc .mbetaoeee i impregnated with a chemical solution, harmless m itself, and yet centamiuK powen. which gene a continuous Ught current of galramsm, and the Nicict.ll in consequence coatowsaUjhe Tmtueeof. mi. ture battery, and is, therefore, not a useless article like many of the so-called w m cannot possibly produce any good results, as they are incomplete m the most essential rtqoirem nU, cannot generate galraniam nor produce galranlo effects. , un,., _,ii a„ ni . This NsokXißX la the outcome of e long-continued senes of weU kno« and eminent scientist end specialist, Dr Auguste Kursteiaer, who is the highest European authority on a, dls *^Thelancet,‘Mhe leading medical journal of the world, says “Th* Art that ard invention of these Kiomis is announced by V\ Knrsteiner Is asufflcient at last been discovered which will save the live* of millions of children, end relieve the anxiety of many Although new to New Zealand, these Nioiwxs have been uaed for the last tve years with' the'most wolfdbbpulsrociM in England, rn the Continent, end in the United States, and arc now constantly pi#sonbed by the moat eminent physicians in their daily practice ... . , it ii needless to comment on the anxious and sleepless nights pessed by thousands of mothers dimng th - painl'ulperiod of the teethiug of infants. Everyday brings to an untimely grave hundreds ot imants wnose lives might have been saved by the use of the simple Nxcelbt. ..... .... , In addition to the relief from pain afforded by the Nxoxlbt during the period ol dentition, oy it# nerve giving force, it wards off and prevents Measles, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Croup, and Cnioken Poij thus relieving childhood of its martyrdom, and gladdening the heart of every mother who invokes its aid. r Dr. Kursteiner has appointed Messrs J. CoHXAI) 4 Co., Auckland,his sole agents in New Zealand for the rale of these .N acKnais, ol whom only they can be obtained. Ihe price has boon pUced at the very ,‘uwect possible point, barely covering the cost of importation, and is within the reach ol ad, as one Nxcxutx will last a life time. Aside from ilc many virtues as • remedial end preventive agent, the Kxcxlit ia a handaome ornament, and will be sent post Dee ca receipt oi One Pound by postal note, money order, or registered letter, Ne cheque! received, jiHreei / OONBAP 4 CO., «• **• *» m, uitiwi, ea

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 2006, 17 December 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 2006, 17 December 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 2006, 17 December 1886, Page 4


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