The friends of Mr' J. Sohofleld, aenr., will regret to hear that he is seriously ill, writes our Tinui correspondent. The nett overdraft of the Masterton Borough Council Is £38,03 7s 7d. The rates outstanding amount to £441 Is 7d. The funeral of the late Mr Mangus Hallburgh will leave the residence of Mr W. Keeble, Cole Street, Mastertou, to-day, and will arrive at Mauriceville at 2 o'olook. The funeral of the late MrK. Dagg took place yesterday afternoon. The cortege was a large and representative one. The Rev. J. N. Buttle conducted the services at the graveside. The Ground Committee of the Maaterton Racing Club will meet on tbe course, to-day, to make various arrangements for the coming meeting. The Opaki Rifle Club will open the season on the Opaki Range, tomorrow afternoon, when a scratch match will be fired. The mem bars of the Fairview Rifle Club have been invited to be present. At a meeting of the directors of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company, yesterday morning, it was resolved to pay a dividend at tbe rate o<" 3 t per cent, for tbe half-year. The friends of Miss 0. Clarke, of the staff of the Masterton District High School, will be pleased to hear that she has recovered from her long illness, and is now able to resume her duties. Daring a football match between Tinui and Mataikona, flayed at Wbakataki, last Saturday, Messrs E. Sohofleld and J. D'Arcy were badly injured, writes our Tinui correspondent. The former had his oollarbone broken, and tbe latter fractured a small bone in bis leg. Mails for tba Commonwealth of Australia, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Straits Settlements, also South Africa, Continent of Europe, j and United Kingdom, per Monowai, ' will close at Masterton, on Saturday, the Bth inst., at 6.15 a.m. The report of the Manager of the Masterton Abattoir, presented to the meeting of the Masterton Borough Council, last evening, showed that 140 cattle, 1C calves, 728 sheep and iambs, and 123 pigs had been slaughtered during the month of August. Fourteen pigs, two sheep, and eight pigs' heads had been condemned. The amount received in fees had been £lO3 3s. Some three months ago £l2O was stolen from the guard's van between Riverton and Otautau, but invesigations failed to eluoidate the mystery. The g whole of the money has been found concealed at the root of a tree near to Thorn bury Railway Station. Owing to the close watch kept by tbe police the thief apparently got no chanoe to remove it. So far no arrest bas been made. Frank Moody was fined at the Chrietchuroh Police Court, yesterday, 20s and costs for conducting a raffle. Minnie Ohapmau was also charged with the same offence, but the case was dismissed. The artioles raffled were drawings said to have been executed by Chapman while in a spiritualistic trance, and the raffling touK place at a Spiritualistic Church on Sunday night, each payer of sixpenoe receiving a ticket, i The financial position of the Masterton Borough Council is as fol lows:—General Aooount, dr., £4,567 1.5s 8d; Gas Aooount, or., £946 Is 6d; Library Aooount. dr., £135 18s 2d; Waterworks Acoount, dr., £l2l 19s 6d; Deposit Acoount, cr., £173 10s; Abattoir Aooount, dr., £23 5s 6d; Interest Aooount, Drainage, dr., £159 3s lOd; Interest Account. Bannister Street, or., £BS- 3s 7d; Loan Account, drainage, or., £ll4 Is 4d; Loan Account, Abattoir, or., £ll4 10s 9d. The Hastings branch of the New Zealand Farmers' Union passed the following resolution "That the new land proposals of the Government are unsatisfactory, and will be the nause of maub discontent amongst tbe farmers, who are of opinion that the Government might take some notice of the desires of the Farmers' Unions by giving the option of acquiring tbe freehold, even in a few cases." The opinion was expressed that the proposals constituted the greatest viotory for single tax ever achieved in the colony, as it was tbe greatest slap in the face tbe Farmers' Union had ever received. ACHES AND PAINS. When you have an aohe or pain, it is a sign that the nerves in that part of your body need attention. By applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm you soothe the irritation, stimulate the healthy nerve activity, and reduce the inflammatory poison that i 3 causing the nerve to ache. For all pain, Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a perfect cure For Bale by T. G. Mason, Mastsrton. SWEETNE THE BREATH. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath, and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastrice juice, thereby nducing good digestion. For sale by T. 6. Mason, Masterton.
The following team will represent the Hutt Golf Club against tbe Featheraton Club, at the Hutt, on. Saturday—Pearoe (oaptain), Pryde,. Allen, Ross, Kirk, Pearson, Manning, Riddiford, Purdy, Maoaskill,. L. Clime and R. Callender. A cablegram from London states that two teams of the Legion of Frontiersmen rode from London'toBrighton to test tbe merits of the Queensland and (Canadian methods of loading paokhorses. Both teamswere, however, disqualified. Councillor JHadfleld has given notioe to move at the next meeting of the Christchuroh City Counoil"That tbe Counoil take the necessary steps to promote a local Bill giving authority to establish gasworks, or to acquire under the Public Works Act the Christchuroh Gao Company's works and business." At the quarterly sittings of the Blenheim Licensing Court, yesterday, states a telegram, a report fiom the Health Department on the hotels in the district was read, and also a report of the experts appointed hy the Hotelkeepers' Committee. It was decided that 20 hotels be repaired in accordance with the reports. Nine, including the Royal and Masonic, were ordered to be rebuilt. ' A promoter of side shows at the Christcharob Exhibition, who purposes plaoing 25 Japanese with rickshaws on the route from the city ta the Exhibition applied to the Christchuroh City Counoil for a license to ply for hire. Strong opposition was raised, the Mayor (Sir John Pall) saying that it was a very distressing thing that men shuuid b© used as beasts of burden. The queston was referred to the By-lawa Committee. Democratic leaders, says a][New York cablegram, are much distressed at a speech delivered by Mr W. J. Bryan, who is regarded as the probable democratic candidate for the Presidency, in Madison. Square Garden. Mr Bryan advocated Federal and State ownership of the railways. It is considered in some quarters that the speech has destroyed his ohanoes of election. The New York Sun is agitating for tbe eleotion or President Roosevelt for another term. A report from the Tarangarere railhead, at the south end of the Main Trunk line, states that a strike occurred last week, 50 men leaving tbe works. It is alleged that the labourers, who were working at night under Huapehu in oold winds, and bad weather conditions generally, considered the wages too low,, one gang receiving 8s Id and another 7s Id. The men think the work is worth 10s a day. Reports, from Ohakune are more favourable. Under finer weather conditions and with a betterment of roads traffic, is becoming brisk. Tbe weekly meeting of the St, Patrick's Club was held last evening, Mr B. J. Dolan preeiding over a good attendance of members. Th© debate on the question-"Is it desirable to form an Australasian Navy" resulted, after a vote had been taken, in favour of affirmative. Me o srs F. Haughey and J. Yprr led in the affirmative and negative, respectively. It was decided to close the session with a social on October 2nd. A committee, consisting of Messrs E. Flanagan, J. Yarr and F. Haughey, was appointed to anauge the details in connection with the social. The Government is setting a good example in Wellington in building on a plan calonlatec; to be proof against earthquakes, as far as may be practicable. The Government Architect (Mr John Campbell) bas replanned a new Public Trust Office on the steel-frame principle, which was tested satisfactorily iu San Franoisoo in April. The new structure is to be set up at the junction of Stout Street and Lambtou Quay, opposite the Hotel Arcadia* with a 53ft frontage to Lambton Quay and 156 feet to Stout Street. There are to be five scories and a basement. Tonga Bay granite will be used for the base and lower storey, and pressed briok and stone will compose the upper portion, in a scheme providing for ornament as well as solidarity. The Gastlepoint County Counoil invite applications up to September 28th for the position of working overseer. Nominations for a Councillor for the East Riding of the Castlepoint County will close with the Returning Officer, Mr A. MoHutchon, at noon, on Saturday, September 15th. Mr F. Hallarn announces a regular supply of fresh fruit at the shop in Queen Street. A supply of first-class Tasmanian potatoes is also on hand. Over 400 pairs of boots and shoes are to be sold by publio auction at tbe Bannister Street Auction Mart this afternoon. A wide range of lines will be cleared without reserve. Mr Sydney Earee will give a musical and dramatic entertainment in the Town Hall on September 12th. Mr Earee will be supported by Mrs Sydney Earee, Mra Rawson, Miss Wintringham, Messrs R. H. Rathbone, W. Jago, W. H. Fendall, R. Sutton and the Masterton Orchestral booiety. Mr J. C. Ewington has received orders for thirty of King's patent seed distributors. The firm anticipate receiving an order from the Sooth Island for fifty of these distributors. Owing to the icorease iu bis business Mr Ewington has had to employ extra engineers and moulders. MEBIT KEWAEDED BY COUBT OF JUSTICE. The acknowledged good qualities and success of SANDER & SONS' EUCAJ LYPTI EXTEACT have brought out many mitations, and one case was just tried in he Supreme Court of Victoria, before his Honour Chief Justice Sir J. Madden K.C.M.G., etc. His Honour, when giving udement, said with regard to the GENUINE SANDEB & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTBACT, that whenever an article is commended to the publio by reason of its good quality, etc., it is not permissable to imitate any of its features. He restrained the imitators perpetually from doing so, and ordered them to pay all costs. We publish this to afford the publican opportunity of protecting themselves 1 - and of securing what is proved beyond all doubt by skilled witnesses at the Supreme Court of Victoria and by many authorities during the last 30 years to be a preparation of oenuine merit, viz., THE GENUINE SANDEB & SONS' PUBE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT.
Daring August the Cbristohurcb City Surveyor granted 66 building permits. The total value of the buildings is £36,050. and fees for the month amount to £BO. The Masterton Borough Council accepted the following teuders last evening—Wrigley Street extension and footpath formation, E. Ooyle, £74; Akura Road, 11 chains of formation, M. Kerins, £139 155., The following riders who took wart in the Timaru to Christohuroh road race, have entered for the Wairnambool to Melbourne race—P. M. O'Connor (Orioklewoodl, A. Birch, iPendalton), H. P. Henderson (Palmerston North),, U. E. Mehttens (Ohiistohuroh), G. A. Smith (Ricoarton), E. P. Boyot (Papanui), T. Campbell (Moune Somers).—Association. A Christohuroh telegram states that tne Management OominiLee of the Dunlop Road Race met last evening to consider the protests lodged ugainst Mebarry, of llokitika, the winner of the race, and Pointon, of Terauka, who obtained third place. The protest against Mebarry was dismissed, but it was decided to disqualify Pointon, whose entry form was not in order. A redistribution of the prizes will be made at another meeting to be held tomorrow. The Municipal Association's Conference at Wellington, yesterday, resolved that the police be instructed to more aotively assist in carrying out Borough by-laws; that the i» udit Department' audit the profit and loss accounts of the several undertakings of municipalities; that the Municipal Association establish a superannuation soberae, and that all other local bodies be allowed to affiliate; that a less costly method of eleoting Lioeusing Committees should be devised; that all oows whose milk is used for hnman consumption be subjeoted lo the test for tuberoulosis. —Association. A telegram from Palmerston North states that the Grand Jury spent the g'eater portion of yesterday afternoon in considering the indictment against John Jarvies Gillies of being the perpetrator of the explosion at Nathan and Go's, dried milk factory] at Bunnythorpe. At 3 o'clock the foreman returned to the Court to ask bis Honour's ruling on the point as to whether a majority could return a bill. His Honour replied in the affirmative. Some thirty minutes later the foreman and jury returned to their benches, and the foreman, in reply to the Registrar, said that the jury by a majority had found "no bill" against the accused. His Honour said he would have to accept the deoision. He added that if the evidence submitted before the Grand Jury was the same as that tendered in tne Lower Court, thea there had been a great failure of justice. Gillies was in th» Court at the time. Numerous fiiends at onoe congregated round him and shook hands with him. PREPARE FOB CBOUP. The time wasted in sending for a physician, or for medicine, when a child shows symptoms of croup, often proves fatal. A reliable medicine, and one that should always be kept in the house for immediate use, is Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy. It will prevent the attack, if {riven as soon as the child becomes hoarße, or even after the croupy cough appears. It is also the safest, as it contains no narcotics. For sale by T. G, Mason, Masterton. Why suffer the torments of Hell ■with Bheumatism or Lumbago when Dr. Sheldon'B Magnetic Liniment will ease pain at once, and continued applications effect a permanent cure. Price 1/6; large bottle 3/For sale by H. E. Eton, Masterton, J. Baillie, Carterton, and the Mauriceville Cooperative Store. No matter where you purpose travelling—eithsr in New Zealand or to other coun • tries-you will find that the cheapest and best way to ensure prompt delivery of your luggage is to give it into the charge of J. J. Curtis and Co., Ltd., Forwarding, Shipping and Customhouse Agents, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Write for further par ticulars.—Advt. For Colds in the Head and Influenza, Woods' Great Peppermint, Cure, 1/6 and 2/6 per bottle.
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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8229, 5 September 1906, Page 4
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2,401LOCAL AND GENERAL Wairarapa Age, Volume XXIX, Issue 8229, 5 September 1906, Page 4
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