The latest return from the Masterton dredge is 37ozs. 12dwts. for 136 hours' working. A meeting is to be held at Martinborough to-night, to endeavour to form a cricket club. Mr J? C. Boddington reports that the frost registered at the Upper Plain on Thursday morning was five degrees.
A number of dairy farmers in the Forty-Mile Bush, and in the Lower Valley, have /this year installed milking machines. This is a sign of healthy progress in the industry. ■ The Otaraia Co-operative Dairy Co. has had a new 800 gallon vat installed at the factory, and will now be in a bettor position to deal with the increasing supply of milk.
The adjourned annual meeting of the Masterton Chamber of Commerce is to be held at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. Several important matters are to be discussed at this meeting. The Masterton co-operative dairy factory was manufacturing between eight and nine boxes of butter per day at the beginning of this week. The supply of milk is coming (in well, and is daily increasing.
1 Provision for increased post office accommodation at Pongaroa, and the ereotion of a' police station at, Porangahau, are receiving tlhe consideration of the Government.
A five-roomed house in Palmerston North, owned by Mr Gilbert. Jones, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. It was fully furnished, but was not occupied at the time of the fire.
.The Wellington Education Board has'decided to invite fresh tenders for tbo erection of a teacher's residence at Kaiparoro, for painting at Tinui, and for additions to the residence at Kohinui.'
A smoke social to wind up the season is to be held to-morrow evening by Masterton hockey players, when the trophies and cups won during the year will be presented. The social will be restricted to hockey players.
An Invercargill telegram states that Joseph Armstrong, a married man, was struck by a falling limb of a tree while working in the hush at Orepuki yesterday morning. Death was almost instantaneous. The. deceased leaves a widow and two children.
Amongst the thirty-nine claims of veterans which have been admitted by Stipendiary Magistrates as deserving of consideration in the matter of pensions for military service, is that of Mr Silas Pugsley, of Greytown.
A Cough, Oold, Nose, Throat, or Lung Trouble, Stomach, Bowel, or Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, USE SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT; 5 drops in a tablespoon water. Remember, you cannot expect the good effects from any sort of eucalyptus. SANDER'S EXTRACT CURES because it contains ethereal and antiseptic substances not contained in other Eucalyptus products. These_ latter,, made *by persons ignorant in chemistry, and provided with fancy names and labels by trading concerns who do not know what they contain, have caused grievous harm, and a death has resulted from their use. Do not apply an ointment to a sore. It keeps back the secretion. To wounds, bruises, sprains, burns, ulcers, eczema, and other skin troubles APPLY SANDER' SEXTRACT, 15 drops in a-tablespoon of olive oil. The effect will surprise you. SANDER'S EXTRACT HEALS because it is freed from the irritating constituents contained in other eucalyptus preparation. It heals when others irritate. Insist upon the genuine SANDER EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, and you will derive the benefit.
A Woodvillo settfler purcliased a small lino of "dry ewes" at a sale the other day. One of the ewes gave birth on Friday to triplets.
It is understood, says a Hawke'3 Bay paper, that the strengthening and stiffening of the various bridges in the railway northwards of Wellington is in anticipation of providing still heavier locomotives for the "WellngtonAucMand express in the near future.
Mr Alfred Matthews, the Romnny brooder, of Feaiherston, inforrt.ed some F.ihiatua settlers, in reply to a question, thai taking year by year the fleeces of his Hook averaged 10£lbs.
The monthly "At home" in connection with the ladies of the Masterton Congregational Church was held yesterday afternoon, at Mrs G. L. Joy's residence in Miriam Street, when a very pleasant and profit-able afternoon was spent, and the ladies were entertained >by Mi's Joy and family. A handsome silver challenge cup, presented by Mr T. W. McKenzie to the Masterton A. and P. Association, is at present on view at Mr Henderson's establishment, Queen Street. The cup is for the best five tegs,judges award in London, to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals.
The annual horse parade in connection with -the Wairarapa and East Coast P. and A. Society takes place a.t Carterton to-morrow.
The parent of a lad fourteen years of age, who had not bad . a day';* schooling in his life, was fined £1 and costs at Auckland recently.
A AVellington telegram says that William iand Maud Rodgers, who were arrested at San Francisco last month on a charge of robbing a large quantity of jewellery from Kohn's shop in Auckland, are on board the Maitai, due at Wellington on October 12th, and are in charge of Detective Scott.
The tender of Messrs Rose and Mason, of Masterton, has been accepted by the Wellington Education Board for alterations and additions to the teachers' residence at Bideford. Th.3 tender of Messrs Welch and Hope has been accepted for painting at the Taueru and Whakataki schools.
An effort is being made to arrange a clay pigeon shooting match between teams representing North and South Wairarapa. The former will be picked from the Masterton and Carterton Gun Clubs, and the South team will bo composed of members of the Featherston, Martinborough, and Kahautara Gun Clubs.
Mr W. C. Buchanan, M.P., has been informed by the Prime Minister that it is not practicable to add a number of weather reporting stations to the list at present. The work is cost'iy, and takes up the wires at a time'of the day when they are badly required for other purposes. Any special case brought under notice would be considered on its merits.
' A Levin telegram states tihat Kira Kupupuha, aged shot himself at Manakau on Wednesday. It is rumoured that he had a quarrel with someone regarding the funeral arrangements of a local Native woman who was buried on Tuesday, and in a fit of anger shot himself. Mr A. J. Stone-Wigg, of Mastertoi, has just imported a shearling Southdown ram, bred by Mr W. C. O'Deane, of Cambridge, England. This ram is by Bebrehan Crony, first at the Royaf show, 1909-10, and the dam, a Bebrehan ewe, by Bebrehan Coming Victor, first at the Royal Show, 1906, and .sire of champion lambs at the Smithfield Show, 1907. The poultry industry has become, well established in the' Levin district. One firm despatched over one ton of eggs to Wellington yesterday, being close upon one thousand dozen. As three otiher firms operate on a large scale there, it may be set down that, in 'all, Levin' and district sends two thousand dozen eggs to Wellington weekly.
, Ik answer to a question by "Mr-11. B. Ross, M.P., the Hon. J, A. Millar states that the wharf at Akitio belongs to the Akitio Totara Sawmilliug Company, and it is not usual to make grants towards the cost of extending wharves owned by companies or j.nvate persons. If the company desires to make charges for the use of the wharf in order to provide funds for extending it, it should submit a scale of proposed charges to the Marine Department, and the question of fixing them will be considered.
A fair number of people witnessed ! the hockey tournament on the old showgrounds in Masterton yesterday afternoon; in aid of the Soilway Recognition Fund. The .ground was in good order, and all the matches were keenly contested. Both the junior teams and-the P. and T. and.Masterton seniors were defeated either in the first- or second round, and St. Matthew's and Excelsior were left in the final match. This was an interesting game, and was won by Excelsior by three points to nil. Neither side scored any goals, but Excelsior won the match on three corner hits. The winners had slightly the better of the game all through, although St. Matthew's came very near scoring a,t the close of the match. Messrs F. Rosson and J. Gray controlled the games. « Lewis Henry Lewis, carpenter, of. Masterton, was yesterday adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition. The total liabilities amount to £43 : 15s 2d, and the assets to £ll, leaving a deficiency of £32 15s 2d. The unsecured creditors are: —S. Thompson, £4; N. Charman, £3 Is 6d; Fly and Young,. £ll2s Id; €. Smith; £2 16s 2d; Oaw-j ith and Logan, £1 13s; Wairarapa Dafly Times, £2 ss; T. McCracken, £2; Bickering Bros., £2 6s; Graham and Co., £2 3s lid, R. Pook, £2 5s 6d; Finlayson and Son, 15s; Inns and Goddard, 13s; H. Jones, £2 12s; Masterton Printing Company, 13s; J. J. Spillane. £6; Wairarapa Age Company, £7 lOs —all of Masterton ; HoWell, Sim and Co., Wellington, £1 10s. The first meeting of creditors will be hdld in the Masterton Courthouse on Wednesday, October 11th, at 12 o'clock noon.
If you do or if you are learning to— 'bear in mind the fact that you cannot in any case get good music out of an inferior instrument. If you are getting a piano, better get a good one, and make a fair beginnIf you are wise, you will consult The Dresden Piano Company. They carry a wide range of pianos mad© by the most famous makers on earth. They will take all possible pains to suit vou. And if you don't want to pay cash they will arrang© for you to'pay by instalments that can never possibly' harass. It is always safest to go to"*the best house. The Dresden Pliano Company, Ltd., Wellington. North Island Manager, M. J. Brooks. Local RepresentativeH. Inns, Daniell's Buildings.
A cheese factory is to be started at Manakau, on the West Coast, the milk of five hundred cows having been guaranteed.
Sheep*st«n)lmg on an extensive scale as being carried on in the lower portions of Taranaki. A detective is investigating.
A north-westerly wind sprang up iu Masterton last evening, which provided a dust storm of a most unpleasant character.
The Kaitarwa cheese company is advancing lid per lb on butter fat to> suppliers for the ensuing season. The Tararua Rifle Club opens its season with a dance at Nireaha ou Thursday next. The number of persons who arrived in New Zealand during last August was 2652, compared with 2498 for tho corresponding period last year. The departures totalled 2531, compared with 2326 for the corresponding month last year,
The Auckland Drainage Board has accepted the offer of the Bank of New Zealand of a loan of £IOO,OOO, to be floated on the London market, debentures bearing interest at four per cent., repayable in 21 years; 2J per cent, to be allowed for expenses and flotation, so as to secure the drainage board not less than 97£ per cent.
Although there has been no outbreak of blackleg in Taranaki for some years, the district is still proclaimed under the Act as an infected area, and permission to remove stock to another district is necessary. Yesterday morning a farmer named Forbes was fined £3 and costs for removing ninety cattle over the boundary into Auckland Province without a permit.
Speaking at Newman the other evening, Mr G. R. Sykes stated that for twenty years no young fellow had had the chance of getting on to lands for settlement farms in the Master-to-i electorate. Masterton seat is regarded as a pooket one and the Government saw no necessity to spend money here. Hundreds could have been settled if the Government had given the opportunity it should hava given.
The series of concerts in aid of the Masterton Congregational Sunday School library was brought to a close last night. There was a record audience, and the receipts were sufficient .to pay off the cost of the (library and leave a substantial credit. A most enjoyable programme (most of the items being by the Sunday School children) was submitted. Refreshments were handed round at the close of the entertainment.
After numerous delays the Mount Hector tourist track committee have, authorised Mr W. Workman to construct the track. The committee approached the Featherston County Council and then the Tourist Department with a view of getting them to undertake the construction, but as the answers were not favourable, tihe committee, at its meeting on Tuesday night, decided to go on with the work itself. An start is to be made.
Recently while a party of Carterton residents were out roaming over the hills at the back of Hinau Gully, Belvedere, they came across a huge slip that had come down the face of a steep hill during the recent heavy weather, and half way up. the slip was a huge white patch, which on 'investigation was found to be a mass of differentshaped shells, which were in a good state of preservation. Breeders, said Mr Alfred Matthews at Pahiatua, during his address on Tuesday, were not likely to agree as to the best class of wool a Romney should carry, but one should oertainly try to grow the wool best suited to his own particular locality. He resided : u a district which was probably one of the windiest in the world, and has a very heavy rainfall. The fleece that suffered most from bad weather was one that, has a good length of staple, is fairly dense, but opens freely, and is free from cross fibres ~ Such a wool will turn rain like a shingled roof, and at shearing time will be found soft, and lustrous. The short-stapled, very dense class of wool did not winter well in any locality. The Romney, pointed out Mr Matthews, is a long-wooled sheep and should be bred as such. An advertiser has to-let one or two furnished rooms in nice locality, about three minutes from ipost office. Mr H. M. Boddington, Secretary of the. Wairarapa Egg' Circle, elsewhere notifies members that the receiving depot has been removed to Messrs Johnson and auction mart..\.
Tlie annual general meeting of members of the; Masterton' Lawn. Tennis Club is convened for Friday, October 'fitli, in the Technical School. Th* business is to receive the annual reI port and balance sheet, • election of | officers and general.
An important notice to shearers appears on the front page of this moning'a issue, Messrs McGruer and Co. give special quotations for shearers' apparel, of■■ which they have a large and well assorted stock.
An experienced waggoner is re-» quired by Messrs Gillespie and Co. An experienced general is required by Mrs G. W. Sellar, Colombo Road.
The members of the Masterton Fire Brigade, Fire Police and Old Boys" Association are elsewhere-requested to attend the funeral.of the late Mr E. G.„McE>iven.
Messrs Watson and Co., drapers, clothiers, and mercers, have removed into those centrally situated premises in ;Queen' Street, formerly occupied by 'Mr.L. J. blooper, in an inset circulated with this morning's issue of the Age, a great opening show is announced of new importations just arrived by the s.s. Ruapehu -.ind Tainui, secured by their London buyer at bargain prices from several firms who were over stocked for the Coronation. The new premises will in future be known as Watson's "Economic" Stores, and visitors l are cordially invited to an inspection of the new and up-to-date goods.
Farmers should be interested in a special advertisement inserted on page 8 of this morning's issue by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., in connection with their new stocks of seeds for the coming season. Details of special lines of rape and turnip seeds are advertised, and attention is also cabled to the "Hinemoa" turnip and rape manure. In addition to the ordinary wool pack, the firm have imported this season specially manufactured wool-packs, weighing lOlbs each, watih the ordinary outside turned in, thus leaving the rough side of the pack on the outside. This avoids stray jute pieces' mixing with the wool and is being done in order to meet with the wishes of Home buyers representing the manufacturer.
Recovery from wasting and weakening diseases is hastened by use of PHOSPHOL. Bbxwpuol begins with a P.
The Wanganui Technical College, a. handsome new two-storey fcrick building, was officially opened last night by Mr G. Fowlds, M.P., ex.JJtinister for Education. ' A country editor announced that he would.try for one week to print the truth, and he is still in the hospital.. 'Ho didn't get by the first day. The Tallowing item appeared in Monday's issue, and now the boys are getting .■out tie paper. This is %v!hat he said: ""Married, Miss Sylvia Rhode to •James Cannaham, last Saturday evening at the Baptist Church. The bride was an ordinary town girl who didn't know any more than a rabbit about .-cooking and never helped her mother three days in her life. She is not a beauty by any means, and ! has a gait like a duok. The bridegroom is an 1 up- - to-date has-been loafer, living off the old folks all his life, and don't amount to anything nohow. They will, have ra hard life while they'live together."
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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXII, Issue 10436, 29 September 1911, Page 4
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2,869LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXII, Issue 10436, 29 September 1911, Page 4
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