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HOUSE & DARING’S '&\Qax&\e Summer Commences To-day. General Drapery and Wearing Apparel. JT is a Sale of far more than local importance. The Phenomenally Low Prices throughout all Departments establish new standards of value. The Sale lasts throughout this month, but YOUR opportunity is NOW, as the Goods cannot be repeated at these pricesHOUSE & DARING, Ltd., ’PHONE 44. TE AWAMUTU.

LODGE NOTICES. LOYAL TE AWAMUTU LODGE, No. 7888, M.U. 1.0.0. F. REGULAR Meeting of the above Lodge will be held in the Lodge Room, Market Street, on Monday, January 19th, IQI4, at 8 p.m. sharp. A full attendance is requested. H. WORTHINGTON, Permanent Secretary. PRIDE OF TE AWAMUTU LODGE, NO. 84, U.A.O.D. Util ASSIST 'J'HE Usual Fortnightly Meeting of the above Lodge will be held in the Lodge Room on Monday evening, January 26th, at 8 o’clock. J. W. T. STONEHOUSE, Permanent Secretary. P. H. BROWN, Bricklayer - Te Awamutu. ESTIMATES given for all Classes of Brickwork. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ADDRESS : Hillside Boarding House. THOMSON BROS. LIVERY & BAIT STABLES. KIHIKIHI & TE AWAMUTU. QO ACHES meet all trains. Carrying of any description at lowest rates. Buggies and Hacks always on hire.

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Waipa Post, Volume VI, Issue 281, 16 January 1914, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Waipa Post, Volume VI, Issue 281, 16 January 1914, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Waipa Post, Volume VI, Issue 281, 16 January 1914, Page 1


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