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GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS. COCKSFOOT, RYEGRASS, GLOVERS, AND-ALL FARM SLEDS NOW tTI STOCh. MANURES. fcssie Slag, Bilston 2-.;- 3 per cent, Ci .sc ntl 7-20 per cent arriving iiiwtithl}. LP. an '. Co.'s Supc:Y'h.->&jihai~, Bonedust, Sydney Bcwiedust, Maiden Guano, Fison's Spec.a! Turnip Manure. In stock and to arrive. international Harvesting Co.'s Deering Binders and Mowers, Beaney ind Son's Agricultural Implements, Champion Drill, Detroit Disc Harrow, Reid and Grey's Ploughs, Oliver Ploughs, etc. Lawrcnce-Kcunedy-Gillies Milking Machines, Baltic Separator, etc. (Late Souter and Co.). GV/CSJ Plh€i asicsl T«ras organ; OF ANr GRADE YOU MAY DESIRE. New Iron Frame Pianos from 527 10s Gash, or 16s lOd Monthly. New Hmeri= can Organs from £ll cash or 7s 6d monthly Send for Catalogues. Exchanges made on most liberal terms. A few Examples of our 3 years' Hire System. £ls instrument. £2O „■ £25 ■ „ £3O „ £35 £4O „ £45 £SO £6O £7O £BO £9O „ £IOO . ~ Full Information, Conditions of Hire aii J Purchase, etc., on application. PIANO AGENCY, LTD. S. COLDICUTT, Manager; ill QUEEN.ST., Near H.M. Theatre,' -v; Auckland. • Catj'.:rruc'.s an 1 full information from F. J. GILBERT TE. AWAMUTU;

ines. The World's Standard Two Cycle Motor. These engines are self-contained, simple and very efficient nothing to go wrong; they are light, and therefore portable, an very economical on fuel. The FERRO Machine and Foundry Co., of Ohio, are the largest builders of oil engines in having put.out from their factory over 25,000 engines to all parts of the world. They manufacture in such large quantities that'they can manufacture at a reasonable price, hence the engines, are low in price, but high in quality and finish, 3 H.P. £33 f.o.b. Auckland, Twelve months' guarantee given with every engine. / ... / , H. T. WHITSON & CO., Customs Street West - - AUCKLAND. PO. BOX 108. - J -

IS YOUR LIFE ASL*JRED f The Australian Mutual Provident Society Is the Largest and Best Australasian Life Office. Its policies are guaranteed by funds exceeding £26,000,000. MrR. E. Partridge having been appointed agent for the ordinary and industrial departments for the-Te Awamutu, Te Kuiti, and surrounding districts, will be pleased to interview residents and fully explain the principles of insurance. Communications addressed R. E. Partridge, care Te Awamutu Hotel, Te Awamutu," wilt receive prompt and personol Geo. Paul, (Late M. S. Laurie) T IVERY AND STABLE PROPRIETOR, TE AWAMUTU. Coaches meet all Trains. Horse and Vehicles for Hire. Carrying of any description. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED.

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Waipa Post, Volume III, Issue 127, 12 July 1912, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Waipa Post, Volume III, Issue 127, 12 July 1912, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Waipa Post, Volume III, Issue 127, 12 July 1912, Page 4


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