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iOBIN ; SON AND ROBINSON SOLICITORS, Masterton. HAVE Money to Lend ~ on Freehold Security. G . NEWTON. SOLICITOR. PSRRY - - MASTERTON (Pastoral Buildings, over Heoksher and Co'a office). Has Money to Lend in various sums on approved freehold or leasehold Securities or stock. ~ ROLLINGS, Barrister and Solicitor, . ___ MASTERTON (Opposite Post Ojwioe)7 HAS several sums of money available for investment on mortgage at lowest current rates of interest. \ AGE AND PAGE, SOLICITORS, EKETAHUNA. Money to Lend in any Sums at lowest Current rates of Interest. [A CARD.j JAMES PRENDEVILLE, Barrister and Solicitor, EKETAHUNA. ONEY to Lend on approved Securities at Lowest Current Rates of Interest. NDREWS & RISH WORTH, Dental Surgeons, QUEEN STREET MASTERTON Hours—9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BEATON & SLADDEN 5> ' Telephone No. 146. CIVIL ENGINEERS and AUTHORISED SURVEYORS, Perry Street .. Masterton. Head Office: 14, Brandon Street, Wellington. HAS. MONRO, ARCHITECT. Pebrx Street - Mastbrton. Offices. Perry's Buildings. [CARD.J M. R. Vabhham.] , [E. J. Rose ARNHAM AND ROSE ARCHITECTS; ACADEMY, BUILDINGS, Entrance Church Street, Mautkrton. OUGLAS DOBSON A.M.1.C.E., Civil "Engineer and Architect, MASTERTON. OVERNMENT MONEY. LARGE amount available. £IOB to £IO,OOO, on satisfactory seourity at £25 per cent. Bepayable wholly or partly on 3 months' notioe. Apply to C. A. POWNALL. Solicitor, Mftsinrton (OPIES of the WAIRAKAPA AGE J may be obtained from Messrs S. and W. MACKAY, 201 Lambton Quay, Weilington.

C ON TENTS, Page I—Wintods, and General Advet tisements. Page 2—Serial Story. Page 3-Special Article. Pane 4—lieader, Locals. Page 5 Cables and Telegram*, Page 6 Commercial, Telegraapic. Page 7 - District News. Fape 8 —Auctioneers' and Land Advsrtise men ts. etc.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8338, 22 January 1907, Page 4

Word Count

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8338, 22 January 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8338, 22 January 1907, Page 4


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